The priesthood as you did not know XNUMX: The priesthood in the worship of the sun and in war cheers

The priests who retired to sects in the Judean desert in the first century AD adopted pagan symbols and incorporated them into the sacred service * Joseph ben Matityahu speaks of the morning worship of the Essenes * and how the Essenes communicated the great rebellion

The residential quarters in Qumran, the residence of the Essenes
The residential quarters in Qumran, the residence of the Essenes

This list, like two of its predecessors, constitutes on the one hand a sort of summary of the historical movements that characterized the priesthood, and on the other hand - a link that will connect us further down the road - to the involvement of the priesthood in the Great Rebellion. The priesthood, and in particular the chief-great one, shared an Oel with the Romans, both for pragmatic reasons of proximity to the plate, both from a mythological tradition of the behavior of the priesthood for generations, and from its desire to continue dealing with matters involving the temple.

However, there was a priestly group, of a less senior level, a kind of junior, which formed an antagonistic line to the moderate trend of the senior one. This split into two - a part manned the sect of the Judean Desert (the subject of our concern in the discussed list) and a part remained in Jerusalem to initiate the rebellion and lead it (and about that in the next list).

The sect of the Judean Desert has always aroused the curious appetite of historiosophical research teams. This is a very complex and diverse framework of groups of people who left Jerusalem somewhere from the time of the first Roman commission, i.e. since Judea became a Roman province dependent on Syria, in 6 AD, until and during the outbreak of the great rebellion (66 AD). These dispersed in the eastern Judean desert, from the Zohar funnel to the south, and established ideological groups, a sort of sect, with the most famous among them being the sect of the Essenes, preceded by ideological social movements that produced the growth of the Christianity of John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth.

Yosef ben Matthew devotes many detailed lines to describing the group of Essenes, their opinions, their worldviews, their ways of behaving and conducting themselves, their social and political vision, and more. These were led by an ideological mentor named "Mora Tzedek" and were characterized by a life of celibacy and abstinence, purity, full social and economic partnership, values ​​of work and peace.

Prof. Rachel Elior's recent and courageous research pointed to the priestly element in the phenomenon of the Judean Desert cult, which allowed me to add my list to the current series.

What about them and the priesthood? First - "teacher of righteousness" - it may be that the word righteousness was derived from the "Saddukes" - the priestly aristocracy in Jerusalem. Second - the priests led all the sect's prayers. Thirdly - the subjects of the law are in a group similar to the world view of the priests.

However, from the writings of Yosef ben Mattathias, a unique picture emerges, which all the researchers did not pay attention to and the neglect is quite clear - from the text a strange, somewhat pagan phenomenon emerges and the text can be said: "In a special way they (the Essenes) worship God: before the rising The sun does not utter a word of sand from their mouths and they turn to it (to the sun) in the prayers they received from their ancestors, as if they were healing his face to rise. After that (the sun rises) The officials (their guides, the high-ranking officials) send them one by one to the work" (Yosef ben Matatiyo, Wars of the Jews, 2:85).
It sounds really bizarre - the worship of the sun is believed to be really idolatry, and indeed the source in the book of Psalms for a parable, which shows the book whose psalms were sung and played in the temple, speaks explicitly about the connection between God and the sun, such as "For the sun is the shield of Jehovah God" (Psalms Pad, 12), or - "Hallelujah the sun and moon. Hallelujah all the stars of light" (Shem Kamach, 2), "and his lovers as the rising of the sun in his might" (Judges 31, 37), "And his throne is like the sun against me" (Psalms XNUMX:XNUMX) and more.
The use of lighting means, such as the temple lamps and especially the seven reeds lamp, also indicates some affinity to the worship of the sun and light, which was very common among the ancient civilizations.
And in the next section (ibid. 6) it is said that the Essenes "do their best to study the books of the first and above all the books in which they found benefit for their souls and bodies. And from them they study and demand the properties of the roots of plants that make them grow long and the powers of stones to remove any disease."
The picture that emerges from this is a paganization of God's worship. The group of deserters from Jerusalem, led by priests, moves to the Judean desert and conducts sun worship there. The reliance on ancient, archaic "First Books" is perhaps aimed at the fact that those who left Egypt for Canaan under the leadership of Moses (at least in the mythological-symbolic aspect) came from an Egyptian culture that worshiped the sun god, and especially after Akhenaten's reform and dealt not a little with medicine, partly magical, based on plants and stones . God was therefore seen by the Purishim as identified with the sun, with the wheel of the sun.

