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The paranoia runs deep

Why do people believe in conspiracies, asks Michael Shermer following the fact that many are not ready to accept the bitter truth that the US was attacked, and they believe that it is a plot by the administration designed to achieve one thing or another

Smoke billows over the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. Photo: US National Park Service. From Wikipedia
Smoke billows over the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. Photo: US National Park Service. From Wikipedia
by Michael Shermer

After a public lecture I gave in 2005, I was caught by a documentary film maker who had Michael Murray's ambitions to uncover the plot behind the 11/XNUMX attack. "You mean the plot to attack the US concocted by Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda?" I asked rhetorically, as I knew what was about to happen.

"That's what they want you to believe," he said. "Who is 'they'?" I researched. "The government," he whispered, as if "they" might listen to us at this very moment. "But did Osama and some of his al-Qaeda friends not only admit to the deed," I reminded him, "but also declare with jubilation that it was a brilliant victory?"

"Oh, you're talking about Osama's video," he replied knowingly. "It was a CIA forgery that was leaked to the American press to mislead us. Since September 11, there has been a campaign of deception."

Conspiracies do happen, of course. Abraham Lincoln fell victim to an assassination attempt on his life. The Austrian archdox Franz Ferdinand was also shot at the initiative of a Serbian secret society called the Black Hand. The attack on Pearl Harbor was the result of a Japanese plot (although there are some conspiracy theorists who believe that President Franklin Roosevelt was behind it.) Watergate was a plot (which President Richard Nixon was indeed behind.) So how can one distinguish between real information and deception? As Kurt Cobain, the rock star of the band Nirvana, growled in his grunge song, shortly before shooting himself to death (or maybe it was someone else?): "Just because you're paranoid, still doesn't mean they're not after you."

But as Nixon aide J. Gordon Liddy once told me (and he should know!), the problem with government conspiracies is that bureaucrats are incompetent and people can't shut up. Complicated plots are hard to pull off, and so many people are looking for their quarter hour of fame that even the "men in black" won't be able to silence the gossipers from revealing the secret. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the more complex a conspiracy theory is, and the more people are required to carry out the plot, the more likely it is to be false.

Why then do people believe in such improbable conspiracies? In my previous columns I gave partial answers. I introduced "patternism" (the tendency to find meaningful patterns in random noise) and "agentism" (the tendency to believe that the world is controlled by invisible agents with intentions). Conspiracy theories connect the dots between random events and draw meaningful patterns and then link those patterns to intentional agents. Add to these tendencies the confirmation bias (which looks for and finds corroborating evidence for things we already believe) and the hindsight bias (which associates after-the-fact explanations with things we know already happened) and you get the basis for conspiratorial cognition.

Examples of this process can be found in the great new book by journalist Arthur Goldweg, "Cults, Conspiracies and Secret Societies" (Vintage Publishing, 2009). The book describes everything, from the Freemasons, the Illuminati and the Bilderberg group to the "black helicopters" and the "new world order". When something important happens, everything that led up to it, and everything that happened after it, seems important. Even small details seem important," explains Goldweg, while citing the assassination of President Kennedy as a central example. "When we are aware of what we know today... the footage shot on November 22, 1963 at the scene of the murder at Delay Plaza in Dallas seems to abound in ironic riddles and details, from the faces of those present before the shootings that strangely seem to be expecting something (what were they thinking?) to the shadow play In the background (could this spark of light on the overpass be a bullet cartridge shining in the sun?). Every strange bump, every random lump in the visual texture looks suspicious.” And add to these factors the fact that a good story can tie all these things together in a very convincing way - remember Oliver Stone's JFK or Dan Brown's Angels and Demons, both equally fictional stories.

What should we believe? Transcendentalists tend to believe that everything is connected and that every event has a reason. Empiricists tend to think that randomness and coincidence intervene in the causal network of our world and belief should depend on the evidence for each and every claim. The problem for the skeptics is that transcendentalism is intuitive and experimentalism is not. Or as the folk-rock band Buffalo Springfield once sang: "The paranoia runs deep." She will creep into your life..."

Michael Shermer is the publisher of the journal Skeptic And the author of the book "Why people believe in strange things".

111 תגובות

  1. Jacob
    The $20 bill has a picture of Andrew Jackson and the White House….
    People died in this horrible case - I don't understand what you're joking about.

  2. I don't believe in 9/11 conspiracies but it's very interesting to find the picture of the twin towers collapsing on a $20 bill.

  3. "There are still so many holes in the mainstream media story that you have to wonder what else they've been hiding from us."

    It's funny that you accuse the mainstream media of supporting the conservatives, when in reality most of the American media, like the Israeli one, is distinctly left-wing. If there was any truth in your claims, the media companies would do everything to attack the Bush administration that hates them...fortunately, the claims are too stupid even for our leftist media.

