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The space station's new oxygen generator has started operating

The new generator, made in the USA, is designed to allow astronauts to rely less on the old and faltering Russian system

International Space Station, June 2007
International Space Station, June 2007

The International Space Station moves away from the space shuttle Atlantis on June 19, 2007. Photo: NASA

The astronauts aboard the space station want to breathe easy. In order to breathe better air, the astronauts activated the new American-made oxygen generator, which was uploaded to them on the last shuttle mission about a month ago, and which was designed to help them overcome the intermittent activity of the old Russian electron oxygen generator.

The new oxygen generator (or OGS -oxygen generation system for short) was started for the first time last Wednesday. Although there were some glitches at first, it continues to work well. The OGS has a production capacity of 5-9 kg of oxygen per day. Such an amount is not required today, because only a crew of three people stays in the station, but this amount will be essential when we reach the maximum number of astronauts in the space station crew - six people.

One of the advantages of the new oxygen generator is that it uses a solid polymer to aid in the electrolysis process of water into hydrogen and oxygen. The Russian system uses liquid potassium hydroxide. Apparently, drops of this liquid floated inside the electron device, and clogged the hydrogen pumps, thus causing them to be disabled.

4 תגובות

  1. Peace.
    Such compared to this, the Americans bought the Russian space services for 12 million dollars because it is cheaper to buy (and copy like the Japanese) than to develop on your own. It's in the eyes of toilets, yes... because the Russian toilets from whose water they produce the drinking water in space (and as we know also produce oxygen from the water) will simply be of better quality. So I ask, what did the astros drink there, all this time... May you have a good Shabbat Shalom and to all the puffins.

  2. To Avi Bilovski today is the day of the moon landing July 20, 1969

  3. It's interesting why everything from the Russians, it falters, it's always bad and always American, it's okay even with killing astronauts because it's very expensive to bring them back alive, or it's really impossible because that way you can keep faltering and not stop being the eighth passenger in the wagon neither to him nor to ridicule . After all, this is supposed to be scientific and someone who is a dwarf, can finally feel huge because this is what he knows best.

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