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New research - apprehension and fear provoke religious fanaticism

A wide variety of experiments, which were carried out on more than six hundred participants, reveals the sad fact that under stressful situations we deviate to the most severe extremes of religion, to the intolerance, fundamentalism and willingness to self-destruction inherent in it.

Martin Luther as the devil's trumpeter - an image spread by the Catholic Church in its war on Protestantism
Martin Luther as the devil's trumpeter - an image spread by the Catholic Church in its war on Protestantism
It is said that Martin Luther, the man who initiated and motivated the Protestant rebellion in the Catholic Church, came to his fiery faith under particularly strange circumstances. A particularly violent thunderstorm caught him on his way home on his horse, and lightning struck the ground near him. Luther, who saw death before his eyes, swore at that moment that if he survived the ordeal, he would become a monk. As history shows, he managed to survive the storm, distributed all his possessions on earth and became the founder of the Protestant movement - which today is the most prominent religious movement in the United States.

These days a mirror New research in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, that Luther's response is not unusual in its character or severity. A wide variety of experiments, which were carried out on more than six hundred participants, reveals the sad fact that under stressful situations we deviate to the most severe extremes of religion, to the intolerance, fundamentalism and willingness to self-destruction inherent in it.

Some of the subjects in the study were placed in situations that evoke fear and discomfort, while others experienced more neutral situations. They were then asked to describe their personal goals in life, and to rate their belief in their religious ideals. As part of the ranking test, the candidates were asked whether they would be willing to sacrifice their lives for their religion, or support a war to defend it.

In all the experiments conducted as part of the study, the experimenters were able to clearly show that situations that evoke fear made the subjects believe more in the ideals they support and become more extreme in their religious beliefs. In one of the studies, when the subjects were asked to think about difficulties in their relationships, a fiery religious reaction arose in them. The tendency towards fundamentalism, in fact, spiked even in everyday situations, and arose even when the volunteers had to deal with a complicated mathematical problem.

When we look at the results of the study, it is easy to understand the path of the converts and converts. Many times they resort to the strategy of making the existing smaller and smaller. The secular? Criminals, rapists and thieves. The religious-nationalists? Betraying the religion from within. The reformers? marry their cat to the dog in a civil marriage. In this way, by denying the way of life and the sector to which the victim belongs, they cause him discomfort and fear - and he returns to the arms of religion, and sometimes to an extreme that also causes him to sever family ties and existing relationships. This is, as mentioned, a common tactic used by all sects, including those in the Land of Israel.

Socrates said that man is a political animal. He was wrong. Man is a religious animal, and even those of us who have abandoned religion are still exposed to its attraction under stressful conditions. And we are not talking about weak characters. exactly the opposite. The most fanatical religious reactions arose in participants who had high self-esteem. These participants have long been vulnerable to concerns and pressures, and have abandoned their hopes of achieving satisfaction from fulfilling their daily goals in life. This is your friend at the office, who is so confident. This is the executive boss, or the famous movie actor. Everyone is vulnerable, if only the penitent manages to sow the seeds of doubt in them.

But are we really attracted to religion alone? I find it difficult not to extrapolate from the results of the present study also about quasi-religious phenomena, such as worshiping the leader or loyalty to the country. This is not a surprising phenomenon. From the dawn of our childhood we tend in stressful situations to look for the protective father, the embracing mother. For the young child, the parents are the beginning of everything and the end of everything. But we adults understand that our parents are not omnipotent. So we turn to God, to the state and to the leader. And the more our situation becomes more dire, the more we will rally behind them and support them and banish the doubt from our hearts.

sound bad? well yeah. But as always, you can find another way. Self-awareness of our flaws and the innate tendencies inherent in us can lead to formation through a wiser and more informed way of dealing with situations of anxiety and stress. And perhaps understanding the mechanisms linking fear and extreme faith will change the way we deal with fundamentalist societies and peoples, who remain united as one body behind their faith, but suffer from constant fear of the outside world.

And such an understanding should come quickly, because the clock in the country is ticking.