  4. Dawn
    1. The reason why they did not respond to the planes is that on that day there was a large-scale aerial exercise of the American Air Force, in which many targets were practiced. The central command simply failed to differentiate in real time between real and imaginary targets, which is a major failure of the US.
    2. Where did you get that Dick Cheney announced it that day? The exercise was planned for at least months, there is no way in the world that an air exercise would be done with zero warning. There is no sense in what you are saying. The only thing this proves is that bin Laden had clear intelligence about the exercise, and therefore the specific date was chosen - another profound failure of the US, which to this day it is ashamed to even admit, hence the source of all the baseless claims.
    3. As I said, the events of 11.9/XNUMX are an embarrassing incident like no other for the largest army in the world. Believe me, they would rather you think that there was a huge conspiracy and a plan to take over the world, than that you know the truth - that the USA was caught that day at the height of its weakness.
    4. "All the other holes" you talk about have been refuted a long time ago, you are not renewing anything for discussion.

  5. And whoever believes in the conspiracy that that boy didn't really fly in the hot air balloon is also delusional?
    N. Zemach
    The coffin builders made no fortune, the same people would have died anyway.

  6. And you are wrong!!!!! (the exclamation marks are intended to strengthen the argument):

    Those who planned and initiated 11.9/XNUMX are the coffin builders in cooperation with tombstone builders who made a fortune from burying the thousands of dead (I think the trucking company that was hired to evacuate the thousands of tons of the buildings was also a partner)

    And seriously, I'm amazed at the normal members of the site, who waste time
    And an effort to argue with delusional and probably unbalanced people who believe
    to all !!!!conspiracies.
    Please note, those who believe in the 11.9/XNUMX conspiracy also believe in the Rabin murder conspiracy
    And aliens and the Kennedy murder and not landing on the moon and more and more...

    Arguing with them is like arguing with religious people who attribute everything to God.

  7. Dawn:
    And how exactly do I spread hatred and evil - oh love?
    And what expression of joy and cheerfulness did you find in my words?
    The one who spreads hatred and evil is precisely you - and you take care to direct them precisely against the good people and base them on lies.

  8. Michael, you spread hatred and evil. There is no reason to rejoice and be happy - thousands of people died anyway.
    If it was bin Laden or bin Laden's name in collaboration with the US government.
    None of the links you provided explain very simple things that don't work in the konoz version.
    How did they not respond to the planes even when they deviated from their course for more than an hour.
    Why did Dick Cheney announce a practice strike on that very day in the morning.
    Why did Bush claim in the media that no one had even imagined such a scenario, even though NORAD had been training for it for months.
    There are still so many holes in the mainstream media story that you have to wonder what else they have been hiding from us.

  9. point:
    Where there is war, where there is peace, where there is disease, where there is health, where there is poverty, where there is wealth - everywhere there will be someone who benefits from the situation.

  10. Michael, if there were companies that profited, it would be good to find out the course of events in the war. Where there is money, God is not there, the laws of physics disappear, and very strange things happen.

  11. point:
    And I repeat that the very casting of your doubt in reality is a success of the conspiracy theory.
    Know that there were also American companies that profited from World War II, but I hope you don't believe that they initiated the war and you don't think it's naive to believe that the desire to rule the Aryan race over the world was the motive for this war.
    The Muslims constantly invest efforts in achieving the goal I was talking about and no matter how much you try to glorify their success - this is an action that was really easy to perform. I'm just stunned by the attachment to the conspiracy.

  12. Michael I repeat that I do not believe in any conspiracy theory.
    And I repeat that it is a kind of conspiracy theory to claim that an act that brought trillions in profits to certain companies was done just by chance out of pure religious motives. There is a reason for innocence here.

  13. I liked the examples from rock bands, another problem I see with conspiracy theories of this kind is that they remove any moral ground from under the feet of too many people, could it be that of all the people who planned, conceived and executed the twins "conspiracy" there was not one good person who was not willing to murder Directly or indirectly thousands of innocent people?

  14. point:
    All along you ignore the real motive.
    For some reason you decided that bacteria also work for money.
    Islamic terrorism works to dominate Islam over the world.
    In the meantime - despite all their backwardness - they are quite successful and the fact that you buy delusional conspiracy theories is part of the success.
    To think of an attack of flying planes into buildings is elementary, Watson, and many people warned of this type of attack many years before.

  15. Michael. All along you ignore the first factor that investigators and detectives look for - a motive.
    The only ones who profit from all this terrorism are the defense equipment companies and the oil companies.
    The profit of the terrorists is marginal. Although I do not rule out the religious element.
    Think in terms of long-term incentives and gains.
    Whoever plans an attack of flying planes into buildings must be very smart and clever. That is, one who thinks for the long term. Such a one will not plan for himself a continuous life of suffering.

  16. Well, this is my last response to this article.

    To illustrate, I will deliberately take the most "weird" subject in your eyes - UFOs

    Among the few balanced programs that were in the mainstream media:
    Larry King's show on CNN about UFOs.

    Watch a confrontation between a professional skeptic (a representative figure you support)

    and witnesses - a UFO researcher, and former military officers. (representative figures that I support)

    Look and come to your own conclusions.

