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Circumcision: the unnecessary operation that will not stop

The geneticist Dr. Eran Elhayek claims a statistical link between milk and death in the cradle of male babies, which is more than the same phenomenon in girls

Milat Yitzchak by Avraham, Sefer Torah from Regensburg, year 1300 or so
Milat Yitzchak by Avraham, Sefer Torah from Regensburg, year 1300 or so

Circumcision is a fascinating topic that is thousands of years old and contains all the elements of a successful romance: money, sex, religion, power and a promise to youth - topics that never become trite, although in the era of the Corona virus they seem a little more distant. And here, although the virus managed to sow terror and put 93% of the world's population into isolation, one thing it failed to defeat - the oldest surgery in the world - circumcision. And even in these days when there is a shortage of doctors and inaccessible hospitals, the Jewish mind continues to look for ways to perform circumcision, corona or no corona, to the delight of the media. And maybe that's why it's a good time to mention what exactly it is about. Let's start with a short history about the surgery itself.

The word is not a Jewish or Israeli invention. It exists in different forms on all continents, except America, as part of a coming-of-age ceremony in which the boy becomes a warrior or as protection against demons and devils, but the ceremony differs from place to place in its characteristics. In Papua New Guinea, for example, it is often enough to scratch the penis. The anthropological efforts to anchor all these customs in some Jewish tradition were declared a failure in the middle of the 20th century and finally it was agreed that they developed independently and changed over the years according to the custom and place. The Jewish word has also changed over the years. Since it is an embroidery that leaves no evidence, it is difficult to determine how much was cut, where they were cut, or even how they were cut, but it is known that the custom was not widespread in the public at least until the end of the Persian period, when the biblical stories that promoted it were written, and it is also known that the cutting was not massive and did not include the entire foreskin, For during the Hellenistic period the athletic Jews could pull the foreskin over their genitals and tie it with a string as if they were not circumcised. From the moment when the Pharisees (the rabbis of those days) realized that a person could wear and undress his Judaism easily, the word became a struggle between them and the "Greeks" or between the conservatives and the liberals that continues to this day.

In an effort to differentiate the ranks, the Pharisees determined that what was perhaps a small scratch on the organ would now be a complete and irreversible removal of the foreskin. To satisfy their desires as well as their belief in eternal life (because the soul resides in the blood) the sucking of the blood and the genital organ was also added. From that moment, and not surprisingly, Judaism became despised, persecuted and ostracized out of disgust among all the peoples to whom the Hellenic culture reached or who possessed common sense. Paul was among the first to realize that men care much more about their genitals than about the kingdom of heaven. Once he came out against circumcision, his efforts to convert to Christianity began to bear fruit. The Queen of Heaven suddenly sounded more reasonable as she stepped out of her underwear. Muhammad showed wisdom when he adopted a compromising approach, he adopted the word to attract the Jews to Islam but left it to be postponed to older ages, in which the child is more robust, when it was held in practice for a long time among the Muslims. As the opposition to the word increased, so did the Jewish entrenchment in it and alongside it - apologetics, a branch of literature whose main focus is apologizing for the word and detailing its "advantages"). In fact, no Jewish issue provoked as much opposition as the word among the celibates until it became their hallmark. It is easy to accuse the others of hating Jews, but at the same time it should be mentioned that they accepted the Sabbath as a day of rest as well as many other Jewish concepts. If so, what is so terrible about the word? After all, it's just a small operation, isn't it?

The connection between a word and death in the cradle

Sudden infant death syndrome is defined as the death of a baby less than a year old that remains unexplained even after a pathological autopsy and is also the biggest nightmare of every parent. And yet we are not completely helpless in the face of the phenomenon. We have four signs at our disposal that can give us a hint about the causes of death and these are: boys die more than girls, Hispanics less than whites (even though their socioeconomic status is low), most deaths occur between 2-4 months into the baby's life and most of them fall in the winter season. Since the word is surgery for anything that is mostly performed by those who are not qualified for it, blood loss, infections and various complications are very common. All of these, along with the terrible pain of tearing the nerve tissue, increase the risk of death, especially in babies at a high risk level. that the explanation is consistent with the main characteristics of death in the cradle, namely the bias towards whites, the low prevalence in Hispanics (descendants of Spain and native Americans who are not circumcised) as well as the period of the first months of life in which the immunological protection provided by the mother to the baby begins to disappear and the baby must direct resources to fight various infections that multiply during the winter until it is still able to regulate his systems.

Sudden infant death syndrome is defined as the death of a baby less than a year old that remains unexplained even after a pathological autopsy and is also the biggest nightmare of every parent. And yet we are not completely helpless in the face of the phenomenon. We have four signs that can give us a clue about the causes of death and these are: boys die more than girls, Hispanics less than whites (even though their socioeconomic status is low), most deaths occur between 2-4 months into the baby's life and most of them fall during the winter season. Since the word is surgery for anything that is mostly performed by those who are not qualified for it, blood loss, infections and various complications are very common. All of these, along with the terrible pain of tearing the nerve tissue, increase the risk of death, especially in babies at a high risk level. In an article published in the journal  Frontiers in Neurology   I assumed the word was a risk factor for crib death. It is also easy to see that the explanation corresponds to the main characteristics of death in the cradle, namely the bias towards whites, the low incidence in Hispanics (descendants of Spain and non-circumcised Americans) as well as the period of the first months of life when the immunological protection given by the mother to the baby begins to disappear and the baby has to direct resources to fight various infections that multiply during the winter Until he is no longer able to regulate his systems.

In a second article published in the journal Journal of Clinical and Translational Research I showed that the word does explain to a large extent the high variation in mortality in different countries and communities as well as the ratio of deaths between boys and girls. These are the first scientific articles that linked a word to crib death. They were published 15 years after Amiti Moshe bled to death on the sap table and the court in England ruled that there was no scientific proof that circumcision caused death, 7 years after three babies died in New York as a result of the herpes virus after sucking on the sap carrying the virus and again it was claimed that the direct cause of death had not been proven, and a year before that Alex Hardy committed suicide after his kidney was damaged.

Those who should not have been surprised by the results of the study are Jews, since death has never involved circumcision explicitly or implicitly. The Talmud granted an exemption from the word of the third child to mothers whose first two children died. The immediate suspects should have been the rabbis, but they pointed the finger at the demons and spirits and charged a fee to drive them out, thus, of course, making a double profit. A moldy Babylonian field named Lilith was accused of murder and at the same time elevated to the rank of deity. Already in the 13th century she was paired with Samal, the king of demons, and later with Yahva, under the exiled Shekinah. Amulets, spell plates and parchment writings with curses and warnings were the main weapons in the war with the murderous, hidden and immortal field, but to no avail. In the Middle Ages, Palestinian Jews noticed that their neighbors did not cut their sons' hair and even dressed them in children's clothes. Although the Palestinians did not know who Lilit was, they knew Korina, Lilit's Muslim counterpart, very well. They explained that they were looking for the boy for the girl in order to fix Corinna (that is, again there is a bias in the ratio of deaths between boys and girls). The astonished Jews were quick to adopt the Halaka ("haircut" in Arabic) even before the hummus and the vegetable salad.

The custom of banning the cutting of children's hair until the age of three spread quickly in the Diaspora. But the conversion was so quick and hasty that his Arab name remained. In order to hide the roots of the Arab custom, a "tradition" was invented that supposedly the prohibition of cutting the sha'ar parallels the prohibition of eating unripe fruit. Ovadia Yosef objected to the "Amorite" custom but was ignored because the Halaka worked (or was it modern medicine?). Even today, many secular parents do not cut their children's hair. If you ask them why they didn't know or would be ashamed to say that they believe in the evil eye.

The word at the center of the debate between the reformers and the orthodox

During the 18th century, the rise of the Jewish Enlightenment movement led many educated people to question the Talmud and the necessity of surgery, and false accusations in the deaths multiplied. The German Jewish public turned to the authorities and asked them to ban the operation. The rabbis announced in response that the non-religious are welcome to study from home (and without internet). Despite the threat, many of the educated of that time, such as Herzl, refrained from scolding their children. This heated argument was at the core of the even larger debate between the Reformers and the Orthodox, until they split from the latter, though the Reformers eventually succumbed to the pressure and continued to uphold the Word while focusing on other struggles. Unfortunately and ironically, today the reformers pride themselves on the training of females. But the deaths as a result of the word never stopped and in the medical statistics they were united together with the other unexplained deaths, i.e. death in the cradle. Most crib deaths were caused by suffocation due to objects resting in the crib or the sheet, therefore a campaign calling for babies to be placed on their backs instead of their stomachs slightly reduced the number of unexplained deaths in all but one country.
Unlike any other country, the directive to lay babies on their backs instead of on their stomachs did not reduce the number of crib deaths in Israel. In other words, in Israel there is a very strong local risk factor that does not exist in other places and that continues to affect the baby whether he is lying on his stomach or his back.

