computer technology

Transferring the calculation from the memory to the processor itself. The image was prepared using DALEE and is not a scientific image

Researchers at the Technion have developed a software package that allows the calculation to be transferred from the processor into the computer's memory itself

This is an important step towards the development of computers that will perform calculations in memory, without the need to transfer the information between the various components - a transfer that takes a lot of time and consumes a lot of energy
The cover of the book Secrets of Encryption for children by Stav Alber

Encryption secrets for children - a book by Stav Alber

big data Illustration:

Walls of noise to protect privacy

Researchers have developed methods that mask data in databases to maintain privacy and help them be statistically accurate
Dr. Ronit Kempf. Photo: Tel Aviv University Spokesperson

Women or men - who will bring peace?

We all know the cliché: "Men are from Mars and women are from Manga", but are men and women also distinctly different in the way they conduct war and conflict? What does digital games have to do with this? and what
Small bits of information. Illustration:

Make a correction

An advanced algorithm makes it possible to quickly retrieve information from the memory of systems such as phones and computers and correct errors
spend running away from the party in the bad guys. From the social networks according to section 27a

Fake news during war: how will we identify and deal with false news?

Dr. Sandrin Bodna, Head of the Department of Communication at Tel Aviv University, gives tips on how to behave on social networks and in the media against fake news
The space invaders computer game. Illustration:

The symbiosis between man and computer

The interaction between man and computer grew out of the activities of hackers in the 50s and the books and films that influenced them
Bitcoin coins. Illustration:

The crypto boomerang - the National Science Foundation

To attract traders, crypto exchanges artificially inflate their activity volume. does it work?
The researchers will create alternative virtual environments that simulate public spaces such as squares, markets, shopping centers, offices and health funds. Each environment will be based on different geometric principles

Architecture in Virtual Reality - The National Science Foundation

A virtual environment that simulates public spaces will make it possible to discover spatial geometric principles that improve the ability to navigate, especially in the elderly
Steel factory. Illustration:

The steel manufacturer Jindal chose Dassault Systèmes solutions to improve operations and productivity in its factories and reduce its carbon footprint

The virtual twin experiences support sustainable steel production by companies seeking to optimize work processes and reduce their carbon footprint
Big data handling. Courtesy of Prof. Benny Kimmelfeld, Technion

Clean the reservoirs

Researchers at the Technion have developed algorithms that detect errors in databases
Image: In this artist's impression of the breadcrumb scenario, autonomous rovers can be seen exploring a lava tube after being deployed by a mother rover remaining at the entrance to maintain contact with a blimp or blimp. Credit: John Fowler/WikiCommons, Mark Treble Wolfgang Fink/University of Arizona

Hansel and Gretel's breadcrumbs reach Mars

Engineers from the University of Arizona have developed a system that allows autonomous vehicles to scan underground habitats for astronauts
Gordon Moore at an event in 2015 for the 50th anniversary of Moore's Law. Photo: Walden Kirsch, Intel

Gordon Moore, one of the founders of Intel and drafter of "Moore's Law", passed away

Moore became especially famous thanks to the law he coined - Moore's law describing the rate of development of chip technology which today is everywhere
Representations with geometric distortions

 A journey between dimensions

Researchers were able to minimize distortion created in geometric bodies due to their flattening or stretching
computer memories. Illustration:

IEEE chose the work of an Israeli-Italian team as one of the benefits research work for 2022

This is a joint study by researchers at Bar Ilan University, the Technion and the University of Calabria in Italy that dealt with EDAM type memories
Prof. Avraham Lampel with an illustration describing the Lampel-Ziv algorithm. The illustration was created by artist and curator Anat Har-Gil as part of the "Wisdom of the Technion" exhibition. Photo courtesy of the Technion Spokesperson

The late Prof. Avraham Lampel (1936 – 2023)

Prof. Lampel was a partner in the development of the Lampel-Ziv algorithm, an algorithm that changed the world of compression and is considered one of the most significant technological breakthroughs achieved in the State of Israel and in the history of the Technion by its researchers
Hacker. Illustration: Soyuz launcher on the launch pad in Baikonur, Kazakhstan. Illustration:

The crisis in Ukraine: the war that started in cyberspace

Ukraine was prepared not only for the physical war being waged there, but also for cyber war. This explains, among other things, the request of the Ukrainian government from Elon Musk for modems for the Starlink space internet systems
Description of the transfer process for a two-dimensional semiconductor together with nanoprinted contacts (left) and a photo of a transparent, flexible substrate with the structure transferred to it (right) [Courtesy: Victoria Chen/Alwin Daus/Pop Lab]

An innovative method for manufacturing extremely thin and flexible electronic components

Until now as too elusive, but researchers from Stanford University claim that they have succeeded in bringing about a breakthrough in this field
Only recently was it announced that the annual electricity consumption of the Bitcoin market is greater than that of Argentina as a whole and next to that of Norway. EVERYDAYS: THE FIRST 5000 DAYS. Artist: Beeple

How much is the NFT boom really costing us?

The new technology has recently allowed a new market for Internet art to skyrocket, with sales in the millions of dollars, but even though none of the artworks sold as NFTs are in the physical space, the "real"
A tourist takes a picture of the Teide volcano in Tenerife, Canary Islands with her smartphone. Image:

What is between volcanoes, smart phones and the digital age?

Most likely, this article will be read on the screen of your phone, whose color and sharpness are only possible thanks to the rare metals inside it. Inside every smartphone on earth are 16
Gaming. Image:

Dangers in online games, on the edge of the fork

AMLAK: Do not provide your account details or personal details and block the credit card from reuse on the site/game
smart House. From

How will you defend against smart home device attacks?

According to a new study published in the journal Computers & Security, the ability to launch cyberattacks (DDoS) through a botnet is growing at an increased rate and is a real risk to anyone with a smart device and
Working from home. Illustration: Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Going to work from home

A digital twin of the human body. Illustration: Dassault Systèmes

Dassault Systèmes builds a "digital twin" of the human body

smart city Image: from PIXABAY.COM

The smart cities program has been launched

One of the innovative features of the XNUMXD printing method on the skin is the printer's ability to use computer vision to track and adapt to the body's movements in real time University of Minnesota] McAlpine [Courtesy: Group

Electronic components and cells printed directly on the skin

Technology for significantly reducing the size of transistors - which will allow a larger number of components to be compressed into one piece of silicon. Illustration: pixabay.

IBM introduces methods to further miniaturize chips using ultraviolet light

Mobile devices could allow us to learn new things casually, while playing a computer game or other occupation. Photo: National Museum of American History Smithsonian Institution.

How to learn Morse code without effort, almost unconsciously

Some of the world's leading climate and space research institutes, including NASA, will use Mellanox's connectivity technology to transmit the vast amount of data that will be collected during the total solar eclipse. Photo: Luc Viatour / Wikimedia.

The Israeli technology that helps NASA study the solar eclipse


Computing with DNA strands

the internet of things. From the PIXABAY.COM website

Revenge of the refrigerators

machine learning. Illustration: shutterstock

Ideas from another world - computers that teach themselves