52 תגובות

  1. It's amazing how progressives flaunt science, until it comes to issues that go against their agenda, such as differences between male and female and between different races.
    In the US there are progressives who oppose mathematics because it is "white supremacy". You are religious like any other religion, look in the mirror.
    You silence anyone who opposes you just like the Catholic Church.
    See the article James Watson discovers the silenced DNA that revealed genetic differences between blacks and whites that did not fit the progressive church.
    So your agenda may be lofty, but don't wave science.

  2. The Jewish religion is the most offensive. I don't understand how women don't kill themselves because of her.

    According to Jewish Kabbalah, the sefirah associated with femininity is the sefirah of the kingdom, and it is defined as being devoid of essence, devoid of anything, an "empty vessel", "empty" and, having nothing of its own, "receives from above"...
    Is this how you would like femininity to be defined? as nothing? as zero? It is not only offensive at brutal levels, but a fertile ground for rape and inconsiderate abuse, since from Milea femininity is not something real, but only a tool without feelings... and therefore you are allowed to do anything to her... and everything justifies the empowerment of the man, even if it is Turning the woman (who is definitely the most developed creature in nature) into nothing - which is the most horrible definition imaginable.

    Even if a woman is in a terrible state and out of desperation wants to hold on to spirituality, it is impossible for her to relax precisely with Judaism which at best dwarfs, humiliates, separates, abandons and sells her. In the worst case, it turns her into the count of the void that has nothing of its own.

    Of course, Christianity and Islam are also terrible, mainly influenced by Judaism.

  3. Dear Roy,
    The research you brought is nothing more than a support (perhaps the ticking clock in the country will reveal that it is a "broken cane support"),
    Hang your worldview on it and nothing else.
    The real problem, in my opinion, among the multitude of news, is that the subject of "faith" is not brought up. Or if you want a "world view". You do not have a human being whose expression, theoretical and especially practical, does not express his faith. There can of course be a dissonant gap between theory and reality, but this already belongs to the realms of mental health according to the Sages - as far as I know. A complete person in the belief that the gap between theory and practice should be very narrow. zero gap
    Attributed only to the Creator of the world. And if we are talking about views, I will add mine. The thinking person has a high capacity for abstraction,
    Prone to the classic intellectual fallacy: failure to recognize the limitations of the human mind and human morality, failure to recognize the well-thought-out creation of all reality, including man himself. This fallacy involves an unacceptable belief in the ability of the good part of man to prevail over the dark part, without mental reliance of faith on a lawmaker greater than himself and wiser than himself And from any human society, in simple words and a little blatant arrogance!! Such a person will be a partner in the legal system and society
    who in theory are terribly considerate and compassionate, and in practice grow under their leadership a violent society, with violent cultural clashes and not amenable to cooperation. And he already put it succinctly and simply long before the Greeks-Abraham our father: "For there is no fear of God in this place, in a little while and I will obey my wife's word"
    The historical opportunity from the 19th or 18th century gave us to try the approach that subordinates morality and the understanding of reality to the autonomous, scientific ability of the thinking person.
    In the end, reality will testify whether humanity was wrong or, on the contrary, the prophets of Israel were right...

  4. "Not everything is good in the world, but if it were otherwise it would be much worse"

    I read it in "Plato and Atheon enter the bar" - a funny and fascinating philosophical book, I recommend it.

  5. to 44 (or is it Shlomo who does not wish to be identified by name)
    As usual, like most people who support religion, you didn't bring any arguments, facts, proofs or anything else, but most importantly you said I was wrong without even saying what exactly and trying to refute my claims with logical arguments.

    By the way, how exactly do you know what God's ways are when you claim to follow his ways? From humans who say what is God's way?

  6. Sorry,
    It should be written:
    "It doesn't seem to me that you didn't understand what you read (in your book)."

  7. What is that 'very small emotion that is difficult to feel in existence'?
    It seems to me that you are just messing up the eggs and trying to make an omelet out of pastrami.
    I don't think you understood what you read (in your mind).