    The people who do speak and reveal - they deserve the respect they deserve.

    In my opinion you are simply doing injustice by supporting the wrong and dishonest side
    And he lies to you and sells you abstract stories of cowboys against Indians
    (includes 911 issue)

  17. Teacher:
    "What is the general formula for the roots of a polynomial of the third degree?"

  18. Nostradamus predicted that in this millennium we will get an answer from aliens (not that I believe them). But in my opinion conspiracy is a synonym for "don't know".

  19. point:
    There is nothing fanciful about the prevailing theory.
    In fact it was so likely that people had already warned of such an event years before.
    Some of the warnings (from just intelligent people) predicted the technique and some (from people in the intelligence community) the timing ( )
    Airplane hijackings have been carried out by terrorists many times before.
    They have carried out large attacks many times before and after and certainly should not be suspected of a lack of motivation.
    All in all, this is a scenario that was simply easy to implement once you have suicide volunteers, and the Muslim population has long suspected such.
    You define as delusional one of the most probable things that happened in the course of history.
    It's just not serious.

  20. Mirom You are wrong if you think I believe in a conspiracy.
    All in all, I'm trying to think what's more likely. And I don't have an answer. The 2 delusional scenarios.

  21. Please also note that neither Ron nor Point bothered to respond to the learned responses I made regarding the conspiracy claims - this only proves that this is not really a factual debate.
    They probably gave up and went to another article, in order to try and convince the stupid crowd to join their religion. I just had a question for them - what are you doing on the science site???

  22. Ron,
    I suggest you listen to all the people who claim to have had encounters with aliens, or to have seen Jesus in a bowl of soup. Why don't you listen to them? Or to people who claim to have dined with Elvis only recently?? Don't you have a heart???

  23. Ron,

    Tell me honestly: when they say "good morning" to you - do you answer back or run to Google first to check if it's a conspiracy???

    What kind of life does one have who sees a conspiracy behind every fluttering curtain, behind every bush moving in the wind?

    Isn't it a bit tiring?
    Is there anyone you can trust what they tell you without you running to Google to check them first?

  24. Ron:
    The man is lying and it's so transparent it's hard to believe anyone even buys it.
    Someone who is trying to take over the whole world calls this entertainer and tells him secrets that he is trying to hide from the world?
    Not this one either - the man knows about the plot 6 years before 11/9 and doesn't bother to warn anyone and just comes and jokes about it now?

  25. You need to hear it more clearly
    Especially the healthy Michael

    (10 minutes, that you won't get out of your head)

    The above section is a summary of the interview with Aaron Russo.
    In it he tells, among other things, about meetings he had with Nick Rockefeller, a scion of the well-known capital family.
    These are the people who are really at the top of the pyramid.

    Listen to what Rockefeller shared with him about the twin attacks
    After they became friends.
    By the way Aaron Russo died not long ago...

  26. To a point:

    "People in caves could not carry out the attack"

    This racist comment ignores the education and training of the terrorists. Bin Laden graduated from college a civil engineer and some of the terrorists are out of college
    You don't need government help or a university degree to scare passengers into thinking you have a bomb onboard.
    You don't need government help to turn off an airliner transponder and hide among hundreds of other airliners in the area

  27. Is everyone ready to quantify their opinion in numbers?
    1) The possibility that senior officials in the US (not exactly in the government) planned the attack to earn a lot of money, power and control.
    2) What are the chances that cave dweller Bin Laden did this to annoy the Americans for religious reasons, and then he invented a substance that makes humans invisible.
    3) And what is the chance that it was something completely different (Abamim attack for example).
    (Ignore the trending wording...)

  28. Dawn:
    If you cried like a child when you realized that this is what the American leaders did to their people - you will probably jump for joy when you realize that you were wrong.
    Quite a few links have been given here that show why your understanding is wrong.
    Read them and your heart will melt.

  29. The only problem here is pure power.
    I believe individual people, the testimonies of people who worked there, I researched the issue from all directions a thousand times and cried like a child when I realized that this is what the American leaders did to their people.
    The urge to spread the truth does not come from any religious or missionary place but simply from a tremendous pain for humanity.
    It pains me to see smart people like you fall into the trap of despicable lies.

    On the other hand, those who support the theory pushed to the masses - support imperialism, support the monopoly of the media, by force.
    And worst of all, believe those who are used to lying for a living! Politicians corrupted by elites and approving laws of lobbyists that serve the economic interests of individuals at the expense of harming masses of people.

  30. Members of a movement whose entire purpose is brainwashing are talking about propaganda? appropriate.
    Soon Wikipedia will also be part of the conspiracy, and the entire scientific establishment, just like on the topic of evolution. You prove time and time again that this whole theory is a new religion...

  31. Yumtov

    Architect Richard Gage of the Architects and Engineers Movement for 911 Truth
    (They have over 800 professionals in the movement) talking about the propaganda program
    of National Geographic

    Also read the eye-opening material on the right of the screen

    It's not about feeling good - it's about the fact that I don't like being lied to.

