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space telescopes

These days, the Webb Space Telescope is expected to take the place of the Hubble Telescope after more than 30 years of operation. How far in space and time (!) can the web reach? What does he see that the human eye is unable to perceive? And how could he help us discover the secrets of the creation of the universe?
Today, Saturday, 25.12.21 at 14:20 (Israel time), the James Webb Space Telescope will be launched, the successor to the Hubble Telescope and a new generation of space telescopes, designed to provide answers to the most intriguing questions in astronomy and astrophysics - the formation of the first galaxies, their birth of stars, the study of the properties of planets in distant solar systems and whether they have life.
Astronomer on the telescope team James Webb explains how a huge telescope is launched into space - and why, but first of all, that it will be successfully launched and deployed in the weeks after the launch
Just like clouds on Earth, clouds of gas and dust in space can sometimes look like familiar objects, or even like characters from popular movies
NASA is taking additional steps to investigate the malfunction that happened to the computer of the Hubble space telescope that began on June 13 and caused the suspension of scientific observations. At the same time as the investigation, NASA is looking at indirect ways to activate the backup hardware integrated in the satellite. The telescope itself and the rest of the scientific instruments were not damaged, and they were moved to a safe state
NASA is working to solve a problem with the Hubble Space Telescope's computer. The computer stopped working on Sunday, June 13, shortly after 16:00 p.m. (23:00 p.m. Israel time). This is already the second malfunction of the aging telescope this year
In 2018, a galaxy with a low amount of dark matter was observed. The galaxy defied all existing models but it turns out that the celebration came earlier than expected and two years later it was announced that tidal forces shed the dark matter. Astronomers are breathing a sigh of relief but the scientific community is still confused, what is dark matter?
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