To understand how surgery became common among the Anglo-sexist Christian society (Christianity, as I remember, spread mainly due to the denial of the word) we must go back to the 18th century when Victorian society waged a war of attrition against its oldest and most dangerous enemy of all time - masturbation. A common myth is that (Orthodox) Jews do not masturbate. The Victorians decided that the drop in libido was due to the word and it spread among the aristocracy. At the same time, an American doctor named Lewis Sayer encountered a case of unexplained paralysis in a 5-year-old boy. The housekeeper provided him with the first clinical clue "Don't touch his name." Sayer discovered that the boy suffers from phimosis, a rare symptom in which the foreskin does not retract. When Cyr cut the foreskin the child prodigy started walking and Cyr became the modern Jesus. Or rather, to the Anti-Christ, because Jesus opposed the word while Sayer and his fellow Victorians forbade war on it, this time from the medical side. In the last one hundred and fifty years, thousands of "scientific" articles were published in the most respected journals that blamed the male foreskin and its female counterpart as the causes of night colds, syphilis, and irritability and basically everything that the medical imagination could conjure up. On the other hand, removing the foreskin was considered a cure for epilepsy, paralysis, abdominal pain, eye problems, strabismus, deafness and stupidity. At that time, blacks in America were forcibly circumcised, not because there was an interest in their health of course, but to prevent the men from raping white women and the black women from giving birth to children. The word women was accepted in the USA until it was outlawed in the late 80s thanks to the women's struggle, but those in their selfishness left their children behind. The American doctors played the game wisely and chose to sacrifice the queen. They chose not to confront either the women or their clitoris, which was foreign to the Christian tradition at the very least and at the same time they called for a worldwide sweeping term for males and they had a winning argument - AIDS.

To understand how the word became the spearhead in the fight against AIDS, you have to remember the period when the AIDS scare was at its peak and conspiracy theories chased each other. The authorities were accused that the virus was spread to wipe out minority populations and that they were not doing enough to eradicate the plague (sounds familiar, right?). The vaccine panic began, but to date the billions invested in research have been absorbed into the veins of the academic and industrial system and have not produced a cheap and readily available AIDS vaccine. Against this background it is easy to understand how researchers chose to distort results. To understand how researchers cheat, suppose we follow 200 healthy men, half of whom are circumcised, for a year. At the end of the year we will check how many of them contracted AIDS. Suppose we found that two uncircumcised men had AIDS compared to one circumcised man. Is this proof that a word protects against AIDS? Of course not, this is a small and statistically insignificant difference in a very small sample and without us having the ability to know how many sexual relations each man has and with whom. A decent researcher should have explained the results this way, but there is another way to report the same results. It can also be said that the infection in the circumcised group was 100% lower than in the control group, or in other words - the word protects against AIDS. That sounds a lot better than the previous result, doesn't it? And this is exactly what happened, only with slightly different numbers (1.18 percent versus 2.49 percent provided a supposed "protection" of 60% from AIDS). This is how the myth was born that the word protects against AIDS and governments and foundations began to direct resources to word surgeries in Africa to show that they are "doing something." The question arises why not provide condoms which are a much cheaper and more effective solution (almost 100% compared to 60% of the word)? Well, Africans also like to think that their ancient custom provides protection against a modern virus. The foreskin is used to prepare "traditional" medicines and a used condom, with all due respect, cannot be put in a salad. It should be noted that in recent years, African governments are beginning to realize that (once again) they have been misled and are diverting the funds to other channels, although the rampant waste of millions of dollars in the name of bad science continues.

For and against circumcision

It is well known that people cannot be fooled all the time. After World War II with the rise of public medicine there was an urgent economic need to separate the chaff from the chaff. The English did not believe their own research and the connection between Mila and child mortality (death in the cradle was not yet defined at the time) that Dr. Gairdner discovered encouraged the English to stop financing the surgery from the public purse. The other Anglo-Saxon countries followed suit. For the Europeans and East Asians who always rejected the surgery, there was no question at all. The only country that continued to promote the surgery was the one with the most developed private medical system, but for the opposite economic reasons. A quick calculation shows that the word brings in between 8-10 billion dollars a year for those involved in it and their immediate environment, like the value of Teva (think that in the US a company the size of Teva is created every year out of thin air, without any investment). What is the interest of doctors with a "conscience" to operate the blood grinder? Well, young doctors in the US start their professional lives with several hundred thousand dollars in debt and need to generate income quickly. Unnecessary surgeries are the way to do it. A bond of silence surrounding the consequences of the surgery connects the clergy, science and medicine. Everyone needs to eat and everyone needs industrial peace. Budgets are not allocated to researching the consequences of the word, data is not collected and studies are almost never done. The little data that was collected in the past is no longer collected, which forces the researchers to work with old data. The "supporters" camp is always stronger and louder than the opponents camp and they almost never point out that they have a conflict of interest. But that was not all, like the generous tree, the word also proved that it continues to give and give and why?

A set of instruments used for circumcision. From Wikipedia
A set of instruments used for circumcision. From Wikipedia

Over the years it became clear that the medical hospitalization costs are small money compared to the real profit that is in her foreskin and until now this golden duck has kept the real diamonds in her stomach. An Israeli discovery showed that the foreskin contains stem cells, which made this piece of skin extremely valuable, which of course requires secrecy. The process is like this. The mother arrives at the hospital in labor and receives drugs that blur her. Next, the mother who is suffering from cramps, hazy from medication and exhausted from lack of sleep is asked to sign a form in which she approves the standard process of circumcision. In very small letters it says that the hospital keeps the tissues for itself. After the birth, the doctor takes the child to a closed room so that no one can hear the screams. The boy is stripped, tied tightly so that he will not move and the doctor cuts his foreskin. The baby is bandaged and when it stops screaming it is returned to the mother. The more important part, the foreskin is taken to a laboratory where the foreskin cells are allowed to continue dividing and sold to the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. Oprah Winfrey, one of the richest women in the world who promotes the rights of blacks (who, as you remember, suffered from forced labor) also promotes a face cream that contains baby organs and she is not the only celebrity who profits from organ trafficking.

One can understand why the medical literature on the subject of the word suffers from a split personality. The Americans and their colleagues produce articles thanks to the surgery (and the money, oh the money) while their European and Canadian counterparts produce the opposite literature both for ethical reasons and for medical reasons since to date not a single syndrome has been found that the word cures except urinary tract infection to which a tiny percentage of the children will be exposed. The uncircumcised are a little more exposed to infection than the circumcised, but the justification that because of this it is necessary to confront children in order to exempt them from the infection is the same as the argument that the breasts of girls should be removed to save them from breast cancer. On the other hand, researchers have shown that the damages of the word are many and multiple and include an increase in the risk of autism, damage to the genital organ and its deformation, rupture of blood vessels, infections and many other risks, some of which have far-reaching effects on mental and sexual health. Don't bother asking the doctors, most of them won't answer you, studies have shown that the doctors who oppose the word do not tend to share their opinion with the patients compared to doctors who hold the opposite positions. Try Dr. Google. Israel boasts the same prevalence of autism as the US, but the US has the highest rate of autism. Here too (as in cot death and ADHD) the high ratio between boys and girls stands out.

In conclusion, there is no debate that circumcision has countless benefits. It gives political peace, power, money and youth to everyone - except the victims. So the next time before you pay someone to stick a knife in your baby's genitals and perform a suspicious-pedophilic, suspicious-vampire act on him, try to open your Jewish heart and have mercy on the baby. He screams because it hurts.

Let's end on an optimistic note, this week the British Union of Reform and Liberal Leaders whose members are familiar with my research announced that it has suspended all speeches due to "mind control".

* Eran will laugh He is a senior lecturer in medical genetics, population genetics and evolutionary genetics at Lund University, Sweden.

Link to the articles mentioned in the article:

More of the topic in Hayadan:

143 תגובות

  1. אתר הידען? האם כך כותבים מאמר מדעי? אפילו מדע פופולארי?השנאה היא רוטב שהשתלט על כל המנה. כתבה מלאה בשנאה, הטיות, השערות שמוצגות כעובדות…בושה ופדיחה לאתר שאמור להחשב רציני.

