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Cervical cancer vaccine

A XNUMX percent effective vaccine against two strains of viruses that cause most cervical cancers will be available within a year, several drugmakers say.

A XNUMX percent effective vaccine against two strains of viruses that cause most cervical cancers will be available within a year, several drugmakers say.
Cervical cancer is one of the most common in the world, and for the first time two companies announce that they have found a vaccine for this type of cancer. In a study conducted over two years, the researchers tested the vaccine and discovered that it completely prevents the development of cervical cancer.
The researchers found that the vaccine completely prevents this type of cancer. Half a million women in the world suffer from this cancer, and the mortality rate is 50%.
The researchers believe that the vaccine should be given before the first sexual intercourse, but critics claim that it may cause sexual intercourse at too young an age.

12,167 women aged 16-23 from 13 countries took part in a study conducted by the pharmaceutical company Merck. Merck's vaccine competes head-to-head with that of the British company GlaxoSmithKline known as Cervarix.
Cervical cancer causes the death of 274 thousand women worldwide every year. Rarely, it is a cancer caused by a virus infection and not a disease caused by the internal causes of the body.
Cervical cancer develops from a sexually transmitted virus, and can incubate for years until it develops into cancer. The vaccine is intended for women who have not yet had sexual intercourse and is expected to be given to girls aged 13-14. The vaccine, which also prevents other sexually transmitted diseases, will probably be marketed in Israel only in 2007.

3 תגובות

  1. It is difficult to follow every subject all the time. I would appreciate it if you provided a link from a qualified source, and not from those who constantly cause hysteria. This blog is not a source because anyone can write what they want.

  2. Hello Science website,

    Why don't you cover the issue of the serious side effects reported following the vaccine? Is every vaccine "good" just because the FDA and CDC (and of course the manufacturers) say it is good and safe?
    More than 15,000 side effects have already been reported for the Gardasil vaccine, of which about 800 are serious, including about 70 deaths.

  3. For a significant expansion on the types of vaccines available (Cervix and Gardasil) and more information on the cervical cancer vaccine and in general on the prevention of cervical cancer, it is recommended to browse the website

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