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The mysterious case of two balls that fell from space in Brazil and Australia

The balls fell from space, but did they originate from an alien spaceship that disintegrated?

The bone that fell on Monday this week in Brazil. Photography - Daniel Dermer
The bone that fell on Monday this week in Brazil. Photography - Daniel Dermer

Mysterious balls fell from space. After the story of a ball that fell in Brazil was published this week, a story appeared online about a similar ball that landed in Australia a year ago. On March 24, a story of a blogger from Brazil was published online. Daniel Dermer, who asked for the help of his friends to help him identify a round object found in the farm. The shiny black body was wrapped in fibrous material and was warm to the touch. The thought immediately occurred to him that this was a material of alien origin.

Ian O'Neill of the Universe Today website reports that over the weekend more stories appeared on the news sites about the discovery of a mysterious spherical object that landed in Australia a year ago. The explorers who discovered the bone started only now, following the publications about the bone in Brazil, to try and identify it.

The question is whether these two objects are connected to each other, whether they really came from space. The answer is yes, in both cases, but they are not pieces of a disintegrated alien spaceship.

On Monday, Dermer posted a photo on his website and asked space enthusiasts at to help him identify the strange object in the possession of Sebastiao Marquez da Costa, which he described as warm to the touch. Either it warmed up in the sun or it accumulated heat as a result of the crash on Earth. When you see the straight object you think of objects from science fiction books. It looks strange, its diameter is about a meter, and its black color contrasts with the green of the countryside.

The next day, a wave of responses to the message appeared. Many identified it as COPV - a balloon made of composite material and used by NASA in rockets and satellites, it is from a pressure tank used to store inert gases such as helium. Each shuttle carries several such balls and it seems that NASA uses them for a variety of missions in space. They are wrapped in carbon fiber or Kevlar, a brand name for a strong and fireproof aramid fiber developed by the DuPont company (used in the production of bulletproof vests, protective vests, protective clothing, tires, optical fibers and more) - this material is designed to provide them with reinforcement against the high pressure difference between them and the space outside the tank. If the COPVs are so strong, it seems reasonable that they would survive re-entry into the atmosphere.

And what did the Australian farmer find - a look at the picture shows that the Australian bone is similar to the Brazilian bone in terms of damage, except that it is more damaged. At the end of the week, the picture from Australia was published, together with the response of the Australian farmer James Streeton who found the bone and was not surprised: "I know a lot about sheep and cattle and I don't know too much about satellites. But I would say it looks like a fuel cell of some kind of missile."

O'Neill concludes that these balls seem so effective that it is certain that they are not only able to protect their contents from contact with space, but can also reach Earth unharmed. It would be interesting to know what tasks these balls belonged to.

For the news in Universe-Today

35 תגובות

  1. You have no power, maybe because your arguments are not strong enough.
    But one did not appoint you the spokesman of the nation and force you to defend "social sanity" and respond to me.
    I am not asking anyone to believe me but to check the new truths I bring you. The films are not the opinions of "serious" people but direct documentation from the scene by innocent citizens.

    The planes hit several stories from the roof but still the explosions started from the ceiling. The collapse happened with scientific precision and not relative! If you knew a few things about the techniques used to knock down buildings I would know that it had to be absolutely accurate or the building would be scattered everywhere.

    The American government has enough reasons to attack the towers.
    The owner of the shares in the building insured the buildings against a terrorist attack several months earlier and collected a jackpot of 70.000.000 from the insurance company?
    He knocked down "Fishel" and admitted in front of the cameras that they knocked down the Salomon Brothers building.

    The US immediately after 911 went to implement its operations in Iraq, no American would have sent his son without a direct attack on the US.

    Note Bush's manipulations in the following film:

    The king is naked!!!

  2. hybrid:
    I am powerless.
    I sent you several links that show that your claims are nonsense.
    Beyond the fact that no one in the government had any reason to do this and they had no ability to coordinate with the kidnappers, the engineering theories related to the matter were also disproved.
    We all saw how the collapse starts from the top. If it had been caused by an explosion it would have started at the site of the explosion but it was caused by the jets and the flames melting the metal support of the building.
    Just as all the floors collapsed relatively precisely on those below them without scattering to the sides, so did the bottom floor and there was no need to blow up the basement (I remember, although I didn't keep the documentation because I didn't believe I would come across people like you, who for a certain period of time were still looking for and maybe even found survivors in the basement).
    Anyway, the material in the links shows why all the claims in the film are unfounded.
    This is serious stuff made by serious people and I don't know why the fact that someone made a movie makes their crap serious.
    The best joke is the description of the sites that refute the results of your disease as "sites with people's opinions". And what can be on the sites that discuss the subject besides people's opinions? If you think we shouldn't be convinced by people's opinions, why do you expect us to be convinced by your opinions on this site - is it an alien's opinion and not a human's?

  3. The plane did enter the tower, but this is not the reason it crashed.
    If you look at the footage from that day you can see for sure that all the fuel exploded at the moment of the collision and the towers did not burn afterwards, only gray smoke rose from the buildings,
    An hour later, with a difference of 10 seconds, the 2 buildings fell into their foundations.
    Which requires an explosion of the basement for the building to have somewhere to collapse otherwise they would fall sideways onto the other buildings.