  2. The combination between offensive phrasing and a convoluted structure of sentences and paragraphs like transcribed speech and disorder in presenting arguments and tying them to a structure that is easy to understand leads me to conclude that this essay is not reliable.
    I would not want an engineer, doctor, teacher or psychologist trying to convince and convey a message in such a way.

  3. An article infected (even in the title) by religious opponents who do not find the purpose of their existence in the world

  4. An article full of lies and cheap demagoguery... slang and poor attempts at mind engineering that would have brought a blush of shame even to the cheeks of the Communist Pravda journalists.
    Regarding surgery on a child without his permission and choice, parents do many things, some of them permanent, to their children. this is life. And from the fact that 99.9% of those who have been circumcised circumcise their children, I can certainly infer retroactive consent.

  5. Listen, my friend, you are a creature like no other. How do you let such nonsense get a platform even on a marginal site like this.

  6. When you really want to investigate something... then you investigate the source. Enter the Torah and speak in a simple way with a hint in a sermon and a secret. at all levels. It is very difficult. Not everyone can understand and help from scholars can enlighten. The whole explanation appears in the Torah. You don't have to go far. And the educated will discover the truth about the covenant and the shedding of blood in profound ways that an ordinary person does not understand and it is not on one foot. I made a covenant with my son with mixed feelings. I thought it was a barbaric act until I learned and got educated and was amazed. Try to learn before you write provocative trending superficial articles to provoke. Aren't you tired? Is the war not enough here? Didn't the Holocaust here cause the bells of the soul to wake up to really investigate? How many more lies can be spread in the name of education. Go get educated. Investigate true Torah and discover it.

  7. Well done Eran. I liked the article.
    It's just idol workers, that's why the venomous reactions.
    Full of stupid believers, but I never understood why a complete secular makes a covenant with his son

  8. Whites die more than Hispanics…wow…what proof. Is this a scientific article? There is an article here dripping with anti-Semitism without any scientific proof. It is known that there is one nation where everyone is circumcised at the age of 8 days. For some reason the writer did not check whether crib death is more common there. Spoiler - he is not.
    According to the logic of the "researcher" Israel is supposed to be the leading country in the world (!) in cot deaths, but it is not even close. Most cot deaths are caused by suffocation or sleeping with the parents in bed. Infection as a result of an injury has completely different signs.

  9. Paul aka one of the conditions sent by the Sanhedrin to distinguish the Gentile Jews (Christians) from the Pharisee Jews
    And with the advice and support of the Sanhedrin, Paul allowed them not to eat game, etc.
    Thanks to him, the nation of Israel exists to this day
    In my opinion, the writer is a Jew who converted to Christianity or is about to convert to Christianity

  10. lie lie you will be chased. A miserable attempt to harm our covenant with God because that is where our strength lies and it is known that the covenant is the symbol that obligates the covenant between us and as long as the covenant exists between us the nation of Israel lives forever. They are trying to kill us in every way. won't help you. We are here and our God is with us. Many Christians today make a kind of covenant because they discovered how healthy it is.

  11. You saved me an entry every time I see if the title "Knowledge" I know not to enter. Just a lame joke

  12. A pseudo-scientific "article" from a pseudo-intellectual. I missed the weak correlation between death in the cradle and circumcision and lost you for good in "Palestinian Jews in the Middle Ages", more than the fact that these four words contain a tremendous amount of ignorance, they indicate precisely the extreme political inclination of the writer.
    In short, it is a political pamphlet masquerading unsuccessfully as a scientific article.

  13. An article full of vain and empty words, exactly the opposite! He who makes an alliance is stronger and healthier
    The covenant is the connection of the Jewish son to his creator
    The foreskin is a piece of flesh that represents the opposite, so we were ordered to remove it

    What I did agree with the writer is that indeed this important and expensive custom "will never stop"
    Many peoples and nations, Russians, Romans, Greeks, have ruled on the word.. not only have they failed to do the opposite

    Neither words nor actions will help. A true Jew will keep the mitzvot of the word even if it costs him his life and the life of his family.

  14. As a pregnant and secular woman, I had a few doubts about it. For some reason it is such venomous articles that make me return to the shell of tradition. I agree with all those who explained that health phenomena related to the genital organ (bedwetting, leakage of urine, masturbation, micro-penis, premature ejaculation, etc.) cause people to blame the word and their parents who performed it on them

  15. In the crazy messianic dictatorship here, firmly anchored in a delusional and dark sect, this nightmare will never end.
    I think in sane countries, a law must be passed that any idolater who abuses a helpless week-old toddler, will also be cut and he will go to prison for the rest of his life under hard labor.
    The shocking phenomenon of delusional and hollow people who abuse their children on a regular basis, for the sake of worshiping idols, must disappear from the world!!!! At all costs!!!
    Toddlers are not to blame for their parents' stupidity, they are born into stupidity and only suffer from it.

  16. Contrasting terminology itself testifies to the unreliability and hatred of Judaism of the Kotus

  17. Some nonsense in one article.
    Too bad I deprived this site of seriousness.

  18. I found a very strong probabilistic connection between Jewish circumcision and receiving a Nobel Prize.


  19. Ishmael said to Isaac our father
    My "alliance" is better than yours!!!
    (From Abraham to this day it is the same covenant word
    and not as you wrote)
    You were 8 days old, they didn't ask you and you didn't know anything
    I was 13 years old, I knew it was hard and I did...
    Isaac answered him...
    Right.. you knew it was good to be connected to God and you agreed therefore your connection is limited to your mind. The more you understand, the better your relationship with God will be.
    rises and falls before the size of your understanding.
    I'm Isaac, I was 8 days old
    I knew nothing and they made me a covenant with God
    My relationship with God is beyond my limited knowledge
    It is an unlimited connection that does not depend on anything
    as in love…
    No interest in whether it's good or not
    As the name suggests, it is an alliance between two lovers
    No matter what happens, always remain loved!!!
    It is true that there is a way to discover this connection in the world
    As in a relationship, it is not enough to love without doing acts of love...
    to give gifts and the like
    And that's why we continue to do for our children
    Circumcision which shows that the relationship has penetrated our continuity
    Like the one who wrote this study!!!!!!!!!!!!
    He was also circumcised!

  20. As usual, like the rest of the "scientists" and unbelieving Jews
    who try to compare our holy Torah from heaven with the testimony of an entire people
    to the customs of star-working peoples
    An outrageous comparison, but as usual the judge of the whole country will stand up and judge

  21. Israeli = one who is the seed of Israel our father regardless of place of birth, residence and type of citizenship Responded:

    To understand the writer's motives, you need to check the root.
    What nation is he from?

  22. I haven't read your research linking circumcision to crib death, but from your description it sounds like a laughing stock.
    Three pieces of scientific evidence have become a scientific statement based on circumstantial evidence. It's roughly like the claim: Jews get cancer - Judaism causes cancer.
    1. Do only these three variables (boys, non-Hispanics and ages 4-2) cause SIDS?
    2. Are there more deaths in the cradle among Jews (or Jewish people)? Are there less among people without words?
    3. Circumcision is surgery - and how does it relate to winter?
    4. How would you explain that death in the cradle is related to other, much more significant characteristics, birth at an early age, parents who smoke, sleeping on the stomach?

    Regardless of whether I am for or against circumcision, these are simply unscientific claims.

  23. Your distorted terminology really indicates scientific objectivity.
    I'm an autonist like you.
    Shame on the site for giving you a platform for this filth

  24. Circumcision is based on the simple point: faith in God.
    Apparently you chose to believe that there is no God (peace be upon him)...I chose to believe that there is a God...
    Many things in the article were strange to me, but what made me laugh was the reform organization that announced it was suspending covenants for fear of soul control... I did not understand the principle of soul control written in the Torah, he accepts and he does not accept circumcision??? It's better if they say that they too chose to believe that there is no God and at least they won't be hypocrites.. because there needs to be an earthly path..

  25. This is not the funny 'geneticist', who 'discovered' the existence of a 'Khuzari gene' in Ashkenazi Jews, without there being even a single Khazari in the entire world, or a trace of one. Since then he has been given my full permission to make any discovery that comes to his mind. What a shame that he limits himself to discoveries in the field of Judaism, and does not expand the scope of his research to the eyes of humanity
    the whole Why shouldn't there be more global laughter in our village?

