Comprehensive coverage

The mushroom, the witch and the dirty wardrobe of the soul - a new angle on the Salem witch trials

And as we promised we will also get to LSD

An 1876 illustration of the courtroom; It is common to see Mary Walcott as the main character. From Wikipedia
An 1876 illustration of the courtroom; It is common to see Mary Walcott as the main character. From Wikipedia

"The majority is never right." Henrik Ibsen, 1828 – 1906

One of the most dramatic events in the Torah is the story of the flood. Not that there is anything new in it, just a repetition of the usual pattern: the mischievous humans riot on the earth and God gets angry and punishes them, as usual. The drama here lies in the magnitude of the punishment - a flood that covers the entire world with water. Only after a year God realizes that, in fact, there is not much to be done with these human beings, since "man's heart has been evil from his youth" and promises not to bring the flood again. Since then he has concentrated only on smaller punishments for the human race, such as Sodom and Gomorrah and Ehud Barak.

It seems that there is no case that represents the evil of man more than the witch trials in Salem. During the trials held towards the end of the 17th century, more than a hundred innocent people were imprisoned on charges of witchcraft. Nineteen of them were hanged, and one more was crushed to death under heavy stones. All this - relying on human witnesses who spurred and encouraged each other to incriminate the accused with black magic. Under these circumstances, it is difficult to oppose the ancient biblical statement about the human heart. But thirty years ago an idea was proposed that another factor was involved in the story, and he is the main culprit in the witch trials. This villain is not a person, heartless, and there is no chance of being morally impaired. This is a much simpler organism: the ergot fungus.

The witch trials began relatively innocently. In December 1691, the 9-year-old daughter of the village priest contracted a strange illness. She suffered from involuntary and painful convulsions, experienced fits in which she spoke gibberish and used to crawl under tables and chairs and twist her face in the direction of the non-home. Soon her cousin also contracted the disease, and from there the strange phenomenon spread to six other girls aged 9 to 17 in Salem village. After three months, the doctors came to one conclusion: the girls were suffering from an attack of black magic. And black magic, as everyone knows, comes from witches. From here it was a short road to the realization that unknown witches were hiding among the pious community of Salem.

The first step on the road to exposing the witches was incredibly simple, like all the witch trials in history, during which the girls were asked to point to the witches that caused their illnesses. After a short consultation, the patients decided that it was three of the residents of the village, all of whom had a very low social status. One of them was a beggar, the second was in love with her servant and the third was a black slave. All three were immediately banned and brought in for questioning, which was conducted with the help of moderate physical force, and some claim that levers and skates were also used. And since you can't take chances with witches, immediately after the investigation was over, all three were thrown into prison until the day of the trial.

Although the three witches could no longer exert their evil influence closely on the girls, the ailments did not go away. Once again, the village officials turned to the girls, hoping that they would identify more witches, and indeed the patients were given the names of three new women, who were also responsible for their illness. The victims this time came from a higher status in society - two of them were respectable women and full members of the community, but one of them drew the attention of Haron, with her claims that witches do not exist and that the girls are lying as a prank. The third accused was none other than the 4-year-old daughter of the beggar who was banned earlier. To the innocent reader, the accusation may seem monstrous and far-fetched, but it should be noted that after the infant Dorothy Good was imprisoned in iron chains, held in a filthy dungeon for nearly a year and interrogated intensively, she finally admitted that indeed her mother used to have conjugal relations with the devil, and that she herself was in possession of a snake that used to suck her blood once for once Although the snake was not found, the investigators accepted the young witch's word, and her mother was sent to be hanged.

How can the events be interpreted? Many researchers tried to explain the behavior of the girls as an act of forgery and impersonation. It is possible that the pastor's daughter did have some illness for a short time, but as children do, she realized that she could get attention and love by faking the continuation of the illness. Her friends followed her path, and created a whole bunch of imaginary patients, craving more and more attention, in every possible way.

Although it is initially hard to believe that people would willingly fake symptoms like these, many 'exorcists' from 16th century England are known to have confessed to faking their ailments to gain attention, money or power. This explanation is strengthened by the fact that at least one of the girls was caught in a gross lie: she claimed that one of the witches attacked her with a kitchen knife, and presented the broken edge as evidence. Fortunately, one of the villagers was present at the trial, and had the necessary moral strength to stand up and testify that the knife was originally his, and that it broke during a routine activity in the kitchen. The court reprimanded the girl for her exaggeration, but accepted the testimony in its entirety.

