Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad again alludes to a conspiracy theory regarding September 11, called for the prosecution of whoever shot bin Laden and a new economic world order

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said this evening in his appearance before the United Nations General Assembly that Iran is committed to peace and accused the Western powers of a double standard when they themselves are conducting a nuclear arms race

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the UN General Assembly, October 26, 2012. Screenshot from CNN
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the UN General Assembly, October 26, 2012. Screenshot from CNN

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said this evening in his appearance before the United Nations General Assembly that Iran is committed to peace and accused the Western powers of a double standard when they themselves are conducting a nuclear arms race.

"The threat of the uncivilized Zionists calling for military action against our great nation is a clear example of this bitter reality." saying

Ahmadinejad said that the military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan took a heavy toll on millions of people, and therefore the whole truth about their cause (September 11) should be investigated. He hinted that the Zionists control the media and prevent the disclosure of this information. Also, in his last speech before his retirement, the President of Iran called that those who killed Osama Bin Laden should be prosecuted. In the past, he expressed support for the conspiracy theories that argued that the American government was the one who initiated or allowed the September 11 attacks so that it would have justification to invade Muslim countries.

Ahmadinejad devoted the main part of his speech to economic issues and presented a seven-step plan for a new world order in the economic field.


  1. A. A makes connections, you're a fool or a sponsor. You're entitled [stupid, kind-hearted - it doesn't matter]. The sponsored must. You don't sound stupid and you're not a fool, but I don't know who and what you are. Hiding your name makes you suspicious. Good night [Sleep is contagious] .

  2. State Comptroller, Hebrew is a difficult language?
    I wrote that in the video in my article Building 6 does not appear to be emitting smoke, not that at no point on September 11 was there smoke in Building 6. After all, the fires were not static, they changed over time. That's why your photo that was taken at a different time neither raises nor lowers anything, so at a later stage at the same time the fires in building 6 grew, so what. By the way, from your photo I'm really not sure how much of the smoke really comes from building 6 and how much from other buildings like 7 or 5 and 4 that were behind it and even they suffered severe fires.
    The same goes for the north side, so you found a video of a few seconds showing a few fires on the north side, so what, it's not like there's no shortage of movies showing bigger fires:

    But I'll be with you Larg and assume for a moment that smoke did rise from building 6 even while the video in my article was being filmed, this still does not contradict my other two points:
    1. The video was taken near building 7 and smoke and flames are seen coming directly from the building.
    2. The direction of the smoke in the video is from building 7 to building 6 and not the other way around.

  3. Father, you seem to have no sense of criticism and are willing to stand still in the face of blatant lies by the American government.
    At least there are professionals left with backbone and courage who have taken it upon themselves to organize such as the AE911 Association, there are also firefighters who have organized firefightersfor911truth and there is even an association of pilots and aviation personnel PilotsFor911Truth

  4. He must have left me speechless.
    Where are all those who demanded a critical sense and no desire or self-ability to reach real and based information? 🙂
    "Building 6 does not emit smoke" LOL.
    Then of course he invents that "the fire died down on the south side" so next we will see what happens at that time on the north side of Tower 7
    is nothing. A number of fires in a number of windows that can be counted on two hands. The rest of the building is bright and shiny.

  5. Auditor of State, did you really read my article?
    So how come you missed the video where flames are clearly seen rising from the southern part of building number 7. More than that, the camera that photographed him was located on the street between number 6 and number 7 so that building number 6 was actually behind it and the direction of the smoke clearly visible in the photo is from building 7 to building 6 and not the other way around. And building number 6 also appears in Yao and doesn't seem to be making smoke.

    And you reached the peak of insolence when you accused me of not showing what really happened to Building 7 and then you linked to a video whose images appear in my article. By the way, the claim that the video you linked to shows what happened behind the smoke is debunked because it was taken from a distance when building 6 was between the camera and building number 7. But it was taken at a later time after most of the fires on the south side of building number 7 had been forgotten, you can even see the signs of the fire In the places in my video in the article you see flames.

  6. So, what really happened there?

    Those who see the videos of the fall of the 3 towers can ask the question: How is it that a fire on the upper floors can cause the collapse of such a tall tower?

