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Dark energy: a map hints at what it is - but deepens the dispute over the expansion rate of the universe

Using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Telescope, researchers have measured more than two million galaxies and quasars—very bright and distant objects powered by black holes—over the past two decades. This new map includes around 11 billion years of cosmic history that are virtually unexplored

 By Julian Bautista, Research Fellow, University of Portsmouth

Sloan Digital Sky Survey Telescope. Sloan Digital Sky Survey/wikipedia, CC BY SA
Sloan Digital Sky Survey Telescope. Sloan Digital Sky Survey/wikipedia, CC BY‑SA

Dark energy is one of the biggest mysteries in science today. We know very little about it, except that it is invisible, it fills the entire universe and it pushes galaxies apart from each other. This causes our universe to expand at an accelerated rate. But what is she? One of the simplest explanations is that it is a "cosmological constant" - a result of the energy of empty space itself - an idea introduced by Albert Einstein.

But this explanation does not satisfy many physicists. They want a more thorough description of nature. Is it some new type of energy field or exotic fluid? Or is it a sign that Einstein's gravity equations are somehow incomplete? In addition, we do not really understand the current rate of expansion of the universe.

Now our project – the Extended Spectroscopic Survey of the Byron Oscillation (eBOSS) has found some answers. Our work has been published as a series of 23 publications, some of which are still undergoing peer review, describing the largest XNUMXD cosmological map ever created.

Now, the only way we can feel the presence of dark energy is through observations of the distant universe. The more distant galaxies are, the younger they appear to us. This is because the light they emit took millions or even billions of years to reach our telescopes. Thanks to this sort of time machine, we can measure different distances in space at different cosmic times, and this helps us calculate the expansion speed of the universe.

Using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Telescope, we have measured more than two million galaxies and quasars—very bright, distant objects powered by black holes—over the past two decades. This new map includes around 11 billion years of cosmic history that are virtually unexplored, and we've learned about dark energy like never before.

Our results show that about 69% of the energy in our universe is dark energy. They also show, once again, that Einstein's simplest form of dark energy - the cosmological constant - matches our observations to a great extent.

When the information from our map is combined with other cosmological tests, such as the cosmic background radiation - the light left over from the Big Bang - they all seem to favor the cosmological constant over more exotic explanations of dark energy.

Cosmic expansion in dispute

The results also provide better insight into some recent controversies about the expansion rate of the universe today and the geometry of space.

Combining our observations with studies of the universe in its infancy reveals cracks in our description of its development. In particular, our measurement of the current rate of expansion of the universe is about 10% lower than the value found using direct methods for measuring distances to nearby galaxies. Each of these two methods claims that its result is correct and very accurate, so the difference between them cannot simply be statistical randomness.

The expansion of the universe over time. NASA/WMAP Science Team / Graphics: Dana Berry
The expansion of the universe over time. NASA/WMAP Science Team / Graphics: Dana Berry


The accuracy of eBOSS amplifies this crisis. There is no widely accepted explanation for this discrepancy. Someone may have made a slight mistake in one of these studies. Or maybe it's a sign that we need new physics. One exciting possibility is that a previously unknown form of matter from the early universe may have left a trace in our history. It is called "early dark energy", which is thought to have existed when the universe was young, and could have changed the rate of expansion of the universe.

From recent studies on the cosmic background radiation it appears that the geometry of space may be curved and not simply flat - and this is in line with the most accepted theory of the big bang. But the conclusion from our research is that space is indeed flat.

Even after these important developments, cosmologists around the world will still be puzzled by the apparent simplicity of dark energy, the flatness of space, and the disputed values ​​of the expansion rate today. There is only one way to move forward in the quest to find answers - to make bigger and more accurate maps of the universe. Some projects are designed to measure at least ten times more galaxies than we have measured.

If the maps from eBOSS were the first to explore a previously missing gap of 11 billion years of our history, the new generation of telescopes will perform a high-resolution version of that time period. It is exciting to think that future surveys may be able to solve the remaining mysteries about the expansion of the universe in the next ten years. But it will be equally exciting if they discover more surprises in them.


For an article in The Conversation



47 תגובות

  1. kml
    I disagree with you. Actually there is something more simple and accurate than this saying.
    The saying that is: "Dark energy accelerates the expansion of the universe", for example.
    Very simple and in my opinion, she also scores quite accurately.

  2. How right the Koran was.
    There is a verse regarding the constant expansion of the location in the Koran where God says: I built the sky with my goals and we are expanding
    There is nothing more simple and accurate than this article

  3. my father.

    With all due respect to freedom of speech, many responses to articles are flooded with Asbar's broken record.