Although it is likely that some of the girls did benefit from the increased attention, it is difficult to accept the claim that they all lied willingly. Another explanation is that the bewitched girls did not act with the intention of faking their illnesses, but rather as a product of growing mass hysteria. As the trials continued, the girls unconsciously internalized that the more symptoms they exhibited, the more attention and sympathy they would receive from the court. The end of this cruel feedback is in the suffering of children and the execution of innocent people, who were accused of no wrongdoing.

Already in the previous chapters we came to know that the body is not separate from the mind, and that the mind is affected by any external factor that penetrates the body. And here, in 1976, the last two explanations, which are mostly based on human psychology, were joined by a third explanation that focused on the physiological - physical - side of childhood illnesses. This explanation, which was published in the prestigious scientific journal Science, directs the blame to poisoning from a common mushroom to this day - the ergot mushroom.

Like many fungi, this fungus also tends to infect plants growing in the field. Spores are able to develop mainly in the rye plant, a grain similar to wheat, which was used in the past as part of the mixture used to make bread in England and the colonies in America. Spores of the fungus land on the rye stalk, multiply and form a whitish tissue where the nutritious grain kernels were supposed to sit. Due to the size of the grain fields, the farmer collects the infected kernels side by side with the healthy ones, and the flour obtained from grinding the kernels also contains the chemical compounds that the ergot fungus produces.

Some of the mushrooms are edible, and are even considered tasty and nutritious. The ergot is not among them. The body of the mushroom produces a large amount of molecules called ergoline, similar in structure to the psychedelic drug LSD. In fact, derivatives of the mushroom compounds are still used today as a basic ingredient in many drugs that affect the body, and LSD itself was first created in a laboratory as a derivative of one of the molecules found in ergot.

The enemy from within and without - how do the Argolins work?

In the last chapter, we showed that acetylcholine is used as a nerve messenger in the synapses, especially in those that connect the nerves to the muscles. But synapses do not only exist between nerves and muscles. The adult brain contains about one hundred billion neurons, each of which sends out branches and forms synapses with thousands of other neurons. It is currently estimated that in the brain of an adult there are around 100,000 billion synapses, through which the cells communicate with each other.

In this tangled forest of nerves and synapses, two neurotransmitters are especially common: serotonin and dopamine. Similar to acetylcholine, these nerve messengers are also released from one end of the synapse, and connect to receptors at the other end, which receives the nerve message. In the case of acetylcholine, the message was transmitted through the opening of ion channels and the accumulation of calcium ions inside the receiving cell, but serotonin and dopamine transmit the message in a different way. The molecules are released from one end of the synapse, bind to the receptors at the receiving end of the synapse, thus starting a chain reaction that leads to the activation or suppression of the cell receiving the message. The receptors in this case usually belong to the category of 'G-coupled receptors'.

The G-coupled receptors got their name for a reason. When the activating molecule outside the cell binds to them, they move across the cell membrane, and activate a type of proteins known as 'G proteins'. The active G proteins are able to bind to them a small molecule called GTP, which serves as a switch for their activation. As long as the GTP is bound to the G proteins, they continue to pass on the signals to activate the cell. To prevent the reaction from going on forever, the GTP breaks down over a period of seconds to minutes, and the G proteins stop transmitting the signal into the cell. In this respect, the G proteins function as little stopwatches - they determine, in fact, the duration of the reaction.

The molecules present in ergot - the ergolins - are able to bind to some of the dopamine and serotonin receptors in the synapses, and activate them even without the nerve command being given, and without dopamine or serotonin being released into the synapse cavity. Since the mushroom contains many different compounds, and each of them can activate different receptors with different efficiency, the brain is flooded with meaningless signals.

Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag, owner of the scale, poetically asserts that according to scientists, the body is nothing more than "an electrical machine repaired with wires that extend from the body to the brain... and everything is run by the wires and tendons repaired to it..." According to the same Kabbalah, it can be said that following the poisoning with argoline, the brain is no longer The only one pulling the strings. The argoline compounds attach their random and arbitrary signals to the messages received from the brain. A foreign factor is now pulling the strings - and he does not know what drives what in the body, nor does he care.