    Filled the lower floors. It is still somehow possible to receive. But supremacy? And another collapse so fast and symmetrical? How?

    Really smells like a conspiracy, doesn't it?

    So here is what the explainers say:

    Imagine a tall tower, don't exaggerate, only 2 km. The tower has 400 floors, 5 floors every 400 meters. The question is: how could a fire on the XNUMXth floor bring down the entire building in a short time in a way that looks like a planned and symmetrical demolition.

    The answer is that on each floor the ceiling, which is also the floor of the floor above it, is made as a very heavy metal surface. When the columns supporting the upper floor loosen due to the fire, it falls on the one below it, and both immediately fall on the floor below, and in a few seconds all the dominoes of the light fall reach the bottom of the building, on its floors, columns, and shingles, in a smooth and beautiful way.

    I am not arguing for or against a conspiracy, just pointing out that what appears to be a conspiracy, is not necessarily so.

    But if already, then already: in the movie "The Man Who Saw Tomorrow" (produced in 1980), Wells claims that, according to Nostradamus, New York will be attacked by Arab cities at the end of the 20th century. I remembered the movie (which I saw in 1988) as soon as I saw the towers fall in 2001. What caught my eye was the dust wave in the film (minute 3) which reminded me of the dust wave in the collapse of the twins.

    Well, the "biblical cipher" predicted an atomic war in Israel at the end of the 20th century, right after the assassination of Bibi. So what does this mean?

    It means demanding.

  7. The Americans didn't land on the moon either, right? This is also a lie (there is a lot of evidence that the landing was filmed in a studio!)

    And what about the holocaust? Many people in the world insist that it never happened at all.

    When there isn't an iota of critical sense and no desire or self-ability to reach for real and based information then this is the result, they believe all the nonsense they hear, zero ability to filter things.

  8. AA conspiracies, I read your article.
    How ironic how you claim that AE911 are liars, when you yourself try to mislead the readers in your article about Tower 7. You show pictures of a smoke screen, where the source of the smoke is from building 6 (between tower 1 and tower 7) which was consumed by fires and still remains standing. Why don't you show what happens to Tower 7 behind the smoke screen?
    After all, there is video documentation:
    There is no big fire and certainly not a serious one.
    Do you think it's just hundreds of engineers and architects going against the American government's version?

    Showing elementary dishonesty.

  9. It is worth noting that in the twin attacks, 3 towers completely collapsed. Not just 2.
    The third steel tower WTC7 with 47 floors fell all at once, at an almost free speed symmetrically into its foundations. And without any kinetic impact of an airplane, and without any jet fuel.

  10. I made a mistake in the nomenclature, I didn't mean the foundations, I forgot what the iron beams that hold the walls are called.
    By the way, what you said will not convince the conspiracy believers who will probably think that the engineers unions were threatened by the government....

  11. Impartial people? Critical and rational thinking? in AE911? You made me laugh.
    This organization has a long record of lies and fabrications and professional organizations of architects want nothing to do with them.
    And my father, the foundations of the buildings were not melted, but the heat of the fire weakened them enough to collapse.

  12. Father, I didn't know you were such a demagogue.
    I suggest you take out a patent on the demolition of buildings with jet fuel.

  13. The state auditor also has hundreds of millions who do not believe in evolution. So what. Usually the one who throws numbers is the one who knows that he is not believed. There is no conspiracy, the planes were full of fuel and the heat melted the foundations of the buildings.

  14. Since the portal also deals with critical thinking and skepticism, I assume that the article is nevertheless in place and is a clear example of conspiratorial and irrational thinking.

    By the way, in the popular podcast The skeptics' guide to the universe

    One of the first chapters (chapter 13) and not the only one, deals with conspiracies about 11.9/XNUMX:

    I suppose that a scientific website is supposed to encourage critical and rational thinking and confront things that encourage people to think irrationally such as: creationism, alien encounters and also unfounded and dangerous conspiracy theories, especially those behind which is a state leader.

  15. I know, but I thought I'd do a public service while the other sites are down. In the end it didn't work because anyway it was just before the end of the fast and others did the job better. It happens, you learn from mistakes

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