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The state of California has decided to require the installation of solar systems and energy storage facilities in new and renovated buildings. What can we in Israel learn from this dramatic step?
Last week we finished celebrating Sukkot, after which the rains are supposed to come - and unfortunately, also the floods. Nature has already developed an excellent tool to deal with this problem: streams, and now it is only necessary that the decision makers in Israel learn from it what needs to be done
A new study reveals a danger that threatens one of Israel's rich and unique marine habitats, and which has not received any real attention until now: sea level rise
Is a new blue algae (cyanobacteria) accidentally discovered in the Sea of ​​Galilee an invasive species that may harm the natural environment? Or is it actually a discovery that will enrich the ecosystem unique to the region? Israeli researchers are trying to crack the mystery
The very alarming findings of the climate report that the IPCC published this week made waves around the world. What should be done to still take care of the future of all of us (and what absolutely should not be done)?
In recent weeks, space tourism has become a reality for two of the world's richest men. Is it an expensive but harmless amusement, or another blow to the earth's battered atmosphere? We went out to check
The Red Sea holon, a small crab that used to be common in the Gulf of Eilat, is in serious danger due to the development of tourism and beach bathing. A new study, in which students and students in the city took part, reveals the damage to the living fabric of crabs alongside humans and suggests ways to protect them
A government project based on the principles of the circular economy helps Israeli manufacturers to optimally utilize raw materials, water and energy, thus preventing financial waste and at the same time reducing environmental hazards
The climate crisis caught Germany and Belgium unprepared - this is what needs to be done in Israel to prevent future disasters
Joint activity for the sake of the environment can connect the Jews of Israel and the Jews of the Diaspora, and bridge the gaps between them
Besides the enormous environmental damage, it turns out that the smoke from the fires can be a carrier of disease-causing viruses and bacteria over a long distance
German and American researchers looked at what makes people install solar panels on their homes and found that if your neighbor has panels, it's likely that you will too. Does this logic also stand the test of the Israeli bureaucracy?
The cicadas live most of the time under the roots of trees, but once every 17 years they emerge underground and become adult cicadas for a few weeks. So a very dramatic and noisy courtship process begins, at the end of which we will have to wait another 17 years until we witness this amazing phenomenon again
Researchers warn of an unknown phenomenon that could be life-threatening: falling branches in the summer
A small and unique herd of free cows has been grazing in the Golan Heights since 1967. They have managed to survive wars, diseases and organized extermination operations. Now, the woman who has accompanied them for years hopes they will receive official protection from the state
An innovative standard that is currently gaining momentum around the world is the B Corporation (or "B Corp" for short), which is awarded to businesses and organizations with profit goals that are conducted in a socially and environmentally friendly manner. Israeli companies are hardly present
Less than a year and a half after the photo "Earth Sunrise" was taken from the Apollo 8 spacecraft, the first Earth Day was held. In a show of force that to this day is considered the greatest show in history
The new technology has recently allowed a new market of internet art to skyrocket, with sales in the millions of dollars, but even though none of the artworks sold as NFT are in the physical space, the "real" - their environmental costs due to the mining operation, we all pay
The Lifetime Achievement Award is awarded to Prof. Yoram Avnimelech as part of the 2020 Annual Science and Environment Conference
Because of its intensive activity, the shipping industry is responsible for about 3 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions (about 1.1 gigatons), which accelerates climate change and is a major source of air pollution in the marine environment
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