Since infection with the fungus is common in rye fields, a significant part of the population in medieval Europe suffered from ergotism - poisoning from the fungus. The most stable argoline compounds would accumulate in the body over the years, and lead to a variety of phenomena and symptoms. One form of the disease, common in people with vitamin A deficiency, is called 'necrotic ergotism', and it is what it is. In these cases, the argoline compounds mainly affect the synapses between the nerves and the smooth muscles that control the diameter of the blood vessels, causing them to contract until the blood flow stops. The peripheral tissues - the fingers and toes - are the ones that are mainly affected by the excessive contraction. The cells in the tissues do not receive enough oxygen and nutrients, the starved cells die quickly and the fingers wither and fall off.

Although necrotic ergotism will certainly not win the title of crowd pleaser, some would say that this disease is better than the other option. The second form of poisoning is called 'convulsive ergotism'. The initial symptoms are relatively innocuous and include, as expected, extremely painful spasms.

The similarity between the symptoms of convulsive ergotism and the disease that attacked the girls of Salem led to the raising of the claim that the girls of the village of Salem suffered from severe poisoning from the ergot fungus. According to this opinion, the tender girls were particularly sensitive to poisoning, and suffered convulsions before the rest of the villagers. As a result of the influence of the society in which they lived, the girls believed that they had been bewitched, and from there the demon train continued on its course, and already at the beginning of its journey, six innocent women were arrested, as a result of the girls' initial suspicions.

Apparently, we would expect that after all those imaginary witches were put behind bars, there would be an end to childhood ailments. Far from it: now the young patients began to see the spirits of new and old witches, which pinched and bit their bodies restlessly. How can this statement be reconciled with the argoline poisoning?

As we have already seen, at least one of the compounds in the ergot mushroom has an activity similar to that of LSD. This molecule is called iso-argin, or by its scientific name - lysergic acid amide (LSA). This substance is endowed with one-tenth of the capacity of the psychedelic drug known as LSD - lysergic acid diethylamide. The drug molecules are able to bind to most G-coupled receptors, to which dopamine and serotonin also bind, and activate them. Since the majority of receptors of this type are found in the synapses in the brain through which the nerves communicate with each other, it is no wonder that LSD causes severe mental disturbance and hallucinations. Although isoarginine does not bind to receptors as efficiently as LSD, in large quantities it can produce an effect similar to that of LSD. For this reason, people who ingest large amounts of the substance fall victim to the second stage of convulsive ergotism, which simulates a bad LSD trip: hallucinations, fear and psychosis. These symptoms were undoubtedly present in the childhood of the patients from Salem.

The creation of the human heart or the fungus?

Although the poisoning theory can explain how an entire town is afflicted with some kind of mass madness, it is not currently accepted by the scientific community. In fact, only a year after the theory was published in the journal Science, the editors of the magazine received a new article from a pair of historians, Spanos and Gottlieb, which refuted one by one the claims of the original theory's thinker, Linda Caporal. The debunkers based most of their claims on examples from the witch trials themselves.
The frenzy in Salem lasted a whole year, during which 150 members of the village and town of Salem who were suspected of witchcraft were imprisoned. The trials were conducted in the presence of the accused girls and their active participation, which undermined the convictions of many defendants. As an example of this we can cite the case of Sarah Good - one of the first accused of witchcraft, her infant daughter framed her after a long stay in prison.

Throughout the trial, good citizens in Salem testified that they saw Goode flying through the sky on a broomstick. Her husband personally testified that she carries the devil's seal under her shoulder, in the form of a particularly dark spot. Even four-year-old Dorothy admitted that her mother practiced witchcraft and baked in her spare time with the devil himself. The villagers who removed the pile of alms from their doorstep were also invited to the trial, and happily told Id how Sarah Good used to walk away from the place, muttering harsh curses under her breath. Sarah strongly objected, claiming that she did not curse but quoted the Ten Commandments. But during the trial, to her embarrassment, she did not know how to quote even one of them.
Given all the evidence against her, it is likely that when Sarah Goode was brought through the doors of the Salem Witch Court, she knew she was doomed. But the final blow was struck when, upon entering the hall, the bewitched girls began to suffer convulsions and sob in pain, as if her presence had caused them physical pain. Despite the ability of convulsive ergotism to cause severe pain, it does not depend on the presence of other people.