If this is the case, revolutionary and unprecedented, it is possible to understand on what ideological and ritual background the group abandoned Jerusalem and moved to the desert region to really assimilate into nature, the land and everything on it.

In the words of Joseph ben Matthew there appears a paragraph that contradicts, on the face of it, the pacifist view attributed to the Essenes, and his words: "And in their eyes death with honor and glory was more precious than eternal life. The war with the Romans revealed the strength of their souls, which did not return in the face of anything. Because when their flesh was trampled by the wheel and all their limbs were stretched , when their lives were burned or their bones eroded and all murderous instruments passed over them, and their tormentors took it upon them to curse the There they were enjoined or to defile their flesh with that which would not be eaten, they stood the test and did neither of these. Nor did they plead to their tormentors nor shed tears before them, they only bore their suffering with light of eyes and mocked the people who sacrificed the instruments of destruction to them and joyfully gave their souls to God, because He will answer them to the end of the right hand" (Wars of the Jews 2:8:11).

There is no doubt that this text is full of a kind of mixing of several periods, perhaps even a symbolic consequence of the decrees of Antiochus at the time, but the connection to the rebellion in the Romans is quite clear. The sect of the Judean Desert and at least parts of it participated in the rebellion against the Romans, which invalidates the assumption that the aforementioned were pacifists, obsessive pursuers of peace.

It is worth noting that one of the commanders of the revolt in Rome was Yohanan Issay.

One of the winning proofs that the Essene circle has six gods in battle lies in the famous scroll called "The War of the Children of Light and the Children of Darkness", which was written, it seems, somewhere between the time of the Roman occupation by Pompey (63 BC) and the end of Herod's time (beginning of the century the first AD), or in the days of the Roman procurators after the reign of Agrippa I, the grandson of Herod (44 AD) in context It is appropriate to emphasize the connection between the sun and the "sons of light".

In this scroll, the military, militaristic spirit of the pure, enlightened society, fighting the forces of evil, evidently in the Romans, stands out. In this war, military music played an important role through the extensive use of trumpets and trumpets, whether under the influence of the Hellenistic, Hasmonean, or Roman armies. And it will be emphasized right now that the ones blowing these instruments were none other than the priests.

The large and honorable place that the author of the scroll devotes to the description of the trumpets, their names, their function and their meanings, also sheds light on the problems of the organization of the army and the community, the tactics and the roles of the priests in battle.
On the one hand, we notice the affinity of the owner of the scroll to the description of the trumpets in the Bible, especially regarding their roles in religious ceremonies, and on the other hand - his independence from the Bible as far as their use in battle is concerned.

The "orders" (meaning - orderly, ceremonial) of the trumpets are found in Parashits 1 and 2 mainly, as well as in Parashits XNUMX, XNUMX and XNUMX. The names of the various trumpets are listed in Parasha XNUMX along with the details of their functions and the details of the inscriptions on them. Each list is divided into two: XNUMX) the list of trumpets for the congregation's reading, its heads and units for the performance of the various ceremonies, quite similar to what is told in the book in the biblical wilderness; XNUMX) The list of trumpets for combat use.

The list in Parasha 12 contains only the names of the battle trumpets in the hands of the six priests from the sons of Aaron. But apart from that, Baal Maghila interprets the description of the types of voices and sounds of the trumpets and their symbolic meaning during the battle.

