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The things everyone can do to save the environment

Copy and save to desktop: The simple things everyone can do to be more friendly to the natural environment

Planting trees: forests absorb carbon, stabilize climate and prevent soil erosion. Source: Chris Poulin/USFWS.
Planting trees: forests absorb carbon, stabilize climate and prevent soil erosion. source: Chris Poulin/USFWS.

When there are more and more extreme natural phenomena such as storms, floods, droughts, when animal extinction increases, when pollution in general and plastic pollution in particular grab headlines, it is appropriate to stop and ask: what can we do?

When governments and conservation bodies are active and influence the environment and our lives, it is important that we choose how to behave, as individual activity affects our future. In order for us to produce less waste and for our lives to be more friendly to the natural environment, here are simple things that can be done (or avoided):

- Eat less meat - meat production requires more land and more water
- use less paper - paper is produced from trees that are cut down
- Print less - this is how you save paper
- Do not use plastic bags - plastic is non-biodegradable and pollutes forever
- Turn off lights when they are not needed, there is no need to waste electricity
- Reduce the time you use water in the shower, it's a shame to waste water
- Turn off the water when brushing your teeth
- Water the garden early in the morning
- fix water leaks
- buy local produce - less transportation saves energy
- Buy recycled products - recycling prevents the exploitation of resources
- not to harm wild animals - to live a right of existence that is not conditional on us
- Plant trees - forests absorb carbon, stabilize climate and prevent soil erosion
- Make compost from organic waste - less landfill and more reuse
- Do not use products that contain microbeads - plastic balls that penetrate everywhere
- If possible, work from home - less travel and less use of resources
- buy wisely as needed and not throw away food - it is worth getting rid of the offensive "culture" of consumption
- Donate objects, clothes, etc. that are not needed, there is always someone in need
- Store food in glass containers, not in polluting plastic
- Do not use plastic drinking straws
- Do not litter - the "subculture" of littering is a sick evil

If everyone observes simple and easy to follow rules, we will advance the chance for a world with a better future.

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