Marta Cory, a proud woman who was one of the foundations of the community in Kfar Salem, was also accused of witchcraft as a child. During the trial Cory asked the court not to consider the testimony of the hysterical girls, but even as she spoke, the girls began to imitate the movements of her hands and head, as if they were dolls tied to her with strings. This was a winning proof for the judges, who sentenced her to be hanged. Here, too, it is clear that the girls acted maliciously, even if unconsciously, and that the fungal compounds had no hand in their behavior.
These phenomena were repeated in many of the sentences and they show that even if the childhood line is convulsive ergotism, it cannot be responsible for the set of behaviors and symptoms they exhibited. Beyond that, Spanos and Gottlieb claimed that if there had been ergot poisoning in one of the houses in Salem, then all the residents of the house should have contracted the disease, and not just one or two people. Previous studies conducted on ergot poisonings show that most of the time all the members of the household were affected by the disease. In fact, this tendency was so pronounced that for many years ergotism was considered a contagious disease. And with all that, it doesn't seem like any residents other than the girls were affected by the hypothetical disease.

What is the final verdict? Did the 'bewitched' girls act out of malice, hysteria, ergot poisoning or a combination of all the factors together? We will probably never be able to get a final, certain and absolute answer. The answer we formulate must be based on the history we know, and this shows that witch trials have existed throughout human history, in the same notorious pattern: first the socially rejected were accused, and slowly the accusations began to accumulate, until Tobi and the senior citizens found themselves accused of witchcraft. At this point, the judges and those around them would become more cautious and would drop many of the charges. An identical phenomenon took place in the Salem witch trials. As humans, we are tempted to blame the fungus that has warped our ways of thinking. We want to believe that our son has no bad instincts from his youth, and blame it on external factors. But when there is no real proof of those external factors, we must take a direct look and recognize the dark shadows that have existed in our souls since time immemorial.

We are human beings, and in our minds there is always a struggle between the individual and society and between emotion and logic. Salem's sentences show what the result is, when a person throws logic aside and acts based on emotion alone. It is appropriate that we look at the gloomy history with open eyes, and learn the appropriate lessons.

to the previous chapters

The first episode in the series: Electricity, Nerves and the Ethnobiology of Zombies
For the second chapter: When the body attacks the mind: myelin and multiple sclerosis
The third episode: The deadliest doctor in the 20th century

45 תגובות

  1. night:
    I'm not sure the disagreement between us is that big.
    I rebelled against your blaming logic for phenomena like Nazism, and by doing so I did not mean to underestimate the importance of emotion.
    In my opinion, logic is not at fault in this matter.
    What is at fault in this matter is the uncritical acceptance of false beliefs.
    I think you don't visit the site often because if you did you would surely have come across my opinion on the origin of the terms "good" and "bad" - terms that although different religions try to appropriate them and give them an absolute and objective tone - I always maintain that they are first and foremost subjective terms, on the one hand, And the products of evolution, on the other hand.
    This combination of a subjective feeling that is a product of evolution is interesting because it allows us (as products of that evolutionary process) to reach agreements that go beyond the subject - that is - these are subjective feelings whose objective reality is that they are largely shared by all humans.

    Humans are thinking creatures and therefore they can deduce through logic the consequences of their actions also in the areas that concern the sense of morality.
    This allows us to expand our definition of morality beyond what evolution managed to instill in us, but it can only work well if we tend to look inside and understand what the basic assumptions that most of us share in the field of morality are.
    The destruction of this introspection is one of the tragic results of religions that, instead of sending man to search in his soul, dictate to him what is "good" and what is "bad" while paralyzing his natural morality.
    Since these terms of "good" and "bad" were derived from the desire of some people to control others and also from the state of a society that has not yet developed like the contemporary society and those "extensions of morality through logic" that I spoke of have not yet developed sufficiently - the religions create a wrong system of basic assumptions - not only in the field of objective truth about the world - but also in the field of the inner sense of morality (which they sterilize and replace).
    Nazism - in this sense - was a religion for all intents and purposes.

    If people exercised critical thinking in all areas of their lives - there would be no more wars and no more hatred. All of these stem - as mentioned - from the irresponsible writing of false claims by various religions.

  2. Well, it seems that there is a disagreement between us, Michael. My perception is different. I think hate is a momentary emotion. And the hatred you are talking about is something that goes beyond the realm of emotion, it is something that is nourished and built through the introduction of ways of thinking 'and knowledge'. There is almost no objective knowledge, and even if there is, it does not concern the field of morality, and we check the basic assumptions according to our world of concepts and values, so that we are always in such a circle. Philosophy already reached these conclusions at the beginning of the last century. (Even physics is no longer immune to the observer effect as quantum theory shows). This is our problem, although it may also be the source of our wealth - if it were not for the misuse of teachings and ideas of all kinds, we would find ourselves in a pluralistic world that is all good.

