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Conspiracy: "The US did not prevent the September 11 attacks on purpose"

The attack on the Twin Towers. "The USA strives for world hegemony" claims Michael Mitcher, who served as a minister in the British government until 3 months ago. According to him, this is how they could justify the war in Iraq. USA: The claims are ridiculous

Walla News, and "Haaretz"

Cartoons published on the "Anti-Defamation League" website, from top to bottom: the Jews are behind the twin explosions; The Jews are accused of introducing anti-Semitism to the USA; bottom right: the Jews influence the actions of the American government
Cartoons published on the "Anti-Defamation League" website, from top to bottom: the Jews are behind the twin explosions; The Jews are accused of introducing anti-Semitism to the USA; bottom right: the Jews influence the actions of the American government

Michael Mitcher, who served as a minister in the British government for six years, until three months ago, came out on September 7, 2003, with far-reaching accusations against the United States. Mitcher claims in an article written by him that was published today in the British "Guardian" that the US had advance information about Al Qaeda's intention to carry out the air attacks on September 11, 2001, but it chose not to prevent them, due to strategic considerations.

Mitscher, who belongs to the political left in Britain, claims in his article that the US preferred to allow the attacks to take place, in order to use the "war on terror" it initiated in their aftermath as a pretext for the planned war in Iraq.

AdvertisingMitcher also claims that the US "strives for global hegemony, through forceful takeover of all the oil fields in the world". According to him, this interest provides "a much better explanation for the events before, during and after the September 11 attacks". He even adds that the US made no real effort to capture the leader of the Al Qaeda organization, Osama bin Laden, who is behind the attacks.

A spokesman for the US Embassy in London said today in response to the publication: "Mr. Mitcher's imaginary and ridiculous accusations (...) could have been monstrous and extremely hurtful, had they come from the mouth of someone more reliable." The British government was also quick to issue a disclaimer on the publication.

Two years after the attack on the Twins: the anti-Semitic theories are increasing

by Nathan Gutman

September 11 / Report: Extreme right-wing and neo-Nazi organizations in the USA
stand behind the theories spread mainly on the Internet

"Haaretz" correspondent in the USA

Washington. Next week will mark the second anniversary of the September 11 attacks in New York and Washington, which gave birth to a new branch of global anti-Semitism. A study by the "Anti-Defamation League" published in the USA states that this branch focuses on spreading conspiracy theories and accusations that the Jews and Israel are to blame for the attacks in which approximately 3,000 Americans were killed. According to the report, even though two years have passed since the attacks, the stream of slanders and allegations against the Jews and Israel regarding the terrorist attacks is not forgotten, but rather increases.

For example, in the past year extreme right-wing organizations in the US distributed two publications - "The truth about September 11: How Jewish manipulation killed thousands" and "Did Israeli spies know in advance about the September 11 attacks?" - in which the claim that Israel is behind the attacks is spread. The study states that although the leaders of the anti-Semitic claims are extreme right-wing organizations and neo-Nazis, Arab and Muslim parties also often participate in spreading the claims.

Conspiracy theories, most of which circulate on the Internet, are divided into several main groups: the first is the claims made as if the Israeli "institution" carried out the attacks, since only this organization possesses the sophisticated ability and knowledge necessary to carry out such a large-scale event. "Effectives in the Mossad and the CIA wanted to take control of the opium smuggling route from Afghanistan and therefore prepared a plan that would cause the US to attack Afghanistan and oust the Taliban," one of the websites said.

Other allegations are related to the "art student network" - a story according to which a network of Israeli spies posing as art students spread out in the US, followed the suspects in carrying out the attacks, but did nothing to stop them or inform the authorities of their intentions. Added to this is the claim that it was Israeli companies operating in the US that operated the spy network and served as a cover for Israeli surveillance of terror suspects. Another theory that is being spread leans more towards the classical anti-Semitism and claims that the "Jewish owners of the Twin Towers" initiated the attacks in order to win the insurance money.

Several websites also claim that the Jews initiated the attacks in order to distance Israel from international criticism stemming from the intifada. "The Zionist leaders desperately needed something to divert international attention from the bitter fate of the Palestinians. They concocted a plan to blow up the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington and blame it on the Muslims," ​​one of the websites said.