  8. Those who think that I pity them are wrong. Humans pity in order to feel good about themselves and to receive comfort, and in doing so they empathize with the other because they would not want to be in the bad situation that the other is in.
    You think of me in terms of human beings, therefore it is difficult to grasp in your mind what I am, how do you want to grasp with your mind what is not found in your senses, what is not found in your senses can only be grasped with your inner feeling, you will be surprised, but I planted in you a very small emotion that is difficult to feel its existence, but it develops in you Like a small seed, when it germinates in you, you will begin to grasp things that are not in your mind
    Good night my dear children

  9. God (or Moses or Reuben or Solomon or God knows who you are)
    Another time you?
    And what if you want to intensify the evil? Do they also want to 'reach the complete opposite which is the perfect good'?
    I guess so, because the 'perfect good' in their eyes is the 'evil' in the eyes of the others.
    So which side are you on, God?
    I thought you were on the side that is all good and there is no evil (only mercy and pardons).

  10. To 42

    There is nothing sadder than seeing a swollen nad trying to understand what Judaism really teaches. You have a mistake, both in writing and in perceptions. First of all, learn the rules of punctuation. Second thing, human beings cannot be like God but to aspire and cling in the end to the infinite goodness and to connect with God and God forbid to imitate Him (it is not possible, one can only follow His ways). And who said that if humans accept the bad then they will strive for the good? Maybe people like the bad because it pays more (there is a choice between the bad and the good)?

    In short, a common atheistic failure.

  11. My dear children, I created so much evil in the world just for you because I love you, I wanted you to be wiser through evil, be stronger, be like me because only through evil will you want to reach the complete opposite which is the perfect good
    Good night my beloved children

  12. Complete,
    You really say things that are a bit disconnected from reality and you continue to go as a soma in the same way.
    Even the very fact that you are trying to claim that what the Nazis claimed is based on the theory of evolution and according to that all the Jews should be killed makes it clear that you wish to associate killing, brutal murder with science.

    Science is simply a logical system of laws based on a tool called mathematics, I can't quite understand how you can link numbers to cruelty, this is a desperate attempt to link cruelty to science and discredit the name of science, science has no ideologies and no opinions and not even democracy (in science there is Only a dictatorship - only one can be right) and we are not subject to different interpretations (of course unless it is a partial or unfinished phenomenon/theory).

    If you have a little trouble understanding what science is then Wiki will be at your disposal:
    "Science is a method of gathering knowledge about the world through systematic observation, experiment and deduction, and research methods designed to develop this knowledge. The scientific method includes principles and processes used to gather scientific knowledge, and is also known as research. A person engaged in science is called a scientist."

    I could not find any connection between the definition of science and ideologies, opinions, values, morals, etc.
    The connection between the things stems from not knowing the issues/facts you are talking about.

  13. Shlomo:
    Tell me: do you read what you write?
    In religion there are explicit commandments to kill all kinds of people. What - you really have no idea about any of the religions you say that those who kill in the name of religion do not do so because of religion?
    What amazing nonsense!
    The fact that Nazism and Stalinism are religions is something I always say, so it's good that you finally read what I always write and it's just a shame that you think I'm saying it finally and not forever.

    You didn't understand anything I wrote.
    In science there are - and never will be - any rules of conduct! Associating a system of behavioral laws with science shows nothing but a basic lack of understanding of the essence of science.

    Al Qaeda and the rule of the ayatollahs have a deep and inseparable connection to religion and one has to be blind (mentally) to claim otherwise.

  14. Michael,
    I also went to the original website and I did see parts of the table you provided a link to, horrible things written there that are against all moral values ​​of humans, inequality is a bit of a gentle word, it is almost a humiliation of women's dignity, confirmation of severe pedophilia and many other things, in my opinion there is no Need to continue the words.

    As it is written there, such things can be rabbis nowadays can decide that those who teach about evolution are infidels in religion and God and should be destroyed, and there are quite a few Hasidic who would be happy to perform the "work of God" that was assigned to them by the rabbis.

    The truth is, I don't think that religion will separate from humanity in the next few hundred years, it seems that today's science is also having trouble getting into a significant number of cerebral cortexes and planting questions and doubts in them from an objective point of view.