    Anyway, I also believe in emotion. I believe that a person should intend in his life to increase his feeling of compassion and love for the world and his creatures and for himself. I believe that this intention, even if it is not fully achieved emotionally, may help him to be a good and happy person. What is the logic in that? You will be able to sew a logical story, but in the same way you will be able to cancel such intention through logical arguments that will emphasize the difficulty of surviving in this world and encourage you to live an egoistic and closed life.

    I don't believe that you should lose your critical eyes even for a moment, but it is a historical fact that logic has never been enough, it has not been a barrier to injustices and these were the property of many logical people.

    all the best.

    In the end we will find a common denominator between your thought and mine. But you will hold on to your concepts as guides and I to mine. My thoughts are also anchored in the field of critical thinking.

  3. Logic is indeed the ability to think and draw conclusions.
    When drawing conclusions logically ***it is not possible*** to subject them to any interest because they arise involuntarily from the basic assumptions and the laws of logic.
    Since the laws of logic are fixed - the only way to influence the conclusions is to change the basic assumptions.

    The basic assumptions must, therefore, be examined critically and should never be accepted as a Torah from Sinai.

    The horrors of Nazism have nothing to do with logic.
    Nazism is based on false assumptions that were accepted as faith without criticism - just like other religions.

    You wrote "I do not believe in a feeling of hatred towards a certain group that controls millions of people and gives birth to this unbelievable nightmare we call the Holocaust" even though it is clear that such a feeling controlled the Germans during the Holocaust and it still controls millions of anti-Semites today.
    A similar emotion pulsates in billions of Muslims.
    If you choose to believe in something - it is better if it is based in reality.

    Only logic and critical thinking may save the world from this darkness, but the examples of these populations knew how to inoculate their minds well against critical and logical thinking.
    It's a shame that they also get backing from people who didn't sit in them as babies.

  4. We are human beings, and in our minds there is always a struggle between the individual and society and between emotion and logic. —-> Salem's sentences show what the result is, when a person throws logic aside and acts based on emotion alone."

    I actually read the article. That's why your summary annoyed me Roy. "Hatred of the other" for me is a title for the systemic presentation of the other as an inferior and dangerous exception. This is precisely the logic that serves these systems of establishing identities and hierarchy, center and margins. The interests are as usual, capital and power. We all know it, at least a little. Emotions are used in the matter. But logic is the main tool for the development of ideas and the activation of emotions. Don't think I'm against logic. You can lose your way one way or another.

    What is logic if not the ability to think and draw conclusions? He is always subject to interests. It can also be subject to restrictions. When the limit is not the feeling of empathy towards human beings - something that can be produced as we know - it is also possible to embroider plans, science, education, beliefs, art and other practices that are satanic with the help of logic. We all know how common it was to perceive the natives of the East, Africa and Arab countries as inferior. This was implied as logical to most people in the West for many centuries, and it can still be found today. In the past, this concept starred in the sciences of anthropology, medicine, spirituality, psychology, sociology, the state and clearly others.

    Thanks for your comments Roy and Michael, but they are not serious. Sorry Michael for challenging your beliefs. I do not believe in the feeling of hatred towards a certain group that controls millions of people and gives birth to this unbelievable nightmare that we call Holocaust. My logic-emotion says that Nazism is the extreme of the situation we live in. Our situation is not good and its extremism will and will give rise to phenomena similar to Nazism, among us and among others. Both our logic and emotion are sick. In my opinion, the war is not between emotion and logic, individual and society as Roi suggests, but between us and others, and it takes place both within us - also in our relationship to ourselves and our others - and outside, in a relationship of constant nourishment.
    Roy's separation is a convention of constructing the identity of the other. Just like femininity-masculinity. Guess what corresponds to emotion and what to logic? And what field means Bichar Roi??? Conventions.
    I hope I made my point clear this time.

    "I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the nature of their personality"

  5. What nonsense!
    To claim that Nazism arose from logic is only possible from evil that arises from stupidity.

  6. night,

    You said well, that the mushroom spray is not convincing, and that it is about racism and hatred of the other. If you read the article again, you will surely notice that I also wrote the same thing.

