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The diary of a swine flu patient

Roi Cezana Leka turns out to have the swine flu and is in the recovery stages, even for him, who specializes in all the relevant sciences, the greedy are trying to sell homeopathic medicines. Here is his dialogue with the saleswoman at a pharmacy in Haifa. we did not touch

The cover of a journal dealing with swine flu
The cover of a journal dealing with swine flu

"Hello!" I greet the pharmacist in one of the pharmacies in Haifa, where I live.

"Hello!" She is welcoming to me. And really, such a kind woman, motherly and smiling. It's always a pleasure to visit her.

"I've had a high fever for two days," I inform her, and she immediately takes a small step back. I cough, blow my nose and finish with a series of shakes from my legs to my head, to illustrate all the other symptoms. "What can you offer me?"

The smile immediately returns to her face. "It sounds like you have the flu. I can recommend you a new medicine, Osilo, for exactly that. You take it in the first two days of the flu - and it stops the disease. Truly a miracle cure. Here is the box - only seventy shekels."

I examine the box carefully. Really, an impressive box, containing six capsules with the medicine. Every six hours, put one capsule under the tongue and let it dissolve. Alternatively, one dose can also be dissolved under the tongue every week. But something doesn't seem right to me. Maybe it's because the words ``homeopathic preparation'' are emblazoned on the packaging.

"Wait, isn't that homeopathic?" I ask the apothecary aunt.

"Of course," she smiles, "that's why it works."

"But how does it work?" I make it difficult. "What ingredients are in it? Paracetamol? Pseudoephedrine? What is there in this drug that the others don't have?"

Her lips begin to quiver at the edges. Beads of sweat begin to form on the forehead. Smiling begins to require conscious effort. "That's the beauty of homeopathy. It just works. No need to explain."

"I don't understand," I admit. "If you don't know how it works, then what about the side effects?"

She cheers up immediately. Obviously, this is her strong point. "There are no side effects. This is homeopathy."

"No side effects? Nothing? Not at all? Can't I be harmed if I take the medicine?"

"Nothing." She promises, hand on heart, that they were right.

"And if I accidentally overdose? For example, if I take the entire contents of the package, six capsules, at once?"

She stops to think for a moment. Her lips move silently as she thinks, but finally the smile returns to her lips. "Then you will be much more protected from the flu, and there will still be no side effects. It's homeopathy!"

"So how can it be that the medicine does anything at all in the body?"

"what?" She gets confused.

"Look, our body is made up of one hundred thousand billion cells. One of the reasons that regular drugs have side effects is that even if they work on some of the cells that need help, they must also affect the healthy cells in some way. its unstoppable. Every chemical we put into the body affects all the cells."

"Uh-uh," she nods her head. The other shoppers in the store begin to notice the conversation and gather around us. The apothecary aunt's eyes begin to look desperate.

"So basically," I continue, "if you tell me that this drug doesn't have any side effects, it's like saying it doesn't do anything. Like drinking water with sugar. It can only harm people with diabetes."

"I really forgot to say that for people with diabetes, only one serving a day is recommended," she whispers. Poor thing, she doesn't like it. Nevertheless, a box of Dexamol Cold for a whole week's treatment costs only NIS 40. Homeopathy is sold for thirty shekels more. She has to earn from somewhere.

"Maybe you can show me studies that show that the medicine works?" I try to encourage her.

"Look, I'm not an expert in homeopathy," she apologizes, "but that's exactly how homeopathy works. Sometimes it completely cures the disease, sometimes not at all."

"So how do you know if it works?"

"When she heals, she works!"

"But let's take me as an example," I say, "for the last two days I had a high fever, and today it went down. If I had come to you yesterday, bought the homeopathic medicine and used it, then still my fever would have gone down today, and I would have mistakenly thought it was because of the medicine. Basically, it's just my body that was able to fight the disease. So how do you know that the homeopathic medicine did the job?"

"How do you know that Dexamol Cold is working?" She fires back.

"It's very simple. There are dozens of studies, conducted by dozens of researchers in the medical and biological sciences. These studies show that the ingredients in Dexamol Cold help reduce fever, relieve headaches and constrict the blood vessels in the nose and prevent a runny nose. Since these materials were discovered, many studies have been conducted on them, all of which support the same conclusions, and come from many laboratories around the world, so there is no possibility of forgery or collaboration. Is there any research that supports this homeopathic medicine, Osilo?”