    Comments to the articles themselves are swallowed or do not start. Who would want to look for some logic answers drowning in dozens if not hundreds of unrelated comments.

    A large part of the fun on the site, in the matter of voicing and hearing scientific opinions, has disappeared and it's a shame.

    Asbar has already dismissed his New Age doctrine enough times. (and again and again and again)

    At least for me the site does not serve the purpose it served in the past. In fact, he would have renewed something, but it is a broken record that repeats itself over and over again, in the same article and in other articles that drowns out all other discussions. Enough is enough

    The site is yours. Your right to do as you wish, including limiting. He got more than enough (in my opinion) a chance to push the sloppy experiment and the sucky theories enough times

  4. But if you achieved a physical mathematical geometric transformation with 60 revolutions, then with 600 revolutions the achievement will be 10 times greater, right?

    Simple arithmetic.

    Is there a limit to stupidity?

    probably not.

  5. The dramatic fantasy of scientific theater
    If you can achieve a physical mathematical geometric transformation with 60 turns, why 600 turns.
    A. Asbar

  6. And what prevents you from conducting the experiment with 10 times the rounds for accuracy and reliability? Do you know that it will prove that it's all bullshit or have you already done it and realized that it's all bullshit?

  7. The experiment was already conducted in 12/2017, published on the Internet, and many in Israel and the world know about it.
    Like any scientific experiment, it can always be repeated.
    I'm on hold
    A. Asbar

  8. Come on, so what's stopping you from finally carrying out the experiment and releasing us?

    Maybe because no one will take you seriously if you don't take yourself seriously?

    Crazy troll all over the head.

    The scope experiment will be performed!

  9. Ninety responded:
    August 4, 2020 at 01:02 p.m
    aetzbar has no minimal idea of ​​high school physics, high school math or how to do an experiment.

    Whose science institutes do not refer to his sloppy "experiment" (he does not understand, for example, what an experimental error is) because in his opinion they are fearful and fixed. They don't understand him because he is "ahead of his time" Aalek.

    He shows off baseless "coups". When you confront him with the huge holes in the jargon he calls "theory" or "experiment" (which any high school kid knows how sloppy it is) he either hides in confusing and undefined phrases he invented, or ignores or evades or repeats himself like a broken record

    I will try to clarify what the scope experiment is.

    Two precise metal cylinders, with diameters of 2 mm and 120 mm, participate in the experiment
    The ratio of the diameters is 60
    The circumference is an innovative device (unknown to science) capable of measuring the ratio of the circumferences of these cylinders.
    Mathematicians believe that the ratio of the perimeters is exactly the ratio of the perimeters
    The scope revealed that the ratio of the diameters is "slightly greater" than the ratio of the circumferences.
    That's the whole story, but this is a revolutionary result.

    There is no impediment to talk, and talk, and talk, and talk, and talk, and talk, and talk, about the scope experiment. But that's no use.
    Only a repeated experiment will be able to determine which of the three possibilities appears in reality.
    The ratio of the diameters = to the ratio of the circumferences
    The ratio of the diameters is greater than the ratio of the circumferences
    The ratio of the diameters is smaller than the ratio of the circumferences.

    There is no point in talking
    The turn of the act of measurement has come

    A. Asbar

  10. Don't waste time getting upset.

    He will never respond matter-of-factly, and will not address any question or achievement.

    He probably has someone he is trying to impress and present himself as a thinker who is ahead of his time and all the forces of the world are against him. Please do not comment, unless you are interested in psychology, not technology.

    In short - psychotic all over the head.

    (The scope experiment will be performed!).

  11. to the anonymous user. I don't know, this time the system went crazy and stuck 13 responses at once.
    I receive them for manual approval but then have to wait for me to enter the management system.

  12. I would like to report here
    About damage and messages from the commenter
    In the name of miracles
    His messages to the commenters here on the site
    They are violent and abusive
    and uses bully language without any
    A reason from the other commenters
    Here on the site
    I request to block Nissim!

  13. Dark energy... lol do everything but not to admit that it is G-d... a little mind that he created is trying to investigate and understand why... you can imagine his wisdom, may his name be forever blessed

  14. aetzbar has no minimal idea of ​​high school physics, high school math or how to do an experiment.

    Whose science institutes do not refer to his sloppy "experiment" (he does not understand, for example, what an experimental error is) because in his opinion they are fearful and fixed. They don't understand him because he is "ahead of his time" Aalek.

