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Award for Excellence in Digital Journalism 2012: The video

In addition, you are invited to get an impression of the things I wanted to say at the ceremony, but I was prevented from doing so due to the large delay in the schedule

The certificate that accompanied the award for excellence in digital journalism 2012.
The certificate that accompanied the award for excellence in digital journalism 2012.

Too many people today live in an alternative world:

• In the alternate world, the earth cools and the oil is abundant without limit, forever
• In the alternate world, diseases are friendly, and vaccines cause autism
• In the alternative world, milk is a government weapon aimed at shortening our lives
• In the alternative world it is possible to feed 10 billion people without using genetic engineering of food plants
• In the schools of the alternative world, proven scientific theories such as the theory of evolution do not have to be taught
• In the alternative world, it is common for political leaders and businessmen to consult scientists, not economists
• In the alternate world, Nostradamus is still a celebrity - hundreds of years after his death
• In the alternative world there is of course alternative medicine, the alternative medicine
• The alternative world favors astrology over astronomy, cabalists over scientists, and conspiracy theories and urban legends over anything that requires in-depth scientific research
• But what is important, because the alternative world has a well-established prediction, according to which the end of the world will come next month - on the twenty-first of December 2012

The real problem today is that the alternative world is at our fingertips, in the mainstream media, which markets it. He tempts us with promises and lies and miracles, which dismiss us from real curiosity and arduous scientific work.
In such a world, real scientific coverage is marginalized. The scientific news will appear, at best, on the back pages, and will always be the first to fly in favor of the image of a soccer player and a model caught red-handed in a trendy restaurant and the first thing that is given up when cuts are required.
Even the scientific channels are sometimes guilty of pseudo-science, i.e. presenting the alternative world as if it were the real world. This is how we find 'green' columns by global warming deniers, or the musings of a critic who denies evolution, global warming and AIDS in the same breath.
The science site proves that it is also possible otherwise. that it is possible to have a communication channel that provides scientific news while adhering to the scientific consensus. One of the roles I have taken on at this website is to respond to pseudo-scientific and anti-scientific arguments that are raised in other media.
This is the opportunity to thank all the writing volunteers who are active today and those who were active in the past, as well as one volunteer - Rami Yushchev, who is responsible for the technical aspects of the website.
Thanks also to the awardees - the Association of Journalists, who recognized the journalistic professionalism that characterizes the knowledge site, and chose it despite the fact that it is not a popular field, and to Google, who knew how to appreciate the digital aspect of the project and recognized the site as a quality news source.
And a few words about one of the other winners tonight, Nehemiah Strassler. I had the honor of attending his academic course every morning at 11 in his office, in what was then called the economic section, and I gained a lot of insights from it both in the economic field and in the media field.

Thank you all.


For news about the win on the NEWS1 website

14 תגובות

  1. why are you asking me Any idiot can throw a stone, without any responsibility and then ten wise men will not be able to pick it up. There is no truth in this as in any conspiracy theory.

  2. Avi Blizovsky, I ask you again: what does it mean that milk is a government weapon whose purpose is to shorten our lives? And is it real?

  3. Blessings to you father,

    Thank you for your wonderful site, which is one of my favorites. A tireless and reliable source of diverse information about the hottest scientific topics developing in Israel and the world - and for free!!!

    I am very happy that someone thought to give recognition and awards to a real, honest and honest enterprise that simply does nothing but good for the whole. Of course you deserve much more and I hope you derive great satisfaction from your work - it is your greatest salary...

    At the same time, full disclosure - I also belong to the alternative world that you dismiss in so many words. You can feel the intensity with which this topic flows through your veins...
    At least for me - there is no black and white. Also stating that something is nonsense is an unnecessary pretension - who knows, maybe in the future you will find the proof or understand the causal principle behind the things that in your eyes are clearly wrong.
    This does not mean that I believe in everything - but someone who is both a believer and a controlled person - does not get carried away and does not rule anything out in advance, and someone who does not believe at all - maybe he limits his thinking unnecessarily?

    For me, the physical and the super physical are both a fact that exists in me first and foremost. My interiority is not physical and is a fact for me. Externality is also respect in its place. There is no contradiction.

  4. First of all, the amount has already been used in a project that was applied to earlier, but I thought of raising funding for it with 'Mimona' - redesign and improvement of the site.
    When I founded the website, I did not have any goals, but only to preserve interesting articles I wrote in Haaretz on science topics. Then I already started posting independent things on the site. In the second stage, I also saw on the site a way to increase skepticism in the public towards superstitions and beliefs that are not scientifically based in general (a very common superstition at the time was in the Abami, harmful common beliefs were and still are phenomena such as Kabbalists, Babas and other intellectuals who scoop up a lot of money at the expense of the stupidity of others.
    As for your last question, an interview with me on the subject will be published on another site.

  5. Avi Blizovsky,

    7500 NIS?? I understand you didn't get rich from the prize...
    I would like to know if at the time when you established the science website, were these goals in front of your eyes even then, or did you have other goals?
    In addition, who finances the site? Do other people support him?
    Perhaps it is possible to write a summary article about the history of the site, the people who work, goals, important landmarks and the future...

  6. My father, congratulations on the recognition
    And congratulations on the continued investment in the site.

  7. Father, do you also live in this alternate world?
    There are quite a few people who are aware that the earth is warming, and don't really believe in this nonsense called "alternative medicine".

  8. What does it mean that the milk is a government weapon aimed at shortening our lives? And is it real

  9. To my father
    Congratulations again for winning the excellence award and best wishes for many more years of interesting work.
    And in addition two comments to the above:

    1. You wrote: "..• In the schools of the alternative world, proven scientific theories such as the theory of evolution do not have to be taught."
    For the sake of accuracy in wording. It is not better to say "….confirmed scientific theories like the theory of evolution…." ?

    2. You wrote: "...this is how we find 'green' columns of global warming deniers..."
    Here one must distinguish between those who deny (or rather ignore) warming for economic and political reasons, such as governments
    China and Argentina and the Republican administration in the USA, and various scientists, who are not global warming deniers
    However, underneath there are different explanations for the phenomenon than the accepted consensus, which is, as you know, the emission of exhaust gases
    Be careful not to associate these with each other.

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