NASA scientists have discovered two mysterious giant bubbles on either side of the Milky Way

These bubbles are as big as the Milky Way, covering a distance of half the sky. The estimate - they originate from emissions during expansion events of the black hole at the center of the galaxy

Gamma-ray bubbles above and below the galaxy as discovered by the Fermi Space Telescope, November 2010. Image: NASA
Gamma-ray bubbles above and below the galaxy as discovered by the Fermi Space Telescope, November 2010. Image: NASA

NASA scientists don't know what the Fermi Space Telescope's huge discovery means, which includes two giant bubbles of gamma rays on either side of our galaxy. The halo bubbles, which have a total length of 50 thousand light years, extend from the Virgo group to the GRUS group, and are considered among the largest structures discovered so far.

The two huge bubbles emitting high frequency radiation are stretching from the center of the Milky Way and scientists still don't know why. The discovery raises the question of how much we know about the galaxy, which always surprises us.

One theory is that the material driving these bubbles is a wave of creation and death of stars in the center of the Milky Way. Other researchers have suggested that these bubbles may be related to the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy.

The bubbles were discovered using the Fermi Gamma Ray Telescope, which scans the sky every three hours for high-energy light. "The result is extremely exciting" says Simona Moergia, a scientist in the Fermi project, from the National Laboratory and Accelerator in California.

In the photo: a space map showing the two paths of gamma rays above and below the galaxy according to Fermi's measurements. Image: NASA
In the photo: a space map showing the two paths of gamma rays above and below the galaxy according to Fermi's measurements. Image: NASA

"This result reveals important and unexpected processes in our galaxy, about which we knew nothing, despite the fact that these stars may be as large as the Milky Way itself and that they have been here for at least millions of years.

David Spergel, an astrophysicist at Princeton added: "Wow, and we thought we knew a lot about our galaxy."

The bubbles include energy equivalent to 100 thousand supernova explosions, which led NASA to take into account the dark matter, which makes up a quarter of the universe. One of the theories being explored is that the black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy is experiencing some kind of outburst.

"You have to ask where energy of this magnitude comes from," says Doug Finkbeiner of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. "We knew it was going to be big because it was sitting there quietly all the time, it almost certainly had growth events in the past, when matter fell into it and some of the matter erupted out in the form of high-energy particles that erupted in the form of a jet."

We have never seen good evidence of this, this may be the first evidence of a major black hole explosion at the center of the galaxy. "When it fully erupts, it may take a long time, maybe ten thousand or a hundred thousand years - so it creates enough energy to create these structures."

For reporting on the NASA website


  1. Miracles, can't be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yoav Hadri did a search on you and took your material?? And it's stronger than what you're taking now ??.?!! No way I sent a turtle

  2. Yoav Hadari
    Say - do you have some of the stuff you're taking left for me? This is probably something extremely powerful!!!!!

  3. We are all one consciousness creating the things... Go read "A New Earth" by "Eckhardt Tolle" and you will understand what a deep sleep humanity is in, a sleep full of fears and horrors, but the good part is that there is a huge awakening from all corners of our amazing globe, and as soon as we arrive (soon) A critical mass of awakened souls will experience a significant change in the way we think..and we will be created differently, a loving and harmonious earth will be created that lives in duality with the entire universe. faith

  4. Enough with this religion.
    Any valid argument regarding the correctness of the other religions includes belief in Baal or in the Maruma sandwich. So instead of commenting here, buy an aroma sandwich and explain the universe with it. Your comments do not cheapen the article but only yourselves.

    Regarding the article, I really don't understand how the expansion of the universe doesn't affect objects with such a mass anymore.

  5. Religion is blind that does not want to see, science is blind that wants to see.

  6. Religion came to tell us not to doubt the Creator.. and science came to show us how great his creation is.

  7. Crescent moon:
    What is the problem?
    When you are in your yard, don't you see things happening outside your yard?

  8. Excuse my ignorance but how is this photo possible that looks like it's outside our galaxy when every means of photography we have is inside our galaxy?
    (I'm asking as a 16-year-old boy who doesn't understand how it works)

  9. Avner ben Ner

    The LOABs phenomenon you described is not always visible - usually, it is only seen near some of the active galaxies. As far as we know, the Milky Way galaxy is not an active galaxy, so this is surprising.
    As an additional note, I will point out that the reason for gamma radiation is not high temperature (radiation from such sources is not thermal) but Compton scattering by electrons.

