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Technion researchers have developed an innovative theoretical model of a time machine

Prof. Amos Uri claims in a study published in Physical Review that through a significant curvature of space-time it will be possible to travel to the past

It sounds like science fiction, but Technion researchers have developed a theoretical model of a time machine, which in the distant future may allow future generations to travel into the past. An article about this was published yesterday in the scientific journal "Physical Review".

"In order to travel back in time, the space-time structure must be engineered appropriately," explains Professor Amos Uri from the Faculty of Physics at the Technion. "This is what general relativity is about. She says that space-time can be flat, meaning - it has a trivial, simple and uncomplicated structure, but it can also be curved, with different configurations. According to the theory of relativity, gravitational fields (gravitational forces) - essentially mean a curvature of space-time. The theory of relativity also defines how space is curved and how this curvature develops over time."

The main question is - according to the principles of the development of curvature within the theory of relativity, it is possible to create a time machine. Or in other words - is it possible to cause space-time to curve in such a way that travel back in time is possible. Because such a journey requires a considerable and significant curvature, and in a very special way, of space-time.

Traveling back in time is actually closing a loop in time - so that we come back to an event we were already present in the past. In the flat space it is not possible to close loops and go back in time. In order for such closed loops to exist, spacetime must be curved in a certain way.

The question that Professor Uri investigates is - do the laws of gravitation allow the development of time spaces with the required curvature (closed loop in time). In the past, scientists raised several arguments against such a possibility, and now Professor Uri proposes a theoretical model for space-time as it evolves into the state of a time machine. The model overcomes some of the questions that so far scientists have not been able to overcome. One of the most difficult claims against the time machine was that in order for a time machine to be created, space must contain material with a negative density. And since we do not have such material - and it is not clear whether the laws of nature allow the existence of this type of material in the required quantity - it is not possible to build a time machine. Now comes Professor Uri and offers a theoretical model that does not require materials with negative density. The model he proposes is essentially a vacuum space that contains a region of fairly standard positive-density matter.

"The machine is actually space-time itself," he explains. "If we create a time machine today - an area with such a distortion in space that allows the timelines to close on themselves - it is possible that the members of future generations will be able to return to visit our time. We probably won't be able to go back to earlier times, because our ancestors didn't create this infrastructure for us."

Professor Uri emphasizes that we still do not have the technology that can control the gravitational fields as we wish, although in principle the theory of how to do this exists. "The model we developed at the Technion is indeed a significant step, but we still have some open problems that are not simple at all," he emphasizes. "It is also possible that some of these problems will not be solved in the future either - that is not yet clear." As an example, he cites the problem of instability, according to which in a space with a time machine, disturbances may occur which will gradually increase, until the space of time becomes distorted to the extent that you cancel the time machine. Professor Uri, one of the few in the world researching this issue, hopes that further research will give a clearer picture regarding these questions.

49 תגובות

  1. About space-time, in Parashat Berishit, chapter XNUMX, verses XNUMX-XNUMX, the Ramban writes:

    And God saw the light, because it was good, and God made a difference between the light and the darkness (Genesis XNUMX:XNUMX)

    The Ramban: "And it is also possible to say that from the origin of the heavens and the earth from the zero to the yes mentioned in the first verse, time became. Because even though our time is in moments and hours, which are in light and darkness, from what exists - time will be perceived in it."

    For the full article:

  2. Ghost:
    The ways in which the bacteria communicate have been known for a long time and have even been described here and there on this website as well (some of the articles in which I included the response you quoted and the articles linked to them discuss this).
    A safety pin has never been teleported and I estimate that such a teleportation never will be.
    According to the theory of relativity, teleportation (of the type you are talking about - one that is faster than light) is not possible because objects such as a pin head carry known information and it is not possible for known information to travel at a speed that exceeds the speed of light (this is different from teleportation of the unknown properties of a direction particle such teleportation does not carry known information and does not allow communication).

