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2014 minimum ice cover in the Arctic Ocean: the sixth from the end

This is what NASA reports every fall. This is a similar cover to that of last year, but scientists are concerned by the fact that the maximum cover is shrinking and the Arctic Ocean is losing 13% of its ice cover every decade

A ship making its way between the glaciers and the shores of Greenland. Photo: shutterstock
A ship making its way between the glaciers and the shores of Greenland. Photo: shutterstock

Sea ice cover continues to be below the multi-year average. This year, the record decrease in sea ice cover was recorded on September 17, according to the NASA-funded National Ice and Snow Data Center (NSIDC) at the University of Colorado in Boulder.
"This year, the area covered by the ice on the day of maximum melting took the sixth place from the last since 1978," says Walter Meier, a researcher at NASA's Goddard Center in Maryland.

During the summer of 2014, the sea ice in the Arctic Ocean melted from its maximum coverage in March - and on September 21, it reached an area similar to that of last year - 5.02 million square kilometers. This means that the minimum area coverage this year is lower than the average minimum area in the years 1981-2010, which is 6.22 square kilometers.

"The summer started relatively cold and there were no strong storms or stubborn winds that could break the ice and increase the melting" said Meyer. Despite this, the season ended with below average ice cover. "Even in a relatively cold year, the ice is much thinner than it was, so it is more prone to melting" he explained.

This summer, the Northwest Passage over Canada and Alaska remains frozen. However, a finger of open, ice-free water stretched north from Siberia into the Laptev Sea, crossing 85 degrees north latitude, the most northerly point the ocean has reached since the late XNUMXs.
But it turns out that the ice cap minimum is not the only problem - the maximum is also decreasing, with the Arctic Ocean losing about 13% of its ice cover every decade.

To measure the extent of sea ice, scientists include areas with at least 15% of their surface covered by ice. An algorithm developed by NASA analyzes the data from the Nimbus 7 satellite that operated in the years 1978-1987 and the meteorological satellites of the Ministry of Defense that provide information since 1987.

In addition to monitoring sea ice from space, NASA also conducts scientific flights in dedicated aircraft in the field to monitor changes in sea ice and their impact on climate. IceBridge flight operators have been measuring the independent sea ice and glaciers for the past several years every spring. A new field experiment - the Arctic Radiation - IceBridge Sea and Ice Experiment (ARISE) began in September with the aim of investigating the relationship between the retreating sea ice and the Arctic climate.

Simulation of the daily ice cover from March 21 to September 17, 2014 - when it seems to have reached the minimum coverage this year. This is the sixth minimum since the end of the sea ice cover in the satellite era. The data was provided by the Japanese Space Agency.

For information on the NASA website

12 תגובות

  1. The negative record was in 2012, since the pole has slightly recovered, but still not to the dimensions of the past (the sixth from the end, historically). 1978 was not a year in which the ice cover was low, but simply the year of the beginning of measurements of the ice cover from satellites.
    It is clear that all winter the sea freezes and in the summer it thaws until the peak thaw in September. The problem is that this peak is constantly increasing (although not linearly).

  2. I did not understand.
    If this year the minimum ice was at the sixth level from the end since 1978 it means that in 1978 there was even less ice and since then there have been 5 more years with less ice (out of 36 years, a sixth of the years had less ice).
    So what are we supposed to learn from this?
    And what is the purpose of the visualization? So since winter the ice has melted. That sounds reasonable.

  3. Genetically altered?
    I would love to know the source of this nonsense you said about Al Gore. That's not really what he said.
    You are quoting from poor global warming denier sites who live the lie that everything is good.

  4. Dear Nostradamus
    I have been following the debates between you and Papa Nostradamus for some time now. Your insistence on not being heard crosses the line of good taste. Therefore in a week from now King Meads will visit you.

  5. to Nostradamus.
    In the past, Antarctica was part of a large continent. An asteroid caused the South Pole to be pushed, Australia did not reach the pole. Fossils are from times when Antarctica was not dry.

  6. There are models that claim that we were supposed to be in another ice age. And that man changes the environment, and adapts it to his needs. In fact, man creates a static situation. For example, there was a severe drought year in Israel (it was not felt because of desalination). And gardening and forestry merge the landscape for us.

  7. It could be that icebreakers cause the sun's heat to warm the pole, due to the dark color of the water. And thus the ice melts. Are the areas where there is no maritime transport of icebreakers less warm?

  8. On the contrary, climate change is equivalent to the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs and we have the ability to predict and perhaps also be careful if there are no oil gods that finance the anti-environmental lies.
    They cause an extinction similar in scope to that of the dinosaurs, half of the vertebrates - mammals, birds, amphibians and fish - have been extinct since the seventies.
    There is a difference between the Arctic ice and the ice in the Arctic Ocean, no one thought that all the ice including what is in the North Pole itself - would disappear. This is a stupid interpretation designed to destroy a complete and proven science.
    And if it won't be in 2014 but in ten years it doesn't matter that much.

  9. Dinosaur rope didn't have Al Gore's phenomenal foresight. He claimed that sophisticated models by the best scientists in the world predict that all the Arctic ice will melt by the summer of XNUMX.

    But just as Amnon Yitzchak said that David and Magog started the Gulf War and did not apologize - so the herd of El Gor will never apologize!

    "We are entering a dark age in science" Niels Bohr in the last century - this is an accurate prediction

  10. To Nostradamus: Just check what will happen to the State of Israel when all of Antarctica melts - the 80 meter high line passes at the foot of the mountains. A part of Haifa on Carmel, Beer Sheva and Jerusalem will survive. Those who live in Tel Aviv in towers above the 20th floor will be able to reach their apartment by boat.
    Besides, hundreds of millions who live at the mouths of the great rivers will have to look for a place to live, wars are expected between Bangladesh and India, (because there is nothing left of Bangladesh) Egypt will disappear and more.
    But I agree - it's too late and all the green energy won't help. The process is exponential and already too fast.

  11. Dinosaurs once lived in Antarctica and something happened? Then there will be no ice in the world. And there will be a little less land and cities will have to relocate, not a big disaster. And in any case there is nothing to do without causing other damage. No green energy can currently and in the coming years replace fossil fuels.

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