The trumpets for the congregation ceremonies tear open a window to describe the magnificent ceremonies of the priests, Levites and all the people arranged in a masterly order, each man in his special place in each ceremony. In this regard, we find different types of trumpets: trumpets "for the reading of the community" - for the public gathering, "for the reading of the ministers" - for the summoning of the commanders and the "trumpets of the traditions" that called the people of the community to get along in their traditions, each man on his position behind the signals (signs of battle) and the ministers and to be In this way the "Sarch of God"

The battle trumpets are of different types according to their functions and the abundance and wealth of terms that characterize them are undoubtedly interesting, both from the purely military aspect and from the musical-sound aspect, since each type of function required a different sound. The types of trumpets mentioned in the scroll of the War of the Children of Light against the Children of Darkness are as follows: "Trumpets of the Gathering", "Trumpets of the Return", "Trumpets of the Pursuit", "Trumpets of the Ambush", "Trumpets of the Cheering of the Spaces", "Trumpets of the Book of the Intermediate People". "Trumpets of the Order of War" and "Trumpets of the Bible" and "Remembrance".

The sounds of the trumpets and their sounds in a battle like them as evidence to strengthen the assumption that the owner of the scroll used a special military source. The different voices are defined according to two distinctions: 1) the strength of the voice and its quality - low or high, thick or thin and sharp, 2) the form of the voice such as fragmented (staccato) or continuous (legato).

The names of the sounds and voices are as follows: "comfortable and close", "Had Trod", "shallow voice" and "comfortable, shallow, close voice". Every sound and sound had a definite purpose during the fighting on the battlefields.

The owner of the scroll mentions several times the inclusion of shofars in the war cheer. In addition to the six priests who sound various tactical signs with trumpets to mark the stages of the battle, seven are also remembered and their Yovids seven Jubilee trumpets. The sound of the cheering of the trumpets is first a signal to the Levites and those with shofars to start the cheering, and also to the "Zarkot" people to start throwing the spears. Before us is therefore an interesting conducting between the musical entrusted to the rhythm of the throwing of the instrument of destruction.

It should be noted that the cooperation between the trumpets and the shofars - the trumpets mainly for giving signs and the shofars for the great rejoicing, whose main purpose - psychologically - is to melt the enemy's heart. This sharing is interesting both from the point of view and from the musical function. This set of roles required the pluggers to be well skilled in their craft, because a sound mistake could be fatal and cost a lot.

It is possible, in the opinion of Yadin, one of the greatest scholars of the scroll in question, that the members of the sect were influenced by the practices that prevailed in the Roman army, an idea that has a lot of logic in it, and we know that Joseph ben Mattathias, who was the commander of the rebellion in Galilee, organized the army of the rebels in a Roman format and ordered them to use in trumpets, as he testifies to the Roman army. But on the other hand, while among the Romans the blasts were mainly used for tactical needs, to strengthen the hearts of the warriors and to frighten the enemy with their sounds from the terror elephant, the trumpets and trumpets in the scroll of the War of the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness were mainly used to indicate the religious-ritual nature of the war and also to give the signs themselves.

The series of articles "The Priesthood You Didn't Know" by Dr. Yechiam Sorek

21 תגובות

  1. Thank you for the interesting article, but I would like to correct you regarding the trumpets, they have nothing to do with the Roman military culture, but originate from the Bible: in the passage in your upload: "Make for yourself two silver trumpets - make them." And this is the doctrine of the priesthood from the Exodus from Egypt definitely before the Roman Empire.

  2. And regarding the view from "because the sun and shield is the Lord God", as we mentioned before me, this is the Kabbalah: the sun and the shield are the parable, and the Lord God is the parable.

  3. Dr. Shurk,
    In Mholah, and as others have already mentioned before me:
    The testimony from Flavius ​​regarding the so-called "worship of the sun" among the Essene sect, perhaps indicates an address in prayer to the sun, if we accept your interpretation; Even today, for example, at ultra-Orthodox weddings, they sing a song addressing the saints (Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai) who will stand to the right of the worshipers (the song is called "Abba Shimon", and it is known for its performance by Zion Golan. You are welcome to Google the lyrics and their Hebrew translation). In addition, the Hasidim usually say the prayer "Mekhinasi Rahamim", which turns to the angels and prays to them to put our prayers before the Lord of Mercy. Paganism? Depends on who you ask.

  4. Yoel Shalom

    At your request I left, although I do not go down to the bottom of your mind.

