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why do you have such big eyes

These days the currents are turbulent under the water and especially among the researchers of vision and the animals of the depths. So much so that in discussion groups it is about invading species from space and the prestigious journal Nature published a science fiction story on its website.

A seven-metre-long squid frozen in ice at a museum in Melbourne. From Wikipedia
A seven-metre-long squid frozen in ice at a museum in Melbourne. From Wikipedia

These days the currents are turbulent under the water and especially among the researchers of vision and the animals of the depths. So much so that in discussion groups it is about invading species from space and the prestigious journal Nature published a science fiction story on its website.

so why? In the scientific journal Current Biology, at the beginning of the week, an international group of researchers, including Dr. Nadav Shasher from the Marine Biology and Biotechnology Program of Ben-Gurion University on the Eilat campus, published an article asking - why do giant cuttlefish have such big eyes?

Giant squids live in the depths and reach a length of 15 m including the length of their arms. So far, only one female has been observed and recorded alive, off the coast of Japan, although their bodies have been discovered all over the world. It turns out that these squids also have the largest eyes in the world, much larger than those of whales, for example. The researchers asked - why do they need such big eyes and what do they see there in the depths? In a series of calculations and assumptions over the years, they propose that with these large eyes the squid can see from afar bowhead whales, which dive to catch them. It turns out that during the dive the whales stimulate tiny animals to glow and spread light and thus apparently discover the location of the whales. The whales, for their part, operate an acoustic sonar which the squids cannot hear. And so he has a survival duel between different sensing systems - optical and big eyes of the squids and acoustic with sonar on the part of the whales.

Link to the article in the journal nature:

14 תגובות

  1. It seems to me that the explanation for the large eyes of giant squids is complicated and probably not true.

    There is a very simple explanation, probably because of its simplicity it does not justify writing an article.

    The explanation is as follows:
    In the depth of the sea, the amount of light is very small, so it is difficult to see there. To improve vision in the depths of the sea you need to increase the amount of light falling on the retina, this is done by increasing the size of the pupil. Increasing the size of the pupil requires increasing the eyeball.

    This whole story is also true for owls (they have big eyes to see well in the dark).

  2. A. If squids developed hearing organs to hear the whales, there is also a chance that the whales developed means of communication that would surpass the hearing organs of the squids.

    B. I didn't mean to start a religious war here, certainly not to start an argument with a person who didn't even understand what I wrote. I never attacked evolution, I just asked that before you slander anything, you burst the bubble you live in and move to the other bubble.

    Good Day.

  3. Mr. point for point
    If squids have developed hearing organs, then it is not to hear Gali Tehal. This is exactly to listen to the "Levytan broadcasts"!!
    And regarding the "phenomena that contradict the theory" I understand that what you are trying to do is send me to mess with creationist nonsense, but I will hold back and allow you to choose one phenomenon, and only one, "a phenomenon that has no explanation" and I will crack it to you.
    If not, not bad.
    Know that not only is evolution not this nonsense that even our ancestors were aware of it and you and see what our father Jacob did to increase the allowance he takes from Levan - Genesis chapter XNUMX. If Yaakov were alive in our day, we who teach nothing but my father and grandfather, woe to us!!
    Good day dot in a square
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  4. Sabradmish Yehuda, squids probably have hearing organs, but that is no reason for them to hear the "communication lines" of the whales. Don't forget that whales also evolve over time.

    Another thing, you mentioned religious nonsense. I myself am religious and check what the "religious messengers" say. I am happy to inform you that they are not bullshit. Besides, I would be happy if you would give me a link to a website with at least 2 of the "dozens and hundreds of phenomena that do not fit the same theory".

    If you didn't check, you didn't know.

  5. I'm sure that the cuttlefish has organs that will allow him to hear, just as I'm sure that in every article that has a touch on the theory of evolution, some religious messenger will arise to sing to us the nonsense and "inaccuracies" on the subject.
    It is possible that it is even our serious who says here:
    "There are dozens and hundreds of phenomena that do not fit that theory and often contradict it." End quote.
    It is that there are no such phenomena.
    Shabbat Shalom
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  6. I am interested in the question of why to this day they have not been able to capture one of the giant squid alive and examine its behavior closely and thus check whether it reacts to different sounds and if so how often and how good is its vision.

  7. Pine

    Yehuda thinks so, I don't have to agree with him,
    On the other hand, we also do not have solid facts,
    Take findings technology and human logic (limited)
    , assume, decide and define.
    And they try to make everything fit the theory.

    big eyes ?
    .to absorb particles or waves from an approaching enemy
    To scare enemies
    As a means of navigation using light waves

    If a little effort you can add a few more..
    Some will contradict and some will not the evolution.

  8. Yehuda,
    I always fear when you fear that you know something "scientific" without relying on solid facts...

  9. Evolution is a theory that gives a plausible and interesting explanation, based on many and varied findings.
    We are all witnesses to this, that theories and doctrines have fallen or changed since time immemorial.
    Not every phenomenon in nature requires that it have an explanation within the framework of evolutionary theory,
    The one who believes that every phenomenon in nature occurs under the rules and laws of the theory of evolution
    He is religious. And he will always look for and find an evolutionary explanation for every phenomenon that exists in nature.

    There are dozens and hundreds of phenomena that do not fit that theory and often contradict it,
    It's just a theory, it only explains a part, maybe a large part, maybe the majority, but certainly not everything.

  10. I think the giant squid has big eyes because he listened to the questions Little Red Riding Hood asked Grandma.

  11. I'm not sure there has to be a good reason. It's evolution. At the macro level it does a great job and almost everything has an explanation, at the micro level there can be anomalies.
    It could be that there was no evolutionary pressure on this trait, it could be that this gene exists in attachment to another gene that was necessary, etc., etc.

  12. Yehuda Sabdarmish

    "I'm afraid they do have hearing organs"... Why are you afraid of that?
    We will indeed hope for a good week, and that we keep our heads. Let us not lose him.

  13. It seems very strange to me that millions of years of evolution did not allow squids to organize hearing organs for themselves that were much more effective in the depths of the sea.
    I'm afraid they do have hearing organs
    good week
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

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