Erwin Schrödinger. A fierce opponent of the Nazi regime and the proud owner of a quantum cat

Schrödinger was interested in the question of how the electron surrounds the atom, and offered a quantum answer. He had the ability to illustrate, thanks to which we remember him to this day.

Erwin Schrödinger, developer of the equation that explains quantum theory.
Erwin Schrödinger, developer of the equation that explains quantum theory.

Erwin Schrödinger was the only son of educated parents. His father was the owner of a fabric dye company, a talented painter and a botanist. His mother was half Austrian and half English. There were also religious differences between them: his father was Catholic while his mother was Lutheran. Although he grew up in a religious home, Schrödinger called himself an atheist, although he was interested in Eastern religions and pantheism, which greatly influenced his scientific ideas.

Irwin was homeschooled by private tutors and his parents until the age of 11. Then he entered high school to prepare for university. He was accepted to the University of Vienna where he was inspired by a young physicist, Friedrich Hasenhorl. Schrödinger received his doctorate in physics and received an office at the university where he remained until the First World War.

He fought as an artillery officer on the Italian front. During the war, Hasenhorl was killed. In his acceptance speech for the Nobel Prize in 1933, Schrödinger noted that without the war it would have been Moro Hasenhorl who was honored. When the war was coming to an end, he decided to think about his professional future as a professor at the University of Chernivtsi, but one of the results of the war was the disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which also controlled parts of today's Poland and Ukraine, and thus this possibility fell off the agenda. He returned to his relatively junior position in Vienna, got married and was then offered a new position. He changed jobs several times until he finally got to head the chair of theoretical physics at the University of Zurich in Switzerland in 1921.

His six years in Zurich were the most fruitful of his career. Although he did not start the research that led to his publication - wave mechanics - until 1925. By the way, his interest in the theory was ignited thanks to a marginal note in Albert Einstein's article.

Schrödinger decided to think of an explanation for the movement of electrons inside the atom as waves. In 1926 he published his paper, providing a theoretical basis for the atomic model that Niels Bohr proposed based on laboratory findings. The equation he discovered later became known as "Schrödinger's wave equation." It was the second theoretical explanation of the electron movement inside the atom, after Werner Heisenberg's matrix mechanics. Many scientists preferred Schrödinger's theory because it can be simulated, while Heisenberg's is purely mathematical. Physicists split into two camps, but Schrödinger soon showed that the two theories were the same, just expressed in a different way.

In 1927, Schrödinger was offered a prestigious position: to replace Max Planck upon his retirement at the University of Berlin. Schrödinger didn't like the idea of ​​leaving the Alps and moving to the crowded city, but he agreed. It turned out to be an excellent period of study and teaching for Schrödinger, but it came to an ugly end with the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany. He saw how many of his colleagues were fired from their jobs and forced to leave Germany. He too chose to leave in 1933, the year Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. He moved to the University of Oxford in Great Britain, and in the first week of his stay there he learned that he had won the Nobel Prize in Physics together with Paul Dirac.
After three years he returned to his original position at the Austrian university, but in 1938 Germany invaded its neighbor and Schrödinger was fired. The Prime Minister of Ireland at the time Eamon de Vallara, who was a mathematician by profession, invited Schrödinger to the Institute for Advanced Studies that he had established in Dublin. Schrödinger immigrated there with few belongings and almost no money. He stayed there for 17 years, during which he devoted his attention to philosophical questions about physics and its relationship with other fields.

In 1956, after the end of the war and the end of the foreign occupation of Austria, Schrödinger returned to Vienna. He fell ill a year later and died in 1961.

The paradox of Schrödinger's cat, from the Nobel Prize presentation on the prize committee's website
The paradox of Schrödinger's cat, from the Nobel Prize presentation on the prize committee's website

Aryeh Melamed Katz in his article The ten great discoveries of physics and astronomy In the journal Galileo mentions Schrödinger's unique contribution to quantum physics.

"Many have contributed to quantum theory, and many have interpreted it, and it is not possible to list them all here. Nevertheless, we will try to bring the essence of quantum theory, or in other words we will tell about the Schrödinger equation. In 1926 Erwin Schrödinger was impressed by the doctoral thesis of Louis de Bruy (de- Broglie), and especially since he presented particles as waves, Schrödinger proposed to describe some quantum system with the help of a wave function, which is the solution of the equation that bears his name. The wave function can be presented as a superposition (overlap) of states, and this way of recording allows one to easily find the allowed values ​​that will be obtained in the experiment and to calculate the probabilities of measuring these values. It can be said that he proposed a simple solution method for some quantum problem , although in practice we are usually forced to settle for an approximate solution. It should be emphasized that from the philosophical aspect, theory Quantum is both probabilistic and deterministic, since the probabilities of receiving certain measurements are calculated deterministically."