    This is indeed important because of the priestly-Sadduke context of Teacher of Justice and because of the ideological abandonment of certain groups associated with the temple on the basis of material and personal criticism. This was the atmosphere that prevailed in Jerusalem on the eve of the Great Revolt.

  5. Not important: the phrase "mythological tradition of the behavior of the priesthood for generations" connects concepts that have nothing to do together in this context. Leave it alone, it's a fundamentally flawed sentence.
    If you don't see it on your own, there is a problem. It has nothing to do with the matter itself (the connection of the priesthood to foreign rule).

    Yes, it is important: even if it is true that the Essenes introduced pagan elements into the worship - which, in my opinion, is a narrow issue, based on the text you brought - it is really not necessarily a priestly issue, since we are dealing with a sect that was conducted differently for certain critical reasons.
    On the other hand, each religion received from other faiths and gave to some others. Worship of graves, spells and oaths in Judaism, they also came from another place.

  6. Yoel Shalom

    A mythological, idiomatic tradition means a long-standing tradition.

    The test emerges from the aforementioned Joseph's letters. Judaism, which has many faces, was not at all far from the above. I'm sorry, but there are no texts left from the period of the rebellion, except for those of Joseph ben Mattheiyahu, and from that there is no main point to be made, and the duty of the opposite argument is on the one who doubts the examination of the one who takes the evidence from his author, and by the way, it is completely worthless. Allusions to pagan tendencies in Jews appear here and there in the texts of Sages, those who seek to find an excuse and a reason for the fall of the Second Temple or for the failure of the rebellion of Ben Khosva, along the lines of - you practiced idolatry and were punished.

  7. According to your response, it appears that you really did not understand my original point.
    The co-operation is also well known - to say: a connection between the status of the High Priesthood and the member of the Slovak government.
    - This is just the absurd expression "mythological tradition for generations" that is not related to the above.
    And I'll say it again: what does "mythological tradition" have to do with this? And what is that mythology?

    Regarding the worship of the sun ("leaves no doubt"): Ben Matthiyahu writes about the worship of God, not their gods, and he also points out that there is something strange about it. He would not have written like that if it was an act of heresy or if he was describing the worship of another people.
    It seems to me that it is worthwhile to check whether there was such a pagan worship in that period, in the first century BC, and if so it was among Jews, and if so why is it not known about from any other source.
    Judaism, in everything related to these elements, was beyond them. To argue otherwise, you need something much "thicker" than the aforementioned tacts.

  8. Yoel Shalom

    Indeed and Allah-Wallah. This cooperation begins from the Hellenistic period between the High Priesthood and the Petoltzian dynasty from Mez and the Seleucid Mez, with its first culmination being traced to the Hellenistic reform of Jesus-Jason, the brother of the High Priest, somewhere between 175 BC and 170 BC. All the kings of the Hasmonean house were actually priests and they cooperated with the Hellenistic government and even with the Roman Empire (since the time of Judah the Maccabee).

    This cooperation continued from the beginning of the Roman occupation (67/63 BC) and continued throughout the days of the Second Temple.

    Indeed, walla-walla.

    Also, it is not about any administrative procedure. Reading the original text, i.e. in Greek, does not leave any shadow of doubt or reservation - indeed it is about the worship of the sun.

  9. That the cooperation with the Romans also resulted from "a mythological tradition of the behavior of the priesthood for generations". A mythological tradition for generations?
    Joseph ben Matityahu wrote: ""They (the Essenes) worship God in a special way: before the sun rises, they do not utter a word of sand from their mouths and they turn to him (the sun) in prayers received from their forefathers, as if they are healing his face to rise. And after this (the rising of the sun) the officials (their guides, the high-ranking officials) send them one by one to the work" (Yosef ben Matatiyo, Wars of the Jews, 2:85).
    - Could it be that we are talking here about the procedure of the agenda in general and through morning worship in particular, not about the essence? Not only is there no problem in deducing this interpretation from the scriptures, but it is required.
    In Judaism, from its beginnings, God not only ascended above the forces of nature but controls them (because he created them) - and this is one of its significant innovations. For the believer, these are expressions of God's ability and absolute control over the world.
    There are foreign pagan and religious sources in Judaism, from the month of Tammuz up to and including the world to come, belief in souls, Satan, etc., and this is considered "one of the famous ones that do not need evidence".
    But the above evidence does not really help. Quite the opposite.