    Happy holiday,



    my new blog - Another science

  7. Regarding the end of the article: "We are human beings, and in our minds there is always a struggle between the individual and society and between emotion and logic. Salem's sentences show what the result is, when a person throws logic aside and acts based on emotion alone. It is appropriate that we look at the gloomy history with open eyes, and know how to draw the appropriate lessons.:

    How strange to me (puzzling to my mind) and upsetting (to my emotions) that we still distinguish like this, individual/society, emotion/logic... Aren't you tired of these artificial dichotomies? After all, reality presents you with evidence every day that these are not separate, and what's more, it presents countless evidences that emotion is sometimes the one that transcends logic and leads to morality and tolerance. And so is an individual/society... and don't think for a moment that I'm not critical of society, on the contrary, this mental division that you express is a foundation that society instilled in you. We are the world, says Krishna Murthy, if we need big trees, the virus will answer within us, and we continue to plant it.

    Rabbi Baruch Ashlag, owner of the scale, says that if the individual sins or is hurt, because then society was the one that failed, it is responsible for him. When society sins, society is also responsible. I mean, there is no one against the other, but when you use it as a guarantee, with responsibility.

    And besides, the mushroom thesis is clearly unconvincing. A whole town was included in the film - great. But specifically for a bad movie? Have you ever been to an event where people were doing drugs? It seems not - those who experience a bad trip are individuals, and that dangerous crowd (society), actually does not get infected with the bad trip. The people are looking for a connection to life in drugs, not for bad trips. Deadlines are on the sidelines, usually taken care of, but also flow on. There is no negative identification. In order to explain the phenomenon of evil, you need more logic as the Nazis showed, not drugs, and a rather large suppression of human feelings towards all types of people, an elaborate distortion of this convention through intense media alienation, so-called brainwashing and threats. Normalization of evil - this is not achieved by drugs. (I recommend reading The Banality of Evil, Hannah Arendt).

    To explain Salem, one has to go to the hatred of the other - not the momentary emotion - but the system - the one that presents the others, the sick, the crazy, the different, (of course, of course, the members of the other races, religions and concepts of all kinds - blacks, Jews, Arabs, witches, etc. ) as inferior, impulsive…….
    I know this story - why is the other person identified in the racist pattern as unbridled emotional, irrational, and certainly not having social skills, or on the contrary as a member of such and such a society - a Sodomite is said
    What do I want to say? To some extent you yourself are still part of this ugly split-split pattern that made Salem possible. Surely me too. Nietzsche said we are all racists…. The virus 🙂

    The post is quite old, in today's terms, so you may have received your PhD in nanotechnology. I hope that one day you will lose a little of your logic and consider doctoring in another space, that of emotion, morality, criticism (a little critical post-colonialist reading, one that emphasizes the language and the dichotomies ingrained in it - not to be afraid - will help you), and perhaps some diving into the mushroom space that does not lead to hallucinations ( marking an experience that we do not understand) but removes the partition, turns logic and emotion, thought and world into one, gives us a different glimpse into reality, being, in a space that lacks such mental fragmentation as you have done well to express. Or Buddhism that recognizes emotion and thought - time…… Surely you have time to fix yourself, if not the world. First correct yourself, then try to influence..

    Good luck Roy,

    Magicians walk like Shabbat walks. And what is Shabbat? It's all about freedom. Whose freedom? the other's!!!

  8. Hugin:
    I don't know many people who will re-read comments they read before and recognized them as insulting and empty of content.

  9. Hugin,
    I believe that your comments no matter what age I read them I will still associate them in my head with the same category
    And of course the connotation that will forever haunt me: bla bla. ba bka bka bla
    So let me say goodbye to all those who retire for the Passover vacation, have fun and happy holidays!

  10. Michael:
    Something to think about:
    Is a book read at the age of 10 and suddenly read again at the age of 50, for example, read and understood at the same level of experience and understanding as before? Life has dynamics and rising and falling degrees of insight according to openness, internal resistance, adjustment, need and the associated moods and experiences. This is called: They will say
    That is: the value of the vastness of time.
    The same goes for everything that is said and written here as well, among others.

    Happy holiday to everyone.