To strengthen the claims, the propagandists of the conspiracy theories use two legends that have already gained a hold in public opinion after September 11. The first claims that "4,000 Israelis who work in the Twin Towers were ordered not to come to work on the day of the attack"; There are also minor versions that speak of "3,000 Jews", who received the same warning. The second legend talks about the arrest of the five Israeli spies who were caught celebrating while watching the collapsing towers. This theory relies on the arrest that was indeed carried out of five young Israelis, who were eventually released without any indictment being filed against them; The five worked illegally in the US.

The authors of the report state that what feeds many of the conspiracy theories that are spread about the events of September 11, are well-known anti-Semitic motifs, reminiscent of the claims of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and maintain that an international secret network, run by Jews and Zionists, is working in the dark to to influence the world, this time with the aim of defaming Muslims or harming Christians.

While many of the arguments against Israel and the Jews succeed in creating an almost impossible alliance between racist right-wing organizations and Muslim and Arab parties who repeat the claims that are made, it is often noticeable, especially in the neo-Nazi organizations, in an attempt to tie the Jews and the Arabs together as guilty of terrorist attacks, as for example in the cartoon In which the twin towers are seen exploding and in the background a white man accusing the "browns" and the "sky" who came to America of being responsible for this.

The leaders of the "Anti-Defamation League" are mainly concerned that the predictions according to which the anti-Semitic theories related to the terrorist attacks were self-evident have not come true, and that now, two years after the attacks, the industry of rumors and allegations is stronger than ever. "The September 11 attacks created a new genre of anti-Semitism, leading to an atmosphere where rumors about Jews are accepted as part of the mainstream," said Abraham (Abe) Foxman, head of the Anti-Defamation League.

The authors of the report are also concerned that the "success" of these anti-Semitic conspiracy theories will cause further slanders to be spread against Jews and be linked to any major disaster or event. For example, it has already been claimed that Israel is responsible for the loss of the space shuttle "Columbia", because the astronaut Ilan Ramon was busy spying for Israel and that the Jews and Israel are behind the American war in Iraq.

The conspiracy theories

* The Israeli Mossad carried out the attacks to divert criticism from Ariel Sharon and his government during the intifada

* Israel deployed a network of spies in the US who posed as art students, knew in advance of the attacks and did nothing to prevent them

* Thousands of Israelis and Jews who worked in the Twin Towers were warned in advance not to come to work on the day of the attack - September 11

* A secret and international network run by Jews and Zionists works to influence the world and discredit Muslims

* The Jewish owners of the Twin Towers initiated the terrorist attacks in New York to receive the insurance money

* Mossad and CIA officials wanted to take over the opium smuggling route in Afghanistan and therefore prepared a plan to attack Afghanistan

9.11 two years to the terrorist attack - even Shakespeare warned about the attack

By Yuval Dror

The list of the real culprits in the attacks, according to anonymous writers on the web, is long. Besides the aliens, it also includes the KGB, the CIA and the Israeli Mossad. The complete lexicon of conspiracies for the events of September 11

A few months after the terrorist events of September 11, 2001, the web was filled with thousands of new and exciting websites. Many website owners wanted to commemorate the dead, others dedicated their websites to photos from the terrible day and some wanted to express their feelings of identification.

A significant part of the websites that appeared immediately after the event were the "conspiracy websites". The owners of these websites proceed from the assumption that it is impossible for such a large and historically important event, that there is no person or group behind it that has connected to carry it out, in order to generate political, economic, ideological or personal profits.

The writers rely on evidence, photographs and logical reasoning that they do while writing thousands of convoluted and tedious words. The bottom line of all this is that these are not attacks carried out by the al-Qaeda organization, but a well-planned event organized by another group. The most favorable websites for Osama Bin Laden are willing to admit that he is behind the hijacking of the planes and their smashing into the Twin Towers. But according to them, he did so as a subcontractor of the real link maker. Another type of site focuses on the people and testimonies that warned of what was about to happen in advance, but the decision makers suspiciously chose to ignore their good warnings.

the guilty

George Bush Jr. - the American president is the favorite target of relational theorists. Some claim that he knew, but did nothing, some explain that he was too stupid to know anything. One writer, Rudy Green, claims that even after Bush heard about the incident, he didn't care and just kept telling Florida school children the children's story about the young goat.