  10. It is fascinating to read the pile of word hashes that are supposedly supported by historical and scientific evidence. I really don't have the strength to prove anything to anyone - and I'm sure that all the snobs lounging in leather armchairs and feeling as if they've deciphered the secrets of science, talk to each other with pursed lips and rolling eyes and in their hearts despise any person who doesn't hold one or another prestigious degree from such and such a university, etc. When will you understand human zeros and human snails - because your wisdom and understanding are light years away from the last students of the sages in recent times - how dare the doctor make up his disgusted mouth about Rashi and not necessarily in the negative without wiping his whole body with clean shivah and shaking while his hands jump with verbal greed on the keyboard . Do you have any idea, dear children, of those giants that our minds are not able to absorb, even the end of their wisdom - and if we are dealing with history, the Gra of Vilna, who by all accounts was a man of his stature, both in the Torah and in all wisdom - and every time he mentioned the name of Resh "He was shocked and precise in his language until the last letter - stop spouting nonsense and theories invented by researchers The Bible and its times - soro soro don't touch - and go and drink from a source of living water instead of digging wells that break wells - humble yourself for a few moments and believe that your mind is narrow to contain the truth - and then maybe you will find out where the oil of the engine hood shines when a carburetor and a Chinese pop-up exhaust are connected by An axis that rotates on the sun's wheel in absolute infinity - until a human mind cannot fathom the depth of the absurdity - successfully sea ​​turtles…

  11. Goodbye to Agnus

    Yes, absolutely. Verses interwoven in the Bible and citing the connection between Yahweh and the sun may well indicate worship, what's more, we find such texts in Egyptian, Mesopotamian and Phoenician ritual writings for example.

    How will we unite together Gandhi and King, the members of the modern era with ancient figures, since light years separate them and modern historical developments of the rise of nationalism, social philosophy and more also separate them.

    The rites of the congregation - the ferns - are firmly anchored in the ritual orders of the sects of the Judean Desert. And we cannot rule out the possibility that there was a late influence here, both Greek and Roman.

    Anyway, thanks for your comments and clarifications

  12. Hello to Agnus

    First - it is a well-known rule in historical research that we learn about them from Leo's teaching; Second - the issue of the Ten Commandments is not part of historical formation, since the Bible was written in a very late period after going through stages of filtering, subtraction, editing and signing. It is known to everyone that the Bible was finally signed during the presidency of Rabbi Gamaliel Dibna, which was in 113-112 AD '; Thirdly - Judaism in the accepted sense did not exist before the beginning of the Second Temple - the sixth century BCE; the prophecies of the prophets are actually a helpful condition for me, and those who understand will understand; it does not matter what the source of royal paganism is. Paganism existed; fourthly - whoever brings proof in the name of Rashi is similar As if he would bring proof from Rabbi Ovadia or from one of the rabbis. Rashi can be a historical source for the segmentation of a certain concept that prevailed in the Paris region in the 11th century AD. The majority of those involved in the study of history are in a completely different sphere than Rashi, whose honor rests in his place. Neither he, nor the Rambam, nor the Rashba, nor the owners of the Tosafs and the like can be a historiosophical confirmation or rejection of events that preceded hundreds and thousands of years before their time.
    Biblical scholars proceed from a religious-sacred starting point that has nothing to add to historical studies.

  13. Dr. Shurk,

    The fact that it was clear to you that your list would make waves does not absolve you from having to answer the objections.

    Your proof from the Ten Commandments is a bit puzzling, because it is clear that then the Jewish religion was founded and it was necessary to teach what is forbidden and what is allowed.

    The behavior of the kings of Israel and Judah cannot hint at the "ritual essence" of the people of Israel when the prophets did not stop prophesying against the phenomenon. The pagan behavior of the kings resulted from the political ambitions of the kings and was in no way part of the Jewish tradition.

