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The Chinese are flying to Mars - the destination - to land an all-terrain vehicle in 2020

Despite the failure of the Chinese spacecraft attached to the damaged Russian Phobos-Grunt spacecraft, the Chinese continue their plans to catch up with Russia and the West in the race to the Red Planet as well

Chinese flag on another planet. Illustration: shutterstock
Chinese flag on another planet. Illustration: shutterstock

In recent years, probably following their manned flights and launching unmanned spacecraft to the moon, the Chinese began to show interest in Mars. The first mission began with a joint project with the Russians. The Chinese developed a small spacecraft called 1 Yinghuo which they attached to the Russian Phobos Grunt spacecraft. The two spacecraft were supposed to set off for Mars.


Unfortunately, a serious malfunction, during the launch on November 9, 2011, in the end of which the spacecraft burned up in the atmosphere, resulted in the cancellation of the flight. The launcher with its precious cargo was unable to free itself from gravity and eventually fell to the depths of the ocean. The Russian spacecraft was supposed to land on Phobos - a moon of Mars and the Chinese spacecraft was supposed to enter orbit around Mars and circle it for a year. It is a spacecraft weighing 100 kg and it is designed to explore the environment of Mars and check where the water has disappeared from its surface.
One of the senior Chinese space scientists, Ye Peijan, said that China is capable of sending a spacecraft that will enter orbit around Mars and land on it. China's tracking, routing and communication systems can track the flight of a spacecraft to Mars. The implementation of this plan depends on the budget. The intention of the Chinese is far-reaching - to land an all-terrain vehicle on the planet's soil in 2020 and 10 years later to launch a spacecraft that will bring soil samples to Israel. China's long-term intention is to launch spacecraft deeper into space, i.e. beyond Mars.

In any case, all designated landing sites are flat.

1. 'China to launch a Mars probe in 2009"5.12.2007
2. 'China-Russia Mars mission set for take off"5.1.2009

3. 'China plans to land rover on Mars by 2020"1.7.2014

4. 'China capable of exploring Mars"6.3.2014

5. 'Future planetary exploration"9.6.2013

16 תגובות

  1. To "Nostradamus", it seems that you are a fan of mysticism. Mysticism is legality based on a certain logic (for example, a clean house is free of demons). If it interests you, astrologers (they are only human) predict an economic peak for China in 2017. And several revolutions, after that.

  2. Herzl
    It may be necessary to give money to someone from the party. This does not mean that the country is communist. It's over. I have read enough literature about China and books suitable for this purpose are books with a distinct political science orientation and this is my academic training and I have not come across what you claim and in addition I have published several articles on the subject. Don't try to convince me.

  3. Cheers - China is still communist. Try to set up a factory there without a partner from the local party leadership. For a large enterprise - someone from the central leadership should receive a percentage. There is a small and closed group of rulers who run the country according to their absolute will. Most of the people in power are very rich, the upper class are billionaires. This is similar to the former Soviet Union, Cuba, etc. I use the word "communism" not as it was meant to be (like in kibbutzim) but as certain countries that call themselves "communist" actually behave.

  4. Nostradamus
    You are wrong. The chances are more than reasonable that Obama's replacement will be a Republican. Obama proved to be a weak leader. The charisma he radiated at the beginning of his career turned out to have no cover. The criticism against him in the US is from now until further notice. The new president who will replace him will revise the US foreign policy, please be patient.

  5. There is no vacuum in the world and there will always be a superpower of some kind, and the USA under the leadership of Obama gathers itself and becomes a separatist and a normal country by choice (and later also less than that).

  6. There is no vacuum in the world and there will always be some kind of superpower, and the USA under the leadership of Obama gathers itself and becomes a separatist and a normal country (and later also less than that).

  7. The most powerful army as of now and wars need legitimacy, and no, maintaining the dollar as the main currency in the world is not legitimate. And the world will not continue to tolerate such wars, and Russia and China have already made this clear. If so, the US wants to "die with the Philistines" and set the whole world on fire.

  8. In addition to this, the world is starting to stop using the dollar as the main currency for international trade (which is actually paying a skullduggery tax to the USA on paper that it prints for free and receives real goods in return), something that the USA tried to prevent even in the wars in Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan. And now in Ukraine. Without it the USA would be another normal country but with huge debts and backward socialism and half of the third world population.

  9. It is sinking because of becoming more and more socialist and China more and more capitalist. The massive immigration of idlers and Muslims, people stopped striving to work and succeed, sit at home and receive food stamps and in China the opposite is happening.

  10. In my opinion, the United States will remain the most influential country even in the 21st century. China is not yet internally and politically cohesive. China will continue to grow stronger and perhaps become the strongest in the 22nd century

  11. Nostradamus Jr
    Did you find this in the "prophecies" of Papa Nostradamus? The US is not sinking so quickly, I'm not sure you'll have to learn Chinese either

  12. Well done, there is no reason why China will not prosper scientifically and overcome the sinking USA within a few decades

  13. Herzl
    I have news for you. China has long been non-communist. She is a capitalist for everything. What remains of communism is only the name of the party. I have the impression that you are still in the era of the Cold War. Wake up and start reading modern history. Today there is no shortage of books on modern history, including about China nowadays. There are enough books in Hebrew. You don't have to read Chinese.

  14. The goal is too far. Before they send a research vehicle to the moon that will function for at least 3 months. They sent a vehicle to the moon that failed in a very short time. But in a communist regime there are important things from logic.

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