  3. Machel

    First of all, I thank you for the link you provided (not on this page but on other pages):

    These people are simply brilliant, thanks to such people humanity progresses.
    Secondly, I would like to share with you an idea that came to my mind, which as a result of viewing the link (above) solved some problems that I have been working on for quite some time.
    I was aware that bacteria maintained some kind of communication between them, but neither I nor anyone else knew how they did it. After viewing the link you provided I realized that there are people who are already beginning to understand this process.
    Let's start with the fact that a long time ago, I read somewhere that scientists managed to teleport a safety pin, inside a room.
    The explanation was (to the best of my recollection) that they used a safety pin because of its shape and because of the materials it is made of.
    The safety pin can be disassembled into atoms and the atoms can be copied in space from point A to point B.
    Of course, a more complex object than a safety pin requires more complicated operations. And these actions are not yet known to us mainly because there is no technology yet that will allow us to do it because it is not yet known how to do it even theoretically.
    After looking at the link you provided, an idea came to my mind:
    The bacteria are made up of a few atoms (that is, such an amount of atoms that the scientists can manipulate them) and they can be defined as a collection of DNA letters - that is, each letter is made up of a finite number of individual atoms.
    Theoretically - if the researchers manage to map the groups of bacteria that exist within an organism, then the bacteria will be able to be broken down into different groups of type A bacteria, type B bacteria, etc.
    When there is knowledge of where each group of germs is, it will be possible to break them down at the atomic level and copy them (teleport) in space because each letter in DNA is made up of a small and finite number of atoms, and each particular combination of atoms in DNA that creates a molecule is unique.
    The teleportation must be carried out at once - all the atoms are disintegrated at the same time (not sequentially), thus reducing the margin of error, and enabling the copying of an object in a short time without changing the copied atom.

    Why am I saying all this? Because teleportation is a kind of 'time machine'.
    (I have also heard ideas from scientists who say that the curvature of space itself is the 'time machine'.)
    I'd be glad to hear your opinion.

  4. Ghost:
    two things:
    One is that in my opinion there is no chance that we will ever build a time machine because the existence of such a machine creates unsolvable causal problems (like the grandfather paradox).
    The second is that the current physical speculations about a time machine are, as Aryeh said, such that if it is possible then it is limited in its ability to go back in time by the date of its creation (that is - the time machine has no way to reach a time when there was no time machine - what was possible was actually a specific version of the grandfather paradox).
    What this means - regarding response 17 is that the only reason to look for a hint from the future about the possibility of a time machine is to find out if there is already a time machine somewhere today that we don't know about.

  5. R.H. Refai.M - the opposite - we or our descendants will be able to meet visitors from the future, only after a time machine has been built. We will never be able to visit the past (the past of the current present), but after a time machine is built and a certain amount of time has passed, we will be able to visit the past with the following limitation: we will not be able to visit the period before the machine was built.

  6. Aryeh Seter
    Your response 41- What does this mean? Are we or our descendants supposed to meet beings (or people) from the future?
    I mean, until this happens, that is, until we meet people from the future - we can't build a time machine and visit the past!?

  7. Gabriel - for what was written in response 17, see my response 37. As long as we have not built a time machine, time travelers from the future cannot visit us. This is also stated in the body of the article:
    "If we create a time machine today... perhaps the members of future generations will be able to return to visit our time. We probably won't be able to go back to earlier times, because our ancestors didn't create this infrastructure for us."

  8. There are so many stupid comments here. The problem is not with people who do not understand general relativity. The problem is with people who are unable to differentiate between a state of understanding and "I think I understand". If the professor was able to publish this article in "Physical Review Letters", this research probably has a solid enough scientific foundation to win respectable attention from the best researchers in the field, brilliant people who have really devoted many years to learning the field. General relativity is a subject that few theoretical physicists are able to address in depth, let alone laymen.

  9. Roman - According to the theory, you are not right. The theory says that when a time machine is built it will be possible to travel with it to the past, but not to the time before the machine was built.

  10. Think for a moment if they really manage to build a time machine in twenty, thirty or a hundred years, don't you think we would already know that, the people of the future were supposed to come visit us and tell us that they came from the far future and a time machine is possible...

