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Dance of the Galaxies

Two galaxies in the constellation Virgo are on a collision course. Promo for a collision between the Milky Way and Andromeda?

Dance of the twin galaxies NGC 5426-7
Dance of the twin galaxies NGC 5426-7

This amazing image looks like space art or a photoshop trick but it is a real image of twin galaxies dancing together in the sky. The image was obtained with the required precision by an instrument known as GMOS - Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph, from the Gemini South Observatory in Chile. The two nearly identical spiral galaxies are in the constellation Virgo, 90 million light-years from Earth in the early stages of a gentle gravitational embrace.

Like two dancers shaking hands as they approach, NGC 5427 (the more open galaxy in the lower left) and its southern twin NGC 5426 (the more oblique galaxy in the upper right) are in the midst of a slow but disruptive relationship—one that could take hundreds of millions of years to complete.

These galaxies whose mass, structure and shape are more or less similar and collectively known as ARP 271 - look as if they were not damaged. But recent studies have shown that their mutual attraction has begun to change and distort their visible features.

Typically, the first sign of an interaction between the galaxies is the formation of a bridge-like configuration. Indeed, the two spiral arms of the western (upper) part of NGC 5246 appear as a long appendage connecting with NGC 5427. This intergalactic bridge acts as a feed chain, allowing the twins to share gas and dust with each other for 60 light-years (less than the diameter of each of the galaxies) of the distance separating them.

Gas that crashed into the galaxies due to the interaction between them may also accelerate the formation of new stars in each of the galaxies. Star-forming regions appear as pink knots that follow the spiral pattern of each galaxy. These regions are common in many spiral systems, but the largest ones in NGC 5426 show more complex connections and are also more common on the side of the galaxy closest to NGC 5427. Star-forming activity can also be seen in the bridge connecting the galaxies.

This is a process that was once considered rare and unusual, and today we know that gravitational interactions between galaxies are more common, especially in highly populated galaxy clusters, and they probably play an important role in galactic evolution. Most galaxies have known at least one major collision or many minor collisions with other galaxies since the Big Bang about 13 billion years ago.

Our Milky Way, a spiral galaxy like the ones in the picture, is actually performing its dance with two small satellite galaxies known as the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Small Magellanic Cloud, and it is possible that in the future it will approach the spiral galaxy M-31 known as the Andromeda Galaxy, which is currently 2.6 million light years away from the milky way These images taken from the Gemini Observatory may be a preview of what's in store for our galaxy. Eventually the end result of such collisions will be a large elliptical galaxy.

For the news in Universe Today


  1. the main idea :

    Allocating resources should start from the ground up, with the pencil and notebook that every student in Israel has in their possession, who will arrive at school without experiencing disturbances such as hunger and more: and then from among the group of students to encourage those with abilities in the various fields; Without foundation work, everything will evaporate (especially money).

  2. Yehuda is nice
    Are you alive and breathing and benevolent? That's all!
    Do your job and know yourself.
    No one and not once tells you when to open a computer.
    But, and this is the supreme sting of a huge fate, you and me and everyone in the circle.
    The point is that I was born with an open-consciousness. I came from the distant eternity (protected-besieged).
    My consciousness was born radiant and radiating - and there are stages in development.
    Today I also bequeath to you the same recognition-sight-in-your-own-way
    And I tell you to take a blessing and go on and on.
    If you had read all the things I have listed on the site you would have been enlightened by the light of preciousness - first source
    I came to my father and mother from a very special lineage - and I can't go into more detail at the moment...slowly.
    I know a lot..and they know me..Ohh Malan..but I don't have a place in advertising - I'm not allowed for now.
    And it doesn't seem to me that my place needs it. My consciousness radiates all the time - it emanates like a transmitter
    Huge. That's why local must be good, clean. clear.. clear.. and very, very educated. Because my mind is you.
    And also eternity. It is indeed a wonder. But I am not scary, maybe people whose hearts are not clean are.
    I am indeed, weak on all the scenarios, a giant of books, and quietly familiar with all the acting characters.
    And there is life..ohhhh people know, but don't know how to define: "want to can't" defined one of our commenters. And it's true.
    I'm really, really multidisciplinary. Tirelessly peripheral. That's a fact and you shouldn't envy me. Maybe get an example
    Tova. That's all! Everyone has their own plot. Family unit. Family alliance, etc., etc., etc.
    All the things that I projected to the site are pure living truth that sustains and promises good.
    When you are mature you will understand more and more.
    Well, write me poems on the site when your heart is a poet, this is my greatest comfort.
    And keep being who you are..the good drive creates a good drive and that's what matters.
    In fact, I answered your question before you raised these questions.. everything is written down. and surely more will flow.. we'll see..

