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In interstellar molecular clouds, large molecules can form despite the non-ideal conditions prevailing there
This is according to the Dark Energy Survey Partnership, of which University College London is a founding member, hosts the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in the United States and includes more than 400 scientists from 25 institutions in 7 countries
For the first time, NASA activated a tool designed to discover planets many light years away on an object in the solar system, in a study of the winds of Jupiter
"Astronomers discover that the fastest radio burst ever observed came not from a single galaxy, but from a group of merging galaxies"
The two-dimensional reflection of the galaxies in the night sky does not say much about the real distances between the galaxies and between them and the Earth
Astrophysicists have discovered why spiral galaxies like our Milky Way are rare in the supergalactic plane, a dense region of our local universe
Researchers from the Australian National University have developed a model that is the most comprehensive view of the history of the universe. The study highlights the change that the universe underwent from the moment of its formation 13.8 billion years ago to its current state, full of objects such as protons, atoms and galaxies
The cause of this is a distorted dark matter halo
"The effect of gravitational waves on pulsars is very weak and difficult to detect, but we built the credibility of the findings over time as we collected more data," said Caterina Cazziano, NANOGrav team member and senior lecturer at Caltech.
NANOGrav Discovers Stronger Gravitational Waves Than Ever, Apparently Created by Pairs of Supermassive Black Holes
Gravitational wave analysis hints at the way black hole pairs are formed
Webb's instruments reveal new details about star formation
The proximity of four of the five Stefan galaxies to each other (the fifth only seems close) allows astronomers to ignite galactic mergers and intergalactic reactions. And also how black holes affect the flow of matter between galaxies
"These data represent a significant step forward in astrophysics and can be used to search for a wide range of signals, from nearby planets or galaxies to faint signatures in the distant universe." the researchers write
This system - named Earp 195 - appears in the Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies, a list that shows some of the weirder and wonderful galaxies in the universe
This galactic cluster boasts a variety of directions, with spiral galaxies like the one in the center of this image that are almost visible from above, and some spiral galaxies that are only visible as thin slices of light when viewed from the side. This is in addition to the gravitational lensing effect that allows viewing more distant galaxies
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