  11. The past is not, the future is still, the present is in the blink of an eye, worry from where?
    They just burn their time, because they don't think even for a moment that time is without space, and in fact the whole combination of events in one second is not one present,
    But the second is divided (my hypothesis only) into an infinite number of present units that are visible
    as one Which means that only our blessed God is omnipotent, and time is not controlled.
    Believers know that everything God does is done for the good, otherwise it would not have been done.
    Because God forbid he was wrong. There is nothing unnecessary that our God has done, even if it seems to us in our small, obscure minds that we are right. You just have to go deeper.
    That way, if the Lord had thought that he was wrong, he would have already provided a cure for the plague - control over time.
    And since it is not so, he knows what is good.
    For example: you throw a stone, and it seems to you that the stone leaves a kind of imaginary trail of itself in space, but if you break the space into pieces, you will discover that the present happened in each of them, only now it is in memory - the past, and the present is not a second but an infinite number of time units close to each other , Obviously?

  12. Unfortunately you the writer and I are too stupid to understand the universe we live in, this universe is crazier than the wildest imagination can imagine. The whole discussion here is between some bacteria trying to understand where they live and they also don't have the required intelligence and even if they did they wouldn't be able to understand that they are inside a bacterium that is inside a rock and that they will never see the full picture

  13. Well, things here are not really clear.. but one thing is clear!!!- We can never go back to a time when the machine was not invented, it is a fact that people from the future and it could be from any time have not come yet, we only think about the good sides of it.. think of how many This will cause problems - people who will be much smarter than the future will invent things that could destroy the world.. and just evil..
    A person who goes back and accidentally kills his great grandmother will cause her grandmother to not be born and then his mother and thus he will also destroy himself without his knowledge.
    Well, let's let people in the future mess with it, it's just tiring, mind

  14. I would like to meet with Professor Amos Uri regarding some interesting things we both share

  15. This professor taught me physics....
    it's so funny……. He always seemed strange to me...

  16. Say, could it be that our universe started from nothing and because there were no laws then everything was created so that we can only be one dimension out of infinite dimensions?

  17. God, how much nonsense people write here!
    What do you think you are smarter than a doctor of theoretical physics? He and many others didn't think of these things before?…

  18. People, if you are right and time does not exist, then how is it that we actually see some of the stars that were in the past and no longer exist from the earth, I mean, as soon as we look up to the sky we are looking at a part of the ancient past of the universe, so it is likely that if the universe has a past that we see then it will come One day we will also see the past (and Eli also enters into it) in the XNUMXth century, therefore do not cancel anything that you try to prove until it is proven that these types of theories are correct or they are incorrect, therefore anything can be.
    After all, living in a place that exists only thanks to one atom that was surrounded by a large amount of energy and exploded in a tremendous way (the big bang) also sounds in some way far-fetched, so you don't have to say no to everything you invent.

  19. Yoram D.
    Let's look for the simplest, present it in two ways and pull out the delta between the main things and isolate it to what is permitted and possible
    As desired from the existing:
    1 . Time is derived from the wear and tear of material directly, that is, in this space of time they determined that "man is a hundred years old, a tree is two hundred years old, a machine is twenty years old, and paper is two years old..." and this is still
    Beautiful like any other noun, the essence is the projection of time
    in relation to the material.

    General: After all, it is known that the universe is built as a sheet of netting and that the planets are sliced ​​up and that each one has mass and energy and the larger one attracts the smaller one to it and this is within the framework of space-time.

    2. Now let's take the unclear and unknown that there are parallel universes {the same tarpaulins} above us or both
    We married having their own time space and having planets with mass
    and their own energy.

    General 2: Assuming that sections 1,2 and XNUMX are fulfilled simultaneously, each in their own definition of data and facts - time space
    mass and energy, so the only difference between them is the transition or
    The connection or the pipe that connects them is what we call a wormhole or the Einstein/Rosen bridge and the passage between them is not traveling forward or backward in time, but apparently traveling between one known time and another unknown time between two different spaces, one of which is known and the other is not.
    So our delta is the singularity in the transition hole.

    The delta: the transition between the two spaces begins in our time and ends with the time definition of the other side between the two spaces
    Similar in structure but different in essence.
    So, in my opinion, the transition should be made through some kind of virtual optical fiber that starts from our place in our time and in our materials and continues through the singularity and ends in the same material with negative density.

    To conclude: I believe that I have certain knowledge with which it is possible to develop such a fiber, who knows one day...