"There is something that was published in 1989," she says. "In an important medical journal."

"Twenty years ago?"


"And since then no other research has been published on the drug?"

"Not that I know of."

"And tell me... do you believe that mistakes can be made in scientific research? Or even, God forbid, fakes?”

"Obviously. Everyone knows that it is impossible to believe any scientific research just like that."

"So how do you know that a mistake was not made in that study from twenty years ago, and that since then they continue to sell a homeopathic medicine against the flu that actually doesn't work at all? After all, there have been dozens of studies on every other drug that prove it works. Why are you so enthusiastic about selling the homeopathic medicine?"


"Yes?" I am waiting for an answer.

"Look, I can see that you don't believe in this drug, so maybe try another drug?" And she hands me a box of medicine called Influgip, to treat the flu. Two tablets to suck under the tongue every hour, sixty tablets in a box. Recommended dosage for diabetics: up to 3 tablets per day. I look at the top of the package, and…

"Wait, this is also a homeopathic medicine!"

At this point she gives up. "Sir, I see you have a problem with homeopathy."

"Yes," I nod my head. "I really have a problem with things that don't work. Maybe you can offer me something more… conventional?”

"happily!" Her eyes light up. “We have great vitamin C!”

52 תגובות

  1. Shh Roy, look how many comments you managed to squeeze!!!
    They are just talking about you and it is already getting interesting.
    Leshahar(12) "Those who really want to be healthy should stop eating synthetic food, meat, milk and other genetically engineered food full of stabilizers, preservatives and chemicals." I completely agree with you, but if we stop eating meat and milk, etc., what will we have left to eat? Lettuce? What are we, cows?! Doesn't matter.
    According to your article (Roi) it implies something that I have already thought about. It may not be such a precedent, but what if someone intentionally spread this virus? It's like a computer virus, then you invent protection software, to make money.
    After all, it's just hysteria, just the flu. [=

  2. kid,

    The facts really don't confuse me. I am well aware of the important contribution of modern medicine to public health - longer life expectancy, lower infant mortality, elimination of "old diseases" and prevention of their recurrence, and more.

    But I'm here to point out the mechanism, the engine, according to which modern medicine works today. In my humble opinion, this mechanism is flawed. It gives some solutions, but prevents other solutions, which in most cases could have been better for the patient. In the end we all eat it, including everyone who makes a living in this industry.

    In my opinion this mechanism works the way it does because it is not limited in its nature to be more social. It is not defined at all. But it turns out that it works the way it does because it exists in a society where money is managed in a capitalist way (and I have nothing against capitalism) and this is where its character is derived.

    I don't offer a solution because I don't have one. Maximum can point to an attempt on the part of governments, for example, to give incentives to drug companies to develop drugs that do not require unlimited reuse, i.e. - clinics (and not therapists).

    The interest of a large enough body (the state) that includes both the pharmaceutical industry and the customers-patients (all citizens including industry workers of course) is to continue the trend of raising the quality of life (a trend we started at the dawn of being a "wise man") and thus strengthening the country's workforce, Fewer citizens who need assistance and who become potentially productive, etc. All this of course comes at the expense of this strong industry. Therefore, what is required is to establish this industry from its place and make room for the strengthening of other industries that it takes its place. Again, that means cutting it back.

  3. A group of people who believe that any substance that is not synthesized or engineered in a laboratory is suspected of being a placebo until proven otherwise.

    It is the same group of people who would love to get into a virtual fight with the deceiving creationists
    natural selection as the strongest driving force of life.

    But it is quite logical that our adaptation to a natural substance like Omega 3 would be better and especially possess
    Fewer side effects than synthetic material.
    It is very likely that such a natural substance will participate in more than one course of action.

    And if so, we move away in our lifestyle from the lifestyle we are genetically adapted to.
    This deviation began already at the beginning of the agricultural period and the domestication of wild animals, see a diet based on corn and phlegre, rice and bri-bri, the wheat that was "improved" in amounts of gluten and the use of animal milk.