    The most important thing is that there is funding for yeshiva students, free transportation for religious kindergarten students, exemption from military service, cars can always be bricked in Mea Shearim, it is allowed to close parking lots by using violence, etc...

  15. 32:
    Unfortunately this is just an example of what Judaism calls "morality".
    You have to put in the fact that these are things written by Rambam - who is usually considered the most enlightened in the group.

  16. First, it seems to me that the allegations againstRoey Tsezana, the author of the above article, are unnecessary. One does not punish the messenger, even if one does not agree with the results of the research he is reporting on, what is more, Roy had reservations about some of the results of the article.
    To Michael: (7) Further to your claim that one should not believe someone who says he is a murderer in the name of science - why should anyone who comes and claims that he is a murderer in the name of religion be believed? Either they are both lying, or they are both telling the truth, or they examine each case individually without generalizations.
    To Yair and Tamir: Hitler, after writing "Mein Kampf", wrote "The Second Book" which, according to his definition, was the scientific basis of Aryan superiority, and was largely based on Darwinism. Scores of scientists from various disciplines worked in the service of the Third Reich to substantiate these claims and apply them to the victims. Hitler's mother sometimes he believes and sometimes he doesn't, according to needs and mood. But it is clear that Nazism is not an ideology based on religious belief. Stalin (who in his youth was a student at a seminary for priests but later was a total atheist), Mao and Pol Pot initially operated in the name of a doctrine called "scientific socialism" - Marxism founded by the social researchers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. That not everyone agrees with the scientific validity of these teachings does not mean much. Without comparing, grace and peace, for hundreds of years scientists, following Galileo and Copernicus, believed that the universe revolved around the solar system. So what? Because it turned out to be nonsense, weren't they scientists? What they said was not scientific?
    LeMichael(26): I am happy, following the previous discussion (Church of the Mind, remember?), that you finally admit that Nazism and Marxism are religions. If you claim that Hitler's scientific racism and Stalin's scientific socialism have nothing to do with science, it can easily be proven by your standards that al-Qaeda and the Hiyatollah regime in Iran have nothing to do with religion.

  17. If no sound is heard:
    This special site creates a unique catalyst for examining our questioning identity as a people/family.
    With Israel he is the parent of all times, the Saturn genetic clock (moral-intellectual) is ticking for all peoples and therefore he has the responsibility not to lose his loyalty and identity despite all the challenges and losses that he has faced and is facing in his ways.
    The nations of the world put a 'choke belt' on us so that we will be faithful in the end to "return" them home: they are our children.
    parentage=father/mother Jorel=goral=children of the kingdom of heaven.
    Maybe we should prepare to receive a renewed aliyah for those who really love this country?
    We need to refresh our forces from time to time.
    And to finish, a joke for Kelly Kalita..
    Why is an Ethiopian called ..Ethiopian? He came to Eretz Yisrael and said "Eitha-yuphi..
    We desperately need this renewed innocence.
    And as for the Russians? They are our 'headstones'..
    And as for the Americans? They are all Israelis there.. Sorry, I got confused???

  18. Jonathan,

    In my opinion, I wish there were many more like Michal. What happened, the truth hurts?!
    It is good that there is another tzaddik in Sodom who finds the time to take an active part in the discussions and respond with his inexhaustible wisdom. You have no idea how much I have learned thanks to him. The conversation going on here would have been barren without the gossip that he produces, much to my delight.
    Michal - Cheers!

  19. The greater the fear of the unknown, the future and the uncertainty, the more the person believes in superstitions and some kind of religion.
    Religion is something that strengthens the body and mind by reducing fear and stress, and on the other hand there are also many disadvantages, but since the majority of humanity believes in some kind of higher power, the advantages of belief outweigh the disadvantages from an evolutionary point of view.

  20. In relation to Michael's last response, according to the situation today in Europe and North America as a result of the large waves of immigration from Islamic countries to these countries, the birth rate in Europe is very low in the range of 1-2, among the Muslim immigrants to those countries the birth rate is in the sky 7-8, as a result Europe in 25 - 30 years will look different, there will be a Muslim majority in a large number of countries (go to the link!).