  20. In the movie Hulit, the theme of time travel and movement between stars and galaxies at a speed beyond the speed of light is based on the bending of the space dimension and thus the time dimension

  21. Regarding the "proof" that there is no time travel, by Anonymous
    "Because if so... why didn't the people from the future return to the past - to our time?" - the theory does not say that people from the future will be able to come to our time. The theory says that they will only be able to go back in time to when the loop was assembled in space-time.
    The argument would be valid if we built a loop in space-time and then we wouldn't see a lot of visitors from the future. But then we already have a time machine - so it's no longer a refutation!

  22. If people could go back in time the earth would have exploded a long time ago, here's why:

    Let's say someone goes back in time to our time, one particle is enough to go back in time, and like the "butterfly effect" people will be born with slightly different opinions... and then when that time comes, one or another person with a slightly different opinion will send it, and then again... and again... and again. .. and again.. an infinite number of times. In one of the cases, it is certain that the person who sends will be some kind of terrorist and will launch what is known as an atomic bomb that will destroy the world

  23. Time does not move, does not flow, does not go forward and does not travel back.
    Time does not exist at all. Time is an illusion of classical physics.
    What really moves are the atoms in space, whose movement is affected by temperature, gravity and quantum physics.

    So how exactly can you go back in time if time doesn't exist at all. 🙂

  24. I have a simple proof that it is not possible to go back to the past.
    Because if so... why didn't the people from the future return to the past - to our time?


  25. Correction: instead of "to me it sounds mostly childish".. (to me it sounds a bit childish until proven otherwise)

  26. To Oren: I never claimed a thousand never! But there is an impassable barrier here of a mass several billion times greater to hold all the times at the same time!!
    Because in fact those who want to travel to the past or the future (which is even more problematic than a logical aspect) want to travel between times that exist forever and new worlds are added to them every second in new times! It makes sense? And possible? It sounds mostly childish to me!!
    But in my second response I pointed to the fact that progress in time must be proven before even thinking about a journey back!! And it is interesting that Sabdarmish in his response has already "decided" that time "flows" forward!! But this is an assumption and not a proof!
    Who knows, maybe in an effort to prove progress in time of the visible matter (put aside the dark matter and the dark energy for a moment so we don't get too involved) in an equation that will surely be complex and complicated...maybe there is a breakthrough in an unexpected direction waiting there!!

  27. The laws of physics are not defined in this kind of process because there has never been a process of this kind that could be measured and come to laws and conclusions about it!
    To draw conclusions from the laws of a "normal" world that only flows forward in time, regarding a world that flows backward in time, is something that is undefined, unmeasured, and should not be done.
    Therefore, in my humble opinion, it's a waste of money.
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  28. If you say that there is no backward and forward, then the curvature of space-time is actually the curvature of time in the present and if we jump from one place to another in this space, through some kind of loop, we will reach another space in an unchanging time. So the journey is not in time but in space.
    not like this?

  29. Time is a new invention designed to give us physical meaning to changes in the universe.
    Time is an irreversible change in the state of matter.
    There is no going back and forth.

  30. Einstein explained that it is possible to jump over the surface of time, if you can reach the speed of light and move at a speed that aspires to the speed of light.
    So the fast traveler arrives at his destination exactly at the same time from the moment he left when all the reality that copies him has already passed many years. This is a kind of time skip forward.
    But I haven't heard of an actual possibility to jump backwards in time...
    Everything stated in the article is just nonsense from professors.