    I don't suggest going back to living in caves but we need to be more aware of the changes and the problems
    that the modern world places on our uncoordinated genome, and from this awareness everyone will edit
    his private damage control.

  4. Immune-enhancing role of vitamin C and zinc and effect on clinical conditions.
    Wintergerst ES, Maggini S, Hornig DH.

    Bayer Consumer Care Ltd., Basel, Switzerland.

    Vitamin C concentrations in the plasma and leukocytes rapidly decline during infections and stress. Supplementation of vitamin C was found to improve components of the human immune system such as antimicrobial and natural killer cell activities, lymphocyte proliferation, chemotaxis, and delayed-type hypersensitivity. Vitamin C contributes to maintaining the redox integrity of cells and thereby protects them against reactive oxygen species generated during the respiratory burst and in the inflammatory response. Likewise, zinc malnutrition or deficiency was shown to impair cellular mediators of innate immunity such as phagocytosis, natural killer cell activity, and the generation of oxidative burst. Therefore, both nutrients play important roles in immune function and the modulation of host resistance to infectious agents, reducing the risk, severity, and duration of infectious diseases. This is of special importance in populations in which insufficient intake of these nutrients is prevalent. In the developing world, this is the case in low- and middle-income countries, but also in subpopulations in industrialized countries, eg in the elderly. A large number of randomized controlled intervention trials with intakes of up to 1 g of vitamin C and up to 30 mg of zinc are available. These trials document that adequate intakes of vitamin C and zinc ameliorate symptoms and shorten the duration of respiratory tract infections including the common cold. Furthermore, vitamin C and zinc reduce the incidence and improve the outcome of pneumonia, malaria, and diarrhea infections, especially in children in developing countries. Copyright (c) 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  5. Witness,

    I have already written the last word in three different messages, but you avoid referring to the point again and again, and continue to suggest that I try the sugar ball, even though the experiments you suggest do not prove anything in the first place. Anyway, thanks for looking after my health.

    in good health,



    my new blog - Another science

  6. Doctor Roy
    I suggested you: try, and not rely on the research. Your body may also anecdotally respond positively to vitamin C.

    You remind me of the cardinals who, when Galileo offered them to look at his astronomical findings, told him: there is no point in looking. Firstly, everyone knows that there are seven stars in the sky, secondly, what you see is dirt on binoculars, and so on.
    All this instead of trying and looking.

    If you want to say the last word - to your health. I'm tired of your neediness.

  7. Witness,

    A placebo is any factor that we believe can help our body, even though its actual effect is negligible. The real effect is caused by the positive thought. Similarly, when you choose to take any pill, part of the effect is because you expect it to work. This is the placebo effect.

    Your personal experience is based on a pill that you expect to work, and indeed works for you. This is not a proof of the pill's effectiveness, but a so-called 'anecdote' - a case study. We learn from this that the condition of your body does improve after taking the pill. But does the improvement in the situation result -=as a result=- of taking the pill? If you took a sugar pill without knowing it was a sugar pill, would your condition improve even then? This is what clinical trials of drugs test, and in these tests vitamin C failed.


    my new blog - Another science

  8. Roy - you insist in vain, against personal experience.
    A placebo is when someone gives you something and calls it a medicinal name to explain the ear.
    Placebo is not a pill that I choose on my own, in certain situations, and it helps (in a limited way).
    I didn't ask you to use vitamin C. On the other hand, someone else may be less skeptical and try and see how their body reacts when they have a runny nose on chewable vitamin C.

    Nice of you to try to make me laugh. A definite sugar eater, and knows the difference.

  9. Witness,

    Did you know that when people are given sugar pills instead of real medicine, but told they got real medicine, many of them experience relief of symptoms? This is called the placebo effect, when the brain convinces the body that it has received a drug and feels better.

    How do you know that the vitamin C you are taking is not just a placebo? Currently, many studies show that vitamin C and placebo drugs help equally. That is, vitamin C has no advantage over pills with sugar.

    good week,



    my new blog - Another science

  10. Not Roy. Each product and its results:
    Vitamin C 500 mg helped me with a runny nose. For two hours only. On normal days, one of these in the morning helps to forget about a runny nose for the whole day.
    Menthol candies against cough (8.6 mg menthol in each candy) helps me against a mild sore throat and a mild cough.
    The researches are respected in their place. I have no marketing interests, and the hard way I learned to know products that help me in certain contexts.
    If it helps someone else - cheers!

