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Shuffle the launch dates - Endeavor will launch on June 17 and LRO the next day

The shuttle was supposed to leave for the space station already on Saturday, but a malfunction in the system for removing excess hydrogen caused the launch to be delayed. Due to the lack of launch windows, it was decided to give it priority over the LRO spacecraft designed to orbit the moon

Space Shuttle Endeavor on the launch pad prior to launch for mission STS-127 to the International Space Station
Space Shuttle Endeavor on the launch pad prior to launch for mission STS-127 to the International Space Station

NASA administrators decided to schedule the next launch attempt of the shuttle Endeavor for Wednesday, June 17 at 05:40 EST 12:40 Israel time.

Endeavor's launch scheduled for last Saturday was postponed due to leak In the system for removing excess hydrogen gas from the external fuel tank during launch. This is a system similar to the one that caused the postponement of the launch of the shuttle Discovery in mission STS-119 in March of this year. The technicians used the same methods to repair the system that led to the successful launch of Discovery on the next attempt.

As a result, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) and the LCROSS lunar sensing satellite will take off on the Atlas 5 rocket on Thursday, June 18. A day's delay was required to allow Endeavor to lift off safely to its destination, before they launch an unmanned spacecraft, which in addition to June 18 also has a launch window on Friday.


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