    He shows off baseless "coups". When you confront him with the huge holes in the jargon he calls "theory" or "experiment" (which any high school kid knows how sloppy it is) he either hides in confusing and undefined phrases he invented, or ignores or evades or repeats himself like a broken record

  15. Abby, why are my comments always stuck and until they are approved they are buried under other comments?

  16. aetzbar has no minimal idea of ​​high school physics, high school math or how to do an experiment.

    Whose science institutes do not refer to his sloppy "experiment" (he does not understand, for example, what an experimental error is) because in his opinion they are fearful and fixed. They don't understand him because he is "ahead of his time" Aalek.

    He shows off baseless "coups". When you confront him with the huge holes in the jargon he calls "theory" or "experiment" (which any high school kid knows how sloppy it is) he either hides in confusing and undefined phrases he invented, or ignores or evades or repeats himself like a broken record

  17. gift
    He thinks everyone is stupid, from Archimedes, Galileo and Newton to Einstein, Hawking and Alan Guth…..

    But Asbar, with his stupid experiment, knows better…..

  18. come on….
    Asbar also writes in the "article" that small circles and large circles have a different pie for area and perimeter calculations.
    I think that says it all

  19. The time has come for a new theory about the structure of the universe.
    In this theory gravity does not exist, and space is not empty and is full of passive time and energy.
    The great innovation of this theory is the passive tense,

    Matter is no longer a quantitative concept, and is a physical form
    The substance is created by combining amounts of passive time and energy.

    Passive time is absolute rest and absolute cold, and it fills the infinite space,
    Passive time is the medium in which waves of passive time move, at speed C
    Passive time is the time that exists in physical reality.
    The active time known to us since the dawn of mankind exists only in the human mind.

    In this theory the stars move in helical orbits, which is their natural motion.
    Screw orbits are spatial, and such orbits create from all the stars of the universe, a single natural motion system, moving forever in a certain direction, in infinite space.

    Every universe and its two fundamental concepts
    The two fundamental concepts in the Newtonian universe are force and matter
    The two fundamental concepts in the Einsteinian universe are energy and matter
    The two fundamental concepts in the neural universe are energy and passive time.

    A. Asbar

  20. The researcher of the dynamic structure of the universe must arrive at the following natural knowledge.
    Every star is always moving - and a resting star does not exist in reality.

    From here the path to the form of the orbit of the movement of the stars is short.

    A straight line shape is ruled out by observations
    The movement of a circular line in a plane (or an elliptical line in a plane) is ruled out according to observations
    Motion in a spatial screw orbit is not ruled out, and is supported by observations.

    Movement in a spatial screw track has two data, the diameter of the track and the angle of advancement.
    These two data allow the integration of all the stars of the universe, into a single dynamic system.

    A. Asbar

  21. aetzbar
    "The researcher of the geometric reality, arrives at the following concept
    In the geometric field there are 3 continuous quantitative things, and they are the length, the area, and the volume."

    You mean "the researcher without any academic education" ....

    "The researcher of physical reality encounters only two continuous quantitative things, and they are time and energy."
    This is simply not true. Time is probably not continuous, and energy... Energy is certainly not continuous.

    Maybe direct your nonsense to an astrology site? They are dumb enough to listen to you.

  22. What keeps the Earth floating in space? (like the other stars).
    It's the dark energy that we don't see but it activates/holds everything.
    That's how it seems to me and I've been thinking about it for a long time that this is how space behaves.

  23. The researcher of the geometric reality, arrives at the following concept
    In the geometric field there are 3 continuous quantitative things, and they are length, area, and volume.
    The researcher of physical reality encounters only two continuous quantitative things, and they are time and energy.
    What is a continuous quantitative thing? It is such a thing that if a quantity of it is displayed, it is always possible to display a larger quantity, and a smaller quantity.
    Matter is not a quantitative thing and is in the nature of a physical form.
    Details in the article presented here.

    A. Asbar

  24. We, humanity, through scientists and intellectuals as well as children and delusional people of all kinds, are only making slow progress in understanding the universe.
    Most of us understand the 3 dimensions: length, width and depth. Few understand the dimension of time.
    Think maybe there are 5 or more dimensions in the universe??????
    We are totally incapable of understanding this existence. It is sublime between us at this stage
    that of our development. Therefore, a child or a hallucinator can give the most correct answer
    The others. Because most of us are trapped in irrelevant patterns.
    From here, the real investigation is the investigation of our tendency to look for the answer with the help of familiar conventions. It reminds of a joke: A man asked another man who was leaning and rummaging on the floor: "What are you doing?" He answered him: "I am looking for a lost coin." The questioner said to him:
    "Where exactly did you lose him"? He answered him: "There, among the bushes in the dark"... The second knocked and said: "Then why are you looking for it here?" He replied: "Because there is a flashlight here"...