  32. A skeptic, not Google is wrong - the one who uses Google as a substitute for his brain, and uses it to dig up every piece of garbage on the net and present it as light and dark, is wrong. That's enough Ron - we're done

  33. to the Golan

    You missed my point a bit... although I'm not sure what did or didn't happen right... one thing is for sure... the administration after 9.11/XNUMX had a very easy life after that... and let's not forget the Patriot Act... that's all... it's a kind of emergency regulations with us Only stronger because they use this law whenever they want... (not that I'm against it by the way...)...

    By the way.. historical examples of similar things:

    1. Several years ago, the archives of World War II were opened in the United States - they discovered that Roosevelt knew with high certainty that the Japanese would attack and let it happen...why??? Because he knew that only this kind of shock would move the Americans from their indifference to the world to the insight that they are not alone in the world and that the Nazis and the Japanese must be stopped as long as possible.
    2. Enigma code... the code of the Nazis .. the British cracked it.. and then decoded a transmitter that they were going to bomb the foundation of a British city..
    What did Churchill do..? He let it happen..because it was more important the code and the secrecy that they wouldn't know it was being decoded and thus sacrificed thousands of people in advance...sounds terrible..but it saved a lot of lives...

    That's how conspiracies on an equally small scale were made...
    Now I have no doubt that small masters sat there on planes...but I do have a doubt that they didn't have a little help on the matter...because even our intelligence warned them about it.

  34. Noam is not pretty...
    ron doesn't right has more... come on, enough
    Laron: Noam just wanted to show you that Google is also wrong and Rob is hard to believe...
    You couldn't deal with this claim... and it's a shame

  35. Noam

    Please type the words "ron is right" into Google, you will receive over 310,000 links confirming this.

    I got your hypothesis.

  36. Ron,

    Since you attach crucial importance to everything that is written on the Internet, please press
    Googling the phrase "ron idiot", you will get close to 700 links confirming this.

    I believe this is ultimate proof - what do you think?

  37. Point, southPark made an episode about it...
    Excellent chapter DA... if there is a link to something... it really fits what is going on here...

  38. Nonsense? Come and tell me about a specific nonsense expressed there. The only nonsense is the conspiracy theory, which is not supported by any official scientific body and has been refuted dozens if not hundreds of times.
    Adherents of this theory are equal to advocates of creationism. The technique in which they explain it is also similar - we will collect some questions that (seemingly) have no explanation, we will try to connect an imaginary and illusory line between them, and here we have a replacement for the official theory...
    Also the way in which the conspirators refer to normal people as "infidels", and see themselves as "enlightened", is reminiscent of a new modern semi-religion. The real problem here is not in a factual debate - because that's where the conspiracy loses big, but more in the tendency of people to believe anything.

  39. debunkin911 - how much nonsense can you be fed and you will still believe it.
    "Sane explanations" – explanations for zombies who are subjects of the empire.
    I'm sure some here will say exactly the same about me.
    Denial runs deep.

  40. to their city
    You repeat the same claims that have been heard thousands of times by the followers of nonsense, and do not renew anything. All the claims you mentioned ("there are no remains of a plane in the Pentagon", the "illogical" collapse of the twins), have been disproved a long time ago -

  41. N. Zemach

    Look what we bunnies and cows, including me, are basing ourselves on when we accept the story of UFOs and extraterrestrials as reality.
    You might find that you are a rabbit too

    Mirom Golan

    See my response number 5
    Go to the link and read what they say.
    There are also children there with brains a little bigger than a nut.

    No one is trying to exclude anyone else from Inftil -
    Simply when you go down to the level of evidence - the story changes.

  42. All conspiracies are one big conspiracy that came to blind the eyes of the public from the great truth.

    : )

  43. Unfortunately or fortunately, I and 2 of my brothers were in New York and saw the whole attack and I even took everything on video... I didn't see the planes themselves that collided but what happened after that... my brothers did... so I have eyewitness testimony from a distance of barely 4 km from the area.

    In reality the truth is a double-edged sword ..your side ..their side and the truth...most likely there is a combination here that the Americans caught a ride on...Bin Laden did what he doubt...but it can be clearly seen that they rode the wave and provided him with help Here are some small examples No.. without going into too much detail..

    1. The fall of the first twin between them - according to the official explanation what happened is that this internal combustion is what brought the building down in the end... but what... the plane only hit a certain part of the building... its collapse could not be straight but only at an angle... like cutting A tree in a certain part and that's how it falls exactly..for its sake..
    Also..I saw with my own eyes this series of explosions right before he fell...
    Of course, I didn't link then because I was quite shocked by the event at all, but when you see it... something that looks like a controlled explosion in a coal mine... and right before the collapse... you can't help but think that something stinks in the Kingdom of Denmark...