  26. I will never forgive this country, the Jews from whom I completely cut myself off, who brutally cut off a part of my body and the "Brit" photographs will testify well to the magnitude of the horror and the screams of terror that I screamed as an 8-day-old baby victim after the criminal and barbaric act.
    If you had a last shred of dignity you would give reparations to all circumcised men for the injustice done to them.
    I will pray that God (the real one, not the imaginary and promiscuous one you made up) will come to terms with the many wicked people behind this.

  27. I didn't make an alliance with my boys, but this article is just full of hate and senseless.
    There is no connection between the article and science.
    An article that shames the site.

    It's a shame, as there were great articles here.

  28. Unfortunately, this is not only a very non-serious article, but an article that is really tainted with anti-Semitism.
    Embarrassing that you bring such an unprofessional person.

  29. The reactions of the supporters of the custom are poor.
    The funniest was someone named Chen Asher who stated that the first man was created without a foreskin.
    And Allah? Which rabbi told you that?
    And if so, how did the foreskin develop?
    Primitiveness is an incurable disease.

  30. 😂😂😂 Man, it's amazing that you believe in yourself. And they publish it on a website called "Hidan".
    As a religious scientist, I recommend that you deal with science and not with things that you do not understand as such.

  31. On the 8th day of the newborn's life, the nervous system is in a state of insensitivity (I don't know why?) or minor sensitivity and this is the day of the word. Now think in simple logic that you, the males, pee, you as Jews do not have a foreskin that closes the penis hole and therefore all the urine drains or is absorbed in the underwear, whereas people who do not do anything to the foreskin, the urine stays for hours in the exit area and it seems to me that anyone can understand what happens in the exit/incontinence area.

  32. Despite my moral objection to the word, this article is scandalous and outrageous. Although in my opinion there is no logical reason for medical intervention in a healthy organ and endangering the baby/adult with complications. Certainly there is no sense in sucking the organ, a perverse and dangerous practice for health. However, the way he writes is tainted with an emotional agenda and fails to hide his disrespectful attitudes towards millions of people and Judaism in particular, certainly not to back them up with reliable and organized information. I will add and say, in my opinion such an aggressive procedure is, in a word, physical and mental trauma. But all my ideas are not based on research and therefore do not deserve to be published on a scientific website, even more so, the "scientist" who is committed to his title and field of activity. Hopefully the site will pick itself up and fix the distortion.

  33. The first man was created without a foreskin, this is the perfection of man, after the sin of the tree of knowledge, God added a foreskin to man, and therefore he blessed the males, to reach perfection and closeness (thanks to the covenant) to God, blessed be He.
    A person lives on average 70-90 years.
    God is king, God is king, God will reign forever and ever.

  34. Without the word covenant we would not be the pure race that we are today.
    And non-Egyptian circumcision, the fact that they did it *also* in Egypt does not make it theirs.. They did it in all the countries that are in the Sahara Desert region, including the Jordan region

  35. As someone who has nothing in favor of circumcision, I feel hurt by the awkward way in which the issue has been presented here. It seems as if the goal was the opposite - to encourage national and religious feelings, and for this purpose a person was chosen who has no doubt that he suffers from unrestrained hatred for something (it is not at all clear why) and therefore he lashes out, insults, kicks, and drools in the most distant way from a substantive discussion - all to sneer and denounce People who also believe that circumcision is unnecessary and can be ignored.

  36. Hayadan
    Admit that you needed traffic...
    Brain confusion in a scientific itzlata.
    And the truth... in Iztala is not so successful.
    Looks like your hoarding of anti-vaccination nonsense, etc.
    In short, not up to par.

  37. A very low level article that puts this nice site to shame. Full of ignorant gibberish and certainly not a scientific article. Dr. Anti-Semitism tries in most of his stupidity to endear himself to his gentile friends. As he noted above, even the enlightened Jews in Germany in the XNUMXs tried to endear themselves to their moral neighbors.
    Irony and stupidity go hand in hand.

  38. The text is presented as research, but actually includes a jumble of nonsense that makes it difficult to read it continuously.
    The biblical analysis is incorrect - the word is a very ancient ritual that was accepted in Egypt and the texts dealing with it are also ancient. Those who claim that these texts were written in the Persian period are just a bunch of delusional Germans from the 30s. Our knowledge in the field of the Bible has developed a lot since then and it is already clear to us that these texts could not have been written hundreds of years after the language changed, the syntax changed and the customs also changed.
    Also the "historical" analysis that accompanies the introduction afterwards is anything from false to misguided to completely stupid. It seems that as a "scientist" the writer forces the earlier according to the later. But this is also the case with his "research" conclusions which see a circumstantial connection as a binding connection - something that is the opposite of the research method.

    Admit and confess, at this point I also stopped reading this pile of nonsense, because those who try to flaunt scientific feathers but operate in a method that is not even pseudo-scientific are not worth the time of reading. It is evident that this is a person who first of all hates circumcision and then runs to find reasons why to deny it altogether. In this there is actually no difference between him and any other believing person. Science is not and the very publication of such an opinion column, so far from science, on a site that claims to be scientific, seriously damages the prestige of the site. I feel sorry for you.

  39. I did not tell my sons the simple fact that I do not believe in God and therefore the religious commandment is not a mitzva or a command for me. I don't believe and observe mitzvot like many of you, so why keep this cut? The idea that in the name of God I should cut into my son's flesh sounds absurd to me and also paramitavian. There are many who abandon their children due to social pressure from family and friends even though they themselves do not believe or are religious, there are those who give in to intimidation, ..he will be different, will not find a match, will be ostracized etc.. From experience none of this happens, fortunately society has matured. No matter how we turn the matter around, this is an unnecessary surgical procedure that would better pass from the world.

  40. I did not tell my sons the simple fact that I do not believe in God and therefore the religious commandment is not a mitzva or a command for me. I don't believe and observe mitzvot like many of you, so why keep this cut? The idea that in the name of God I should cut into my son's flesh sounds absurd to me and also paramitavian. There are many who abandon their children due to social pressure from family and friends even though they themselves do not believe or are religious, there are those who give in to intimidation, ..he will be different, will not find a match, will be ostracized etc.. From experience none of this happens, fortunately society has matured. No matter how we turn the matter around, this is an unnecessary surgical procedure that would better pass from the world.

  41. At first I read and somehow I may have been convinced and then I got to the middle with the political statement of Palestinian Jews in the Middle Ages (What?! WTF? There were no Palestinians in the Middle Ages! This is a people that "formed" only in the last century, but leave politics) and then I started to see all kinds of cracks more First, and later the hallucinations started about reasons for anti-Semitism and in the end it came to autism without any connection, like that boom! Autism is genetic! (and maybe it is related to problems during birth/development of the fetus) It has nothing to do with vaccines, nor with circumcision, nor with anything external that happens afterwards. It's genetic! Then I realized that I just wasted my precious time (instead of continuing to study haha) on a conspirator, a story maker who calls himself a doctor of genetics! (I really doubt it, how did it happen?).

    In any case, maybe your intentions were "good" but the way, the way was lost in lies and practicality.
    I will consider confronting my son when the time comes, at the moment I don't know and I don't have children either, God willing.
    DA I'm an atheist if it helps to understand the picture.

  42. I am a secular Jew, I am in favor of circumcision performed by a doctor in a hospital with local anesthesia.

  43. What is this stupidity "the word is not a Jewish invention"? This is mentioned in the Bible more than five thousand years ago!
    "As part of a coming-of-age ceremony in which the boy becomes a warrior or as protection against demons and devils" The purpose of the word is very simple: entry into the Jewish people.
    Besides, it's funny to me that the comments are longer than the article.

  44. After I carefully read Dr. Al-Hayek's wonderfully reasoned article, and after I was convinced that this is about putting forward theses that are reasoned and formulated in a sharp and brilliant way even if they have no evidence whatsoever, (such as the thesis according to which all anti-Semitism developed because of the custom of circumcision which caused every gentile to detest the the barbaric Jews and desire their destruction, a most exciting discovery that for some reason was not expressed in all the anti-Semitic writings for generations and not even by the Nazis until its secret was discovered by the wonderful researcher Mr. Elhaik) - I allow myself to contribute my part and state, unequivocally, although apparently only, that the opponents of the word , and in particular those who express their opposition in an extreme, rude and blatant manner, are mainly those who suffer from various medical (and mental) problems related to the urinary system and fertility - such as urinary leakage, bedwetting, impotence, premature or delayed ejaculation - and they tend to project their oppressive problems on Their parents who committed the "barbaric act of the word" on them.
    Therefore, I advised the author of the esteemed article to solve his problems, and again seemingly only, by contacting a urologist, in order to solve the problems he suffers from and without rudely smearing millions of respectable people who chose to speak to their children and accuse them in such a despicable manner.
    And again, as mentioned, everything is purely apparent, without offending, God forbid, and without taking any position, and within the framework of the style adopted here in which the writer allows himself to slander and vilify to his heart's content without providing any evidence.