    If you calculate how long it takes for all the floors to collapse into each other and bring down the building, you will see that it takes at least a minute for such a building to collapse, but it still collapsed in less than 7 seconds!! Faster than gravity!

    Do you know what the melting temperature of steel is?
    What is the maximum temperature that an airplane explosion can reach?

    The US has 4 satellite systems to shoot down stray planes and all XNUMX of them miraculously didn't work that day. By a miraculous coincidence Dick Tseini was in charge of a shoot down exercise that very morning and turned off the same satellite system. Strange that he's still on the job, eh? Strange that it wasn't talked about in the news , eh?

    What about the third building that collapsed? Has anyone talked about him? A building that was empty and contained 23 government offices collapsed into its foundations in seconds without a plane hitting it at all.

    I know it's hard to believe that the hand that caresses also gives a ringing slap but the US government has a lot to gain from the story.

    Please take 10 minutes and watch the video with scientific, researching eyes, doubting both me and the creator of the video but also the stories you were told in the news and magazines.

  4. hybrid:
    Wow smart!
    Before the eyes of the whole world a plane entered the tower and there are still some crazy people who say it didn't happen and that the building was blown up with bombs.
    The organizers of the explosion were caught and they admitted, there are tapes of the explosions but there are people whose need for a conspiracy is so burning in their skulls (I almost accidentally wrote in their minds) that they will ignore anything

  5. Hybrid - I'm glad that everyone who thinks differently than us, the writers on the site, expresses his opinion, but I think that all these stories have been refuted several times. As far as I remember, what happened to the Twin Towers was explained well in Scientific American that year.

  6. I'm glad you know what you write is nonsense but why close your eyes wide? How can sites with people's opinions even disprove what our eyes see? Bombs smash the building one after the other, construction workers warned about the bombs before it even happened, a pre-planned collapse of building number 7 that was not even hit by a plane and a pre-programmed collapse of the buildings into themselves in a precise and scientific way.
    As scientists, something here doesn't stink for you?

  7. According to his response it can be thought that he is against the existence of aliens in general and gives an example of several cases in which it was proven that such visits were false.

  8. Nan:
    You get confused.
    What is called "the issue of the aliens" and is also connected to the crop circles is the issue of aliens visiting the earth and not the question of their existence.
    These are completely different questions that both have broad agreement.
    In the first, there is a fairly sweeping agreement that aliens have not visited the earth, and in the second, there is a very broad agreement that there is no logic in claiming that we are the only intelligent beings in the universe

  9. Michael:
    "Sharon: We already discussed the issue of the aliens and found out that it was just regret and also on the "N'Channel the Geographic" channel at the time they found out that there were 3 people who were circling in circles who thought it was from aliens
    And in the end they found out that it was just regret"
    to whom I preach (:

  10. Nan:
    And therefore there is no one in the world who claims this. To whom, then, are you preaching?

  11. And one more thing.
    Just because some citizens' stories were found to be false, doesn't mean alien life doesn't really exist in the universe.
    To claim that and say that humans are the only intelligent beings in the entire universe, would be too arrogant.

  12. Oh well, Sharon, read carefully and you'll understand for yourself.
    This is a farmer who does not understand too much about the subject; An unidentified object fell to him from the sky in the field; Surely he will think that the object came from an alien source.
    To the same extent, if the object had fallen in a sensitive area in Israel, they would have immediately thought that it was Qassam sent by Hamas.

    And a sparrow, it is possible that the object was moved from the impact area in order to photograph it.

  13. Why is there no crater? If it had fallen from space, there would have been a significant crater.

  14. Pay attention to the Diaphragm Tanks component - there is a complete adjustment plus you can even notice the same central connection point...

  15. Now that I've finished reading the article - politely ignore the last comment - Yom Tov:]

  16. Hanan:
    As I always said - all you need to see a UFO is not to recognize the object you see.
    Here you zoom in and even though it was identified for you you de-identify it

  17. Sharon - Although the National Geographic channel adopts a one-sided policy in all its dealings with UFOs and extraterrestrials, I would not be as quick as you to rule out a phenomenon, without trying and checking the findings (regardless of the fake imprints in the grain fields).

    In the case before us, there is no doubt that these are parts that look like fuel cells or those that fell from various experimental missiles.

    post Scriptum. - I recommend you Sharon to watch the documentaries of the History Channel, and not the recycled films of the NG Channel.

    Best regards,
    Hanan Sabat
    The Israeli association for the study of UFOs and extraterrestrial life

  18. If you would read and not be lazy, you would understand that this is not a regret that people make up,
    It's a component that belongs to NASA and is called COPV that fell from space shuttles.

  19. I don't even have the strength to read the article
    We already discussed the issue of the aliens and found out that it was just regret and also on the "N'Channel the Geographic" channel they found out at the time that there were 3 people who were circling in circles who thought it was from aliens
    And in the end they found out that it was just regret
    So here's another one for you

  20. Because if there are aliens with technology that allows them to travel here covertly, then in the event that fuel tanks fall on them, it is clear that they are not able to come and take them.

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