deny the warming

The lobby of polluting countries - the US, India and China led to the softening of the statement regarding the part of human activity in global warming, but this will not help them

The rate of global warming is exceeding predictions, and due to climate change: rising ocean levels, flooding, desertification, depletion of the amount of fish in the sea, spread of epidemics, lack of drinking water, these are just some of the expected results... The "scary" numbers have been published in many of the media, so I will not go into details.

The media uproar followed a conference held last week in Paris. Representatives from 113 countries participated in the global warming discussion, the most significant "news" that came out of the conference is: "It is very possible that human activity causes climate change"... global warming was "very likely'' caused by human activity" considering that in a previous conference It was said that "it is possible that human activity causes warming" "global warming was "likely'' caused by human activity" the statement "possibility is high" Said by official representatives, scientists and government officials alike, frames an agreement that "in 90% of global warming is man-made", it means that there is an understanding and agreement of human society's responsibility for its actions.

The proposed wording was that "humans cause 99% of the warming" but following opposition, the wording "high feasibility" was accepted which is a compromise imposed by the representatives of the USA, India and China.

Will this recognition lead to a surge in activity to stop warming? Later, American scientists say that: "There can be no doubt that the increase in greenhouse gases is mainly due to human activity"... "there can be no question that the increase in greenhouse gases are" Relationship to how much the pollution will be limited"…
hotter temperatures and rises in sea level will "continue for centuries" no matter how much humans control their pollution." Therefore everything must be done to reduce the emission levels of pollutants into the atmosphere.

The World Organization for the Protection of the Environment and Nature announces that a number of large industrial companies have announced an emission reduction of ten million tons of carbon dioxide by 2010. Sony, Y.B.M. Polaroid, and eight other companies have taken on the responsibility of reducing pollutant emissions, according to the organization, "in order to reach the goal set by the Kyoto Treaty, another 1300 companies must join the effort. There is no detail how the reduction will be carried out.
On the sidelines of the conference, a document is being prepared that will be a summary of a report: "The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)). The report, which must be unanimously approved, will be a binding document that will influence the policies of governments and industrial companies worldwide. At the initiative of France, a body is being established that will unite all the environmental laws to prevent the emission of pollutants, a body that will be affiliated to the United Nations and will have the authority and power to enforce decisions.

Those who oppose the establishment of such a body are: the USA (the largest polluter in the world 25%), China and India (developing rapidly while increasing their share in pollution). To promote the establishment of such a body, the leaders of European countries will gather in Morocco this spring. At the same time, the Intergovernmental Organization for Climate Change (IPCC) will publish ) a document that will detail the costs versus the benefits of reducing pollution and global warming. Later, the UN initiative will meet all world leaders to discuss the problem with the aim of establishing
"Environmental body" with powers. (including punitive powers).

Clearly and prominently, the first victims of climate change are the African countries, therefore in many African countries the issue of climate change and the necessary preparations to minimize the damage (floods, periods of drought, decrease in the amount of fish in the sea) occupies an important place in environmental policy and behavior.

A report by the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI) at Columbia University, United States) illustrates how (future) climate information is used as a factor in planning, openness and preparations for "climatic risks".

In Mali (as representative of the Sahel region), the residents are learning to replace traditional crops with agricultural crops that will better adapt to the changing conditions, one of the renewable crops that should adapt is - dates. In other areas, residents learn to take into account long-term weather forecasts and plan their field crops accordingly.

Another issue in which the climate is addressed is - public health, the spread of epidemics or alternately injury due to lack of food and water, are related to climate conditions, again, taking long-term forecasts into account gives a better basis for preventing epidemics.

To enable the integration of farmers and remote communities in information and planning, a body was established whose responsibility is the dissemination of information Global Climate Observing System's new African-led initiative, GCOS-Africa Climate for Development 2007.

Forecasts, crop recommendations, vaccination preparations, establishment of water/irrigation systems, information on all of these is disseminated to enable the continent's residents to withstand climate change. After all this, the countries of the Black Continent come to sue the "developed countries" to finance the repair of the damages caused by climate change in the present and the financing of the necessary preparations to prevent future damages, since according to the inhabitants of Africa the "developed countries" are the ones directly responsible for global warming, a responsibility that arises from the emission of pollutants.