    Hugin: In rounds.
    My local didn't take anything from you Q On the contrary - be good: that's all! And be respectful!! Yes, it's important./Balv

  3. to hug
    According to you:- "I am the bearer of all the highest brotherhoods in the world. Even orders. No one escapes me. I am here and there at the same time. And at the same time I am human and there is a vast sky in direct contact with me..!" And you also add and explain: - "What you see in the galactic reflection - it's a dance - it's mine, I know it. I'm the bearer of all the higher brotherhoods in the world. Also orders. No one escapes me. I'm here and there at the same time. And along with that I Human and there is a vast sky in direct contact with me". End quote.
    And you add and ask: - "Are you able to go with me for a moment - without unnecessary suspicion?".
    I have to tell you that it is very impressive and I am flattered that I am found suitable, but I am a bit stressed in terms of work and business, so I don't know if I can be free. Maybe I'll convince Michael? You still have to detail what the role is intended for me, why I am suitable, and why other commenters like Michael, who are probably jealous of me right now, are not suitable. For example, I think I will consult with Michael, whose opinion I value very much, before I work with someone who has special connections like you.
    I also have a friend, Haim Mazar, who even wrote several articles here on the Hidan website. This Mazar Haim is a member of the Israeli UFO Association, wrote many articles on the subject, and even had contact with aliens. Do you think he would be suitable for the aforementioned important topic?, I think he would be happy to join.
    In short, you must give more detail to me and the readers of the science what you expect from me and from them.
    Shabbat Shalom
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  4. Yehuda
    I understand that you have a slight difficulty understanding what I represent here.
    I understand that it is difficult for you and for some to see the peripheral scenario and the future of the dawn for all humanity.
    I understand that you think that my place is turbulent. It's not like that at all, I'm a calm, calculated and lucid person. We are my parents
    Family, well organized, don't stand out, live in peace with everyone. Everyone likes our personality
    The niceties. We are not strange - well, I do, indeed, arouse wonder from time to time, a special chicken - a personality that arouses wonder. I have a good and special influence in all my reasons. The point is that I am the treasurer and keeper of the best-kept secret in the world. And here is the time and the time to reveal a little more. I can't to say everything
    You as a person, as an individual, must detail, prepare yourself and train yourself. At this stage where you are
    We are in it. It is possible that you feel threatened by something bigger than you and everyone else and this constitutes (on a certain level) a super threat
    The private ego, which simulates it.
    as a collision between galaxies and more.
    Look, Yehuda. I also followed your articles - and you are very close to the truth and a close look.
    The laugh of fate, which is sure at the closest moment, suddenly there is a retreat in optimism and near vision
    for the truth you had.
    Look at me: I am a special mother, one of a kind. There is no one who does not envy the pure magic I radiate.
    I'm a tough type, Ida Shamma, patient, petrified, innocent, brave, a lot of stunts and also a type
    Shelio, I read a lot, classical music, gas, blues, opera, world. It's my food. Well, recently I'm in a project with you.
    My husband does not tolerate "religion" and in general the whole loft-gesheifen, but there is nothing better than him. Everyone knows. So it is my job to keep
    It is on him from unknowingly repeating kitrogs... the children are wonderful in their own way - and especially: they don't prepare barley. It doesn't bother me, of course - I see far, far away.
    There is a purpose - for humanity - a new kind of breed - an octave continuation that has never been before. The preparations are right at the beginning.
    It's completely apolitical! Something completely different - different, it's not a coup at all - it's a multi-dimensional metamorphosis
    A change of phase and a real elevation. Anxieties and fears are not suitable for this phase - there is no such thing in the next octave. It will not come immediately, before that there needs to be a deep inner peace from which the continuation will come... there what you see in the galactic reflection - it is dance - it is mine I know him.
    I am the bearer of all the higher brotherhoods in the world. Even orders. No one escapes me. I am here and there at the same time. And at the same time I am human and there is a vast sky in direct contact with me.. there is no
    What to fear from me when they are good-and true-and respectful! And I also do not allow them to hurt someone else good.
    But, there are twisted laws, I can advocate - but there is an orderly fate - I am trapped in it like you - but,
    that I am connected to him, love, respect, and wonder what will happen next. Every moment is a good data. You need to appreciate, be smart, and sober. Not a hermit but not a pig. No more and no less. Everything in proportion to the situation and without any enslavement. In fact, what turns out is that I am your desired slave! To the fate of huge giants! So, play it. Do I have a choice? This is the good life. And I have everything!!! God bless
    Haaretz, your honor. I hate fantasies!!!! But hahaha, I'm a fanatic right now to prepare you for the future! There is a huge, magical heavenly master plan!! Give it a chance!!!!!~ At least to love to dream
    Trust in something for a change. And keep writing and learning, just open your heart for a moment.