    By the way, in Israel on the one hand we have the Arabs with similar numbers and also the ultra-Orthodox with similar numbers (of the birth rate).
    In my opinion, the solution to the problem of the Arabs in Israel will be when they have a state, although I am quite convinced that even when they have their own state, they will prefer to live in Israel.

    I share Michael's fears, the Europeans are not sufficiently aware of the problem even though in recent years they changed the immigration policy but it was too late and too little.

    Unfortunately, religious extremism is increasing in the world and is indeed a threat especially to Israel, Europe and North America.

  21. Eddie:
    Would you mind introducing us to even one law of what you call "secular religiosity"?
    Your words are in my view pure demagoguery and your inability to give an answer to the above question demonstrates this.

    Come and I will teach you some of the laws of Judaism (so that you have an example of religion and can understand what the laws of religion are).
    Here - here

    I admit: I'm scared!
    I'm afraid that only me and my family members will have to support all the parasites.
    I'm afraid that only me and my family members will be forced to serve in the army.
    I'm afraid I won't find a single intelligent person to talk to in this whole country.

    I am afraid that Islam will conquer every good part of Europe and in the end both the USA and these countries will go crazy.

    I know. My fears are actually the hopes of others, but what can I do? I am me

  22. Following the 21st:

    How banal (and again - thanks for the 'holiday' gift of the scientific website...) but the reactions of the fanatical secular religious sect nicely demonstrate the effect described in the article. Some of the commenters, each in his own style (and also in his anti-style...), demonstrate beautifully how fear and pressure cause extreme attitudes (in this case - an attitude of secular fanaticism, anti-Jewish in fact).

    Undoubtedly - 'they are afraid'... but actually - of what? There is no doubt in my mind that imagination and hatred play a major role here. Even the anti-Semites of Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries (in contrast) didn't really know what they were afraid of regarding the Jews, and even for them imagination and hatred played solo.

    So only God knows what our fanatics are afraid of...

    I, and I'm sure many like me, give up on 'holiday gifts' of the type in the article in question. Give us science - no alienation, no hatred, no fear, no fanaticism, no 'enlightenment' in a dime, in short - no Hantarish.

  23. America:
    I will try to tell you a true story that will explain how I catch the ticking clock.
    I participated in a demonstration that took place in Jerusalem against the ultra-Orthodox violence demonstrated on the issues of the Karta parking lot and Intel.
    I walked with a sign from the "Or" party that read "Monkeys are fed up".
    The demonstration was successful and the ultra-Orthodox could not interfere with it, but at the end, when the people began to disperse, some of them entered and intervened in the crowd.
    One of them approached me and asked me: "Why do you think we force something on someone".
    I told him: "I don't know who you mean when you say 'we'." If you are talking about people who do not impose anything on others, then the sign is not aimed at you at all. Do you approach me because the hat is on fire on the thief's head? Did you even see the word 'Orthodox' on the sign?"
    He was a little shocked and kept silent for about half a minute and then he said to me: "But there's nothing to worry about - in the end we will win because you have two children per couple and we have ten."
    I asked him: "Wait! What do you mean by the word 'we will win'? How can you beat someone who won't fight you? After all, if you don't try to force anything on me, then even when there are millions of you and I'm left alone, you still won't force me. Right? So where is the victory here?"
    He realized who he was dealing with and went to bother someone else.
    Of course, the fact that he went did not detract from the meaning of his words.
    After all, he meant to say that when there are enough of them, they will force their way of life on me.
    They work in this direction constantly and as they multiply they can more and more use the democracy they oppose to destroy it.

    And their natural proliferation - in a situation where there is no constitutional separation between religion and state - is the ticking of the clock.

    Of course, it is difficult to know what will happen first - will the country be destroyed because it will become a halachic state or will it fall to its enemies after it becomes clear that there are no longer enough people who serve in the army and there are no longer enough people who work and support everyone else.

    This is the ticking of the clock in Israel.
    There is a similar story on a global scale with Islam.