    The use of the plural to describe God has been discussed for a long time, and Rashi already insists on the fact that in Hebrew all the language of lordship is plural, even when talking about the master of the slave. The issue can perhaps be used as a basis for a linguistic discussion.

    Wonder if all the clear truths of Bible scholars suffer from such a shaky foundation.

  14. Dr. Yachiam last night had the Tu of Av: the most important day for the tribe of Binyamin ben Una of Rachel! The only son of "Israel", after all the others before that were his sons - his name was Jacob during his slavery to Laban. Interesting.
    You made our day and Rahma added to it when you forwarded the original link to us! A very interesting lecture
    On this he will further say, and it is said: "For from Zion shall come forth the Torah, and the word of God from Jerusalem."
    And by the way: God-of-the-sea = great justice whose cycle is 164 years..and you have the secret of God of the great sea, the hidden cycle of Neptune, the father of Christianity/nuns/the fishes/the righteous...
    We are very curious to read about your next lecture regarding "paganism"! As you know, the mother of Alexander the Great was a very serious pagan to the point of terrifying obsession, we can learn from this many things that are inherent in all of us.

  15. Well, I imagined that my list would make waves, because how is it possible that a group, virtual or not, the very essence of the people of Israel, would engage in foreign work.
    Well, the people of Israel, and I find it difficult to define it as a nation in the modular-template dimension, as I would find it difficult to define any civilization or sub-civilization in the ancient era, was really, really not Yahwistic with abstract, supra/unearthly/physical aspects, if only we refer to the study of those From the Law of the Ten Commandments to confirm this assumption, it is enough to glance at the sins of the people of Israel and the behavior of the kings of Israel and Judah in the books of Kings and Chronicles to understand that this is a people whose religious essence was pagan. And I will expand on this later and maybe even dedicate a special study to this matter. And by the way: God is God in the plural and Lord is also a plural term.

  16. Peace be upon Ruhama

    All that I wanted to rely on Prof. Elior's research is drained into the possible connection between the sect of the Judean Desert and the sect of the Sadducees, and thus I will also refer to Agnus's comment, that indeed a righteous teacher may mark the priestly connection between the group and Jerusalem on the basis of sub-communal rebellion ("distributed law" ) from the big faction.

  17. Thanks to 3-4 for moving the original lecture here and thus actually returning me to my rightful place.
    It is impossible not to also thank the writer Yechiam Sorek, whose tiny Kitrogo tone and syllogism caused someone to rightly benefit from transferring the source of the resource/initial information here.
    Father, you should also listen to the source. (The original clip of the lecture).
    You won't believe it, but salvation suddenly came to me too :) there.
    Agnus: Your words are meant to be spoken.

  18. It is not clear how you pull the name of Prof. Rachel Elior and say:
    "Prof. Rachel Elior's recent and courageous research pointed to the priestly element in the phenomenon of the Judean Desert cult..."
    Then he sails into the descriptions of the Essenes and their pagan guests when Prof. Rachel Elior's main claim is that the Essenes never existed (Memorial and Forgetting: Sudan of Scrolls from the Judean Desert). which are a utopian and wishful fiction of Josephus Flavius.

  19. "Initially - "teacher of righteousness" - it may be that the word righteousness was derived from the "Saddukes" - the priestly aristocracy in Jerusalem."
    It is more likely to assume that the word is derived from the verse "righteousness shall be pursued" which binds the judges and teachers of the law.

    "They (the Essenes) worship God in a special way: before the sun rises, they do not utter a word of sand from their mouths and they turn to him (the sun god) with the prayers they received from their ancestors."
    The simplicity with which you interpret the word "to him" as referring to the sun is really infuriating. It is equally possible that the reference is to God, and the burden of proof is on you.

