Comprehensive coverage

Mona Lisa's air

About the special connection between all the earth's creatures

"Excuse me, we don't know each other from where"? Spectrum is often asked
by a kind and cheerful character, one or the other. This question, maybe
One of the more Israeli questions there is, runs him immediately, not in a panic
Small, back to the depths of his past, starting with the local school in the village, in Vacha
High school, and all the way to Gerin Nahal and the reserves.
Much has already been said and written about these Israeli circles of brotherhood that are expanding
Even more so when we meet abroad. If the "foreigner" is a remote place
Especially, then the country as a whole becomes the common denominator. A few hundred more
years, when two members of the human race will meet it is said in one of my stars
You've gone too far, it might be possible to expect a dialogue along the following lines: Forgive me
You look familiar to me. Could it be that you are from the "earth"?

The background to the above is of course the fact that man is a social animal
Sworn, and the search for commonality such as: same place of residence, friends
Commonalities and similar hobbies are his way of building the initial connection. there is
Of course there are many more similarities between the members of the human race, and one of them,
Quite strange and surprising, this time Spectrum wants to expand the speech. in question
In the scientific proof that all of us - the members of the human race - have a common denominator.
There is no reference here to sex, physical structure, or DNA, nor appearance,
For features etc., but for the fact that we all breathe the same air.

Sound banal? just a minute ! The claim is a bit more interesting. what do you say about
So that some of those air molecules passing through your vision at this moment, inside
Or out, passed (literally they) the lives of one of the greatest geniuses that arose
For humanity: Leonardo da Vinci. If it excites you, then consider it
that in the next breath you will most likely pass other atoms, no
Less distinguished, for example those who visited the bronchi of Socrates, Galileo, or
For those who don't believe, here is the proof with the help of the British weekly: "New
Scientist". First, some chemistry: air is composed, more or less, of
4 molecules of nitrogen and one of oxygen. An ordinary person, including Leonardo
In this case, we breathe in one breath a huge amount of molecules, about X 10
2.4 to the power of 22. Since the average person breathes about 25 times a minute, it is easy to calculate
Because during the 45 years of Leonardo's life, he emitted a fantastic amount into the air
of molecules. More precisely: 2.1 X 10 to the power! 31
Now, fortunately for us, material is not lost in the world. Since we know how to count
How many molecules are there in total in the earth's atmosphere* we arrive
to the conclusion that one molecule out of every 5 x 10 to the power of 12 is blown by
Da Vinci. From here, the calculation is simple: with each of our breaths pass through us
As mentioned so and so molecules (see the emphasis above), there is an excellent chance of this
that with each inhalation we fill our vision about 4.3 X 10 in the ninth,
In Leonardo type molecules. Persistent mathematicians will also be able to prove
At least five of them came out in his last breath on earth.

It is true that there are some assumptions here regarding the behavior of the atmosphere, the consumption of gases
The different ones, etc., but by and large the facts are true. inclined people
Obsessed with big numbers will surely be happy to hear that you can do a calculation
The same is true of the water that Leonardo drank and vomited during his lifetime. A bit unpleasant
But the result is that in every glass of water we drink there is probably a certain number
of water molecules imposed by the Mona Lisa painter.

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