  24. my respect,
    I don't like to get into debates online, so I will answer briefly and to the point (to the best of my ability) on the points raised, and I will not add.

    As I explicitly stated in the article, I also believe that extreme situations give rise to attachment and adherence to extreme ideas.

    R. H.,
    This is a study that includes six hundred subjects, with statistically significant results. Beyond that, the researchers also found that the religious fanaticism that was demonstrated is not associated with superstitions in the style of 'Save me, my God!'

    Last but not least, I believe that extreme religion is an extremely dangerous thing, because it preaches separation from others and lowering our horn (which is at best). If you look at the article, I hope you will see that in all my negative references to religion I emphasized that it is only an extreme religion. A belief that is not extreme does not bother me much.

    This is a sentence that everyone can understand in a different way, and will most likely understand correctly. The clock in the country is ticking, thank God, for many, many reasons.

    Good week everyone and easy fasting for believers,


  25. revealed:
    Your quibbles have already been well answered by others, but it is important to emphasize another thing that I have already mentioned in many responses:
    Nazism and Marxism were religions.
    Yes! Religions! They had nothing to do with science.
    Religiosity is a state of mind in which a person cancels his inner sense of morality against a moral theory dictated to him from the outside.
    Suddenly he no longer knows himself what is good and what is bad and he places the responsibility for determining these norms on an external party.
    Sometimes it's God and sometimes it's some racial theory or other nonsense, but in all cases these are religions.

    It is also clear that as I have explained many other times - the word "religion" is a word of Persian origin and means "law".
    Religiosity is a state in which a person's system of laws comes not from humans but from God or some other external being that he decided to believe in without question.
    Religiosity is actually the opposite of critical thinking and taking responsibility.

    Therefore, the crimes of Nazism and Stalinism should also be counted with the crimes of religions.

    Not all Germans aspired to power and neither did all other mass murderers.
    Those who aspired to power (note that the word "aspiration" is written in A and not in B) were the crazy leaders of the mass murderers.
    What allowed them to realize their plan were the religions (and as mentioned - Nazism is also a religion) that extinguished the critical thought and personal responsibility of the masses who listened to them.
    There is no point in preaching against madness because there will always be madmen. The crazy don't choose to be like that.
    Therefore, the only way to prevent the recurrence of the atrocities is to preach so that the masses understand critical thinking and personal responsibility.

    Regarding the morality of Judaism, I suggest that you read, for example:

    And here

  26. Roy Tsenza Hello,

    You signed the article with the sentence:
    "And such an understanding should come quickly, because the clock in the country is ticking."
    Can you clarify what you mean?
    The clock is ticking towards…? And what should we understand?

  27. For all the scholars - here is a list of the number of deaths based on the records in history
    As you can see:
    First place: World War II
    Second place: the rebellion in China
    Third place: the Mongol conquest
    From this it can be understood that no matter how many casualties and deaths there are, it all ends up being for the same reason, the desire for power
    and rule and power. In addition, note that if you compare a period to the number of people, then the Europeans killed much more than the Nazis (compared to the period and the general number of people in the world), in fact they killed an entire continent, and do the Americans prove responsibility for this? Is there an international trial like they did for the Nazis to punish European murderers? In short, everything is propaganda, a matter of personal interests, and the desire for power.
    good day everybody

  28. revealed,
    Stalin's and Hitler's regimes did not advocate science or anything like that, so why do you claim that thousands of years of Islam and Christianity slaughtered less than both of them for a few years (though I don't know if this is a correct argument - we must also not forget that the world's population used to be much smaller), your arguments are not They are really shooting at the target because Stalin and Hitler were ideologues and not scientists and did not even advocate science, usually people who cannot explain something so they look for an answer in religion, or alternatively when they are in a certain fear or distress.
    (In this context, read response number 7 again)

    Your arguments against the article are not really understandable to me because overall the article describes the tendency to search for religion in certain situations among humans, the article is not shallow at all, maybe some people find it a little difficult to face the truth.

