Gamma ray burst

Merging galaxies create the most powerful radio burst ever discovered. The image was prepared using Dali (artificial intelligence) and should not be considered a scientific image

The Hubble Space Telescope reveals the source of the most powerful radio burst ever recorded

"Astronomers discover that the fastest radio burst ever observed came not from a single galaxy, but from a group of merging galaxies"
Astronomers think that GRB 221009A is the birth of a newly formed black hole in the heart of a collapsing star. In this figure the black hole creates strong jets of particles that move at a speed close to the speed of light. The jets penetrate through the star, emitting X-rays and gamma rays as they flow into space. Credit: NASA/Swift/Cruz deWilde

Cosmic extremism: The unusual structure of the jet of the brightest gamma-ray burst of all time

The unusual jet structure reveals unique features of the relatively nearby gamma-ray burst that can be studied in better detail than the gamma-wave bursts discovered so far
Artist's impression of GRB 211211A. Credit: Soheb Mandhai @TheAstroPhoenix

Cosmic Gold Factory: A single kilonova produced very heavy elements in the amount of a thousand times the mass of Earth

A highly unusual burst of high-energy light from a nearby galaxy is linked by scientists to a neutron star merger
Artist's rendering of a gamma-ray burst caused by a powerful collision between two massive neutrino stars after their spiral dance of death. In addition to high-energy radiation and material emitted in a narrow jet, the event is thought to be the main factory in the universe of heavy elements, including gold and platinum. Credit: A. Simonnet (Sonoma State University) and Goddard Space Flight Center

A burst of gamma radiation that lasted almost a minute

The radiation originates in binary stars that have merged after being ejected from their galaxy. Usually bursts that do not occur within a galaxy last a few seconds. In such eruptions, heavy elements including gold and platinum are formed
A detailed look at the gamma-ray sky. LAT Collaboration NASA/DOE/Fermi LAT Collaboration

The mystery of the mysterious gamma radiation in the "empty sky" has been solved

Star-forming galaxies are responsible for generating gamma rays that have not yet been attributed to a known source. The discovery may lead astrophysicists to decipher dark matter
An artist's impression of a magnetar in an eruption, showing a complex structure of magnetic fields and beam emission, shown here after a crustal rupture event. Credit: McGill University Graphic Design Team

Astronomers discover a powerful short burst of radio radiation from a place relatively close to the Milky Way

The close proximity of high-energy pulses suggests that magnetars may be the source of certain fast bursts of radio radiation
Dr. Eran Ofek. From "Astropedia"

Early warning before a star explodes

Prof. Kyle Kramer, New York University. Photo: Avi Blizovsky

Turn your mobile phone into a cosmic particle detector

In this image, of the gamma-ray burst called GRB 130925A, a sheath of hot X-ray-emitting gas (in red) surrounds a jet of particles (in white) erupting from the star's surface at near the speed of light. This source may be a metal-poor blue giant, a good approximation of the first stars formed in the universe. Image: NASA/Swift/A. Simonnet, Sonoma State Univ.

A burst of gamma rays that lasted almost two hours

This artist's illustration, prepared for the Harvard Smithsonian Center, depicts two neutron stars at the moment of collision. New findings confirm that collisions of neutron stars cause short bursts of gamma rays in which the rare metals including gold are produced. All the gold on Earth is believed to have come from such neutron star collisions. illustration

The gold on Earth was created in neutron star collisions

Edge: Fermi Bubbles - Artist's impression of giant Fermi bubbles emerging from the core of the Milky Way Galaxy. Image: NASA

Mysterious objects at the edge of the electromagnetic spectrum

supernova From Wikipedia

Astronomy - The Big Bang Theory

Lightning isn't the only reason why you shouldn't go near storms - gamma ray bursts also come from there

Are intra-terrestrial gamma-ray bursts dangerous for pilots?

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

An unexpected source of gamma rays has been discovered in space

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

The largest gamma ray burst

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Neutron star WR 104 won't kill us

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

The Northern Hemisphere will be able to watch a cosmic explosion

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

The largest gamma-ray burst in recorded history

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Gamma rays: the Israelis were right

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Cosmic catastrophe is a sure thing

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Israeli research/ 500 gamma flashes daily

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Gamma radiation - warning time for explosions: 10 seconds

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Astrobiology at the Technion

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

A mysterious ring in space