  11. If we are talking about vacations, I would like to inform you that during Passover I intend to be on a bicycle trip in Portugal.
    If someone wants to see this as a vacation from me, I already want to cool their enthusiasm and say that if I return from there safely, I intend to try to make up for what I was missing 🙂

  12. Distinguished gentlemen:
    Despite Noam's special interpretation of my comments today, I did not see in any of your comments a downfall on me, and if there was a joke, a matter-of-fact answer and other hidden intentions among the chatter, I received them in the same tone and joke that was written.
    Did I mention the date of my 'vacation'? Everyone in their right mind understands that before the Passover holiday they do both a kind of general cleaning and order, and also 'thinking' in the days before, hopefully also in a good spirit.
    So, please learn to read before interpreting everything in a particularly inaccurate way.
    But with a bit of luck added:) I will return after the holiday happy no matter where I am.. maybe with you, maybe without you, and God and the unknown are open,, to all spirits and the days to come.
    Make a list of all the people you are speaking 'on behalf of': for the record, of course.

  13. distinguished gentlemen,

    It seems to me that your attacks on Hugin are delaying her going on vacation, something that no one here wants to happen.

    With any luck, she'll come back from vacation happy and forget about our site.

  14. Pine:
    There is a huge difference.
    Hugin's words are not understood because they are meaningless.
    Hugin didn't understand my words because she is clueless (yes, I know I could have written clueless but it would have been more insulting and the pun was less successful).

    You said that since the things each of us said are on the website, time will tell if what I wrote is true.
    Since the things are already on the website and what I wrote refers to the past, I explained to you that there is no need to wait for more days to pass and that those days who have anything to say about the matter have said their word.
    In fact, in response 24, I simply summarized their words (the Chronicles).

  15. hook,
    Hugin - Are you saying you don't understand Michael?! Who believed that this day would come... creative reversals

  16. Hugin:
    Because the words are already written - the days have already been said.

  17. Your words are recorded on the site, as well as a summary of my words and days will tell.

  18. Hugin:
    In order not to fight with me, you need, for starters, not to lie.
    I did not swear at anyone on the site.
    Do you know the meaning of the word curse?
    In my opinion (and the statistics of the comments here also indicate) no one was hurt by my words unjustly.
    Only people who acted in bad faith were harmed by them.
    In the few cases in which I responded aggressively because I did not understand the words of the person to whom I responded - I apologized.
    I also have no doubt that many have made considerable profit from my responses.
    All of this, in stark contrast to your comments, which offend all of their readers and teach no one anything.

  19. Michael:
    Without fighting for a change.
    But the 'curse' that was erased by grace filled the sign, whose? But what about all your sorcerous curses on the site towards many other good people who have passed through here and who knows where and what happened to them and with them, because unknowns are also from the site recently, not to mention those who just read and were hurt in one way or another and were not mature enough (under 16 or maybe older) To digest the effects of your 'powerful words'?
    Let's talk about it in moderation, if only for the sake of 'good order' in our minds at this point.

  20. It should only be noted that on behalf of science they never burned witches, only in the name of another faith...

  21. Noam and Oren:
    Still, we gained something from the story with Hugin.
    Right now we already have conclusive proof that the curse of witches doesn't work (at least when the webmaster deletes it) so there's no point in burning them.

  22. I'd be lying if I didn't say I need Hugin's freedom more than she does (although I'm pretty sure people have fought me for the coveted title)

  23. Hugin,

    Go on vacation already, it's clear to everyone you need it.

    And when you come back, please find another site to freak out at.

    After you grow up, we say when you reach at least 16 years old, try one more time to enter the science site, but carefully.

  24. Hugin:
    I don't know what you are talking about.
    Your words in response 2 are no less significant than your words in response XNUMX.
    In fact, they are much more significant than they are because they both point out what you forgot to write down and also express my opinion on what you wrote down, while your words mean nothing.

  25. Okay, classifications:
    Oren, you are indeed 'chosen' by M. Of course and the 'hypocrite' cell will be waiting for you, there is no need to preach excessively before the 'time'. What to do? The scoundrels worthy of your taste have not yet been found, and if so, their time and your time have not yet come, use the patience of a howler in the meantime.

  26. You will never understand my thoughts. Unfortunately or not, they will rise from your understanding (and not from a lack of honest experience, but from your lack of innocence and the corruption of your mind, which also stuck in me towards you and accordingly (the product of an 'inspirational wave',)

  27. We already know who will be the annoying eccentric character who doesn't show special brilliance, but definitely feels herself above everyone else... who doesn't mind doing everything to feel happy and satisfied with life at the expense of "knocking" others.