    PS - There is no doubt that the Jewish scientists contributed a great deal in relation to their population in the world, a third of the Nobel Prize winners in the USA are Jews while they number about two percent of the US population, and there is no need to mention the great Jewish scientists (in any case, scientists such as Einstein did not really believe in religions).

  29. Roy Cezana,
    Although in my positions regarding state religion and science I suppose I am very close to yours, I think that this study you present here is the type of demagogic "psychological" studies whose entire purpose is to publicize the researchers and they actually do not say anything.
    Wow they found that people in times of stress turn to a higher power to save them. Almost anyone could be asked if he or his loved ones were in distress. In addition, the presentation of religion as a negative thing stems from the opinions of the authors and not from the results of the article itself, which does not concern religion as good or bad.
    I would be careful about drawing conclusions for and against such superficial works that have little in common with real scientific research.

  30. I asked myself yesterday what gift the site would bring us in honor of T'Bav - as is the way to honor every Jewish holiday.
    When I saw the 'article', I was really surprised, this time it surpassed all the previous ones in its shallowness and banality.
    And what did you think, Mr. Author, that extreme situations do not give rise to extraordinary ideas - of all kinds?

  31. bijumbom,
    First, "tip of iodine" and not "point of iodine".
    Second, large parts of the morality that Judaism has appropriated are universal and can be found even in the most primitive and remote nations.
    Beyond all this, Judaism also commanded the stoning of people and "an eye for an eye" etc. (extremely barbaric punishments), so there is nothing to brag about its humanity.
    In addition, one can see the behavior of religious leaders today, which is very anti-democratic (they claim the supremacy of religion over the state and strive to establish the Davidic kingdom).

  32. Throughout history the Jews have killed less than Christians and Muslims, much less than them.
    But the scientific and religious contribution of the Jews to the world is above and beyond what all other nations have contributed.
    From the Jewish religion grew the Christian and Muslim religions. And of course the contribution to science by the Jews is obvious to most people and there is no need to give examples.

  33. I am amazed at a scientist like Roy who brings such shallow research. Thousands of years of Christianity and Islam will not be praised like a few years of the Telrai rule. Or a short rule like that of Stalin. It is very easy to believe that Christianity was the one behind Hitler because we hate Christianity as much as Hitler, but no. Hitler was an atheist. He had no God. And if we are talking about Judaism, it is certainly desirable that you justify it from a historical point of view. No nation and religion have contributed to humanity in such an extensive way. Because Judaism is not just a religion. She is longevity and she is life and she is the embodiment of wisdom on earth. Check and see everything that modern morality believes in today, including the first five commandments and yes yes democracy and helping the weak. All these Jews fought in their name thousands of years ago when magnificent empires jumped around the pyre into which they threw their sons. And science, in its place, will take another thousand light years until it reaches the place of Judaism.

  34. Complete,
    Ideologues like Hitler do not want to promote science but only their ideology, for this they use science as a justification for it being true.
    Crimes committed in the name of religion, on the other hand, were committed for her and for her only.
    That's the difference.

  35. Society, the world is more complex than you think, our religion has taught all humanity what justice is measured on the tip of a rod, after all, justice is philosophical. And the Jewish religion has strengthened in all humanity sophistication, wisdom, question, answer, good, bad, truth, falsehood. and brought us to what we are today as people who look for answers to questions, and convince themselves that they are correct. -Remember that in order to have balance there must be imbalance -

  36. To - 5
    The Christian Crusade and the Muslim Jihad killed more than Stalin and Hitler combined.
    And let's not silence the Egyptians at a time when Alexandria was the capital of half the world when the Egyptians killed everyone who did not worship the savage as a god.

  37. To - 5
    The Christian Crusade and the Muslim Jihad killed more than Stalin and Hitler combined.
    And let's not silence the Egyptians at a time when Alexandria was the capital of half the world when the Egyptians killed everyone who did not worship the savage as a god.

  38. After all, it is clear that the race theory that Hitler relied on, and that the strong is the root of everything, every ignorant person knows that it is not the strong that survive, but the fit. That's why Hitler was a believer between believers, both a Christian, and also a believer in other nonsense. No matter how you try to spin it, Mr. Demagogue, oh, peace.