  11. Gillian,

    Read the article again, and maybe you will find more references to what happened to my heat.


    No effect of vitamin C has been proven in scientific studies. Maybe the cough candies helped more?

    have a nice weekend,



    my new blog - Another science

  12. Vitamin C - five hundred milligrams chewable - manages to stop my runny nose for about two hours, then another one is sucked.
    Why is this important: because otherwise, the snot will partially go down the throat and cause a cough.
    In the last flu I had it helped a lot, along with cough drops containing menthol.

  13. Doron 29.
    What is happening today is that there are those (rich?) who get permission not to vaccinate their children, when they are actually behaving like parasites based on the fact that most people are vaccinated and therefore a disease will not break out.

  14. Roy, you should know that you are contagious not only as long as you have a fever. don't believe me Think Noam knows better than me? Ask any doctor. Besides that my dear, you should read what you yourself write and not try to twist things. Here I quote:

    "I've had a high fever for two days," I inform her, and she immediately takes a small step back.

    I mean, did you leave the house while you had a fever - or did you just tell a story to the nice pharmacist and to us too?

    Wem - I suggest that you take your temperature and find out if you too are not infected with the disease, because according to your reactions at least, there is a serious concern.

  15. The source of the swine flu was discovered:

    Thanks to the expertise and keen eye of our friend Gillian from the site of aliens and conspiracies, the source of the terrible plague was discovered.

    Gillian managed to uncover and solve the mystery with unprecedented talent. She noticed that Roy left his home while he was sick, thus infecting half the world with the disease.

    We are lucky to have Gillian (with about the same level of expertise she also reveals ghost and alien visitations, oh, and let's not forget, earthquakes)

  16. He's kicking us all, why consider him and not tell the truth when he's yelling at the whole world? Sorry, but this is definitely the time!!!

  17. Roy - I wish you a full recovery.

    GILLIAN – This is not the time!, you don't kick a person when he's on the floor.

  18. And I ask how a guy who is supposed (strong emphasis on supposed) to be intelligent and probably also responsible (after all, he is well versed in all the sciences - did we already say that?), even goes to a pharmacy knowing that he has swine flu and there is a cut off for infecting any people on the way and in any place Isolate himself and prevent infection (after all, he is so well versed in the medical sciences, that he should know what the risk of infection is and of course he knows the Ministry of Health's instructions on the matter).

    Please - because of people like Roy Tsenza, the disease spread as it did and forgive me if I don't get excited about the praise and the titles given to him here, when he proves with this behavior how much he doesn't deserve them.

  19. Capricorn (27)

    Antibiotics, a very important drug that should have been given only as a last resort.
    The drug companies you admire are not interested in developing new antibiotics because they cure
    the disease and thus the big money is not brought in like the drugs for the chronic problems that are consumed daily by people until they die.

    Vaccines, canceling them altogether is a bad idea but they are probably not as safe as you thought.
    A University of Mintova study of 14000 children who received the DTP vaccine showed
    that postponing the recommended date for the first vaccination from two to four months lowered the
    The prevalence of asthma from 14% to 6%.

    In general, in recent decades there has been a steep increase in the rate of autoimmune diseases in children
    Like type XNUMX diabetes, Crohn's, asthma and probably also some of the autism cases have an autoimmune origin.

    In the abstract, the T1 and T2 model in immunology means that T1 cells fight foreign agents
    and they are studied, and T2 type cells cause inflammation and overexpression of T2 for autoimmunity.

    During the first six months, the baby's tendency is towards T2. Secretions push even more in this direction.

    The immune system of premature babies is immature in a way that is not linear to the gestational age:
    A baby born in the eighth month, his immune system is very far from being 8/9 complete.