  10. I would like to clarify a certain point that I think is not clarified enough in the article and the discussion.
    It is quite clear that the observation in question called here "gamma ray bubbles" was not made by chance.
    The theory predicted the existence of the phenomenon. Therefore, I don't think it's right to present it as a phenomenon
    Surprising and exotic. On the contrary, the phenomenon of huge jets of gas emitted from the "poles" of
    The black holes as a result of matter collapsing into an adsorption disk around the black hole, allows
    and even requires the prediction of the existence of symmetrical "bubbles" "above" and "below" the galaxy, and even
    explains their high temperature and the gamma radiation emitted from them. In my opinion, if the above discovery
    She would not verify the theoretical prediction, it was a mystery. It is now expected that similar measurements on
    Other galaxies will give similar results.
    In addition,

  11. I would like to clarify a certain point that I think is not clarified enough in the article and the discussion.
    It is quite clear that the observation in question called here "gamma ray bubbles" was not made by chance.
    The theory predicted the existence of the phenomenon and therefore I don't think it is correct to present it as a phenomenon
    Surprising and exotic. On the contrary, the phenomenon of huge jets of gas emitted from the "poles" of
    The black holes result from the collapse of matter

  12. L-L. – Huh? what? What is the connection between "divinity" invented by the Catholic Church to annex and adapt (assimilate) the Indians to Christianity and the radioactive bubbles???

  13. Mr. Blizovsky - you have to do something about the photos on the site - they are a little unclear and look like something my ten year old daughter does in Photoshop... sorry to you.

  14. Peace,
    Both science and religions trace reality.
    They all fumble along the way.
    Science is not able to be objective since it is based on axioms that have been chosen and have not yet been verified.
    Neither way has a complete answer.
    Relying, blindly, on one way can be similar in either way.
    We are witnessing the development of new ways that will allow those who want to be free, an 'ecological' understanding.

  15. Regarding the new phenomenon (new discovery) -
    It's amazing and exciting every time to discover more things we didn't know about the universe and adapt
    Following the discovery of the current scientific theories and explanations,
    This is how science works, in self-criticism, using observations, facts and adapting theories with them.
    However, believers in a higher power should not be underestimated.
    The fact that I am an atheist does not prevent me from being tolerant and patient towards "those of faith"
    It is true that every relationship should be mutual (also between atheists and believers)
    But true greatness lies in the ability to overcome (up to a certain limit)

  16. "Deity" or "God" = the sum of my ignorance

    The more you know, the smaller your God is

    And if you are ignorant and with the country, then you are probably a fanatic or a fundamentalist (Jew, Muslim or Christian, it doesn't matter)

  17. If we imagine the configuration of a 3d type orbital to the Milky Way galaxy (with the bubbles) it seems like,
    The two bubbles that rotate in opposite directions to each other (on the Z axis) create an area (or point) of high pressure (on the XY axis) following which a lower pressure area is created around the high pressure area. (Oops, I think Sabdarmish wrote something like that. Or was it the other way around...) 🙂

  18. What is also interesting is that of all the 3d type orbitals, the orbital that most resembles the one in the picture, is also the unusual orbital from the other orbitals in its category.

  19. One should look at galaxies similar to the Milky Way such as Andromeda and see if the same phenomenon is observed and in general at all types of galaxies.

  20. Or maybe it is a divine swelling?? (Moses saw his - yes?? ). And more seriously: technology expands the limits of human knowledge, which in turn improves technology (remember Marshall McLaughlin!!). Dossians have no problem with any discovery - everything is written and what was, is what will be...! I'll say good luck to everyone!!!

  21. I have been claiming for years that there is an anti-matter star in the center of the galaxy, however, they don't listen, a black hole does not emit energy bubbles, which is likely the result of a process of meeting matter with anti-matter, like the sun of the galaxy that produces matter

  22. What is more interesting is why the eruption is towards me up and down and does not touch the plane of the galaxy itself. It turns out that this is not an explosion like a supernova, but something more reminiscent of a solar eruption. Maybe there are special processes at the poles of a black hole.

  23. The contract in the stars:
    But I do exactly what you suggest I do.
    The ones I react towards aggressively are only those who are not at all interested in the subject and their whole purpose is to discredit others.

  24. Michael, not everyone has the ability or the desire to learn the laws of nature, there are people who come here and ask for short answers to short questions, you will of course not be able to teach them all the teachings of nature in one go and therefore you will often be forced to expand the matter with each answer and even enter terms that are not sell to those people.
    I know it's hard to explain but there is no choice, you have to do work in a field that will provide easy answers to every simple person, if you succeed in doing this then and only then will you succeed in the task for which you are here.
    Hard work awaits you, take it as your life's mission...
    You have all the necessary intelligence and wisdom, just add the patience and tolerance.