    The plane that crashed on the Pentagon - no remains of it remained... there is no such thing and there has never been in the history of aviation accidents a plane that crashed and all its main parts simply disappeared... especially considering that the angle of its impact on the ground was not sharp straight from above as in cartoons but from the ground almost straight to the Pentagon ..according to all the experts who have the tail, at least it should have survived...
    her name
    is nothing…

    I don't pretend to say what the truth is..but I can say that what we saw is absolutely not what really happened.

  44. To all the crazy conspirators above me, take note.
    It has been said that all the ramblings you wrote are indeed true,
    Do you really think that the strongest country in the world, with the strongest army in the world and the best intelligence organization in the world,
    They will plan an operation so bad that any 6-year-old child with a brain the size of a walnut (which is exactly what you are)- will be able to discover it??? You live in illusions.
    If the American government really wanted to create such a plan, it would have done it so well that you would not have such "obvious" and infantile proofs. I love how all the conspirators here are trying to get us out, (the reasonable people who do not believe everything that a delusional person writes in the age the Internet) as fools.

  45. For all the conspiracy believers, there are thousands of people in the US alone who claim
    Abducted by aliens, who performed experiments on them, women who said they were raped, or organs were removed from their bodies and more...

    Don't believe? Google "aliens"

    The problem with stupid people is that they are not aware of their stupidity and therefore any argument with them is like arguing with a cow or a rabbit.

  46. Diogenes, Yomtov

    First of all, get to know the conference of inquiry into the fall of the twins - NIST
    the way of her work and her conclusions.

    We have first-hand testimony -
    In a very eloquent manner he will demonstrate and explain the problematic (to say the least) of the entire subject of the official investigation and through its conclusions.
    decide for yourself.

  47. post Scriptum.
    Stop bringing bbc programs as a source for anything political in general,
    Although they make excellent nature programs, it is known that this is a channel run by leftists who are nice-hearted/naive

  48. Ron,
    What amazes me is that you don't believe any authoritative source of information, yet you are full of facts and pseudo-reasonable explanations whose source is the Internet,
    How do you treat with such skepticism, for example, official reports of the USA and in the same breath cite every website whose address shows 911?

  49. No, I don't know, but on the other hand, I also know the case where 100 people + concrete + steel collapsed (Versailles), albeit in different circumstances, but you present things as "if it doesn't come to mind, it didn't happen" and that's why I brought the example this one

    I repeat, skyscrapers were designed so that in the event of a "failure" the building would collapse in on itself while causing minimal damage to the environment.

    Regarding the collapse - you will hit a main support beam, and the dominoes will continue to fall, one after the other.

  50. I don't understand how our poor site became a magnet for a bunch of delusional conspiracies of all kinds...
    "Point: And the entire intelligence system has not been able to catch that cave dweller for almost 10 years." - Have you asked yourself how our intelligence system has been unable to find Gilad Shalit for more than 3 years? Maybe it's all a conspiracy by Netanyahu to carry out the cast lead? But actually we already did it, so why can't we find it yet?

    "C. Even-Chen: Is there global warming? Absolutely not! This is actually a global cooling that is intensified by a false report by the media." - The detached iceberg that they photographed, and the ships that will soon be able to pass where there was ice are also part of the conspiracy - or maybe the melting The ones with matches?

    Varon: Here is an article about 1000 people whose traces are occasionally found,2933,222678,00.html
    If you still have doubts, I suggest that you go to the field, and after you become an expert at looking for remains of bodies in thousands of tons of construction waste - share with us how you do it.

  51. Diogenes

    43600 windows
    600,000 sq ft of glass
    200,000 tons of steel
    5,000,000 sq ft gymnasium
    6 acres of marble
    425,000 cubic yards of concrete

    This is the stuff the Twin Towers are made of.
    Most of the material turned into microscopic dust, a pyroclastic cloud that spread throughout Manhattan.

    Minute 7:07 (quote from mainstream media)

    Including 1000 people of whom no trace has been found - not even DNA
    (Of course, they found the "hijacker's" passport undamaged near the compound...)

    You know a way that burning office furniture (and jet fuel in the first few minutes) can cause this?

  52. An answer to Ziv who asked how the buildings fell in such a beautiful and coordinated manner without much environmental damage.


    Every skyscraper was built with a little thinking in the background... the pins that stand out on the horizon were designed to collapse into themselves in the event of an earthquake, impact or any other hazard so that there would be no major environmental damage.
    No coordinated bombs, no invisible intelligence agents hanging from transparent helicopters directing the plane.

  53. Father, there are many things that you are not yet aware of.
    I found something "nice" for you that shows how involved the media is in the whole *$#*% concept.
    The BBC network, on the eleventh day of September, broadcast about the collapse of the WC7 building, also called the "Salmon Brothers Building". So far everything is fine and dandy except that in the background behind the broadcaster you see the building standing as usual.
    After a few minutes, the building did collapse!
    The broadcaster "leaked" the information to Britain a few minutes before the event actually happened!!
    Conspiracy?? You have to see for yourself to believe!

  54. to Zio
    Is it about you that Achish, the king of Gath, said, "I am the one who lacks madmen, that you have brought this madman to be mad at me"?