    In my opinion, the vaccinations should not be cancelled, but the vaccination program should be revised:
    1) Postponement of vaccinations after one or two years of age, except for pertussis for babies entering day care.
    (The immune effect of the herd will not harm and protect the small children)
    2) Splitting vaccines
    3) Vaccination according to gestational age and not birth age
    4) Vaccine dose varies according to weight
    5) Giving boosters only as needed
    6) Postponing the hepatitis B vaccine (transmitted through sexual intercourse) until a late age unless the mother is a carrier,
    Today it can be given at the age of a day!!!
    7) Do not vaccinate during and after illness
    8) postpone or stop vaccination if there is a tendency to allergy
    9) Postpone or stop vaccination if there was a severe reaction to a previous vaccination
    10) Greener vaccines without mercury, aluminum, etc

    In general, we give vaccines too early too often and without asking questions

  20. Peace,

    List of supplements that can help at the beginning of the disease:
    1) Vitamin A, 150000 units twice a day for two days only!! Total 600000
    A very large amount if consumed as a daily amount but possible when given in a bolus and hence
    The effect on the immune system:
    "Its good action is reflected in its ability to cause cell proliferation
    The phagocytic cells of the immune system, cytotoxic T and NK cells and also the CD4 (the alarm cells
    which recruit B cells to produce antibodies). The TC and NK destroy cells that are inside them
    The viruses multiply and then the swallowers come and eliminate the waste.
    If the viruses manage to escape from the cells before the first ones are eliminated, then the CD4 cells
    whose number also increased, they begin the process of identifying the antigen and transferring the information to the B cells, in order
    They will produce antibodies. The antibodies that are formed will immobilize the invading virus by attaching
    to its capsid/envelope.
    From everything I know about vitamin A, it does not burden the liver, but the opposite. In the liver are found
    Stationary phagocytes which are called Kupffer cells (obviously after Kupffer). These are responsible for
    The rest for disposal of the waste that comes with the blood. Due to their role, they wear out very quickly
    And when there is a deficiency of them, a liver problem arises, including cirrhosis. Vitamin A, it's more correct to say
    Its acid derivative (retinoic acid), causes the transcription of specific genes that insert the
    These cells are in a state of division (controlled, it should be noted), thus causing their proliferation."
    Notes - Do not take Vitamin A as beta carotene, it is forbidden during pregnancy!!!, be careful if there is
    Liver function problems and/or blood clotting problems.
    2) and vitamin C in the largest tolerable amount (preferably in a non-acidic form) divided by 3-4
    times a day for 10-14 days even after the illness.

    3) Zinc - 75-100mg as above divided 3-4 times a day even after the illness.

    4) Plants such as echinacea, black elder and others.

    5) Actually acetaminophen is not recommended for reducing fever because it greatly lowers the level of
    Glutathione, which is an anti-oxidant and detoxifier, is very important.
    In that case NAC-N-acetylcysteine ​​will help restore glutathione to the level
    the normal.

    Further to the response of Eyal A (22) the use of therapy of a single natural component actually came
    Imitating the treatment with conventional drugs and thus probably also less effective in treating the cause
    the disease or preventing it in advance.

  21. To Eyal A.

    How easy it is to slander the modern doctor full of chemicals,
    I wonder who among us would be alive today if it weren't for the antibiotics that prevent every scratch on the leg from killing us,
    And that's even before I talk about vaccines that save millions of people every day, but that doesn't stop a handful of ignorant people from preaching against them and making strange claims (for example, that they cause autism, even though it was proven that the publisher of this study falsified the results to sell his own "safe vaccines").

    In general, what is beautiful about conspiracy lovers and skeptics of modern medicine,
    It's that they don't let the facts confuse them.

  22. And I ask, why does an intelligent guy come to a pharmacy to get a diagnosis and medical treatment?

  23. Avi - are you sure it was swine flu that Roy contracted? Because the article sounds like it has the flu that is related to a completely different animal...

  24. Today's conventional medicine is very problematic:

    1) Since our modern world runs on fuel and its name is money, medicine also advances as long as there is a flow of fuel. More correctly, the pharmaceutical industry. A pharmaceutical company has no reason to sell a drug that cures a disease in such a way that the patient will become healthy and will not need any medicine or treatment as a result of the disease. That is why the motivation of the pharmaceutical companies is to look for solutions to the symptoms as soon as possible. To find solutions that will turn the service requester - the patient - into a permanent customer, that is, instead of letting the customer die and not seeing any money from him, what is better than keeping him alive as a captive of the company as much as possible? Otherwise it wouldn't be economical - all the money invested in developing a drug that will really cure in one and the same way, has to come back somehow, and it's a lot of money. So financially, the solution is to let people pay "in installments" for about a lifetime. Of course, there are cases where the medical problem is treated in a way that does not make it chronic. In these cases, the price for the patient is very high, and it is also not economical for the company. You can bet that these cases happen when the company does not have the second option in hand.

