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British Petroleum: We managed to seal the leaking oil well in the Gulf of Mexico

The company expresses cautious optimism after tests conducted over the weekend showed that the leak did indeed stop after the installation of a concrete dome during the past week. However, the oil spill that has already spread and the damage it caused will still continue to bother

Installing the concrete dome on BP's leaking oil well in the Gulf of Mexico on July 11, 2010. PR photo: BP
Installing the concrete dome on BP's leaking oil well in the Gulf of Mexico on July 11, 2010. PR photo: BP

The British Petroleum Company (BP) reports on the success of sealing the oil well that has been leaking in the Gulf of Mexico for over two and a half months. On Friday, the company conducted tests for the concrete dome that it placed over the well, to check that it holds up and does not leak. However, the company's engineers continue to monitor and see that there are no more leaks.

Although the pressures were lower than they expected, the company is still cautious and does not guarantee that there won't be
More leaks.

Last Thursday, the company announced that it was able to temporarily stop the oil leak after an examination of a concrete dome that was specially adapted to the well opening began earlier this week. US President Barack Obama told the news agencies that this was good news, but warned that additional tests would be required to examine whether the dome would not create new problems.

Remember, the well began to leak and a huge oil slick spread due to an explosion in the drilling rig on April 20, an explosion in which 11 people were killed, most of them company employees. All the northern coasts of the Gulf of Mexico - from Texas to northern Florida were covered in oil and this caused harm to the marine animals and the birds that feed on them.

In the meantime, the hurricane season has begun in the Gulf of Mexico, and today the influence of the oil slick reaches thousands of kilometers south to the coast of the Keys in South Florida. The unprecedented ecological damage brings the disaster to the top of the list of the biggest oil disasters in history. Also from the financial aspect, it is a loss of billions of dollars due to the physical damages as well as damage to tourism when people avoid reaching the shores of the Gulf, as well as the closure of fishing sites. British Petroleum itself will be required to spend over 3.5 billion dollars.


  1. We humans destroy every good part: at sea, in the air and on land.

    Who knows how many types of animals will become extinct due to this and how much damage will be caused, God forbid, to humans due to such bleeding of the earth. Yes the earth bleeds oil to no avail in blocking arteries!

  2. It turns out that even when you pollute, you can keep the profit clean

  3. Moreover, Europe was supposed to cool as a result of the warm current not reaching it. Go explain it to the residents of Milan, for example, who for the past two weeks go to work every day in almost 40 degrees.

  4. I don't want to add fuel to the fire of the argument between Abi and Ron,
    But if there were drastic changes in the hot conveyor belt, the weather was
    It should change sharply in the last month at least in the area
    The stain (and I fear that in the whole world), because the operation of the conveyor belt
    The whole thing (even the cold one) would go completely wrong - and over time.

  5. Ron, have you ever tried to move a tractor with a pin? This is roughly the ratio (and this is also an exaggeration of several million times, but let's say) between the mass of the oil slick, however large it may be, and the mass of water in the Gulf of Mexico and the Gulf Stream that passes by it.

    People can only work on people like you who don't know XNUMXth grade physics. The only reason for the displacement of the Gulf Stream is the amount of fresh water coming from the melting glaciers. You cannot say that you are not an unbeliever and then immediately say that the data shows the opposite, meaning that you are indeed an unbeliever. Who do you think the data you feed on comes from? From the oil companies, now who does public relations for the oil companies, me or you?

  6. Is this a conspiracy site? Is the scientist based on imagination?

    The satellite images prove that this is what happened - I don't understand why you are blocking it.

    And the underwater photographs show that the oil is breaking out from other places.

    Look for Seabed Leaking

    I do not disbelieve in warming - it is not a religion to remind you
    The scientific data shows the opposite
    Shall we repeat the data that the head of the S.R.I.U. was forced to reveal?
    There has been no warming for 15 years

  7. Ron, if you don't want me to upload pictures, share it with me for the news website, subscribe to the news agencies' photos.
    By bringing up a fact - that they put a concrete dome, I didn't do them any publicity. Read Assaf Rosenthal's previous articles and see how much criticism there is of the company.

    As for the alleged data you uploaded, they seem sterile and illogical on the face of it - you need to check the hot conveyor map to see if it's not like Nibiru - a figment of imagination that someone wrote on some conspiracy site. It seems to me that no matter how big an oil slick is, it has no effect on the currents of the sea, it is swept away by them and does not change them. Don't believe any nonsense written on conspiracy sites. There are enough serious things about the stain - damage to fish, birds, and the beach that there is no need to add unnecessary hysteria to something that does not make sense scientifically.

    By the way, if anything is harming the Gulf Stream, it is global warming that you disbelieve. A phenomenon in Cannamide millions of times bigger than the oil slick.

  8. Avi Dahilak, will you become the publicist of B.P.?

    The same company that is currently trying to buy scientists and as part of the contract prohibits them from sharing research information for over 3 years?

    They also lie about "we solved the problem" the whole area there is still leaking

    From an engineer with 14 years of experience in the field + live photography

    And the most serious and the most hidden - the damage of the stain caused the interruption of the maritime hot conveyor belt to Europe
    (hot news from the oven)

    Dr. Gianluigi Zangari from Italy with scientific information

  9. Beauty! Although a little too late... The entire Gulf of Mexico is polluted and its wildlife is almost extinct.

    It will take years to restore the area, if at all.
    Hope that all resources will be directed at the moment to the restoration of the area and to compensate the people and the area.
    And we're not done... back to work as usual...

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