  39. Solomon, check yourself. Hitler and Stalin were very religious and trained people with God behind them.
    The belief that there were atheists was spread by religious people as propaganda against atheism. There is no more truth in this belief than the common beliefs towards the existence of a divine being.

  40. This phenomenon is true not necessarily only in a religious direction. Personally, I know the phenomenon very well and have experienced it more than once.

    In any situation where people panic or become defensive due to their failure in situations or information, about which they have no knowledge, they react instinctively and with fanaticism that does not fall short of any reaction of religious fanaticism.

    For example, in the case where academics come across information that is not accepted by the mainstream of science. In most cases their reaction does not fall short of the extremism of members of a religious sect. In most cases, they attacked those who presented unacceptable claims and would not address the arguments themselves.
    Therefore, even people who are considered rational and scientific may find themselves reacting with fanatical behavior, which does not fall from any other fundamentalist-religious fervor.

    Hanan Sabat

  41. You do not need research for that
    There is no person who has not been in a difficult situation and said to himself in his heart God help me
    Or if I succeed like this and like this I will do everything God wants

    The point is that if the man is normal after the fact he continues with life as usual and if the man is a fool he dedicates his life to wars and glorifying the name of the invisible spaghetti monster in the sky.

  42. In modern times it can be said that the seculars are winning in the "World Killing League" but in ancient times there is nothing to compare, the crusades and the Islamic campaigns and the mass killing of the Romans in the name of idolatry, everything was in the name of some religion or belief and as 8-Shay says, the religious fanatics have not yet said the The last word, we saw a small promo in the Twin Towers but the movie hasn't even started yet…..

  43. Complete,
    Demagoguery does not cost money. Hitler and Stalin did not act out of their "secular-scientific fanaticism". They acted out of their Hitlerism and Stalinism, like all mass-murdering tyrants.

  44. To Shlomo the Tzadik, the religious fanatics are still going to make history... this chapter is still ahead of us!

  45. Shlomo:
    You're rambling and I assume you know that.
    The fact that some murderer comes and claims that he is a murderer "in the name of science" does not make his act of murder the result of science.
    What will you say if one day someone comes and says that there is a murderer in your name? Would you agree to be imprisoned for this?

    And for everyone:
    If we call a child by his name, it turns out that in many cases belief in religion is nothing more than a post-traumatic symptom.
    If only it were possible to apply this understanding in the treatment of the problem...

  46. In any culture it is important to invest in education from a young age, a child who is exposed to science from a relatively young age develops more independent thinking and learns to ask questions, education is the best tool against the negative consequences of religion.

    Shlomo, Hitler and Stalin were not scientists and did not advocate science (even though Hitler was based on race theory - but it must be remembered that this is not science, it is a kind of corrupt use of the name of science for the purpose of inciting the people with something that is not scientific at all and no scientific research or support was provided They introduced a quasi-social culture that at the time almost even replaced religion in certain ways.

  47. Another study that seeks to defame religion and improve the image of secular science, which in fact these days is leading the earth to its destruction in a mad dance of burning everything that exists. A thousand studies will not blur the fact that types like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse Don and Pol Pot, to mention only a few of the most prominent, slaughtered during the twentieth century, in the name of their secular-scientific fanaticism, many times more people than the religious fanatics did during the entire the history

  48. In any culture it is important to invest in education from a young age, a child who is exposed to science from a relatively young age develops more independent thinking and learns to ask questions, education is the best tool against the negative consequences of religion.

  49. When we are under stress, most of us act more on instinct,
    We are more extreme because of the pressure that requires a faster reaction time, this was communicated to us until a few thousand years ago, but the extremism for both sides, it is not right to be one-sided, it works for both sides "positive" pressure will trigger "stronger happy" reactions than without pressure.
    They also did not say if there was a secular group there, or atheists.
    And did they have the same results.

  50. Enlightenment is the solution. In order to eliminate religion, everyone must be forcibly educated in the absolute truth.

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