    There were conspiracy believers all the time. After all, at the time they brought "proofs" that there was no moon landing at all, and the alien capture at Roswell, etc...

    My opinion is that the inventors of the conspiracy themselves are very intelligent, and they are
    Of course you don't believe the conspiracy they created. But the world is full of fools
    , hallucinating and floating who are ready to buy any bedtime story.

  55. A simple attack?

    Professional opinion - John Lear -

    Retired commercial airline pilot over 19000 + total hours in flight, over 100 different types of aircraft for 10 different airlines in 60 different countries around the world. Flying for 40 years. Holds every certificate offered by the FAA and has 23 different FAA ratings. Held 17 world records, including round-the-world speed in a Lear Jet Model 24, set in 1966. He received the PATCO Award for Excellence in Flight in 1968, and the Symons Wave memorial award. Flight experience includes Boeing 707 and 727, McDonnell Douglas DC-8, Lockheed L1011 and many others. Son of Bill Lear founder of Lear Jet Corp

    Rob Balsamo: What did you think about 9/11 after you saw it

    John Lear: Well, you know, five minutes after it happened, I knew that it was a scam. … No Boeing 757 ever crashed into the Pentagon. No Boeing 757 ever crashed at Shanksville. ... And no Arab hijacker, ever in a million years, ever flew into the World Trade Center. And if you got 30 minutes I'll tell you exactly why he couldn't do it the first time.

  56. Michael Rothschild you are absolutely right in your comment #36. This is exactly a disease that certain people have, and you cannot convince them otherwise even if you bring the interested party to their table. By the way, I meet the conspiracy enthusiasts among different people I meet for my work needs, also in the everyday financial world. People who, if they can't find a parking space near their office, are sure it's a conspiracy against them personally.
    In the future it will probably be found that the fondness for conspiracies is genetic and very similar to the gene responsible for belief in God (30%, even if you received an education)

  57. point:
    What is your definition of "donkey"?
    To me - any society founded on murderous tyranny or Islam or both is a serious threat to the world and a serious oppression of its members.
    It's hard for me to describe anything worse than this even if the attacks had not taken place.

  58. Anyway, conspiracy or no conspiracy. The attack on the twins is much, much less serious than what the United States is doing in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  59. Dawn and Ron,
    It is not clear to me why you want to believe every conspiracy theory, no matter how far-fetched it may be.
    I recommend that you stop relying on unreliable sources on the Internet (who knows what interests they have) and see, for example, the program done by National Geographic about the people who made the conspiracy films, and what they say.

  60. third. Gemstone:
    I developed another method that also helps in some way.
    Most people who believe in one conspiracy theory - also believe in others.
    It's a kind of disease.
    This is not always the case, but it is a distinct phenomenon.
    Therefore, a conspiracy theory can usually be identified by the speaker as well.

  61. The problem with conspiracy theories is that anyone who tries to disprove the conspiracy automatically becomes part of it in the eyes of those who believe in the theory.

  62. to dawn

    Those pensioners (literally.. camels) had no need to worry about the economy, a fact that they also let the Afghan economy sink and further damaged it with all kinds of strange laws such as canceling professions, closing schools, banning women from working. They could have invested their millions in planning an attack, which was also not that expensive, because they didn't buy the weapons (planes), they stole them. It's all about financing the stay of 20 people in the USA for a few years and private flying courses. It is said for exaggeration that it cost a million dollars. The cost is much higher for the defending side than for the attacking side. Bin Laden did not have to spend billions to carry out an attack.

    It's interesting by the way that you attribute the same degree of cooperation to CNN and Fox. If you were to watch the stations you would see that the poles are no farther than that.

  63. Over the years I have developed a very simple method for identifying conspiracy theories. The method examines what history says, what the facts are, and a search for a theory that takes everything from a 180-degree perspective.

    This can be seen in the twin disaster. The USA was attacked? No! It attacked itself to get a thousand home.
    Rabin was murdered by Yigal? No! It was a plot by Peres to shoot blanks at Rabin to demonstrate what happens when violence gets out of control.
    Is there global warming? Definately not! This is actually a global cooling that is amplified by a false report by the media.

    In any event, the more obvious the outcome and twist, the more conspiracy theories will take root. Humans as a large group of low IQ people do not like unordered points. They always like to draw straight lines between them.

    This is perhaps why lotto and toto forms are so popular against all common sense.

  64. point:
    I don't know what goes on in Bin Laden's head - is it just hatred or hatred that comes from religion.
    What I do know is that bin Laden is behind the attacks.
    Even if bin Laden's motive is not religious (and I am nevertheless quite sure that it is) then the motives of the suicide bombers themselves could not be anything other than religious.
    There is nothing impulsive about a suicide attack.
    This is a process that usually lasts for many months and includes training, bringing the charges to the area of ​​the attack - many times - not by the suicide bomber himself - infiltrating the target compound while evading the guard and looking for the optimal moment to carry out the operation.

