A modern method of "looking into the material"

A study by the Weizmann Institute

Alex Doron

Weizmann Institute scientists have developed a method to "look inside matter", to identify
From its multi-layer structure and measure the layers, with a separation (resolution) of 1
One nanometer (millionth of a millimeter). The method will be a basis for development
Advanced measuring tools for the semiconductor industry, materials research and scientific
Nature and life.

The need for such measuring tools is for highly accurate structural analyses. majority
The methods of looking into the material do not provide information about the depth dimension
(eg: x-rays). The modern and relatively simple method for analysis
The exact depth was developed by Dr. Hagai Cohen (department of services
Chemical) and Prof. Israel Rubinstein (Materials and Surface Research)
who reported it to the science weekly "Nature".

They used the XPS technique (X-ray photoelectric spectroscopy)
and studied thin insulating layers on a (conductive) gold substrate. radiation
The "X-ray" caused the emission of electrons from the material it hit. The energy level of
The electrons taught about the type of atoms from which they were emitted. at the same time "washed"
The material in a stream of slow electrons from an "electron cannon". The washing created
Electric fields are controlled on the insulating layer, and consequently changes
in the energy level of the emitted electrons. The changes decreased the more sealed
The electron emitter is closer to the metal substrate. Measuring energy changes
Discovered the type of electron-emitting atom and its depth in the material layer
The thinness. In the experiment, inside the thin multi-layered structure, atoms were implanted
"Strangers", as depth markers. then
It turned out that it is possible to "look into the intricacies of the material", to its depth, identify and measure
Its layers have a resolution of 1 nanometer.

Prof. Avraham Schantzer (organic chemistry), Dr
Alexander Veskevitz (materials and surface research) and their students.


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