  45. I expected information from the scientist! And not for propaganda...
    The hump is so far-fetched and long and of course very anti-Jewish that there is no point in responding. There are long and reasoned comments here and that's a good thing.
    What about geneticists and surgeries? What about religious matters? His knowledge is less than zero and the statements are distorted and filled with hatred.
    Regarding Islam, for example, they chose the time of the covenant according to Ishmael, who is considered their father. He was circumcised as a teenager! (While Abraham called himself an old man.) And so they set it to age 13, which corresponds to Bar Mitzvah for the Jews. In view of the pain and difficulties, they transferred it to a younger age like the Jews.

  46. What he forgot to write is that already in the book of Genesis, Abraham was commanded to circumcise Isaac at the age of eight days.. and whoever was not circumcised as a baby was circumcised as soon as he entered Judaism. And this is the mitzvah from then to this day for all the descendants of our father Avraham...

  47. I would appreciate references to the link between circumcision and autism, as the author implied but did not add articles or statistics.

  48. I expect a scholar (Dr.) on a scientific website to write a somewhat more factual article.
    In practice, there is an expression of opinion here, without proof, and without presenting the connection between the article and the author's field of research or study.
    It is known that the site does not support Judaism, and probably neither does the writer, and I was still expecting an article that would challenge my knowledge, and not a shallow opinion article.

  49. It's not for nothing that most of the comments here, written by circumcised people, are shaken emotional responses, with general accusations of anti-Semitism. This is a sensitive and personal issue, your masculinity, your organ, did it do good or bad? Sexuality in general is not a subject that is talked about with sufficient openness and certainly not in Israel, a relatively religious and conservative country, similar to the USA.

    I am not a doctor, but this topic has interested me since I was 17, and to this day, at the age of 33, I have continued to research it from all angles, to read everything related, although I did not write everything in an article or carry out an official study, but believe me, I tested a lot of theory, and also in the field, being a man Love men, tried all types. Yes, these are two different types of genitals, with and without.

    Although this article does not provide evidence, I have already read about most of his arguments in the past and I find them correct, they deserve a place on the science website.
    It requires quite a critical eye to re-examine this custom and look at it with scientific and rational eyes.
    The comparisons to vaccine opponents = science opponents are unfounded, it just "seems" similar to people. If anything, in my opinion the progressive disillusionment with the word is very similar to the disillusionment with the meat industry and the vegan struggle (I'm not vegan, but aspire to be).

    I'm not a doctor, but I'll briefly describe the word in practice - removal of about half (!) of the original penile skin, indeed in its strict post-Hellenistic version. It is a double tissue, it has an inner and an outer part, skin which-
    1. Contains the highest concentrations of special nerve endings that are sensitive to gentle touch.
    2. Protects the crown of the penis and in fact also the inner skin that constantly touches it against drying and radiation. The only times when the entire cover comes out into the world is for an encounter with another mucous tissue - that of the vagina, or the rectum, it's a matter of personal taste.
    3. There is also the element of movement - which is the main way a person masturbates, does not need lubricant and does not touch the glans with the hand at all, and is very easy on the penis, serves as a piston guide.
    Millions of years of evolution have always created mechanisms for protected genitals inside the body that are pulled out, and if the organ is more external, there will always be a layer of protection from which the more sensitive part is pulled out - for successful reproduction.
    It's really a different organ. To most of us he is foreign, strange and alien. But that's what nature created.

    Many more words and explanations can be said, but two things in my mind-
    1. 70-80% of the people in the world about their modern medical systems in Europe, Asia, Latin America, Australia, etc. etc. do not say a word at all. This is the normal and ordinary situation, in which a person is allowed to grow with all his organs that have evolved to perfection for millions of years and those men have 100% the potential for comfort and sexual pleasure and free choice on their bodies, which is in line with all human rights to the integrity of the body and life.
    2. In the end, what sums it up best of all, and also the hardest to hear, is - that cutting the genitals of human beings, male or female, in their vulnerable state and lacking the ability to choose - is the same thing.
    Just put babies in the same situation as a baby with everything going on there and around and the course of his life.
    The feeling of disgust and horror is guaranteed, just as any 'sane' person reacts to a custom from another culture where this is done to children. And from their side? Even there the environment will protect the custom, including the circumcising doctors, but the women did in part raise a fight against the custom (and so do men in the Western-religious world)

    And from our side? Blindness to see the worst of all because it is so self-evident and a part of us personally, culturally, the Jewish dynasty... a certainly respectable dynasty that disgraced its soul in history, including my grandmother in Auschwitz, but dragged with it a custom from the ancient world. In the 21st century and the spread of information, things must be reconsidered and examined closely, the problem is that all the seculars have also decided to symbolically drop on this custom all the confirmation of their Judaism and their obligations to the tribe, without looking, because it hurts and you have to conquer the instinct.

  50. Knows his family from Be'er Sheva. Doctor Damicolou grew up with an inferiority complex because his father is from Tunisia and his mother is from Persia. I sincerely hope that this pseudo-science will definitely be its last word.

  51. bullshit. The article suffers from a lack of historical correctness and severe inaccuracies. It would have been better if the author had done his homework properly before publishing nonsense of this scale.

  52. I would not say that the writer is anti-Semitic, but he certainly does not hide my negative opinion on the subject. In any case, towards the middle of the article I already lost interest...

  53. It is known that there is a risk of infection from herpes, therefore the Ministry of Health and the Committee for the Supervision of the Juices recommend a one-time kit that is given to the juice.

  54. Specifically in Israel there are relatively few cases of cot death compared to other countries (Reference 1)
    And when you look at ethnic groups with a high incidence of death in the cradle, African-Americans and Indians have the highest incidence, and as mentioned, they do not perform circumcision. (Reference 2)

    Reference 1:
    Reference 2:

  55. Specifically in Israel there are relatively few cases of cot death compared to other countries (Reference 1)
    And when you look at ethnic groups with a high incidence of death in the cradle, African-Americans and Indians have the highest incidence, and as mentioned, they do not perform circumcision. (Reference 2)

    Reference 1:
    Reference 2:

  56. In the comments
    The enclave assumes that opposition to the word = anti-Semitism
    Atheism means hatred of religion or religious people
    that there is a connection between resistance to the word and resistance to vaccines
    Of course, all the above assumptions are unfounded
    The objection to the word stands alone

  57. Avi,

    I do not agree with the comparison with the Hindus. I have no problem with a critical article about circumcision, and maybe it really is a procedure that is objectively not helpful and maybe even harmful.

    But the aforementioned writer is a man with a clear agenda, and he may have the right title (Dr.) but he is considered delusional and clearly unreliable in a fairly large number of fields in the scientific world. His historical knowledge has also been proven to be a heap of nonsense - and here I don't care at all if he is a doctor of genetics or not, the man distorts history as he pleases - both on the subject of Ashkenazi Jewish origin and on the subject of circumcision.
    I didn't just mention the Karaites and the Samaritans - both perform circumcision at the age of 8 days. The Karaites and Samaritans are even stricter and almost never reject circumcision - even if the child is sick.
    More than that - Samaritans often use the services of rabbinic Jewish mohels to perform circumcision - so the custom is actually the same.

    So the entire ridiculous historical narrative presented by Dr. Eran Elhaik, as usual by the way on other issues as well, holds no water.
    Consistently in almost every article that the scientist brings up from the fruit of Elhayek's creator, you are "warned" about his credibility and his low level in the historical field that he claims to enrich through genetics or medical knowledge - and falls flat.
    Your ignoring these comments and continuing to give this person a platform raises questions about the political agenda the site is trying to promote.
    I have no problem giving a platform on any subject - including magazine articles as you phrased it - but the platform that I will receive here is, in my opinion, excessive considering the fact that the person consistently presents delusional, extreme theories that are not accepted by most experts in the fields.

  58. Father, I marvel at you. After all, you have already fallen with this author's delusional article. He is not a scientist, he is a pseudo-scientist. Shoots an anti-Jewish arrow and looks for false and false circles to fit the concept.
    Does the only popular science site in Hebrew on the web want to become a scam site to promote anti-Judaism?