  65. Michael,
    Religiously motivated terrorist attacks are usually impulsive. Like those tractor drivers. Or terrorists exploding.
    How is it that at that time there were no suicide attempts in the USA. You forgot what happened with us during the intifada.
    The religious motive here is very weak in my opinion.

  66. Exactly the opposite
    The Taliban for the first time in the history of Afghanistan banned the cultivation of opium.

    Much to the dismay of the CIA who use the funds for all their black operations. (historically from Vietnam)

    Since the US invasion, cultivation and production have grown drastically

    Here is another article from before 911 about the operation of the Taliban and opium

  67. Dawn:
    The aluminum in the fuselage reacted with the iron in the building's infrastructure at high heat to form thermite.

  68. caricature:
    I don't see how what you said is supposed to be an answer to what I said.
    Anyone who may be accused of starting the war due to greed for money loses from it.

  69. Soon my message that responds to all the innocent questions will be confirmed.
    One more point: the national political map is not the exact map of what is happening in the world.
    It is not true that the Americans are against the Russians who are against the Chinese, etc.
    It's like in the WWF, everything is a show - all the leaders make plays for their people or the media, but in general the leaders sit together in meetings and invite escort girls together to hotel rooms.
    The same joke of the Democrats against the Republicans, etc., etc. - it's all a show for the masses... the shareholders are the real rulers, what's more, the Federal Bank in the USA is held in private hands and they don't try to hide it at all.
    In short - the American people lost a lot of money on the war, but the capitalists don't care because they will owe them interest anyway. And what they cannot pay back in cash - will be paid back in land and mortgages.
    What is the game of thrones happening today? Banks fail and the central bank buys them at a bargain price - that is, all collateral and mortgages, customer pools, etc.
    Come on father! Also confirm my previous comment which will be interesting

  70. Michael:
    Yes, it is known.
    But where does the money come from to pay the oil suppliers anyway?
    I referred to response number 14
    "And by the way - what kind of money do you make from the war in Afghanistan?
    After all, this is a huge expense."

    The US government borrows a lot of money from the central bank

  71. splendor:
    And that's why the Americans tried to burn those fields.

    Do not worry. Maybe you take the drugs personally but there's no way I would.

    Indeed, yes - a huge expenditure by the Americans (for example on fuel) ends up in the pockets of their oil suppliers, most of whom are their enemies.

  72. I believe that there are people who sit above everyone else and already have all the money in the world and are only looking for power
    And they really enjoy watching us squirm, talk about conspiracies and go to demonstrations against oil waste and air pollution.
    But in the end they don't care even if the whole world is destroyed

  73. Oh and one more yourself a big favor, don't take it personally
    It does not look good…

  74. Michael... Afghanistan has lots and lots of heroin, 70% of the world's production...
    Understand for yourself how much money it is...almost like oil

  75. Someone willing to explain to me how a building can fall like that from a plane?
    Every physics buff understands that for the building to fall in on itself like that, a crazy coincidence is needed... and it happened twice that day.
    It even seems that I once read an article here about the remains of an "unknown powder" being found on the site (termite). Anyone who watches "Brainneck" on channel 8 knows what termite is...a substance that ignites easily and burns at 2500 degrees. Hence the explanation of how the buildings came down so easily and without explosions... what is certain is that without prior planning and the delay of the explosions between the floors, the building would not have fallen in such a perfect way
    What about building 7 that fell just like that on its own, claiming that it absorbed the impact of the twins' fall.. To all the buildings around it, peace
    Not even a scratch on the windows...
    Where is the plane in the Pentagon?
    These are the questions I was talking about…
    And by the way...these are not movies on YouTube, these are the same pictures you also saw on the same media networks, only my logic did not let me believe it.
    Pay attention to the events after the day in question, there was no justification for entering Iraq. Unless the interest was economic rather than literary, a classic conquest of a land like 100 years ago
    The works don't stop...I just don't have the strength attention to what is happening around you

  76. point:
    What a gag.
    The assumption that this is an act of terrorism is the first assumption of any sane person.
    There is no need for any brainwashing for this, so this has always been my assumption.
    All in all, this is a fairly simple operation that does not require any special skill to perform. All that is needed is a little money and a will to do evil. These are resources that Laden does not lack.
    Think about the far easier task than bin Laden's concept before us - Nasrallah's concept. They don't catch him either because of greed for money?
    And by the way - what kind of money is being made from the war in Afghanistan?
    After all, this is a huge expense.
    It is unbelievable what nonsense people are willing to believe.

  77. Don't believe the hype

    Bin Laden had to undergo dialysis every 3 days because of a kidney problem.
    Really escaped hard to find
    But it doesn't matter -

    Bin Laden died at the end of 2001

    In his gripping new book, Griffin strikes at the root of this pretext for war by closely examining all the evidence that has come out since September 11, 2001, either indicating that bin Laden is still alive or that he is in fact dead. His conclusion is that bin Laden is certainly dead, and that in all likelihood he died in very late 2001. Griffin shows that many US experts in counterterrorism and counterinsurgency came to this very same conclusion long ago, but their views, which do not support the continuation of what President Obama, borrowing the term from Dick Cheney, calls "the long war," have received very little media attention.

