Deuterium is highly compressed as nuclear energy

Material, which is hundreds of thousands of times heavier than water and denser than the core of the sun, is produced at the University of Gutenberg

The Deuterium Facility, University of Gutenberg
The Deuterium Facility, University of Gutenberg

Material, hundreds of thousands of times heavier than water and denser than the core of the sun, is produced at the University of Gothenburg. The scientists, working with this material, intend to develop an energy process that will be more sustainable and less dangerous to the environment than nuclear energy that exists today.

Imagine a material so heavy that a cube of it, whose side is only ten centimeters long, weighs one hundred and thirty tons, a material whose density is significantly higher than the material that makes up the core of the sun. Such material is produced and researched by scientists in atmospheric science, in the chemistry department at the University of Gutenberg.

So far, only microscopic amounts of the new material have been produced. New measurements, recently published in two scientific journals, indicate that the distance between the atoms of the material is significantly shorter than that found in "normal" material. Leif Holmlid, a professor in the chemistry department, believes that this is an important step on the way to the commercial use of this substance.

The substance is produced from heavy hydrogen, also known as "deuterium" and therefore it is called "highly compressed deuterium". The popular explanation is that this type of material plays an important role in the formation of suns, and that it is probably found in giant planets such as the planet Jupiter.

So, what can this super-heavy material be used for?

"One of the important justifications for our research lies in the fact that highly compressed deuterium may be used as a very efficient fuel in laser-based nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion between deuterium nuclei can be achieved by using powerful lasers while receiving enormous amounts of energy," explains the professor.

Laser technology has long been tested for frozen deuterium, also known as "deuterium ice", but results so far have been poor. It has been proven that it is extremely difficult to compress the deuterium ice sufficiently so that the high temperature required to initiate melting is obtained.

Ultra-compacted deuterium is a million times more compressed than deuterium ice, making it possible to create a nuclear fusion reaction relatively easily with the help of high-intensity pulses of laser rays. "If we can produce large amounts of ultra-compressed deuterium, the fusion process may be the source of energy of the future And it may be available much sooner than we thought possible," says the lead researcher.

"Furthermore, we believe that we can plan the deuterium fusion in such a way that the only products that will be obtained will be only helium and hydrogen - both of which are clearly non-dangerous substances. Also, there will be no need to deal with the highly radioactive substance tritium, which is the substance expected to be used in other nuclear fusion reactors , and hence we conclude that laser-based nuclear fusion, as we have studied it, will be both more sustainable and less dangerous to the environment than other methods developed today."

What is deuterium?
according to Wikipedia Deuterium is an isotope (a chemical element that differs in the number of neutrons and its atomic weight from normal) of hydrogen found in large quantities in water - every one atom out of every ten thousand hydrogen atoms has a deuterium nucleus. The isotope is symbolized as "2H" or "D" and is known to the general public as "heavy hydrogen". Deuterium is used in a number of conventional nuclear reactors in the form of heavy water (D2O), and will probably also be used in the future as fuel for future fusion reactors.

The news from Gutenberg University

22 תגובות

  1. Some answers and important things:

    Changing the balance of materials in the world will not change anything, it has been done for many, many years.
    The most dangerous change in the balance of materials is the excessive emission of greenhouse gases, etc., which cause environmental problems much more serious than the production of helium and hydrogen (which are mostly used as fuel).
    In the future, such programs will be able to produce more energy than is required for their operation.
    What is written in the article could be a solution to the energy problem in the world.
    I would say that this is one of the technologies that will help (it will be used or it will lead to another important technology) for the human race in many years (tens, hundreds, thousands...).

    I am currently reading a very interesting book that talks about futuristic technologies that will be usable in the near and far future - "The Physics of the Impossible" by Michio Kaku
    Highly recommended for anyone interested in the field

  2. Eyal. A
    What happens will prevail
    Listen, I checked Wikipedia (familiar?) on the uses of helium and hydrogen by the human race, listen how to put it gently I didn't fall, - I'm just kidding again - the uses are important but not essential, how many airships do I need.
    In short, we managed to make wonders out of a lot of materials in nature. We have use for almost everything, right, but that doesn't change the fact that if they do something like this, it will change the balance of materials in the world, something that will cause consequences, I don't know what.

