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"The enduring fascination of the Roswell incident is indicative of the way we will respond when real aliens land here"

Says journalist Mark Kaufman, science writer for the Washington Post and author of the book "First Contact: Scientific breakthroughs in the hunt for extraterrestrial life" who writes that from humanity's point of view the first contact will be "the first swallow of a new frontier in a dramatically changed universe".

planets outside the solar system Image: NASA
planets outside the solar system Illustration: NASA

"The enduring fascination of the Roswell incident is indicative of the way we will respond when real aliens land here"

According to Star Trek lore, in 50 years we will encounter the first contact with an alien species. In the movie "Star Trek: First Contact," on April 5, 2063, the Vulcans will visit an Earth that is recovering from a war-torn period. The meeting, according to the film, caused the historical change and, among other things, the birth of Spock - the hybrid creature of the Vulcan and human races.

When we mark 66 years since the Roswell incident, this is an opportunity to find out whether the reaction at the time to the false alarm - of treating the aliens as an important detail that receives headlines in the newspapers but not of 'falling off the throne' is indeed the correct response even in the case of a true alarm - when aliens are flesh and blood (or the equivalent the alien for that) will land and ask to contact humanity.

Journalist Mark Kaufman, science writer for the Washington Post and author of "First Contact: Scientific Breakthroughs in the Hunt for Extraterrestrial Life" writes that from humanity's perspective, first contact will be "the first swallow of a new frontier in a dramatically changed universe."

Here are some arguments for and against the likelihood that first contact between humanity and an alien civilization will ever occur, and if so, what will be the consequences of this encounter?

"One of the arguments against the first contact is from those who say there is no other life in the universe," Kaufman said. He cites Fermi's paradox, which says that if there is so much life out there why hasn't anyone visited us yet?

Kaufman claims that the universe is so vast, the number of planets that allow life to exist is so huge, when planets in the life zones of their systems hang up almost every day and now we understand that all the ingredients for the building blocks of life are in space, and therefore it goes against all logic to claim that there is no life Others are out there.

Another argument against the likelihood of direct contact with alien intelligence is that most life in the universe is at the bacterial level. That is, there is a lot of life in the universe but very little intelligent life. Kaufman explains: "It is true that no intelligent living creature has made contact with the Earth. But when you look at the length of time in which we are considered a technologically advanced society - only about a hundred years, this is a relatively small amount of time compared to the universe and the duration of the journey through it."

"In the infinity of cosmological time," says Kaufman, it is absolutely possible that microbial life evolved billions of years ago, but there were those that evolved into intelligent life that arose and went away.

"But all the ingredients are there and unless we want to say that life on Earth was created through divine creation or we had a lot of luck and unique circumstances it is hard to believe that this is the only place in the universe where life began and developed." Kaufman said.

Therefore, says Kaufman, the best, most logical argument is that extraterrestrial life exists and in some cases has also created what we consider to be intelligence.

"If you have billions of planets inhabited by bacteria, logic says that some of them will progress like in the example of Earth," said Kaufman. "There is no reason to state that evolution is exclusive to Earth. We are not as early ourselves as we were in the 14th or 15th century.”

"Our ongoing scientific investigation, and in particular, the recent findings of so many planets outside the solar system is a real revolution in the understanding of our universe, said Kaufman, "These discoveries give a huge boost to the likelihood of finding life elsewhere.

"Many scientists have speculated for decades, if not centuries, about the existence of planets in other solar systems. Now that we find planets almost every day, from a scientific point of view, there is a high chance of breakthroughs in the field of astrobiology - the field that covers life outside of Earth."

"Scientists almost unanimously believe that there is other life out there, but we just don't have the technology to discover it yet," he said. "Even with the recent cuts in NASA's budget for planetary missions, and even if NASA will not be able to send many missions, a broad movement has arisen on campuses and institutes - starting with work on synthetic life, through research in cosmology and astrochemistry, all these fields are moving forward, because there is a feeling It is true that discovery is at hand. This field of science is only going to flourish."

So if tomorrow (or on April 5, 2063) an alien spaceship appears, how should we react?

“On one level, I hope there will be a tremendous amount of wonder and awe and recognition in the vastness of the universe. But I also imagine there will be a lot of defensiveness on the part of scientists," Kaufman said, referring to some scientists, including Stephen Hawking, who say we shouldn't send messages into space because if a more technologically advanced civilization arrives on Earth after receiving the messages, the result for the race is likely The less advanced (we) will not be good.