According to Green, one of the explanations for this may be that Bush "was drunk/drugged/suffering from a hangover." He was in no condition to handle this incident." Green further claims that the control towers were unable to make contact with the hijacked planes and despite this no immediate investigation was opened to find out where they were. "Of course, Bush could have rescinded the order not to open clearly, but for some reason he didn't," writes Green. And why did Bush choose to invade Afghanistan in response? Of course, for economic reasons - Bush, a Texan, has close ties to the oil industry. And what is in Afghanistan? Right.

Another theory related to Bush states that the president knew about the incident in advance, but did not try to stop it because he wanted to establish a national police force that would crush individual freedom in the United States. To substantiate this claim, the writer, "William", notes that four days before the attacks, Bush's brother, Jeb, the governor of Florida, issued a special order ordering a general mobilization of the National Guard for training purposes in case of "civil disturbances or natural disaster". On September 11, when the second tower was attacked, Jeb Bush signed another order stating that Florida is in a "state of emergency". He did it even before the state of New York or Washington, D.C.

If this is not enough, it is claimed that one of the first actions President Bush took upon taking office was to order the American secret services to stop tracking Bin Laden. After all, they are going to do business together.

George Bush Sr. - the fact that Bush Jr. is the son of Bush Sr. only strengthens the claim that this is a family conspiracy. The authors of the articles claim that bin Laden was on Bush Sr.'s payroll when he was president. Now, it is claimed, Bush Sr. is trying, through his son (who doesn't know right from his left), to complete the new world order that he started during the formation of the coalition for the first Gulf War. He does this on the back of the loyal employee, Bin Laden.

Bill Clinton - the third president found guilty of the events is Clinton. Many websites mention the claim that Clinton could have arrested bin Laden back in '96 but for some reason chose to let him go. Author Gerald Posner, who wrote the book "Why America Sleeps", claims that when Bin Laden left Sudan on his way to Pakistan, he stopped in Qatar to refuel his plane. The Qatari authorities contacted the Clinton people and asked what to do about the man. The answer given to them was: "Leave him". Even earlier, the Sudanese authorities offered to hand over Bin Laden, but Clinton gave up the generous offer. By the way, the writers do not accuse Clinton of conspiracy, but only of stupidity.

The Israeli government and the Mossad - the claim that the Israeli Mossad is responsible for the attack on the Twin Towers was circulated a few days after September 11, 2001. Those who put it forward believe that Israel carried out the attack in order to gain the right to act harshly against the Palestinians. Since all the Jews are bonded to each other, the Mossad personally called each and every one of the Jews who worked in the two towers and ordered them not to come to work. Thus the lives of no less than 4,000 Jews were saved.
To substantiate this assertion, the authors of the context theories rely on reports in the French media, according to which the German member of parliament Anders von Bolow said that Israel is behind the terrorist incidents. If he says, he probably knows. Other reports refer to a serious piece of news that appeared in Haaretz, according to which employees of the Israeli start-up company Odigo intercepted a message sent using the instant messaging software it developed. In a message, some person warned about the attack, a few hours before it was carried out.

CIA - The French newspaper "Le Figero" reported that a CIA agent met bin Laden in July 2001 when he was being treated at an American hospital in Dubai for a kidney infection. According to the reports, the agent received "precise information" from bin Laden. The authors of the websites were not surprised by this. After all, they know that bin Laden was an employee of the CIA in the early 90s. The fact that the next day the CIA denied the publication in the French newspaper did not really leave its mark on the minds of the writers, who are convinced that the intelligence organization is hiding its responsibility for the incident.

The KGB - the Russian power is no longer what it used to be, and the KGB of today is not the KGB of old, and still, there are some good souls left in Russia who decided to organize the operation to make the USA invade Afghanistan. Why to Afghanistan? First of all due to its proximity to Russia and secondly, maybe the Russians wanted the Americans to finish what they started.

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan - both countries knew in advance about the attack that was about to take place, but did nothing to prevent it. Later, the states assassinated activists who were in contact with them, to try and hide their fingerprints.
Aliens - after the plane crash in the first tower, a UFO (unidentified object) was seen in the sky of New York. Some claim that this bone is responsible for diverting the planes into the towers.