    Are you able to go with me for a moment - without unnecessary suspicion??? I am with you on the Internet line, I will not hurt you.
    But, you must think cleanly, about me and even about "those whose fate has not yet improved" patience, tolerance and no need
    That you do in their place what they should do but!!! It was true that you brought up all the arguments here. Are you ready for us to change the phase for the time being at least with the right thinking?
    Nothing comes by itself if you don't live. It is desirable to "see" correctly - and that is precisely what I noticed that you have potential - a kind of heart almost ripe for this. On the threshold, on the threshold.

    I have no intention of flattering you - this is the right way and the right thing for me to do at this time.
    There are things that I (the most original - and without showing off) simply see and weave within me and know - likeness
    Live and real.
    If you knew how much I tried to escape from this - there is no escape from a good fate for all of you. Everyone is an inseparable part even if
    Some shed their bodies due to the necessity of an ancient fate.
    That's it - I threw the ping-pong at you.
    I hope Yehuda, that you understand a little
    I hope you will answer me in an honest way as much as your inner desire plays inside you - don't block, let the spirit
    The real one to talk your way - then you will understand, and I too will understand more how we all create together on the fly
    And a group of elites (precisely on the margins, many of them are the "unknown-and the children" and we'll see...) a local
    Not externally involved..only in private (family..dynastic) matters. Well, that's a dilemma..I'm not
    Wants publicity but recognition - your real recognition. It's classy.
    There is nothing to fight me - there is nothing to blame me - keep it good. And it will be good.

    All good - good
    Hugin: In all honesty.

  5. How are you?
    In previous comments beyond the first five, it is advisable to write down what article it is about after the commenter's name. Just like it was done in the first five comments.
    For your judgment.
    Shabbat Shalom
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  6. To collect and Michael
    I will interrupt the argument between you, children, and explain, with your permission Michael, to back up what the reason for the expected collision is.
    The collision of the galaxies is due to the gravitational force of attraction between them which in this range exceeds the force of repulsion of the dark energy acting between them. For the same reason our beloved Milky Way system is racing toward an inevitable collision with its neighboring galaxy, Andromeda.
    So here I explained.
    Don't fight children, Shabbat is holy today.
    In appreciation to both of you
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  7. back up
    This is exactly the stinking point of "nefesh-am" all the time we need.need..hungry, needy souls
    Inner light. Full of self-pity. Powerless.
    It already causes nausea in the heavens. Blocks the clear vision. Blocks the ability to see the good in front of your eyes at every moment and hour. Blocks the ability to see the noble within the other.
    This is the repulsive story of history=hysteria=evil mercy...
    That's it! It's over.
    Take care of the pure interiority within you. You are fine->Others are fine.<You are fine.
    Be good and spontaneous. The rest will come at any moment at any hour. That's how it works.
    Does it suddenly threaten your livelihood?? Maybe something more real wants to come into your life??
    At least be real with your noble inner self. In the heart! In the heart! and above that.

    There is no room for explanations - you have to experience - be - and see.


  8. Michael:

    It may be necessary to check the position in the scale of accuracy in his words, the position of the one who gets the impression that he was harmed because of a financial interest; This and more in particular when it was already said about money: it blinds the eyes of the wise, and perverts the words of the righteous.

  9. Eyebrows:
    The Jews were said to be an inferior race.
    Not everything said is true.
    In particular, everything you said in your comment above is not true.

  10. Michael:
    If my response made you angry; It has already been said about those who are angry: that if Jupiter is angry, it means that he is not just.

    And if I don't deserve an explanation, then at least the readers and forum participants don't deserve to be punished because of me, or maybe your anger is too strong that you punished them too; And if so: there is reason to wonder in the context of those who mix interests in their responses.

  11. Eyebrows:
    There is definitely an explanation for the collision of galaxies and since it is easy to find I am sure that when you said there is no explanation you did not mean to get an explanation.
    That's why I don't explain.
    I'm just pointing out the fact that your statement indicates your own self-interest - exactly the same kind of self-interest you claim to reject.