But Kaufman hopes human beings will welcome the visit.

"Look at the enduring fascination of Roswell or the phenomenon of belief in UFOs," he said. "Throughout history, humans have looked at the sky and thought that something was 'up there' - whether it was angels, gods or spaceships. There is a deep human longing that we are not alone, and this will have an effect on our response."

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19 תגובות

  1. Hahaha... Anyone who knows English or Spanish or Russian knows that ~100 different types of aliens have been encountered - according to the KGB's alien book... Canada's former defense minister admitted that there are several types of aliens... Testimonies of scientists from the USA, Germany and others about aliens , on technologies from alien pilot vehicles - according to the testimony of Bob Lazar and more... Shame that they work on people in Israel in the eyes.

  2. An answer to why they don't contact us

    If they contact us, they will give us technology that we are not yet ready for
    The human race develops technologically and develops morally
    Therefore they understand that such a visit of theirs will not do the human race any good in the long run
    It's like giving fish instead of teaching to fish

    To join the community in the universe we must first prove that we are really worth it

    Until then, they may help covertly, but they certainly won't criticize us openly

  3. Those who are interested in reliable scientific information on the subject, should contact the Israeli UFO Research Association and not base their "knowledge" on trending, vague and one-way biased articles without any presentation of research sources, such as the aforementioned article.

    To the association's website:

    To the association's group on Facebook:

    To the association's Facebook page:

  4. Most likely - there is indeed life in the galaxy, but movement from star to star takes too much time for a spacecraft to make the journey and survive. Bacteria can apparently travel between stars (and probably did), and apparently bacteria have been revived from 250 million year old spores. In addition, what all science fiction writers forget is that life from one planet would probably be toxic to life from another planet, meaning there would be no interest in interstellar movement.

  5. Avi Cohen

    My response was just a joke (about fake alien evidence).

    I have opinions on the subject but am not currently interested in saying them.

  6. skeptic,
    Do I really need to tell you that this is a straw man argument? Or did you decide to become a comedian?
    This example reminds me of religious arguments against evolution, when they publish a picture of a monkey with Darwin's beard...
    May I suggest that you watch the OUT OF THE BLUE documentary instead?
    I don't have a problem with skepticism, but with mental opacity...

  7. dialect,
    It is impossible to put the entire universe in a petri dish and study it under optimal laboratory conditions. The best we can do is discover it step by step and little by little...
    The problem is that sometimes you need answers and solutions quickly. In such cases it is possible to make estimates, assessments and statistics.
    For example, no one counted how many stars there are in the galaxy, star by star... make an estimate, according to the number of stars in a certain area, multiplied by the number of such areas in the galaxy...
    So they got 1000 stars wrong, out of a hundred billion that's fine, and that's a sufficient answer for our uses...
    If I understood correctly, you are saying that there is no reason for there to be life in the second half??? But the fact that you read these things and answer me are proof of that!

  8. Life will be possible. A lot of faith and hope, but there is no science in it. To also read the responses to the original article

  9. The fact that there is life does not necessarily mean that there will be others. Not even microscopically. The esteemed writer did not provide any proof of the existence of thousands of bacterial life forms on other planets (not to mention the research on Mars that once thought there was life for sure and today realizes that there is possibly water (!)

  10. A lot of theories and a lot of belief, but no proof. There is nothing logical about there being life on Earth and there is no reason for there to be any other life either. who mix personal faith with science facts with speculation data with theories everything looks rosy and nice.

  11. It is ridiculous to assume that our technological limitations limit other cultures that are more advanced than us. Think how much we have progressed since the Middle Ages until today, and try to look at our world today through the eyes of a person from that time - this is exactly the parallel when you "try" to imagine the technology of a more advanced culture, but multiply it by 100. It is very likely that if there are more advanced civilizations, they are more advanced by 1000 years or even 1000000 years, if we refer to the age of the universe (they had a lot of time to develop).
    Therefore, it is unlikely that they use radio wave technology to communicate between the stars, for the simple reason that it is not effective. In addition to this, you can see how we are moving to network-based broadcasts more and more, and it is possible that the output of our broadcasts on the airwaves in the future will decrease significantly, and this is the situation in their culture. That's why it's also difficult to get on these broadcasts.
    It is more correct to try to predict what technologies will be possible in the future, as a result of scientific breakthroughs such as a unified physical theory.

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