The warnings

Dr. Gareth and Nancy Nicholson - a couple who researched Gulf War Syndrome. The two, it is claimed, reported to the Pentagon that they had succeeded in verifying intelligence that a terrorist attack would be launched on the US and the Pentagon on September 11. Their reports were based on the testimony of an unknown African diplomat and a senior mafia figure. For some reason, the world and the Pentagon ignored their warnings.

Delmart Mike Vreeland - a soldier in the US Navy, who, according to one website, delivered a letter to Canadian government officials warning that "the initial attack will begin on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 by our brothers in the faith." Vreeland's warnings went unheeded. In fact, even the authors of the site are not at all convinced that it exists.

MA - 6 The British intelligence service, knowledgeable writers, warned already two years before September 11, 2001 about the intentions to hit the twins. Nothing happened.

FBI - The Federal Bureau of Investigation received information from the Italian police, who eavesdropped on al-Qaeda operatives about a possible attack using airplanes, but did nothing. Three years before the attacks, an FBI informant passed on details about one of the pilots who flew the planes that crashed into the twins. The FBI did not arrest the man.

Hosni Mubarak - the Egyptian president warned 12 days before September 11 that "something is going to happen". It is impossible to explain how the authorities ignored such a targeted warning.

The New Testament, the Siddur, the Koran, the Book of Numbers, the writings of William Shakespeare and the book of Jerry Seinfeld - what all these books have in common is that they are thick. They all go up to page 911 or at least page 119. They all have an explicit warning written on them. For example, on page 911 of the New Testament dictionary it is written that "the Muslims will destroy the city". The word Laoden, a form of Laden, is also listed on the same page. On page 119 of the New Testament lexicon the word .ARAB appears
In the book "All the Writings of Shakespeare" appears on page 911 a description of a mother and two brothers crying for their loss. The connection to the September 11 attacks is clear and it doesn't really matter if in Shakespeare someone is always crying over someone else who was murdered. On page 119 of his book, SeinLanguage, Jerry Seinfeld describes an imaginary letter from a commercial company, which instead of the usual announcement of winning a wonderful vacation on a tropical island informs him that not only did he not win the lottery, but he didn't even come close to winning. Some claim that this text also predicted the defeat of the USA in the battle against the crashing planes.
Stanley Kubrick - the director created in 1968 the film "Odyssey", 2001, whose entire purpose is to warn about what is about to happen on September 11, 2001. This is why the film is full of encrypted hints about what is about to happen. That's why he died 666 days ago. 2001 is very suspicious.

A $20 bill - if you fold a $20 bill in a certain way, you can see the Twin Towers and the Pentagon building on fire. The warning was there all along, but all the Americans knew how to do was buy two Big Macs, large fries and a Pepsi Coke with it.

3 תגובות

  1. I don't believe in anti-Semitic racist liars [from both sides of the spectrum] Let's say that group A believes in B and group B believes in B and group C also believes in B and group D is the result of B and B believing in B and that's the way to blame group A which is filled by some of the antisemites in the minority in the minority of part A, then if you blame the part of the body that you are afraid to do because everything is a lie and just attack the side of A [and the most important thing is that the anti-Semites will blame themselves] when there are hundreds and maybe thousands of other and contradictory theories C. It could be that agents of Saddam Sudan, which today is in the process of changing Iran Hamas, Hezbollah, Libya, Al-Qaeda, and we are talking about the 3rd building, which was preserved, and the building also exploded from gas that flew into the building, apparently a high concentration passed into the building [from the wind and repelled the tremors of 2 buildings that collapsed and visible electricity by mistake, a cigarette from the hysteria, even though they forgot to put it out, not all of Israel was on fire by a miracle thanks to the Almighty Israel will not lie The US does not specify precisely and rightly that terrorists, criminals and the mentally ill did not know, I do not know either and that is fine and in our interests

  2. Greetings!

    Five years ago, I would also have reacted in a similar way to conspiracy theories surrounding the twin disaster... However, after researching the matter, much to my surprise I discovered that some of them are true.

    I'll spare you the long story and straight away present unequivocal proof that there was a conspiracy:

    The third skyscraper that collapsed that day collapsed in free acceleration for over 2 seconds of the collapse, something that can only be called when there is zero support from below.

    The fires in the building were isolated and scattered and not a huge, raging fire that enveloped the building, so controlled destruction was inevitably used.

    Below is a link that gives details about the things -

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