In 2012, Serge Herosh and David Wineland won the Nobel Prize for their invention and separately developed revolutionary methods for measuring and controlling individual particles while maintaining their quantum-mechanical nature, in ways that were previously considered impossible. In fact, they managed to resurrect Schrödinger's cat. Following the win he wrote Dr. Moshe Nachmani: "In order to describe the ridiculous results of the transition between the micro-world of quantum physics and the normal macro-world that we experience every day, Schrödinger devised a particularly clever experiment with a cat: Schrödinger's cat is inside a box completely isolated from the outside world. In the box is also a bottle of Deadly cyanide that is released after the decay of a certain radioactive atom, which is also in the box.

The radioactive decay is dictated by the laws of quantum physics, according to which matter is in a state of composition where it has both had time to decay and has not yet decayed. Therefore, the cat should also be in a state of being both alive and dead. Now, if we look into the box we risk in killing the cat because the quantum composition of states is so sensitive to interactions with the outside world that any attempt to look at the cat will result in Immediately to the collapse of the dual state and to accept only one of them - a live cat or a dead cat. In the eyes of Schrödinger, this clever experiment leads to a ridiculous conclusion, and it is claimed that he later apologized for having expanded the confusion in the field of quantum physics.

Erwin Schrödinger, formulates the fundamental equation of quantum theory

For the article following Erwin Schrödinger's Nobel lecture from 1933 on the Nobel Prize website

13 תגובות

  1. There is a better and simpler theory for the explanation that I heard and I was enthusiastic about it when I read about the cat I screamed reading several times until I realized that the story is inflated and told that it will be difficult to understand that this is how our simple sages show themselves it will be difficult to understand
    And the sages said that the understanding of the transmission of the information is that of the transmitter, and the one who listens to him understands, then the problem is with the transmitter that he did not transmit it in the right way. And the story is a force. I hold a butterfly in my closed hand and ask you, "Is the butterfly alive?" If you die, you will fly away, so the answer is according to the will of the chooser, and it is the same story and the same interpretation, and the answer is as derived from Nisani Demoni

  2. Thank you very much, Father, for the excellent article!
    You see..., although it was written 8 years ago, it is still fascinating. I liked the connection between the "story of the act" and a look at the physics explanations as well.
    Thank you,

  3. What do the Nazis have to do with the story? Won't you write about Heisenberg because he was a senior partner in the Nazi nuclear program? His contribution to science was far beyond that. You will not be able to emphasize here and blur there, for the sake of fairness. Then you will become a historical political magazine rather than a scientific one.
    It was emphasized here more than necessary, and not as a small anecdote.

  4. A few things about the cat, the cat is in a state of a parallel universe, both options exist.
    And there is no situation of determinism in the simple word because if someone were to intervene in the future, he could, if he knew how, change the cat's condition from cheek to cheek if he gave some controlled push, and as if it was easier for him to do that because the system is limited and closed.
    And one more thing - there are no accidental things in the world, there is only a lack of knowledge on which statistics can be made.
    Not to play with dice, but also faster than the speed of light or back in time in other words (and the parallel columns will give a statistical component to those who are not familiar with them)

  5. Schrödinger's Cat
    I believe that clarification is needed for the reader who is not really versed in nuclear physics.
    A shallow reading creates the impression that the cat is both alive and dead at the same time.
    The cat will only die if it eats the poison contained in the bottle. And the bottle will only shatter if an arm that shatters the bottle is activated.
    The arm will only operate if an electric current is generated in the radiation counter. The chance of radiation decay is literally half. So the probability that the cat is alive is exactly the same as the probability that the cat is dead. Our ignorance really does not affect the cat's condition.
    Schrödinger wanted (as I understand it) to present a case where we are unable to determine with certainty whether the cat is alive or dead because at the moment of the test, and as a result of the test, the system will collapse, which will trigger a chain reaction and lead to the cat's tragic end.
    That's how I understand things anyway.
    It may also be worth noting that in connection with the quantum theory there were differences of opinion between him and the great scientist Albert Einstein.

  6. A very wise man, deal with the laws/waves and enlighten us on the divine path of physics (it is the language of God). Thanks to Google for the mentions it makes and the respect it gives to the greats of science.

  7. On this site they try to preserve scientific accuracy and in general bring the source, so the picture you see here is from the original film where the negative of the white cat appears.
    Any development of the negative is like a quantum measurement that can change the quantum state interwoven in the film.

  8. The cat in most parallel worlds is white only in our world it is usually shown as a black cat

  9. Fascinating article. Mandatory linguistic editing!
    (The atom does not surround the electron, from a camp and not from a "can", an office and not from an "office")

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