  25. It is advisable to answer the question... what is material? Before the question... what is dark matter?

  26. I don't know what this dark stuff is.
    I do know that one thing was created in what is called the "big bang".
    That substance was created that did not exist before, and this substance is called: will. desire to have for himself.
    And why didn't he exist before creation? Because it was void of light. The light filled him to the brim.
    And from this it is possible to understand why the assumption exists that the concept of time did not exist before the big bang.
    Time is a subjective feeling of the brain. A feeling that exists from that gap between what is and what is desired, a gap whose result is movement.
    In a situation where the desired and the found are in unity, there is no movement and hence time cannot be a parameter either.
    So what is dark matter? We can't say anything about him yet.
    But if only desire is created, that material can only be one thing - the fulfillment of desire.
    What kind of filling? We haven't found out yet.
    But apart from that created will nothing exists except matter which is the opposite of the will to receive.

  27. For miracles, the celebrated scientist and Nobel laureate for the most part,
    I suggest you be a little humble and respect an opinion different from yours,
    Your communication style can indicate you…

  28. In addition - in every cubic centimeter of empty space - there is infinite energy that can be used for traveling in infinite space - without any limit - the main thing is to develop an engine that works on vacuum energy and a propulsion method such as WARP DRIVE and from there travel in all parts of the infinite multiverse

  29. To Nir - correction: today there are at least 2 trillion galaxies!!!! Only in the observable universe.
    But you are absolutely right!!!!!!

  30. You should study the Holy Zohar where everything is written about the divine leadership of the entire universe and divine providence on earth. In the section of the revisions of the Zohar "Elijah the prophet began to remember the good and said…….."

  31. My theory is that the universe we know of all the hundred billion galaxies is just a tiny part of a huge world that contains an infinite number of universes.
    Some of them are very young and just formed, some are very old and some are in the state of a terrible black hole with a mass of almost a universe, which attract matter and energy to them from far away and are also responsible for the fact that our universe is expanding at an ever-increasing speed.
    After these black holes reach a critical mass they are compressed so much that their matter also loses its gravity.
    And then they seem to boil and spread around not all at once but gradually and create a new universe and God forbid

  32. Once upon a time about 150 years ago there was a theory which said that space is full of ether and light waves spread through ether like waves in water. Later this theory was expanded - light waves propagate in an empty vacuum. In light of the latest findings, maybe it's worth checking again, maybe if we put a website in the space after all, it will reconcile the contradictions?

  33. The time has come for a new theory about the structure of the universe.
    In this theory gravity does not exist, and space is not empty and is full of passive time and energy.
    The great innovation of this theory is the passive tense,

    Matter is no longer a quantitative concept, and is a physical form
    The substance is created by combining amounts of passive time and energy.

    Passive time is absolute rest and absolute cold, and it fills the infinite space,
    Passive time is the medium in which waves of passive time move, at speed C
    Passive time is the time that exists in physical reality.
    The active time known to us since the dawn of mankind exists only in the human mind.

    In this theory the stars move in helical orbits, which is their natural motion.
    Screw orbits are spatial, and such orbits create from all the stars of the universe, a single natural motion system, moving forever in a certain direction, in infinite space.

    Every universe and its two fundamental concepts
    The two fundamental concepts in the Newtonian universe are force and matter
    The two fundamental concepts in the Einsteinian universe are energy and matter
    The two fundamental concepts in the neural universe are energy and passive time.

    A. Asbar

  34. soup
    The observed area is a sphere in the center of which we are. Isn't it strange to think that the point we are in is special? It makes much more sense, in my opinion, to assume that we are at a random point in a much larger universe.

  35. I already prefer the 'solution' there is God, over this mumbo jumbo of dark energy and dark matter.
    And I'm an atheist.

  36. Lior
    Think of a two-dimensional world. A flat world is like a bump. In particular - the sum of the angles in each triangle is 180 degrees.
    A non-flat two-dimensional world is like the Earth. If you draw a large triangle on the ground - you will see that the sum of its angles is over 180 degrees.

    We know that near mass space is curved - light does not move in a straight line and the rate of time changes (in principle we should talk about space-time and not space, but that doesn't matter here).

    The conclusion of the study is that at vast distances the universe is indeed flat. It's like a huge bulge where it has slight curves, but from a distance it looks flat.

  37. The whole matter with the observed area is a hypothesis. The universe is much bigger and all our bases on the physical theories are about the area we can observe, it may not represent the correct laws in the universe at all.

  38. Does anyone know how to explain what flat space means, what does flat space look like? "But the conclusion from our research is that space is indeed flat."

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