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Elon Musk

Implanting a chip in the brain as recently done by Elon Musk's company Neurolink can, if done correctly, save patients with severe brain diseases, and that the patients no longer respond to drug treatment
The chip should provide a variety of health and scientific benefits, including the ability to measure brain activity and give people with physical or mental disabilities new abilities. However, Musk's company and Musk in general have a problematic history
NASA postpones the Artemis 2 and 3 missions by a year to 2025 and 2026 respectively. The reason: repeated failures. One of them occurred this week - the fuel leak from the lunar lander intended for Peregrine
A management researcher from the University of Essex argues that true discovery and progress cannot rely on the minds and motivations of a few famous men. This involves investing in institutions that are anchored in democracy and sustainability - not only because it is more ethical, but because in the long run, it will be much more effective
A study revealed that solutionism - the belief that technological solutions can address social problems while achieving profit is dominant among the leaders of technology companies and is spreading in the digital economy. The authors of the study criticize this ideology, and claim that it ignores democratic processes
Musk found himself trying to please both Ukraine and Russia while trying to prevent escalation. His refusal to provide satellite coverage of a Ukrainian attack on Crimea exposed his dilemma. But Starlink's importance in the war did not diminish
Two British companies have raised funds from investors to develop satellites for the production of drugs and chips in space. CEO of Space Pharma Yossi Yamin: This shows that we are not the only crazy people and that even the capital market recognizes the manufacturing market in space
What could aliens pick up from the radio leak from Earth? How would Earth look to an alien civilization light years away from us?
Altman joins a number of prominent figures, including Elon Musk and Stuart Russell, in emphasizing the need for careful research and caution in the development of artificial intelligence. The letter highlights the importance of ensuring AI systems are designed with safety and security in mind, as well as the need for international cooperation to address the global challenges posed by AI
Apparently the thrust of the first stage was not strong enough and the spacecraft was not able to separate from it. This is still an unmanned test flight and it seems that now the manned tests will move away * This is the fourth prototype to crash on launch
The signatories of the letter call for a six-month pause in the development of systems more powerful than OpenAI's new GPT-4. "Strong AI systems should only be developed once we are confident that their effects will be positive and their risks will be manageable," the letter said.
Musk recently revealed this, and autism researchers seek to use it to advance understanding of the unique traits and different minds of people on the autistic stream
Director of Roscosmos Dimitri Rogozin referred to the DMS-R facility used to navigate the station, although it was designed by the European Space Agency and integrated into the Russian component of the Zavezda space station * Also, the Progress cargo spaceships occasionally provide station orbit raising services * Elon Musk suggested that the SpaceX cargo spaceships perform the track repairs in place of the ruins
This is according to an analysis by PITCHBOOK. According to the analysts, before flying humans into space, advanced uses of satellites should be exhausted and the problem of space debris should be addressed, but the budget for this may be reached thanks to these gimmicks.
SN8, a prototype of a spacecraft that is supposed to transport humans to Mars, took off and even circled in the air but did not succeed in the landing phase apparently due to low fuel pressure in the central tank, which caused it to reach the ground at too high a speed. The experiments will continue with the next spacecraft
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