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IVC survey towards Biomed: the leaders of the recruitments - life sciences companies in the early stages

The average fundraising round in the life sciences in the first quarter of 2010 was $3.58 million, compared to an average of $2.14 million in the fourth quarter of 2009

Recruiting by quarter
Recruiting by quarter

A survey by the research company IVC on capital raising by companies in the field of life sciences in Israel in the first quarter of 2010, conducted in preparation for "Israel Biomed Week 2010", (between June 14 and 16, in Tel Aviv), reveals that life sciences companies attracted the largest share of the investments in the research and development stages (Early Stage) and beginning of sales (Mid-Stage), of all the investments in these stages among the Israeli hi-tech companies, with 53 percent and 37 percent of the investments, in the first quarter of 2010, respectively.

According to the latest quarterly survey (Q1 2010) by the IVC research company on capital raising by Israeli high-tech companies, the sector Life science Led the recruitments with 37 percent of the total recruitments. The average fundraising round in the life sciences in the first quarter of 2010 was $3.58 million, compared to an average of $2.14 million in the fourth quarter of 2009.

24 life sciences companies raised an amount of 86 million dollars, compared to 62 million in the fourth quarter of 2009 (22.5 percent of the total recruitments of the hi-tech industry in the quarter), and compared to 50 million dollars, which were raised in the first quarter of 2009 (19 percent of the total recruitments in the quarter ). The amount raised was 39 percent higher than the amount raised by 29 companies in the previous quarter, and 72 percent higher than the amount raised by 25 companies in the first quarter of 2009.

Life sciences companies attracted the largest share of early-stage and mid-stage investments, with 53 percent and 37 percent in the first quarter of 2010, respectively.

Within the life sciences sector, the medical devices sector attracted $58 million (67 percent) of the amount raised in the entire life sciences sector, and 25 percent of the capital raised in all sectors in the first quarter of 2010.

In the field of medical devices, there was a 93 percent increase in capital raising in the first quarter of 2010 compared to the fourth quarter of 2009, when 20 companies raised $30 million, and a 107 percent increase compared to the first quarter of 2009, when 16 companies raised $28 million.

Kobi Shimana, CEO of IVC, points out that "the strengthening of the life sciences sector in the first quarter of the year stands out against the background of decreases in recruitment in other high-tech fields. Significant exits that have occurred in the past year, commercialization agreements of Israeli medical technologies to multinational companies, the government tender to establish biotech funds and the thawing of the local IPO market for companies in the field, give a boost to investments in the life sciences sector in Israel."

IVC It is the leading research company in Israel in the field of high-tech, venture capital investments and private equity, which has been reviewing these fields for 14 years while analyzing trends and developments in the industry. The company's research, services and publications are widely used by bodies in Israel and abroad including high-tech companies, venture capital funds, investors and financial institutions and public bodies, led by the Prime Minister's Office, the Central Bureau of Statistics, the Bank of Israel, the Chief Scientist and others. IVC operates the comprehensive database IVC-Online ( containing over 6,500 hi-tech companies, hundreds of Israeli and foreign venture capital funds, investment companies, angels, technology incubators and more. Among IVC's products are a quarterly study, which examines the trends in the recruitment of Israeli high-tech companies, and the annual Israeli high-tech and venture capital guide IVC 2010 Yearbook, which was published in April.

ILSI- Biomed Israel 2010

"ILSI - Biomed Israel 2010" week is the main annual event of the life sciences industry in Israel. This week includes an international professional conference with the participation of the best experts (CEOs and executives of companies in the field of biopharma and medical devices, scientists and researchers, entrepreneurs, researchers, public opinion shapers in the field, managers of venture capital funds and private investors) from Israel and the world, and an exhibition that presents the hottest innovations . "ILSI - Biomed Israel 2010", which received international recognition and is considered the second largest conference in the world - after the USA, will be held between June 14 and 16 at the David Intercontinental in Tel Aviv.

the event site

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