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These are not planets in the habitable zone - just solar flares in the central star that misled the astronomers


Zehava and the three bears: in orange - planets that are too hot, in green - too cold, in the middle of the planets that seem to have exactly the right temperature, but it was later discovered that they do not exist Photo: NASA/Penn State University
Zehava and the three bears: in orange - planets in which it is too hot, in green - too cold, in the middle of the apparently planets in which the temperature measurements are exactly right, but it was later discovered that they do not exist Photo: NASA/Penn State University

In 2010, scientists reported that they had discovered two planets in the habitable zone surrounding the star Gleis 581. There were already several known planets in this system before, but these two did not exist and were not created, and the apparent discoveries were made due to solar flares of the star, which caused a change in the intensity of its light that was Expected if there were planets there.

Four years ago, American scientists announced that two planets had been discovered orbiting the star Gleis 581 in the region where the amount of radiation of the star allows for liquid water. However, it turned out that the signals the researchers picked up did not result from the discovery of planets in the orbits they had calculated, but from events within the star itself. The revised study was published on July 3 in the journal Science.
The news about the discoveries of these planets, the first so far in the habitable zone of any planet, caused many echoes, and among other things, it was also published on the science site.

The misleading signals came from the star Gleis 581 which is a white dwarf located about 20 light years from Earth. According to Paul Robertson, the paper's author, the findings are exciting because they explain for the first time all the previous and confusing observations of Glace 581. Robertson is a member of the Center for Extrasolar Planets and Habitable Worlds at the University of Pennsylvania.
As a result of the research, the number of planets orbiting this star was reduced to three. None of these planets, whose existence has been confirmed again in the present study, is in the system's habitable zone.

Astronomers search for planets outside the solar system by means of changes in the star's spectrum - the different light frequencies of the radiation emitted from it. These shifts, known as Doppler shifts, can result from slight changes in the star's speed caused by the gravitational influence of planets surrounding it, but Doppler shifts in the absorption lines can also be caused by magnetic events such as sunspots originating from the star itself, says Subrat Mahdevan, assistant professor in the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of Pennsylvania.


For information on the Pennsylvania State University website

9 תגובות

  1. Yossi Simon,
    Regardless of the topic, just to set the facts straight,
    Birds do kill: every bird of prey kills its prey to eat.
    In addition, the cuckoo bird is a robber and serial killer since birth:
    She lays her eggs in the nests of other birds, and they in turn think that the eggs
    belong to them.
    After the cuckoo chick hatches from the egg (before the other chicks), it pushes all the other eggs
    From the nest to the ground...

  2. "However, it turned out that the signals the researchers picked up did not result from the discovery of planets in the orbits they had calculated, but from events within the star itself. The study ……”
    It is not clear from the article why the scientists changed their minds? Is it following a more in-depth analysis of the signals received in 2010, or following new data obtained through additional observations.
    And by the way birds do believe. Proof they don't kill with a knife/gun/fist they don't steal, commit adultery and whitewash their sister's face in public.

  3. A. Ben Ner
    Birds don't believe in a box of corn either. Does that make them smart?
    "A bird that claims to believe in God" - my life, people sometimes say stupid things..

  4. Ashurbanipal
    Be sure because birds are so stupid.
    For example:
    A. Do you know of any bird that claims to believe in God?
    Do you know of any bird that opposes the theory of evolution?
    third. Birds have a very complex language that allows them to lead a community life
    complex and orderly.
    Do you know any human being who knows and can express himself in any dialect
    From the tongues of the birds?

    If the answer to all three questions above
    So there is really no need to insult birds and call them derogatory and insulting names....yes?
    And if you add and do so... you may be considered a fool

  5. How wrong you are. If you put your brain in a bird's head there would still be plenty of room. I assume your IQ is 30 -.

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