    These words may sound exaggerated with a somewhat conspiratorial nature. Can be. But this is what my experience has taught me, and this is what logic says: what is not economic, does not come to fruition, and to hell with the doctors' convention. Everything works on money and there is no meter to the right or left.

    2) Conventional medicines are still based on one active ingredient as a principle. One molecule that will do miracles and wonders. (A way of thinking that is not so original if you think about it compared to non-conventional drugs. These are also those who are looking for the magic solution to disease or medical problem X that they have given it a more or less unique name). If non-conventional drugs are to be trusted, then it is because they probably involve more than one molecule that intervenes directly during the disease, which is already more logical. Bottom line - I am not saying anything about non-conventional medicines whether they are good or not, but expressing my opinion on the very long way that conventional medicines (and in fact medical science) have to go. True, it is far from today that things in biology will be as clear as in physics, that we will be able to calculate and build a theory for almost everything down to the last detail and only then perform an experiment, but that is the ambition. That's where the life sciences should go.

  25. age,

    What is a "standard chemical remedy"?
    Do you know a drug that is not chemical?

    Another thing, the biggest difference between what you call "standard" medicines and homeopathic medicines, is that the latter are not tested as rigorously as the standard medicines are.

    Today, anyone can concoct a "medicine", claim that it is homeopathic and natural, etc., and cause great harm to healthy people.

  26. Hi Gravity,

    The idea that vitamin C helps fight disease has never been proven. In fact, just the opposite.

    The original support for vitamin C as a cure for colds came in a book from the XNUMXs - ``Vitamin C and the Common Cold'' - written by the winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Linnaeus Pauling. Since then this trend has caught a lot of hype, but the truth is that a study conducted four years ago, which reviewed fifty studies over the past years, showed that those who took vitamin C got colds as often as those who did not take vitamin C.
    What's more, one of the fifty studies did show that if you take very large amounts of vitamin C - eight grams - on the first day of a cold, it helps to shorten the duration of the illness. But when it comes to only one study out of fifty, it's hard not to question that too.

    The review in PLOS1 –

    good week,



    my new blog - Another science

  27. Roy,
    As a research student and someone who understands anything about biology / biochemistry, I would like to point out to you that no standard chemical "drug" from those sold by the "drug" companies known in the pharmacy will really cure you and in most cases will harm your health. True, if the situation is serious, God forbid, then it is your duty to take these drugs, but it is recommended only in such cases.
    I don't know homeopathy at all, but I can testify from my experience how much conventional western medicine harms health and how much this financial business hides important information from us, the consumers. I am cured by complementary medicine and of course under the full control of Western medicine, but I do not take their destructive drugs.
    It is important that you know that there are types who recover from meopatia, even if they are defined as placebo or those who recovered in a way that is not understood by science today - this still does not negate the fact that it helps them. You must know such people (or at least your pharmacist..)

    Only Health !

  28. It's always good to read science and what's better than Derwin (on the effect of a very dilute salt solution on the tallow plant).
    A true science lover will read this carefully and wonder.,128
    And to my shepherd
    Best wishes

  29. Hello everyone

    The first thing I want to say is that her suggestion for vitamin C was the only logic in the whole story, all these drugs are one big poison, vitamin C is actually the only thing that can help the body deal with the disease on its own in its own ways.
    So even though she may not know who knows what in the drugs, her suggestion for vitamin C is the most logical thing.

    The second thing I want to say is this: I understand computers or electronics... that at the time I provided service for computers I gave with all my heart, if service providers are not professionally providing service how am I supposed to know who is bluffing me? And how the hell will I know what's really in the food they give me and all the preparations I use... just to check all this it will take me years.... Conclusion: IDIOCRACY here and now!

