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Recently, you can find more and more network influencers in Israel and abroad who publish videos with tips for cleaning the house using materials that will not harm health and the environment. So what can we learn from them for the holiday?
Grapes, wheat and corn: according to a new study, popular agricultural crops in the Mediterranean countries will need more irrigation in the near future - and this when the water sources in the region are only dwindling. How are Israeli farmers preparing for this? And why, despite what appears on our water bill, does water have no price?
In a new Israeli study, it was found that forest trees have difficulty producing new generations due to the decrease in rainfall brought about by the climate crisis, which endangers the future of forests in Israel and around the world
Not every Purim day? A new report reveals that for some of the world's largest companies, putting on a "disguise" that presents them as more environmental than they really are is commonplace
A new Israeli-Singaporean development makes it possible to prevent solar radiation from entering the home through the window - without damaging the view
Opinion: The cessation of investment in nuclear energy after the Chernobyl disaster increased the dependence of European countries on fossil fuels from hostile and semi-hostile countries, such as Russia - which allowed Russia to invade Ukraine unhindered, stops the countries from standing by the Ukrainians - and may even lead to a nuclear disaster Now that Russia is occupying active and decommissioned nuclear reactors
A group of Israeli geologists has been investigating the deep layers of the Dead Sea floor for the last decade, with the aim of revealing the climatic history of the area and producing local and global climatic forecasts. The conclusions of the studies may illuminate climate research in a new light
A new Israeli study found that precious carbon moves from healthy trees to those in distress - thanks to fungi that grow on their roots
A new system recently installed in a performance space in Scotland uses the dancers' body heat to heat the building in cold weather
In recent years, the ski resorts in the United States have felt the effects of the climate crisis directly - less snow and fewer days of skiing in the season. Ironically, the snow cannons they operate to make artificial snow on the slopes are used in the hot seasons to fight forest fires that multiply due to extreme weather conditions
In a new study it was discovered that the reason for the occurrence of the "Little Ice Age" was actually overheating in the period that preceded it. Could the extreme cold return a second time nowadays due to the increase in global temperature and how is this related to the weakening of the Gulf Stream?
Will terrifying robots be able to curb the spread of the gambosia fish, one of the most problematic invasive species in the world, and the environmental damage it causes?
Even if we feel good about ourselves when we donate clothes to second-hand stores, in many cases this causes a significant environmental and social problem in the poorest countries of the world. The solution: simply buy less new clothes
A new Israeli study found that forests with a wide variety of different species store more carbon dioxide than forests with one dominant species, thus helping to reduce the intensity of the climate crisis. Or in other words: as in life, also in planting trees - it is always good to diversify
New findings reveal that Israeli youth are aware of and interested in environmental problems and feel responsible for the climate issue. The chance for a better future is getting better and better
"Don't Look Up", the new film by Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence, presents a satirical and poignant look at humanity and the role of the media in the fight against today's major environmental problem
In the competition organized by the European Union, prizes were awarded to exceptional green construction projects, in the spirit of the principles of the Bauhaus style. When will we see such buildings in Israel as well?
On the mighty peaks of the world, in conditions of extreme cold and little oxygen, an Israeli scientist investigates the connection between the thawing of frozen soils in the high mountain areas due to the climate crisis and the occurrence of dangerous rock avalanches
In recent years, the language seems to be changing faster than ever - including on the topic of climate. Is it better to call the processes taking place in the world today "global warming", "climate change" or "climate crisis"? Is the gas in the Mediterranean "natural" or "mineral"? And why is this debate more important than we think?
In a new project of UnBox, a sensor system was developed that is capable of detecting the drift of pesticides and other harmful substances, and alerting them to their source and quantity
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