the corona virus

rats. Illustration:

Were rats responsible for the Black Death epidemic, and what is their role in the Corona epidemic?

New studies dispute the assertion that the rats were the ones who transmitted the Black Death, but in any case it turns out that they could be a storehouse of viruses from the corona family
Illustration: shutterstock

Not only Corona: Israel's medical problems - in numbers

An alternative report on the state of health of Israelis: Who gets more cancer - men or women? Where are more affected by diabetes - in the north or in the center? What are the most common surgeries?
Searching for mutations in the corona virus. Illustration:

A new complex mutation of the corona virus is spreading in the UK - a genomics researcher explains

The variant carries 14 defining mutations, seven of which are in the spike protein - the protein that mediates the entry of the virus into human cells. This is a relatively large number of changes compared to the many versions of the virus around the world
ADHD. Illustration: shutterstock

Israeli research: those dealing with attention and concentration disorders will recover faster from Corona

Researchers from the Hebrew University, the Technion, and the Western Galilee Academic College, and the Netanya Academic College found that children and adults, who suffer from ADHD, may recover faster from COVID-19 compared to the general population, and link this to "evolutionary advantages".
PREDICT sampled more than 60 countries and identified at least 931 species of new viruses, out of 145 thousand samples. Photo: cdc – unsplash

The search for the next pandemic

MDA model with a full protective suit for conducting cordon tests MDA model with a full protective suit for performing corona tests - photo of Madona barges - photo of Mada barges

What is the practical meaning of the term 'recovered' from the corona virus

SmellTracker project logo. Courtesy of the Weizmann Institute

Corona detection through self-monitoring of the sense of smell

The loss of the senses of taste and smell reported by many corona patients. Illustration: shutterstock

Is the loss of the sense of smell and taste a sign of corona?

Locating corona patients using cellular tracking. Illustration: Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The science behind the corona virus

Prohibition on gatherings due to the corona epidemic. Illustration: Image by zmisoz from Pixabay

Corona virus Can herd immunity really protect us?

The new corona virus that causes COVID-19 (yellow) appears on the surface of cells (blue/pink) in culture in the laboratory. NIAID Laboratories (RML), USA NIH, CC BY NIAID Rocky Mountain

What are viruses, how do they spread and how do they attack us

The spread of the corona virus. Illustration: shutterstock

The future of the corona virus - in the world and in Israel

Testing for the detection of the corona virus. Illustration: Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Identification of the corona virus in 15 minutes