  59. Yoel
    A. I'm not religious
    B. I think I'm the only one who mentioned vaccine opposition so I assume you mean me.
    third. You are twisting my stuff in a very ugly way.
    For a moment I did not compare those who oppose vaccines to those who oppose the word.
    In my opinion, resistance to the word is a legitimate thing, while blanket opposition to vaccines is not.
    Yes, I compared the way of writing and the almost religious fervor of the author of the article along with all the talk about conspiracies to the way in which opponents of vaccines write.
    (including even baseless autistic scares)
    Even if you support the word and if you oppose it, you don't write like that on a scientific website, nor would they be allowed to publish on any other topic.

  60. Maybe the article will change my mind but nonsense.

    The infant mortality rate in America is much higher than among Jews in Israel.

    Another thing: from what I skimmed the first time (probably the last) this is anti-Semitic scum.

    1. No word? It will be more difficult for you to notice the infection in time. which can lead to primosis. Didn't you teach the child that the foreskin is pulled and not just stretched? Primosis too.

    Primosis - Nordic foreskin, narrow and at some point suppressed. outcome. Especially if the man your baby is supposed to grow up to is a long-tempered man. Inflammation, necrosis, hemophilia that spreads and can kill your baby.

    So an alliance. Originally, it wasn't a scratch. Thank you very much Gaon Bibim.
    But the shortening of the foreskin so that there was no more chance of primosis, but the protective properties of the foreskin (it is not a risk for AIDS, but helps to reduce friction, which is what allows the virus to pass) are still present.

    the bloodsucker? There are fewer suitable male babies in Judaism compared to America. and, in accordance with population size. Because we have juices. And they only have doctors.

    As for herpes. tests. There are. invoice.

  61. The religious commentators suggest that "become a Christian" is a recurring motif "it is not good for you to become a Christian"
    , indicating their low level.
    Some compare resistance to the word to resistance to vaccines! so to speak delusional
    As above indicates a low level
    It seems that some of the commenters are not among the site's readers
    There is great pressure among the religious establishment from opposition to the word
    Read words without disturbance, even without separation and squinting,
    Samaritans circumcised rabbinical mohels.
    There is an advantage to the word at a mature age after the separation of the foreskin
    A kind of ceremony of joining the men's society.


  62. Maybe the article will change my mind but nonsense.

    The infant mortality rate in America is much higher than among Jews in Israel.

  63. By the way from reading the original article, apart from many theories. (which I have no ability to examine)
    The only empirical figure is a lower incidence of cot death for Hispanics in America compared to the general population, when the word is less common there by half.
    which is how to say a little weak...
    There is not even a statistic that shows that among Hispanics there is a smaller gap between male and female cot death.

  64. my father
    No one is arguing that you should censor an article about word risks. (Perhaps not anyone, there are some religious people who will in any case react with extremes, but let's ignore them)
    I don't think for a moment that there are no risks in the word. And there should be articles that examine these risks.
    But from a clean scientific place, and not from a place of cheap propaganda that is more suitable for vaccine opponents, while refuting the air of conspiracies and claims that most doctors are lying.
    There is a large part of the scientific community that claims medical benefits to the process. You don't have to agree, and you can also discuss whether, even assuming that the advantage exists, is it worth the risks. (No person will say that there is no risk at all, every sap is aware of the risk)
    But there is a way to carry out such a discussion, you can try to repeat the experiments or go over the data again. It is not acceptable to belittle hand gestures, hint at baseless conspiracies and the like. (Most of the laws that carried out the studies were not Jews or another religion that commands the mole)
    As a scientific editor, in my opinion, you should at least maintain an adequate level of discussion.

  65. It's a shame that on a rather interesting site of news from the world of science I find an article that oozes anti-Semitism and Jewish blood in the most blatant and hair-raising way imaginable.
    I immediately block this site from my Google recommendations.
    And it's a shame because I'm actually quite curious about innovations in the world of science and technology.
    Wow, how much venom and religious hatred can be put into one article?!

  66. Miracles
    What is the problem? He is already dead…

    Say, doesn't it bother you that a grown man sucked on you when you were a baby?
    What's up with Dr. Will I talk to the Khazars?
    I did not examine his opinion, but it seems clear to me that the Ashkenazim are descendants of the Khazars. No?

  67. I know a case of a baby who died between 3 days. The rabbis required him to be circumcised so that he could be buried as a Jew.

    I will never forgive these primitives.

  68. Dear Avi Blizovsky, you fall victim again and again to what I can only define as the "trolling" of the scientific world by Dr. Eran Elhayek.
    The "honorable" Dr. owns a blog called the Khazar DNA project. Let him come up with delusional theories that have no scientific basis and also conspiracy theories that all the domestic DNA testing companies have worked together as if to create a false representation of the origin of the Ashkenazi Jews.
    What is the connection between Dr. Elhayek's news and the article about circumcision? Well, this is about revealing in front of you who the man is. He is a man haunted by demons and spirits, very extreme in his views, and lets his ideology and his views dictate the results of the science he deals with.
    The same goes for his long-standing obsession with circumcision - and one can only see his most serious statements, which are by the way anti-Semitic for all intents and purposes, to understand that the man is apparently a bit "twisted".
    For example, his saying that the Pharisees satisfied their creations with the act of sucking on the penis, or that every person with common sense became a Jew-hater because of circumcision.
    I do not at all touch on the fact that these are false plots (perhaps blood?) against the Pharisees (=ie, Rabbinic Judaism) because both the Karaites and the Samaritans wean their children at the age of 8 days. Apparently, according to Elhayek, their origin is from Pharisaic Judaism.

    I strongly recommend, in order not to damage the professional and scientific integrity of the website, to immediately stop publishing Alhaik's rebuttable articles - or at least when publishing his articles, to make it clear that these are opinion articles only, without any scientific value.
    My father, on a personal note - even if Ichik is confirmed and confirms opinions that you yourself agree with, I feel it is necessary to warn against the hallucination called Ichik - because that is how it is perceived in the field of genetics of populations around the world.

  69. Mr. Eran, you are confusing prohibitions in Judaism with customs, opinions, Dauriita commandments, opinions... get your "knowledge" in order before you write about a certain topic.
    It's a little unfortunate that the "Yaden" website publishes an article by someone whose knowledge of Judaism is textual and/or confused.
    Nice study, Eran.

  70. Avi Blizovsky
    A lot of comments here may be hostile to both sides.
    But seriously, as an editor of a scientific website, does this seem serious to you?
    I personally do not have children and I have not decided what I will do.
    For sure such an article will not convince me, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't publish an article written like that if the topic was any other topic, reading this article would sound more like an anti-vaccination article, with all the good parts of a world-wide conspiracy.
    Just as I will take with a limited guarantee a research/article by an ultra-Orthodox writer (even if he boasts a doctorate) on the subject of circumcision, this is probably how articles on the website on such topics should be treated.
    And it's a shame, because you are supposed to be "above it" so to speak.
    If you put up an article like this that so easily supports the conspiracy that embraces so much of the medical world, an article that says: "Don't ask the doctor, he will lie to you..." then why not also believe anti-vaccines? Maybe the whole story of global warming is also a conspiracy?
    Maybe evolution is just an invention of atheists? Don't ask biology experts, they will lie to you...
    Really, you can't make fun of all these groups and then come up with an article like this that reeks of an ideological position.
    And I have nothing bad against this ideology, I have a problem against using a scientific title and a scientific website to promote it.
    I would be happy to hear from you on the matter.

  71. I see a clear connection between the article and the spiritual death of the writer.
    just stupid

  72. Nonsense and injustice, it is impossible to compare the covenant word of boys, to the disaster that Africans do to girls. Whoever wants to attack Judaism, good luck. But he sins to the truth. I knew several Mohels who between them performed thousands of circumcisions. There was no case of a healthy baby without a primary defect instead of the word, in which no problem happened at all. There is no obligation to suck the place of the word with your mouth. The mohals I knew had other methods. A person who is not circumcised and has relations with women has a much greater chance of transmitting diseases. It is not possible to clean under the foreskin, whoever enters it causes disease, the chances of transmitting diseases are much greater.

  73. Eran Elhayek Otto is anti-Semitic in a scientific way. His research does not meet scientific standards.

  74. In the past I was favorably impressed by magazine articles. It's a shame that they publish a pseudo-scientific article, which is full of conspiracy theories bordering on libel (do mothers drug and make them sign informed consent?) when all the apparent scientific substantiation is a "hypothesis" article and a weak epidemiological article. It is clear that the author's goal is to scare parents from performing circumcision by threatening to make their worst nightmare come true, even if he has nothing but a theory in hand.
    The manner of writing is reminiscent of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and the fact that a former Israeli wrote the things does not change anything.
    Too bad…

  75. The site has never had any connection to Yaron Yedan. I didn't even know him when I started the site but only a few years later.
    my father

  76. It is interesting to see the reactions of the religious.
    They will always come up with crude excuses to explain why it is worthwhile to commit a barbaric act.
    It reminds me of their claims that separating meat and milk is healthy and pork is unhealthy.
    No logical argument will change their minds just as no argument will convince them that there is no God!

