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Climbing the Improbable Mountain - a new book by Richard Dawkins

The book was published by Dvir * It turns out that the reason why we do not find intermediate forms at the species level lies in a human definition that has nothing to do with nature and nothing.

Richard Dawkins
Richard Dawkins

The propaganda against evolution is so widespread that even scientists sometimes fall into the trap. In his book "Climbing the Improbable Mountain" published by Dvir, translated by Amos Carmel and edited by Emmanuel Lotem, Dawkins quotes a physicist who claims that the hand of chance alone would not have brought about the diversity and adaptation of all animals and plants to their environment. He quoted Fred Hoyle as saying that the chance of large molecules forming by random method is zero.

Obviously this is not the case, the randomness is in the mutations and the identity of the surviving individuals in each generation, but as far as adaptation is concerned, there is no randomness here, but a matching of features that are already working.

Dawkins also goes against his colleague Steven J. Gould, (whose book "Evni Marama Mamaresh" was also recently published by Dvir Publishing). According to him, Gold (who has since passed away, the book was originally written in 1996) obscures the difference between macro mutation - that is, a mutation that results from a small nose to a developed elephant trunk in one generation, and gradual changes, albeit in a small number of generations - according to the fragmented equilibrium method.

He finds another gross error in Gould, quoting from Dawkins' book: "Since we have proposed fragmented equilibria as an explanation for trends, it is galling that we are repeatedly quoted - whether maliciously or foolishly, I don't know - as admitting that the fossil record does not include any transitional forms . The transitional forms are indeed generally lacking at the species level, but they are abundant among larger groups."

It turns out that the reason why we do not find intermediate forms at the species level lies in a human definition that has nothing to do with nature and nothing.

Dawkins continues: "Dr. Gould would have reduced the dangers of such misunderstandings if he had emphasized more clearly the extreme distinction between rapid gradualism and saltation (that is, macromutation). The theory of fragmented equilibrium is modest and possibly true, or revolutionary and probably false: it depends on your definitions. If you blur the distinction between rapid gradation and saltation, the fragmentation theory may seem more radical. …

"There is a very banal reason for the absence of transitional forms, usually, at the level of species, I can explain it best with the help of an analogy. Children gradually and continuously become adults, but for legal purposes they become adults on a specified birthday, usually the 18th birthday. That is why it is possible to say, "55 million people live in Britain, but not one of them is in an intermediate situation, between someone who does not have the right to vote and someone who has the right to vote." Just as a minor is given the right to vote by law at the stroke of midnight on his eighteenth birthday, zoologists always insist on associating any given exhibit with one species or another, even if the exhibit is actually in an intermediate state in its actual form (as is said in many specimens), the legal conventions of zoologists still forcing them to skip in one direction or the other as they give her a name. Hence, the creationists' claims regarding the non-existence of intermediate forms must be true by definition, at the species level, but this has no consequences for the real world - the only consequences refer to the naming conventions of zoologists."

…”The proper way to look for intermediate forms is to forget the names of the fossils and look instead at their actual shapes and dimensions. When you do this, you find that the fossil record is dotted with incredibly beautiful gradual transitions, although there are also gaps - some of them very large, and it is generally accepted that some animals simply could not digest food. In a sense, our naming procedures correspond to a pre-evolutionary age, when dividing lines were all-seeing, and we never expected to find intermediate forms.
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