  12. Lesbadramish Yehuda:

    Pure scientific thought means: complete detachment from anything that has a suspicion of self-interested consideration, such as financial, or any kind of social connection; And in relation to the belief in the Big Bang - each person will live by his belief; And for issues such as how one can explain collisions of galaxies, which according to the big bang are in a state of accelerated expansion, there is still no explanation;

    In conclusion: pure scientific thought also means: the time has come for us to understand both as a society and as individuals that we are at the center of the world only of our world; And by no means in the center of the infinite astronomical world (universe) (beyond every space there must be an explanation for something that we as individuals are still fumbling in attempts to understand essences outside the center of our world).

  13. Hugin,

    Poetry is a beautiful thing, but you inflate and clutter the forums unnecessarily. Please consider beyond the laconic.



  14. This. I got lost in the tangle of reactions and counter reactions. I no longer know who is talking to whom about what and why.

  15. As above, so below.
    And now, period, since you raised the section for me, with your impudence... well, fine, always
    It is advisable to express yourself, it is healthy!! For those who really want to be educated, and not be captive
    In the prejudices, the dark opinions of himself and the stupid society that influences him
    To be really blind.. Please, read my comment on this matter on August 2, under my name
    The full, the original, in English!.. the thing is, there are always thieves who take my name for their needs
    The business people, does not mean that I am included in them, although they serve in their own way
    And I don't rule them out! The point! Read again the sentence attributed to the dance
    The galaxies, do your homework, according to the questions that were placed before her... and then
    Say, again and again, and again, what you understood... after all we went through something in common
    On this site for the last two weeks..if everything is just then..the blind spot

  16. back up

    You use the term "purity of scientific thought". What is this concept? Is this the way you, Goth, see the explanation of the universe?, and what would happen if, for example, I told you that I do not believe in the existence of the dark mass but I do believe in the big bang?, would I act according to the "purity of scientific thought"?
    This is a dangerous concept for scientific thinking and everyone should be allowed to express their opinion, even if someone doesn't like it!

    Good Day
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  17. To Judah:

    At least you can try to start formulating a direction marker for thinking about the purity of scientific thought, such as:

    The observed universe from the little material known to us (about five percent - accuracy of a few percent is not so important for this matter), does not justify adherence to the theory (the big bang), which seems that the person who proposed it, was probably enthusiastic after watching the event of fireworks de nour, without giving his opinion ( or probably didn't know), about very many collisions of galaxies.

    And within the purity of scientific thought, there is a place to give an interpretation to the essence of the infinite spaces of universes that our universe is contained in, while detaching from our human nature, to treat any structure or space for that matter, as something domain.

  18. to the eyebrows
    Many times it is careful to say that it is about the visible universe and not about the entire universe, meaning that the universe is believed to be larger than 13.7 billion light years (this is the number)
    Regarding the rest of your words, I also do not accept relying on a few data from billions of years ago for the purpose of accepting "exploded" theories with such great confidence.

    good week
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  19. For those who need further explanation:

    Due to the complex matter, such as the dark matter that contains most of the mass in the universe known to us; From the little known material they build theories, such as: the size of the universe is 14,4 or 14,7 (it doesn't matter) light years; This measurement, which is measured as a result of the absorption of the radiation of the primordial universe (redshift), upon reaching the observation and measurement devices on Earth, during this time until the radiation arrived; The primordial galaxies continued their expansion with an accelerated characteristic, so that the size of the universe should be more than twice one of the two sizes mentioned above; And what is not clear: how do we rely on a theory (the big bang), which is based on about five percent of matter, and also deduce from it the size of the universe, which in a simple calculation we get more than twice.

  20. Meir:
    It can happen, but it is not bound by reality - at least not in the short term. A situation can also arise where they rotate around a common center of gravity.

    I don't understand what you said but I get the impression that you don't either.

  21. The time has come to understand that the universe is not only expanding (the big bang) - what the equipment we have shows on one of the dimensions in the universe; Activity in dimensions much larger than 14,7 light years away exists in the infinite expanses of the universe, during which galaxies merge; Cosmic activity in the characteristics of the disintegration of galaxies and galaxy clusters that is not the result of a collision has yet been identified, and in this case it is very likely to be assumed that the dynamics of the activity of dark matter and its counterpart
    "dominate" the vastness of infinity.

  22. In that case, will the black holes in the centers of the galaxies merge into a single black hole?

  23. Isn't it tickling the writers/translators of the site to already write about the discovery of water on Mars?!
    Am I the only one upset here?

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