  77. You need to understand and know that the owner of the site was ultra-Orthodox, and because they did not accept him as head of yeshiva, he is taking revenge

  78. Circumcision is the main sign of a Jew, there is no Jew, it may be that many do not care, let them be circumcised, everyone will go their own way.

  79. What do you want from a professor of evolutionary genetics?
    Interesting.. if he is an evolutionary development of a monkey or a pig?

  80. The refugees of Israel! ?

    Stop reading this site! How much carving!! And the main thing is against Judaism

  81. pseudo science

    The writer brings scientific data and links the matter of the word to them in an amateurish way

  82. An unnecessary article without any scientific basis saturated with delusional opinions!

  83. Damn what a ball of words devoid of content.
    We understand, you oppose circumcision, abuse of the helpless, etc., etc.

    I circumcised and killed my son to bring him into my little tribe. He cried and passed out. Two years later, a door closed on his finger and he cried even more, and passed away.
    Yesterday he fell off his bike and injured his knees, cried a lot, and passed out.

    Why is it that in a forum that claims to be called "scientific" they publish an article by a "scientist" who comes off as the last of the shallow ones among his colleagues, and accuses them, no less and no more, of a world-wide blood plot that prevents a money operation?

    And perhaps, if such weighty claims are being made, to attach references and data?

    In any case Eran, if you really pretend to be a scientist,
    A. Statistics are nothing and there is nothing. A tool for drawing conclusions, which will most likely be refuted in the future.
    B. Anthropological studies about the origin of a particular custom do not predict everything, and in fact are a fertile ground for speculation and nothing else. So they investigated and did not find that the origin of the ceremony was in Judaism. So what?
    third. As you wrote, the struggle between the Greeks and the Jews lasted several thousand years. Some of us remain Jews, some of us move to Sweden and preach against the customs of the Jews. And the land will forever stand...

    I wish you health and happiness, have a good week.

  84. What's there to complain about, we didn't publish the secrets of the atom, once the studies were on the positive side and today according to the article on the negative side, complain if anything to the journals that published the studies.

  85. According to the Holy Torah, about 3 things the Holy One, blessed be He, said that they are "a sign between me and Israel for generations"
    which is also the initials of the word "Shabbat"
    Only these 3 things are written in the Holy Torah because they are a sign for the world between me and you...
    It is very important to take care of them and educate the little ones to love God! And to be part of the people of Israel - the Land of Israel is the Holy Land!! (:

  86. Indeed a pagan and barbaric custom that is hard to accept. Today the reason for facing the male babies is so that the child does not feel unusual.

  87. Here are my responses to the main issues raised here:
    1. The use of "circumcision" versus "word". I use the term circumcision as the general public understands it. A large part of the public is not religious and yet understands the concept of circumcision as an operation that is separated from the religious context. The health system refers to "circumcision" even when it is done by a doctor:
    Although according to the Mishnah, as long as the sucking was not done, it is not a circumcision (I really hope that the hospitals do not promise to do this, at least it is not written on the website). The authors of the Bible, of course, thought otherwise. There are many word combinations whose sum is greater than the parts and yet they are used because this is the accepted usage. You can say that zoos are a dangerous place when it is clear that not every garden is meant. One can say that "hit and run" is a moral crime, without meaning that "hit" is a moral crime, it is an accident, but there is no moral issue here, so why say "hit and run" and not just "run"? It may be more accurate but hurts readability. There are certainly those who hold a "Brit Shalom" - a ceremony without surgery (even here one can argue about the strange combination of "Brit" and "Shalom").

    2. Of course, the foreskin can be removed without surgery. It is also possible to pull nails from the body without surgery or tear ears from the body without surgery. You are welcome to practice this on your baby and ask him if it is better than surgery.
    3. My articles on the subject are available to read at:
    They contain almost all the links to the information I mentioned. Anyone who needs more information is welcome to email me. Editors don't like popular science articles with too many links.
    4. Palestinian Jews are Jews who lived in Palestine and this is the accepted term in the scientific literature.
    5. The Victorian period did begin in the 19th century and not as written.
    6. Jesus did not write the New Testament, parts of which were written long after his death (assuming he ever lived) but John 7 (23) brings the words of Jesus that are accepted as criticism of the word. Likewise in Thomas, Jesus wisely answers the question of whether the word is necessary, that if it were necessary God would have created us circumcised.
    7. Circumcision is a political, economic, sexual, medical, scientific, aesthetic issue and more. This is the first line of the article and the readers must understand that it is impossible to cover a topic as complex as this in one article and certainly not when there are links to two articles that cover most of the information. I focused my essay on death and especially death in the cradle that my research was the first to point out. I clarified the point that this is a political and controversial subject even in research, like the origin of the Jews, like abortion, like the origin of man, like evolution and there is no lack of examples.
    8. Is there less cot death in Arab society? It's hard to know. A diagnosis of cot death is given by a pathologist who is not always available. The data is not collected according to the origin of the parents, but according to the total population or racial groups in the USA where you can find the data on the Hispanics. The research on autism is available here:
    This is the first link that comes up when searching for circumcision, autism.
    9. The studies on the effect of the word on AIDS were very problematic to say the least. The research group was too small, there was no way to know who did what and with whom and the results were very unclear. Once again, the 60% protection refers to a very small drop between 1.18 (circumcised who got AIDS) and 2.49 (non-circumcised who got AIDS) when most subjects did not get AIDS. The three studies on the subject are very similar and all three were stopped before they were finished. There is no "protection" here and certainly not 60%. In contrast, condoms provide almost 100% protection.
    10. The secular leaders who founded the state were Zionists. Zionism has had a long affair with the Bible, we don't believe in God but we believe in the Bible which to this day is used as a political justification for deciding political-historical issues. So that despite their secular affiliation, they kept themselves the descendants of the Hebrews/Israelites.
    11. Unfortunately, there are anti-Semites everywhere in Sweden as well, but still much less than in Israel, which is very surprising because the majority of the population is not at all Semitic by origin.

  88. Pseudo scientist. Without going into the question of whether the word is good or bad, because I have no idea, your conclusions are reminiscent of Soviet science. Bring a study that compares circumcised and uncircumcised men. Because there are more autistic boys, and there are more crib deaths for boys, so does that mean it's because of the word alliance??

  89. A proper word with freya and peep is milia all the other games are completely unnecessary
    At the cost of life and death we will not cancel the true word

  90. Those who do not like Judaism are welcome to convert to Christianity.. There is a new covenant, just try not to interfere with keeping it and do not create a division in order to lose Judaism altogether.

  91. Those who do not like Judaism are welcome to convert to Christianity.. There is a new covenant, just try not to interfere with keeping it and do not create a division in order to lose Judaism altogether.

  92. Someone should complain about this site, the words written there in the title are incorrect and another stupid site that pretends to be scientific, all the major health organizations in the world and many powerful studies prove the benefit of circumcision

  93. A trending article, which does not mention the many diseases that occur precisely in the foreskin, and the foreskin is not the same vagina that these animals have, it is often irritated, and today it is possible to remove the foreskin without surgery! With a special device, or under local anesthesia!

  94. Full disclosure - I did not molest my son.
    This article is full of rhetoric and anecdotes and lacking in data and references, probably the writer learned the American proverb "fight fire with fire". The studies and the raw data exist, even if it is difficult to find them - there is no reason for this disparaging form of writing. At the very least, links to the sources of information and studies should be integrated. I would expect to find an article in this style in the other camp.
    The bottom line is - this is an unnecessary operation, statistically and scientifically proven, which has a high chance of short-term and permanent damages, and it has been scientifically proven that it causes trauma to the corrupt workers (until now I did not understand why this point requires research, it goes without saying). All the benefits associated with it were disproved already decades ago. Come on, enough.

  95. I sent the author my response
    (among the first)
    And I answered that:
    "The reference to circumcision is
    Because this is the concept that the majority of the public understands.
    And according to most of the responses it turns out that he is right,
    For it is very likely that if he had omitted it
    the term "alliance" from the article
    (Except maybe an explanation of the difference in Hebrew
    between the concepts of covenant and word)
    were avoided or at least different
    A large part of the comments are ranting
    And some of them are infected and ignorant.
    It is also possible that the "lecturer of genetics"
    who bothered to write "circumcision"
    Infected with the same features?