  3. to me
    1. I didn't know that it was written like that in Demarker (you won 1-0)

    2. I knew, of course, that anti-matter would provide much more energy than this matter, I meant it half sarcastically and I wrote better, so I meant the level of risk, although anti-matter provides more energy, but risks of mishaps will exact a very heavy price, I suppose, and this is contrary to this experiment. (I won 1-1)

    3. Regarding the balance of the substances emitted in nature, you may be right and nature will overcome it, but no one guarantees the same and it could be..., I guess you understand what I mean is that nature can overcome many things, if not everything, depending on how you define nature, in short It could be that one of his solutions to the case, theoretically and in an extreme way, would be - in an indirect or more indirect way - to destroy the human race. In short, I think we need to investigate the issue and check if there can be any cause for concern. provided

  4. point:

    In the original message (of the original message..the abstract of the experiment) it was claimed that the distance between one deuterium to another in the dense material they received is 2.3 pm. It is really small and sounds even more illogical to me, but can easily explain 160 tons per liter (and here too there is a problem because with such an interatomic distance you should get numbers much higher than 160).

    Here's the link:

  5. Bijumbom (??):

    These by-products are also blessed-
    Mayman: I don't think it's necessary to elaborate. Collect and sell. The fuel of the future.
    Helium: Helium is used in industry and research. There is no way to produce helium today to the best of my knowledge, and the one that is used comes from oil/natural gas drilling (also as a material that comes along the way and is used) when after use it evaporates and disappears into the atmosphere.

  6. fresh:
    What is described in the program looks more like the already classic approach of compression using laser beams.
    The name of the special material is not mentioned in the current article, and the university in question is also different.

  7. Bijumbom
    Posting on DeMarker, and ending with We only need XX dollars, is almost like asking for my money.

    And regarding the comments on this article, deuterium fusion, no matter how compressed it is, still turns into energy an extremely small percentage of mass. This is in contrast to antimatter which turns all its mass into energy and the same mass of matter.
    It will probably come out much stronger.
    It will take a long, long, long time until some balance of substances in nature may feel this, and trust nature to take care of it.

  8. To Dr. Moshe Nachmani

    written like this:

    "Furthermore, we believe that we can design the fusion of deuterium in such a way that the only products obtained will be helium and hydrogen only - both of which are clearly non-dangerous substances."

    Although not dangerous and chemical already in nature, they will affect the balance of hydrogen and helium that exists, something that can cause weighty consequences such as lowering the amount of oxygen or something else I created. In short, everything has consequences and I think that the consequences that will be caused in the process of breaking down this substance should be carefully examined.

  9. for life
    There is nothing to worry about, it can cause damage only in the process of nuclear fusion, it is not such a simple thing, let's say that if it falls, I assume that it will not explode, it will simply replace a large amount of pine trees, the risk will be just like the risk of pine tree fusion.
    I'll see or we'll try and then we'll know

  10. LOL just kidding

    Let's take it further to a small capsule that cannot be lifted due to its weight and can destroy a nice neighborhood. Antimatter is better

  11. Michael:
    Interesting article, I wish them success.
    But I'm not really comfortable with her.
    The problem with cold fusion so far is that they haven't been able to do it.
    The 1989 experiment that is shown there, is an experiment that has been reversed a long time ago, and did not involve cold fusion.
    The energy needed to break chemical bonds in water, however strong they may be, does not come close to the energy that should in theory be obtained from fusion.

    But don't know. As mentioned, I wish them success.
    I wouldn't give them my money.

  12. You invest electrical energy to make the material turn into the big energy tens (maybe hundreds and thousands, I have no idea) times that which was invested.
    All according to e=mc^2
    The materials you get at the end of this process have less mass than what went in, because some of it has been converted into energy.

  13. You invest electrical energy to create electrical energy.
    Something here doesn't make sense - will they produce more energy than they invest?

    In normal power plants, you burn something, so it is translated into electricity after a few cycles, and the efficiency is low, but here they want to invest electrical energy from the beginning... Am I the only one who didn't understand?

  14. 10 cm * 10 cm * 10 cm = 1000 cm1, which is a volume of XNUMX liter.
    A liter of material from the sun will weigh 160 kilograms. (a 1 liter bottle of water weighs 1 kilogram)
    130 tons per liter sounds a bit too high to me.

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