
Viruses attack bacteria. Illustration:

Protection against viruses - the passive version

Researchers at the Faculty of Biology at the Technion discovered a unique mechanism that protects marine bacteria from viruses that attack them
Starving cancer through sugar deprivation. The image was prepared using DALEE and is not a scientific image

Breakthrough in brain cancer treatment: starving cancer cells causes them to burn themselves

DNA structure. Illustration:

Break the cell boundaries

Weizmann Institute of Science scientists have created the smallest artificial genetic circuit ever. The new development based on a single DNA molecule is expected to promote the next generation of nanobiotechnological applications
From the right: Dr. Shagit Meir, Dr. Eva Heinig, Dr. Nikolai Kuzmich, Prof. Assaf Aharoni, Dr. Shirley Berman, Dr. Yoav Peleg, Hila Hart and Dr. Ilana Rogchev (photographed in the nursery Regev)

Hallucinations of cacti

The secrets of the production of mescaline have been revealed - a natural hallucinogenic drug with therapeutic potential * The drug extracted from the extinct peyote cactus has been used in religious ceremonies for thousands of years. Its effect on serotonin receptors in the brain
A street lit with petunia plants with gardens of fireflies. The illustration was prepared using DALEE and is not a scientific image.

Glowing Botany: Glow-in-the-dark petunias are coming to cities

The Light Bio company has developed petunia plants that contain a lighting garden of fireflies. Will they give up the street lights?
Smart liquid. Credit: The Science website via DALEE. The picture is not a scientific picture

For the first time: "smart liquids" will be used as sensitive biological sensors

The team of researchers explained that the uniqueness of the smart liquids is that, as a result of their chemical properties, the liquids maintain separation from each other, thus creating distinct droplets
Chemical simulation. The image was prepared as an illustration using the artificial intelligence software DALEE and is not used as a scientific image.

Not only in computers: the "legality" of the Restart also works in chemical simulations

Researchers have discovered that the original way to speed up chemical processes is to reboot
One of the gates of Peking University in Beijing. Illustration:

China is increasing ethics oversight in science and emphasizing innovation and quality over quantity

Under the new system, Chinese researchers will be evaluated based on the quality and impact of their work rather than the number of publications they produce. Researchers who are found to have been involved in research misconduct will be prosecuted
Illustration: pixabay.

Hand by order

By reprogramming the DNA of harmful microorganisms, such as the E. coli bacteria pictured, biologists turn them into drugs that save patients' lives. Source: NIAID.

Reprogramming bacteria saves life

Comparison between computer models (in green) and experimental structures (in purple). Accuracy at the single atom level in both the overall structure (left) and the loop segments (right). Source: Weizmann Institute magazine.

A computerized method for the production of artificial proteins

The fibers look like Legos in an electron microscope. Source: Weizmann Institute magazine.

Self-assembling proteins

Graphene and gold make brain detectors more efficient. Courtesy: DGIST.

A brain detector composed of graphene and gold

Prototype of the Watson system, 2011. Photo: Clockready / Wikimedia.

Watson set a record in analyzing the genetic makeup of cancer patients

Dr. Jinao Tang. Source: The University of Hong Kong.

Microscopic robots carry drugs in the bloodstream

Prof. Amir Landsberg. Source: Technion spokesmen.

New avenues in medicine

It seems that as a result of several technological trends that will integrate and reinforce each other, hospitals will become less and less relevant for the majority of patients in the coming decades. They will not disappear completely, but most citizens will be able to avoid visiting them, or at least being hospitalized for a long time. Illustration:

The future of hospitals, medicine - and the health of all of us

insulin pump. Source: Mbradford / Wikimedia.

The artificial pancreas is here

The innovative bandage based on a parasitic worm called Pomphorhynchus laevis. Photo courtesy of Dr.Karp.

On a bandage that doesn't move, skin grafts, and one parasite


Computing with DNA strands

Among the developments made in the Biotechnology and Food Engineering Laboratory at the Technion are stickers for mouth ulcers, which were developed inspired by the adhesive ability of geckos. Photo: Brocken Inaglory, Wikimedia.

Imitation of principles from nature in the development of synthetic materials

Source: Luc Viatour / Wikimedia.

Medusas for laser

Photo from a malaria vaccination project in the Solomon Islands. Source: Jeremy Miller, AusAID, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Flickr.

I know you from where?

Myxine fish. Photo: f Andra Zommers and Douglas Fudge, in: Will hagfish yield the fibers of the future?, PNAS, 2016.

Will a deep-sea fish affect the future of the textile industry?

building Source: Alejandro Hernandez / flickr.

Wet dream - dry

Prof. Jozoas Lazotka, head of the United Center for Life Sciences, University of Vilnius. Photo: Avi Blizovsky

The paradise of life science researchers

A cluster consisting of a "support" protein (grey) and a DNA molecule. The structure of the single helix of DNA (in green), which the model predicted, corresponds to the structure of the helix discovered in the experiment (orange). Source: Weizmann Institute of Science.

positive reinforcements

Biomedical Engineering. Illustration: shutterstock

The future: technology-based medicine

Bacteriophages attack bacteria. Illustration: shutterstock

Viruses in the service of future medicine

Biotechnology and medical devices: Ogmedix, ReWalk, Salcure and Kameda

From the right: Professor Peretz Lavi, Professor Rafi Biar, Attorney Yona Yahav, Mayor of Haifa. Photo: Sharon Tzur, Technion Spokesperson

"The budgeting of medical research - a mockery of Resh"

Glowing plants project logo

The burning tree

the brain

An important publication for Prof. Amos Korchin

the lungs

artificial lung