China in space

Imaging of the Changa 6 spacecraft landing on land on the far side of the moon (Image credit: CNSA)

China's Chang'e 6 mission launched the samples from the far side of the moon into lunar orbit. The next stop is Earth

China is the only country to successfully land on the hemisphere of the moon that faces away from Earth. * The container containing the samples collected by Changa 6 is expected to land on Earth on June 25
The personnel of the Chinese Space Agency watch a real-time simulation of the landing of the Changa 6 spacecraft. Photo: Xinhua

Chinese success: the Chang'e 6 spacecraft successfully landed on the far side of the moon for the mission of collecting material and bringing it to Earth

The landing is a critical step in the mission to bring scientific and unique soil samples to Earth, while exploring the strategic South Pole-Aiken Basin
A view of the Tianzhou-7 cargo spacecraft from the Tianhe Central Module of the Tiangong Space Station. Credit: China Manned Space Engineering Office (CMSEO).

The Chinese supply spacecraft Tianzhou-7 has arrived at the Chinese space station Tiangong

A view of the Tianzhou-7 cargo spacecraft from the Tianhe Central Module of the Tiangong Space Station. Credit: China Manned Space Engineering Office (CMSEO).
The Chinese space station Tiangong. The rockets that bring the components to it enter back into the atmosphere without control. Image:

An uncontrolled Chinese launcher crashed in the Indian Ocean on Saturday

The upper stage of the Long March 5 launcher that uploaded a module to the Chinese space station Tiangong about a week ago crashed. These launchers lack a control system for re-entry into the atmosphere
An artist's impression of what Triton, Neptune's largest moon, might look like from a great height above its surface. The distant Sun appears at the top left and Neptune's blue crescent at right of center. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada.

China's nuclear mission to Neptune-Rahab

In addition to its intriguing internal structure (and strange phenomena like diamond rain!), scientists believe that Neptune played an important role in the formation of the solar system and that its composition includes large amounts of gas that was part of the prestellar nebula
Anti-satellite weapon. Illustration: shutterstock

The US will stop testing anti-satellite weapons and demand that this become an international norm; China: developing systems to tow satellites

US Vice President Kamala Harris announced this in a review before the Space Guard; more than 1,600 pieces are floating in space since the Russian test about six months ago, over 2,400 pieces are still floating after 15
Chinese astronauts (from left) Tang Hongbo, Ni Haisheng and Liu Boming are the first crew of China's space station. Photo: Xinhua

The three Chinese astronauts on Shanghai 12 have arrived at the new space station

China has successfully launched the Shenzhou 12 spacecraft carrying 3 astronauts to begin the installation of the Tiangong (Heavenly Palace) permanent space station. In the next two years, 11 launches are expected, four of the spacecraft will be manned
Visualization of the Chinese space station Tiangong 1. Photo:

China may gain a monopoly on space stations

Artist's illustration depicting the Tianwen-1 Mars rover. Figure: China National Space Agency

China's probe lands on Mars

Tianwen-1 - Illustration illustrating the rover, lander and all-terrain vehicle of the first Chinese mission to Mars. Figure CNSA

The Chinese Tianwan-1 spacecraft has successfully entered orbit around Mars

Tianwen-1 makes China the sixth country in history to reach Mars. The fifth country to do so is the United Arab Emirates whose spacecraft, Hope, entered orbit around the Red Planet yesterday
Chinese flag on the Martian soil. Illustration: shutterstock

How did Mars become the prize in the new space race and why is China winning?

No one will doubt that China aims to win the new space race. Not only is it the only country to land on the moon in over 40 years, but it is also the first to land a soft landing on the side
James Webb Space Telescope. Illustration: shutterstock

Six space missions to look forward to in 2021

Space exploration achieved several milestones in 2020 despite the COVID-19 pandemic, including commercial manned space flights and the return of asteroid samples to Earth. Fascinating tasks are expected in 2021, some of which record breakthroughs
A new Chinese manned spacecraft prototype will join the Shenzhou spacecraft. Photo: Chinese Academy of Space Sciences CAST.

China is planning a new manned spacecraft

The Chinese spacecraft Hushing is expected to be launched to Mars in July 2020. Image: China Space Agency

Chinese spacecraft to Mars

The "sandwich" concept that NASA proposed for building an energy satellite. Photo: NASA

Interstellar electricity

The Long March 5 launcher takes off after the launch at the Wenchang Spaceport on Hainan Island in China, yesterday at 14:23 (Israel time). Source: Xinhua.

The launch of the Chinese Long March 5 missile failed

Crew members of the Shenzhou 10 spacecraft enter the Tiangong-1 experimental space station on June 13, 2013

Towards a Chinese space station

Model depicting a Shenzhou-type spacecraft connecting to the Tiangong 2 space station.

Towards a Chinese space station

A spacesuit in a museum in Inner Mongolia, China. Photo: Katoosha /

A Chinese astronaut to the moon - when?

The lunar robotic vehicle Yuto, as photographed from the Chang'e 3 spacecraft. Photo: Chinese Space Agency

The Chinese lunar rover Shebak Haim

The Shenja 3 spacecraft lander. Photo: Chinese Space Agency, from CCTV broadcasts

The Chinese spacecraft Shanghai 3 landed safely on the moon

Scale model of Yuto Credit: China News Service

Rabbit on the moon

satellite. Illustration: shutterstock

Fear: China has developed a system to hijack satellites in space

Crew members of the Shenzhou 10 spacecraft enter the Tiangong-1 experimental space station on June 13, 2013

China's long march in space