  30. Especially amusing, it's amazing how much effort homeopaths are willing to make in order to equate their "field" with some semblance of science.
    By the way, just to clarify the stupidity - the study claims that almost 90% of those who used the homeopathic "medicine" did not get the flu! (By the way, what the hell is almost? 89% 88%?) Amazing right? Just fantastic, I'm just wondering what the incidence of the flu is on an annual average? Do you hear?'s attention...oh no...between 10% and 20% (depending on the year).
    That is, the chance of getting the flu is probably the same whether you take a homeopathic medicine or not.

    On the other hand, a recent study I conducted shows a dramatic increase in the chances of a homeopathic practitioner going on vacation abroad as more people take his medicines.

  31. lilac,

    Very interesting link, thanks!

    I must say that I was somewhat amused by the following study description:
    Homeopaths have always used influenza to prevent flu. In a survey conducted by the French Society of Homeopathy in 1998, the use of influenza over a 10 year period (1987-1998) in 453 patients was studied. 70% of participants took Influenzinum in the 9C potency. In approximately 90% of the cases, no instances of the flu occurred when Influenzinum was used preventively no matter what the dosage protocol.

    As for everything else, I have already addressed it in the dialogue itself.

    Only Health,



    my new blog - Another science

  32. LOL you're funny.
    And seriously, you have come across a non-homeopathic pharmacist.
    I'm a homeopath, so you might say I'm a missionary.
    In any case, there is a dosage and it is also written on the box...
    And I use Osilo and at least for me it always helps.

    Homeopathy is complementary and non-conventional medicine.

    In any case, this week it was published:

    I'm a private therapist so I don't have a stake in this French company, try it and see if it really works.

  33. You are being lied to again. There are many types of flu, but the Ministry of "Health" announced that anyone who is sick with something is swine flu, anyone who dies of pneumonia or another chronic illness actually dies of swine flu.
    And the "Hidan" website reinforces the hysteria instead of shedding light on the disgrace.
    forward! Let's buy millions of "medicines" and inject healthy children with bacteria and viruses.

    Those who really want to be healthy should stop eating synthetic food, meat, milk and other genetically engineered food full of stabilizers, preservatives and chemicals.

  34. Hello friends,

    First, thanks for the warm comments.
    As for the disease, although there is no absolute certainty that it is the swine flu, there is at least a good certainty that it is some kind of flu. And since, according to the unofficial guidelines, every flu case this summer should be treated as swine flu...
    Third, you can read about the course of the disease on my blog, in three separate chapters describing the days of the illness, the symptoms I experienced and the mechanisms behind them. I hope that the fourth chapter is also released today.

    to wink-wink,
    Anyone who gets infected with this flu should be vaccinated against that strain. The problem is that, as you say, this strain will probably begin to mutate every summer, and when it returns to us in the winter we will no longer be immune to it.

    Thanks, but the heat has already gone down, and I can't stand the taste of ginger anyway :>

    Best regards,



    my new blog - Another science

  35. As usual, sharp, smooth and accurate!

    In any case, to what extent are grandmother's medicines like Sharan suggested better than homeopathy?
    -maybe a little. They have honey and ginger, something that can really be digested.

  36. Get well soon Roy.
    I also don't believe in all homeopathic medicines and once I took one I got sicker 🙂
    In any case, I wanted to share with you a grandmother's remedy that always helps to recover quickly.
    Take fresh ginger and chop it finely, put it in a glass of boiling water with a spoonful of honey.
    Drink 3 such large glasses a day and you will see that you immediately feel energetic, that the heat goes down and that you are not cold.
    After a day or two and a few glasses like this you will see that you feel great.

  37. speedy recovery 🙂
    And asked ..
    Anyone who gets this flu and somehow recovers, is vaccinated against it?
    Or rather, is it like a normal flu and we will start seeing the same virus every year with slight changes that will cause trouble every time?

  38. Roy, cheers. It actually seemed like you were already managing to get her to use her head as well, but in the end it seemed a bit like she didn't really understand... and maybe she did.
    It is important to understand that people like her would not only prefer (as pharmacists yes?) to sell the homeopathic medicine because it brings in more money, but that they believe in it.

  39. Roy, tell me, maybe there are side effects of the flu that make you dream about pigs more than usual? 🙂

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