  25. The contract in the stars:
    I do not agree with your claim that the aggressive statements towards those motivated by disdain for science and others do not help.
    They help a lot and the conversation on the site has become much more matter-of-fact since I started using them.

  26. Instead of you listening and learning from the greats who understand more than you, you mock at the height of your impudence out of lack of understanding, I am not angry at your lack of understanding, but I am angry at your unwillingness to learn processes that are organized in a wonderful way in nature.
    Michael, you are right that it is a bit annoying but there is no need to descend to a low level, your statements are not helpful to the members here, try to teach them the wonderful legality just as you taught your children from the beginning until they mature.
    You need a lot of patience, a lot of mental strength, you will eventually succeed in establishing a group of friends here who knew nothing and turn you into the next generation of scientists.

  27. amateur:
    In my opinion, you are entering your own statistics, otherwise you would not conclude about the average responder in science from a sample of seven responders.
    The average commenter has not yet responded because he knows that it is better to spend time thinking about things before responding to them.
    There are some religious commenters here who don't know what it is to think, there are those who responded to the nonsense of the religious, there is some postmodernist here from another dimension, there is you, and there is one commenter here who has already had time to think of something relevant and I will refer to him later.

    The explosion of a grenade lasts a fraction of a second, but after the explosion its fragments continue to fly for several seconds.
    The fact that the bubbles are so big right now - only means that the explosion happened a long time ago, but does not indicate its duration.
    So, at least, in the conventional definition of an explosion. Otherwise it could be argued that the Big Bang is still going on.

  28. The no less significant discovery, that the commenters on the "Yaden" website, on average, are more delusional than the commenters on Ynet
    And apparently they understand science less than them.
    Let's see NASA explain it!

  29. All of nature works in balance, even the "material world" works in balance or in harmony with other sources. In my opinion the observation is "energetic remains" of transition processes between the material world 3-4/D and higher dimensions that feed Homer's world.

    By the way, black holes are reverse transitions in which the "material world" transports matter and energy towards the higher dimensions. There is no such thing "out of nowhere" everything comes from something else.

    Furthermore, in front of a black hole stands/exists a "white hole" that performs the opposite movement, from the transition to the "world of matter", this is how universes are created and matter and energy are added to the "world of matter".

    Tal is right, "We have not yet approached them with a telescope that picks up gamma rays" and there was no such thing either.. We all have no doubt that the discoveries in the universe will endlessly change our understanding of it.

    From time to time the cards will also be dealt, and we will understand that the speed of light is the maximum speed "in the world of matter" and the possibility to ascend/penetrate additional dimensions by shortening times and distances "to raise a thought". Some of the gamma radiations/events are a "shadow" for transition processes between the world of matter and the transition.

    The world is certainly intriguing

  30. If they have been here for at least millions of years, and are at least as big as the Milky Way, how come they were not noticed until now?

  31. Stretching or stretching If the thing is stretched then it is stretching.
    And at the end it says "When it fully erupts, it may take a long time, maybe ten thousand or one hundred thousand years" end of this quote it certainly cannot be ten thousand years if its size is 50,000 light years.
    And in addition "we knew he was going to be great by sitting there quietly the whole time" end of quote. Apparently sitting quietly.
    It seems to me that they don't know what is going on there and then they turn to a black hole and in the next article they will turn to dark energy because it is energy.
    I don't know what's going on there but you know for sure that I don't like dark mass and energy and not black holes at all.
    Waiting for a more normal explanation
    Good night
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  32. To "I": Until a few hundred years ago, people looked at the sky with only their eyes. Today there are additional measures. We should not be surprised that new (to us) phenomena are revealed, and the description of the world that fit what was known then, no longer fits. It takes a lot of courage to leave a good explanation. It's like leaving a warm house. Science knows how to have this courage when a new phenomenon is discovered (even if sometimes it takes a while, and usually also involves a lot of beatings and arguments...). Unfortunately, religion, time after time, turns out to be cowardly.

  33. We opened a madhouse in Geha, a NASA department for all the mentally ill who know how to count hundreds and millions of years and everything is from imagination developed from emotional conditions, I think that according to their opinion history is starting to go backwards and don't be surprised if tomorrow they will be monkeys, and of course they will say that those who believe in God are monkeys and they are the sane people and will prove to all of us that they are sane Their wisdom is from the black hole tail and the gamma rays and Vashti.

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