    And I say this without having seen a single episode of the show in question, but I'm guessing that there is always such a character in a reality show

  28. Roy, brilliant idea :) but some small inclusions might be more fascinating:
    For example: the house of the 'knowers' will be replaced and inhabited by the 'chosen ones' in Safari or perhaps in the old biblical zoo in Romema-Jerusalem.
    And the hidden brother, there will be some cute and small children, of course (behind the scenes) who want voyeurism and natural clowning, who will make a circus of the chosen ones of science, maybe they will also put them through training, and serious apprenticeships accordingly.
    By the way, I found out about the 'Big Brother' program from here (due to the article), and the last 3 days of the previous time were enough for me to understand what it was about.
    Classifications, below,

  29. On the day the television program - 'The Big Brother - The Scientist', starring the distinguished commentators, will be launched, it will receive a very high rating.


    Come visit the new science blog - Another science

  30. Avi,
    Thank you for the erasure, as an act of sweetening the judgment - and 'the vindication of the many', in the archaic language' (from Noam's terminology).
    But I would suggest to Michael R. Leshaber, due to his tremendous duty and the harm his words have caused to the audience of your site's visitors in the chain (formula-'Shalit' effect) and those who run your site under his direction, to at least 'translate' the 'values' he wrote in response 2 and contribute them to your site in monetary terms, on So that at least there will be 'some kind of financial reward' for your hard work under his employment and causing the damages that eventually return to your website and who knows where else,,.

  31. Avi,

    What happened to Hugin's wonderful article, full of pearls of language and compliments, to me and Michael, which illustrated in such a fascinating way her intellectual abilities?

  32. For nano gray cell:
    Noam asks for proof of how and how things work, I have no choice but to illustrate a halacha, a word, in fact how and how we also create our 'influence' on the biochemistry in our minds, our bodies, and our spirits (our lifestyles).
    The help also in your 'ideal and virtual' 'gray nano-cell' in order to comfort and console myself. Thank you.
    Happy holiday.
    And a glorious and wonderful Passover.

  33. To Roy: Thank you for the instructive historical and scientific overview - which included someone jokingly named "Barak". Thanks.
    To Hugin, etc. - I am happy that you are healthy and in full of your original senses. I missed you so much!
    I am calling you - a sign that I am alive.
    And Noam: It costs thirty grosham.

  34. Hugin,

    I read your article once more, but I still have some open questions:

    What speed is this?
    Does it come in one color or multiple colors?
    Does this also apply to aliens from Orion's belt?

    I would love to receive answers to my questions

  35. Hugin,

    After the effect of the fungus you took has expired, please try to write the article once more, sticking to brevity, clarity and relevance.

  36. Observing and using a 'harmonic player' aimed at the desire for clarity and goodness (GOD-GOOD) in every thought, creation and every use of a 'harmonic player' also help to divert the brain cells and create a biochemical effect on the damaged neurons, either controlling or interfering with the process of choice (the mental instinct of sorts) and generated in a truly 'magical' - essential - and real (pagan-magical) manner and thus influences the worlds of thought and their results.
    Thank you Roy for the article, and congratulations on your blog (of course I would prefer it edited and arranged for a book, and then maybe one day I will read it to understand you better).
    * Carlos Castaneda's books in the XNUMXs were a trigger for a wider understanding of the 'wonders' of mushrooms of their kind (but it is also clear that, from the path of nature, the differences in the interests and insights of each person and generation carry basic characteristics and the 'dominant tendencies', the use and taking of the morals of the intellect and the lessons from knowledge are no longer In the hands of the writer/creator/narrator/and the 'inventor' usually (?) and the consequences of this are sometimes also long-term.
    And most importantly, the true heart and core of 'Judaism' is an alchemical initiation into that 'evil-witchcraft' (mind-ego-controls its 'superiors, elites, or nerds') instinct and its transformation into a 'good heart'. (After all, the Jew is also the Yad is the most knowledgeable in witchcraft, (it is not pleasant to acknowledge the self-righteous facts).
    Apparently, the sentence 'A witch will not resurrect' speaks of the latter, regarding 'mashtins themselves on themselves' unknowingly or on purpose, and that this also has a price-=+repeated feedback. (Like the irony of fate and the power of a word.
    I'm not exactly in a 'humorous' mood at the moment, but why do you keep coming back to the letter G 🙂

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