    "It sounds really bizarre - the worship of the sun is believed to be really idolatry, and indeed the source in the book of Psalms for a parable, which showed the book whose psalms were sung and played in the temple, speaks explicitly about a connection between God and the sun, such as "For the sun is the shield of Jehovah God" (Psalms Pad, 12), or - "Hallelujah sun and moon. Hallelujah, all the stars of light" (Shem Kamach, 2), "And his lovers like the rising of the sun in his might" (Judges 31, 37), "And his throne is like the sun against me" (Psalms XNUMX, XNUMX) and more, here and there."
    The only verse that may have meaning in this context is the first verse, and it is also more likely to be interpreted in an allegorical way. The other verses are simply irrelevant. Does a verse that says the sun glorifies God mean that there is a connection between the worship of God and the worship of the sun? In the same way we can say that the verse describing Moses praising God is related to the worship of Moses.

    "Also the use of means of lighting, such as the temple lamps and especially the seven-caned lamp, also indicates some affinity to the worship of the sun and light, which was very acceptable to the ancient civilizations."
    Or it indicates a need for light.

    "And in the next section (ibid. 6) it is said that the Essenes "stir with all their might to study the books of the first and above all the books in which benefit was found for their souls and bodies. And of which they investigate and demand the properties of the roots of the plants that make them rise for a long time and the powers of the stones to remove any disease."
    Where do you see paganization here? I see here a primitive attempt to learn the laws of nature, and here too the duty of proof falls on you.

    "The reliance on ancient, archaic "first books" is perhaps aimed at the fact that those who left Egypt for Canaan under the leadership of Moses (at least in the mythological-symbolic aspect) came from an Egyptian culture that worshiped the sun god."
    This is simply an attempt to eat the cake and leave it whole. In the event that the Exodus fits the theory, then it must be addressed. On the other hand, we do not recognize the Exodus from Egypt, so let's juggle words and explain that the worship came to Israel from the Exodus from Egypt in the mythological-symbolic aspect.

    "If this is the case, revolutionary and unprecedented, it is possible to understand on what ideological and ritual background the group abandoned Jerusalem and moved to the desert region to really assimilate into nature, the land and everything on it."
    Even today, many groups in Judaism abandon society and strive to assimilate into nature. This does not mean that they conduct pagan rituals there. One can be clever and say that many of the rituals of Judaism are pagan, but in any case the isolated groups do not have different rituals from mainstream Judaism.

    "In the words of Yosef ben Matthew there appears a paragraph that contradicts, on the face of it, the pacifist view attributed to the Essenes, and his words: "And in their eyes, honorable death and glory are more precious than eternal life. The war with the Romans revealed the strength of their soul, which did not return from any face. Because when their flesh was trampled with a wheel and all their limbs were stretched, when their lives were burned or their bones eroded and all murderous instruments passed over them, and their tormentors charged them with cursing the name of their lawgiver or defiling their flesh with something that would not be eaten, they stood the test and did none of these. Neither did they plead with their tormentors nor did they shed tears in front of them, they only bore their suffering with the light of their eyes and mocked the people who sacrificed the instruments of destruction to them and joyfully surrendered their souls to God, because He will answer them to the end of the right hand" (Wars of the Jews 2:8 11)."
    It actually reminds me of Gandhi and King's principle of non-violent resistance.

    The "orders" (meaning - orderly, ceremonial) of the trumpets are found in Parashiyos 1 and 2 mainly, as well as in Parashiyos XNUMX, XNUMX and XNUMX. The names of the various trumpets are listed in Parashiyo XNUMX along with the details of their functions and the details of the inscriptions on them. Each list is divided For two: XNUMX) the list of trumpets for the congregation's reading, its heads and units for the performance of the various ceremonies, quite similar to what is told in the book in the biblical wilderness; XNUMX) The list of trumpets for combat use."
    There is no connection between the trumpets described in the Torah and the trumpets that were used at the time of the Romans. In the Torah it is described that the use of trumpets is to gather the people inside the camp, and it is possible to assume that even before going to war they would gather the people in this way. However, it is not described anywhere in the Bible that trumpets were used during the war, and it is likely that the use described in the "War of the Children of Ur" was made under later influence, as Yedin hypothesizes.

  20. Dear writer, the connection you made between worshiping idols and waiting for the sun to rise is a bit far-fetched. The light and the sun are not worshiped in themselves but they simply symbolize a new day, the rule of light or something like that.

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