  31. D. Peretz- NEVER SAY NEVER, do you know? I am also of the opinion that it is desirable to direct as many brain resources as possible to more practical and burning directions, however, as humanity it will be more difficult to move forward, without someone to explore the unknown (like the Enterprise from Star Trek). In this context, let's not forget the fact that many of the useful and groundbreaking discoveries happened unintentionally. That's why it's good to have someone who investigates the improbable. At least some representation.
    Regarding the soul, it is a matter of faith. In my belief, there is no such thing as a soul, but only subatomic particles (which make up atoms that ultimately make up everything we see including us and the electrical signals in the brain which are made up of those subatomic particles which form our thoughts and our personalities out of their vast complexity), and the forces of the universe that influence on the particles and which are mutually affected by them and I will not forget the principle of uncertainty which leaves hope that not everything is pre-determined (meaning that we really and truly have the power to influence and change things). According to this belief, I conclude that a "soul" can be transferred to something (anything including a computer) that allows the brain's chemical and electrical activity to continue continuously with as few changes as possible. But speaking of it, it is better not to mess with the brain, because what happens in the body directly and indirectly affects the brain, its structure, composition and activity.
    And regarding the article, I have a feeling that even when they reach technological capability and carry out an experiment, they will find that they have reached a dead end. According to the theory, everything is in order and the proofs exist in mathematical formulations, and the control devices show that everything is ticking, but nothing happens. Neither according to the control nor in practice. Even if it is a space-time bubble that does not affect the previous place and time to which it arrives (to avoid the well-known paradoxes and the inevitability of a journey to the past) and inside it our test pilot, nothing will happen yet because he will not be affected by the place he is (in order not to have an effect photons from the past must not hit the pilot's bubble and be affected by it, or then he will not be able to see anything and the same goes for matter). In addition, in order to exit the bubble, he must exit at a point in time that does not belong to the past in relation to the time of entry. Thus he actually returns inside the bubble, with all the changes that occurred to him during his stay in the bubble to the point of entry, as if nothing had happened to him. As if there was a song that we played backwards on the player and then We moved it forward. And the experimenters will not notice any change either, because they are at the same point in time when the "test pilot" entered the bubble. Now it is already taking the form of a paradox because what have we actually done here? Like taking an equation and adding 1 to it on both sides. We made a change But it is meaningless in practice. That's how I see it for the time being, and those who remember my first paragraph will understand that this opinion may only be temporary.

  32. If my memories and awareness will return to what it was then what's the point?? The whole beauty of a time machine is that I return with new knowledge to the past. And if it's not like that - then there's no point in building a time machine

  33. Proof that we can see here now from events that happened there in the past leads to the human presumption that we will be able to turn it into a personal experience as well, total nonsense

  34. It is impossible to go back in time for the simple reason that time does not flow.
    All past and future already exist.

  35. I would like to draw attention to a matter that was not discussed and it is proof of progress in time!! Otherwise what's the point of finding ways to travel back in time?
    It seems to me that they still haven't proven progress in time..because it is possible that time has no beginning and no end!!
    If you travel from point X to Y, it takes time, that's true..but it doesn't prove progress in time!! And therefore there is also nowhere to go back in time!!

  36. What does a space of time that is closed on itself mean? The meaning is this: if I am inside a space of time that is closed on itself, I will reach a point in time in my past, but my brain will also be in the same state as it was, both my memories and my awareness. Conclusion - I will never know that I flew to the past, and I will not be able to carry new information with me back to the present/future. The idea of ​​a closed time space is interesting and certainly worthy of research, but there is a long way between it and Doctor Emmett Brown's DeLorean.

  37. Hi Abby, thank you very much for the review of yesterday's article. It's very interesting and of course heartwarming to hear that there are still people who receive funding for such things. I do not say this sarcastically, because in the end it is a dream, and dreams are also worthy of research. I hope there will be a few more of these in the very practical scientific tangle of our day.

    As a non-subscriber, I cannot see the original article of course, but if the exact reference of the article can be provided, maybe I can send it to my friends at the academy and they will send me back the PDF

    In short - I need an exact reference, if that's possible

  38. This is about grinding old water! This whole story of a time machine is gibberish in a new theoretical garb. Shame on the energy wasted on this colossal nonsense.. because in order to travel to the past (I don't want to) the past needs to exist where it is! And in order for the past to exist, the entire universe needs to back itself up every second and even less than that!! Do you understand the absurdity of this? In other words, the mass of the universe is supposed to be several times billions of billions today!! It simply lacks any realistic sense (healthy or sick) also contradicts the existence of dynamic reality as if the world is a collection of images or files that can be moved from one to another..and if so, how are these files created in a static reality?
    It's a shame that the energies of thinking are not channeled into the development of a machine that will convert energy into matter and thus be able to create body parts and later a new human body is invited into which the old soul will move!! And thus make people close forever.. a thousand or two thousand years of life and each time in a new and healthy body and in many Forms. The body will be like a suit that you enter for a given time until you change to another model or another type.. this is within the reasonable realm! The two main barriers on the way to such a goal are a deeper understanding of energies (a million times more than there is today) .. and proof of the existence of the soul! Because If there is no transferable soul everything falls!!
    The time-traveling agent………..

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