  96. Of all the options available, it was precisely through the cock that you decided to make a covenant with God

  97. shell
    A completely nonsensical article whose purpose is clear.

  98. The word symbolizes the alliance between the people and the flying spaghetti monster
    And the blood symbolizes the sauce

    For every act, a different reason can be written, different from the other nations

  99. The amount of distortions and falsifications that drips from the 'article' makes me give up the idea of ​​trying to understand his position.
    A bunch of 'innovations' and 'historical claims' without any point and without trying to deal with facts.

    Actually in the past they used to write here less delusional, but to lower it to zero level for some rating.. It's a shame.. I expected more from you..

  100. What scientific value does this article have? A hash of words, in my childhood we called this kind of writing nonsense in clothing. A personal conclusion I drew from this article: write to consult a really, really good expert in the field of psychology and release from anger. Let him solve his own problems first before trying to fix the world.

  101. The people in Arab society have less death in the cradle?
    It is true that Muslims speak but only at a late age,
    Because it sounds like the whole argument about crib death is based on the Hispanic population in America compared to the whites (who are also not 100 percent correct).
    It sounds very frivolous.
    In fact, the question is not whether fewer people die, but whether there is equality between the death of male and female infants in the Hispanic population. And I don't see that you brought such a figure either.
    You're throwing around scaremongering without really having any research to back it up about autistics, in fact you seem to be deciding to blame whatever phenomenon is more common in boys. You didn't present any research that in uncircumcised societies autism is equally common between boys and girls, I'm pretty sure that's not true either.
    I feel you are not doing pure science. All in all, you sound very similar to Hoson opponents. Maybe some of the things you write are true, but the addition of a lot of distorted things makes it impossible to take anything you say seriously, with all due respect to a PhD in genetics.

  102. The phrase "Palestinian Jews", which has a political context and is not a scientific qualification, raises the concern that the rest may not be exactly scientific either. This does not mean that it is not true, but that it should be checked. Therefore, the article is not supported by data obtained from studies. So, what is it based on? Therefore, it is impossible to check the factual basis on which the article is based.
    another tongue; It has no scientific value.

  103. 'Doctor' Alhaike lost all his authority and credibility in this anti-Semitic article. Just making up nonsense from start to finish, who should do more homework before posting false 'facts'.

  104. Bored
    In the Torah for the first time it is written
    Order and tradition of the people of Israel from generation to generation
    It was copied by these...

  105. Another confused innovator trying to join the rotten elite of anti-Judaism...if he had written a word due to the covenant, the Swedish anti-Ishtarlite university on the border of psychic anti-Semitism would have fired him. Thanks to an anti-Jewish article and perhaps another article that will present the connection between circumcision and the murderousness of Givat soldiers against Arab terrorists will also give him a chair... confused and full of words in the style of the tyrannical and racist PC...


  106. It has already been said before. A trending article distorts the truth. A lie, in short a waste of time.

  107. Some antisemitism. revolting.
    The Jews have always been the most anti-Semitic and the leaders of hatred in the world against the holy teachings of Israel. There is no point in telling you to be ashamed because you have lost your shame.

  108. I saw the title of the article and immediately jumped to the comment section.
    This is anti-Semitism that repeats itself from time to time in different forms.
    And if a Jew hates this tradition, he can convert to Christianity and then he can
    enjoy pork and hear an organ in the houses of the crucifixes,
    I do not want to mention the fate of his children.

  109. Password FAQ Calendar Mark Forums Read

    Why do you think you can stop something after thousands of years of oppression and persecution???

    Circumcision has always been in Israel and always will be. on your nose and your anger.

    And your grandchildren will be circumcised Gasbinenach

  110. After I understood that there were "Palestinian Jews" I came to know that "Jesus opposed the word", and I was reminded of many more nonsense and nonsense later on. With all this, I was still waiting for some kind of "scientific study" that would confirm the alleged connection between the word and "death in the cradle", maybe after all something would come out of wasting time on reading the "article". But Nada. Even at the end of the "article" I didn't get it, despite the promise from the sub-heading of the "scientific" article published on a website that seeks to be an online magazine for popular "science". All that was provided as evidence for the dubious and malicious hypothesis in this shoddy propaganda article were some general "signs" about the phenomenon of cot death, attributed rather arbitrarily to the word, without any evidence of real causation and of course without any mention of any research on the subject. Not coincidentally, the article also illustrated the medical benefits attributed to the word. It turned out that the author of the article is perhaps a lecturer of some kind (in Sweden), but a dubious and delusional writer, who uses rhetoric and associations appropriate to well-known anti-Semitic literature (and in Sweden there are quite a few of them, among them Israeli Jews, some of them distinct haters of the State of Israel, among them those for whom the expression "Palestinian Jews" is part of their conceptual dictionary).
    My problem is not so much with the author of the article, his argument is so weak and his style so repulsive that it should not engage too many serious people. My problem is mainly with the editor of this online newspaper, who published this propaganda article. The system has to decide whether it wants to run a scientific newspaper, or to publish ideological propaganda articles like the one before us, which is also guilty of rhetoric and associations found in anti-Semitic literature.

  111. You said it well, after all Jews were slaughtered, murdered, tortured, because of a so-called pagan and barbaric act, there is probably a reason that is beyond human nature, secondly, the Jews since Abraham our father were circumcised, and Ishmael was also circumcised, the removal of the foreskin is an act that comes to share the material body with the holiness of the soul (to give him place), at the age of 13 the foreskin of the heart is removed, this act is done adhering to the sacred organ in the body that is responsible for the continuation of life.

  112. "Mila" is the removal of the foreskin, and it exists among many peoples. "Circumcision" is only for Jews, here the word symbolizes the covenant between the people and their God.
    When talking about the operation without the Jewish context, it is a "word", not a "circumcision".

  113. Why didn't the secular leaders who founded the state of Israel forbid holding a word.

  114. Fascinating and disgusting at the same time. The pagan origin of the word is one of the most famous. A particularly interesting passage in the book of Joshua tells how after Joshua had anointed the Israelites he created a mountain of foreskins from women and when rot and maggots rose in them, the Almighty came and enjoyed the stench rising from the mountain of foreskins.
    Full disclosure: I am a complete atheist who has not been able to overcome this self-indulgence and brought my two sons into the covenant of Abraham, our imaginary father. Why is the word thing so strong despite everything we know about it? I do not know.

  115. most amazing Of all the dozens of reasons for the importance of the article, I will mention one that, in my opinion, must be dealt with in all seriousness.
    What is the degree of credibility of articles and writers who present their position on such fateful issues in this way. It seems to me that the author presents us with a private problem that embodies a distorted and perhaps even false culture that we are all drowning in and we have no ability to deal with it. We simply live in a blindness that prevents any possibility of breaking out of this distortion.
    Is "circumcision" as an exima for Jews (and not only for them) like "the flat earth" for past generations??

  116. A few comments about your anti-Semitic research:
    1. The Victorian period - the second half of the 19th century, not the 18th century.
    2. Jesus did not oppose the word.
    3. The infection in the circumcised group you gave as an example is 50% lower than 100% of the other group.

  117. Before you write anti-Semitic nonsense, here are some notes:
    1. The Victorian period - the second half of the 19th century.
    2. Jesus did not oppose the word.
    3. According to the statistics you gave as an example, the infection in the circumcised group is 50% lower and not 100%.

  118. The confusion starts with the title,
    "Circumcision: the surgery...."
    and continues throughout the article when the writer relates
    Once for "circumcision" and once for the word,
    Confusion yes
    Although cutting is common in many societies and populations for many needs, rituals and signs
    Only among the Jews does the word signify a covenant with God,
    Therefore when it is written:
    "Decided that there is no scientific proof that circumcision caused death."
    Next it says:
    "Death never involved circumcision"
    Later it says: "For and against circumcision"
    and later :
    "Approves the process of circumcision"
    And more: "There is no debate about circumcision...",
    Since in most sentences the word is meant
    And there is nothing to do with the alliance, it was appropriate to be careful
    and distinguish between analysis
    (which there are still debates about its usefulness)
    and a ceremony that marks a covenant...

  119. You're right, I was drawn to reading this article because I'm full of guilt for dressing my sons.
    It's time to put this custom behind us and redeem the slander of the word with righteousness.

  120. Maybe this is another way of evolution to get rid of stupidity...

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