  78. Michael, I did not claim to know the course of affairs. I'm just saying this whole business stinks of money. And the ramblings about Bin Laden are not convincing at all. It does convince those that brainwashing convinces them. Just repeat it like a mantra and it finally goes in. Even if it sounds delusional like a man hiding in a remote cave and planning terrorist attacks for his own pleasure. And the entire intelligence system has not been able to catch that cave dweller for almost 10 years.
    Please don't get bored.

  79. Another pathetic attempt by the media to mock the story behind 9.11.
    And what is the so-called contradictory evidence? Watch Oliver Stone's movies or Dan Brown's books!!
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    Let's watch more in Hollywood so that we can believe that 5 camel bombers from the mountains in Afghanistan cracked the US security system. They also bypassed the lunar system, they also reached the Pentagon and on Fox instead of the planes burning after the impact, they also managed to collapse two steel bombers in perfect timing into their own foundations leaving no trace but finely ground dust.
    Apparently humans really will believe anything.

    Fan, let's talk about consensus!
    The vast majority of people are aware of the fall of building 3 WTC7? Why wasn't this discussed in the consensus?

    The more complex the conspiracy, the harder it is to believe.
    And here is exactly the point - the consensus will only believe those in authority because he does not hold a real opinion of his own but only eats what is pumped into his brain through CNN CBS BBS FOX which by the way, most of the press in Israel is copied from the international networks.

    To Michael, research and test! The documents in Iraq did belong to the CIA.
    Have you heard of MKULTRA? CIA-sponsored brainwashing and erasure of memories.
    All your logic puzzles will not help you when the day comes and you find yourself on all fours, realizing that all these years you were lied to by those you trusted.

    It is also true that it is impossible to believe that a Prime Minister would steal from his people and that President Janos and the Chief of Police would cooperate with criminals. Why? It can not be!! The world is good and innocent and what we are told in the media is always the absolute truth.

  80. point:
    The war in Iraq?
    Are you serious?
    For an excuse for the war in Iraq, they dropped the twins and started a bloody war in Afghanistan (which they will probably continue even after leaving Iraq)?
    Isn't one conspiracy theory enough for Iraq (the delusional claim is that the intelligence reports about the weapons of mass destruction were fabricated)?
    And how exactly did they plant in Bin Laden's mind (he has not been caught for years) the thought that he did this?

    Want to compete with me in a bit of independent thought?
    Have you invented anything in your life (besides conspiracy theories)?
    Want me to let you try to exercise your independent thought in solving some puzzle?

  81. point,

    Why exactly must there be some relationship between the degree of importance of the event and the degree of importance of its causes? Only belief in a pre-planned world requires such an attitude, but as comforting as it may be to believe that (whether the planner is God or a group of evil industrial moguls) this is not the world we live in.


    It is interesting that the scientific consensus regarding the subject, which includes engineers, architects, historians, political scientists and other people with "an iota of independent thought" does not support these theories, and does not think that "something stinks" in the accepted version of events.

    But if you have a better method than the scientific method to get to the truth (hint: not YouTube videos made by a bunch of "independent researchers" from their parents' basement) I'd love to hear it.

  82. Ron
    Your thing is to believe in every possible conspiracy?
    Disagree with nothing?
    Or do you not give your opinions at all and only open a light to other opinions?

  83. What fun it is to call those who do not believe the nonsense called the official version of 911 paranoid

    Look at some more paranoids on the subject:

    Members of the investigative conference itself!
    Military personnel also in very senior ranks
    People from the intelligence system
    Civil engineers and architects
    The families of the victims and the families of the rescuers who perished
    Psychiatrists and psychologists
    and many others

    Here is the detailed list of the people and their citation.

    Let's maybe also add the story that Alois lived - just to try to turn the subject into Joha and Italula

  84. There are many stupid theories, that's for sure, but to generalize about all theories, whatever they are, is stupidity for its own sake.
    Your mistake is that you believe all the nonsense that the establishment media spouts, and define as a conspiracy theory everything that comes from other sources.
    The events of September 11 left so many open questions and illogical explanations about the fall of the Twins and the attack on the Pentagon, that any human being with an iota of self-reflection realizes that something stinks

  85. Indeed, economic interests do not belong to those who commit suicide, and in general, even in wars, the soldiers themselves have no economic interest. My claim is towards the planners and thinkers.
    To say that bin Laden planned is a rotten joke. The US entered Iraq. And this whole business seems to stink of money and oil from start to finish.

  86. point:
    Financial/economic interests are part of your world and not part of Bin Laden's world.
    Certainly not part of the world of the suicidal pilots.

  87. And in my opinion,
    In our capitalist era, it is a religious conspiracy theory to claim that events on a scale of this magnitude are done without clear financial/economic interests driving the act.

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