Despite the widespread recognition by scientists, despite the expansion of public recognition that something must be done to prevent warming, there are still heads of government (mainly the US) who avoid taking actions to stop warming for political and "economic" reasons (in a short-term view) and rely on scientists who base the main They claim that "it is impossible for a biological species to have a decisive effect on the global climate"...

A claim that does not consider three important factors:

1 - In the geological past of our planet, biological species caused a change in the atmosphere: without a doubt the most dramatic change in the atmosphere was its "oxidization", that is, the creation of an atmosphere with oxygen in it, a change caused by species of cyanobacteria that "learned" to utilize sunlight for the production of food in a process that we Today is called photosynthesis, about two billion years ago microorganisms began to engage in photosynthesis, a procedure in which they emitted oxygen species to the atmosphere and thus made possible the life system in the form we know today. The same bacteria also caused an ice age known as a "snowball", an ice age caused by the "removal" of greenhouse gases (mainly methane) from the atmosphere (we removed the bacteria "Eat" methane), if oxygen-breathing species (and emitting methane and carbon dioxide) had not appeared, it is possible that the world would still be covered with a layer of ice

2 - In the natural environment, the larger the biological species (physically), the smaller the number of individuals in it: in nature there are more insects than mice, more mice than antelopes, more antelopes than elephants, and at the same time more anchovy fish than dolphins and more dolphins than whales, within this phenomenon there should have been the number of people on The surface of the ball is similar to the number of large pigs... And so it was until the explosion of the human population that came with agriculture. Today the number of people is ten thousand times (10.000) greater than it should be according to the physical size of a person……. In other words, the population explosion of the human race has a (biological) factor strong enough to affect (a negative effect) the natural environment.

3 - In addition to the previous section, we must add the agricultural fields that change the surface and thus the (local) climate, the livestock in which there is (again) a population density far above the carrying capacity of a given area, that is, our agricultural skills cause a violation of the natural environmental balance Let's add man's industrial skills, which are hundreds of times greater than nature's ability to neutralize errors... in other words, man's technological ability allows pollution. that nature "does not know" how to neutralize.

The combination of the following factors:
A large creature (man) in a huge population and the domestic animals that accompany him, a big brain with technological skills, gives man the ability to change climate and more, but also the ability to correct mistakes and thus prevent disaster.

If a disaster is prevented, life as we know it will be able to continue to exist, but one way or another the earth will continue to exist and a new natural environment will develop, species that will adapt to the different conditions will rise and "bloom", the question is: will we also be among them?

Meanwhile, last Friday the British newspaper the Guardian published that the American Entrepreneurship Institute (AEI), a lobby organization whose activities are funded by the American oil giant ExxonMobil, offered a number of scientists and economists a payment of $10,000 each for publishing articles challenging the findings of a report by The UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which, as mentioned, was published at the end of last week.

Exxon donated $1.6 million to the Institute for American Entrepreneurship, which defines itself as a think tank. Former Exxon CEO Lee Raymond serves as the institute's vice chair. Letters sent by the Institute to Scientists in Great Britain, the United States, and other countries included harsh criticism of the authors of the UN report, "who are impervious to any reasonable criticism and tend to jump to conclusions that are not based on research." The limitations of the climate model of the UN team".

Recently, claims have increased in the scientific community in the US and the UK that Exxon is conducting a sophisticated campaign of deception, the purpose of which is to challenge scientific evidence regarding global warming. This is similar to the campaign of deception by the cigarette industry, which denied for decades the connection between smoking and lung cancer.

According to estimates, in the years 2005-1998, Exxon donated 16 million dollars to no less than 43 entities that contested the evidence that greenhouse gas emissions contribute to global warming. Directors, consultants and employees served in several of these 43 bodies at the same time, in many cases. These entities assisted in the deliberate distribution of incorrect information, concerning climate changes, to columnists in leading newspapers in the US, such as the "Wall Street Journal".

The newspaper also says in an article that was also quoted in "Haaretz" that Exxon tried to establish a similar lobby in Europe as well, which would try to pass resolutions opposing the Kyoto agreement in the governments and institutions of the Union, as they successfully did in the USA.

One response

  1. The goal: dealing with the problem.

    The hard data speak for themselves, and there is no room to judge how much the human factor influences; The problem is not the amount of impact, but the need to deal with the hazards mentioned in the article, for the benefit of all humanity.

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