The United Nations: a million species are in danger of extinction - fear of the collapse of ecosystems that will harm the human race

A hard report on the impact of humans on nature shows that close to a million species may become extinct within decades. In addition, current efforts to conserve the Earth's resources are doomed to fail without radical action. This is what the United Nations biodiversity experts said.

The ecological balance may collapse. Illustration: shutterstock
The ecological balance may collapse. Illustration: shutterstock

A hard report on the impact of humans on nature shows that close to a million species may become extinct within decades. In addition, current efforts to conserve the Earth's resources are doomed to fail without radical action. This is what the UN biodiversity experts said.

The report, which presents a global assessment of the state of species diversity, is the first of its kind since 2005, UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay said. She said the report's findings should cause concern around the world.
"Following the receipt of this historic report, no one will be able to claim that they did not know," said the head of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. "We can no longer continue to destroy the diversity of species. This is our responsibility towards future generations."

According to Azoulai, emphasizing the universal importance of biological diversity - the diversity within species, between species and between them and the ecosystems "is as essential as the fight against climate change".
The report was presented to more than 130 government delegations gathered at the UNESCO headquarters. The report includes the work of 400 experts from at least 50 countries, coordinated by the intergovernmental policy platform based on the Bonn Convention on Biological Diversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).

"The new report paints an ominous picture of the health of rapidly declining ecosystems," said Sir Robert Watson, chair of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), which carried out the global assessment. Often described as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's equivalent to biodiversity, IPBES makes scientific assessments of the status of the non-human life that makes up Earth's ecosystem.

In addition to comprehensive insights into the state of nature, ecosystems and how nature anchors all human activity, the research also discusses progress in key international goals, such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the biological goals and the Paris Agreement to curb climate change.

The report also examines the five main factors causing unprecedented damage to biodiversity and which have changed the ecosystem in the last fifty years: changes in land and sea use; direct exploitation of organisms; climate change, pollution, and invasion of alien species.

One in four species is endangered

As for life and flora at risk, the study states that "human activity threatens more species than ever before" - a finding based on the fact that about 25 percent of the species in the groups of plants and animals are vulnerable. The report indicates that "about a million species are already in the process of extinction, many of them (will become extinct within a few decades unless action is taken to reduce the magnitude of the causes of biodiversity loss).
Without such measures, there will be a further acceleration in the global species extinction rate, which is already "tens or even hundreds of times higher, compared to the average of the last 10 million years", as written in the report.
The report notes that despite the many local efforts, including by indigenous peoples and local communities, by 2016, 559 of the 6,190 species of domesticated mammals used for food and agriculture had become extinct - about 9% of all domesticated mammals - and at least 1,000 more are threatened.

In addition, many of the wild plants from which agricultural crops have been domesticated, which are necessary for long-term food security, do not benefit from effective protection, and this also endangers the domesticated mammals and birds. At the same time, the reduced diversity of cultivated crops, and the absence of wild relatives of crops and domesticated breeds means that agriculture will be less resilient to future climate change, pests and pathogens.
"While more food, energy and materials than ever before are now provided to people in most places, this is increasingly at the expense of nature's ability to provide such contributions in the future," the report states. In addition, "the biosphere, on which all humanity depends, is declining faster than at any time in human history."

Marine pollution has increased tenfold since 1980

Despite the efforts, air, water and soil pollution continues to increase in some areas, the report states. "Marine plastic pollution in particular has increased tenfold since 1980, affecting at least 267 species," the report said. This figure includes 86 percent of sea turtles, 44 percent of sea birds and 43 percent of marine mammals.
"The 2019 global assessment of the state of biodiversity and ecosystem services is also the first of its kind that examines and includes local knowledge, issues and priorities of governments," said the IPBES statement, which also stated that the organization's goal is to strengthen the policy of sustainable use of the ecosystem , for long-term well-being and sustainable development.
"The loss of species, ecosystems and genetic diversity is already a global and generational threat to human well-being," insisted Sir Robert Watson, Chairman of IPBES. "Protecting nature's invaluable contribution to humanity will be the greatest challenge in the coming decades. The policy, efforts and actions - at any level - will succeed, however, only when the policy is based on the best knowledge and evidence."

A world of green slime
In parts of the ocean, the small animals and plants remain but apart from them there is only green slime. Some remote tropical forests became almost silent when the insects disappeared, and their conversion to pastures caused the desert to spread. Human activity has severely altered more than 75% of the Earth's land surfaces, and 66% of the oceans, which cover most of our blue planet, suffer from significant human impacts. In total, there are over 400 dead zones in the oceans today, which can cover the area of ​​a large country.

For reporting on the UN website

3 תגובות

  1. They say ten percent. This percentage is male.
    Besides, there is nothing to comment on such nonsense. That you stop the pressure on the government because of you prevents the recycling of large bottles, and this is just one example.

  2. I asked my rabbi what is being done to prevent the extinction of animals
    His answer was that it should be brought about that as many Jews as possible put on tefillin
    They will pray, say psalms, but the most important thing is to contribute to the Torah students
    It is only because of them and for their sake that the world exists and only because of the decrees on the Torah world
    There are terrible earthquakes from Iran and warming everything to bring it back
    In repentance and only charity will save you and the animals from death, I made a standing order
    To strengthen the Torah world and I believe that he who sits in heaven and sees everything is this
    that thanks to the psalms and charity will prevent the chosen people from missiles and wild animals
    To suffer because the Jews do not observe Torah and mitzvot and do not put on tefillin
    And it is known that if only we would all keep Shabbat and donate charity to the Torah scholars
    Immediately the Messiah will come and we will all be purified with the ashes of a red cow
    Only if we give charity to the Torah students, each according to his ability and at least
    Ten percent of his salary [ tithe ] for the benefit of Torah students
    In conclusion, Rabbi Yona said that there is nothing to worry about if we keep Shabbat Tefillin and Halachot Nida
    And we will donate to Torah students

  3. (The name and email input fields do not work)
    This should be the main news in all media outlets in the world,
    The global damage is at a catastrophic level that causes sadness and permeates even from the human egocentric point of view, this is a terrible loss
    Things that have not yet been learned will never be learned. Living systems that are the developmental product of hundreds of millions of years are erased in the blink of an eye.
    Information that lies in living systems and diversity and wealth created during evolution of hundreds of millions of years is erased in a moment of knowledge and beauty that will never be learned,
    On the one hand, the tragedy stems from human success, the expression of which is the technology that humanity has accumulated, which allows it to exploit nature at even more total levels than it used to be.
    And on the other hand, a continuous lag of human ideologies, both religious and secular, which fail to catch up with the rapid pace of change and their meaning on the world of life, mentally, man still lives in the concept that he needs to make the most of every piece of space for his existence, and in this concept there is no more chance or place for natural nature to exist,
    The destruction of nature by man began already thousands of years ago all over the world, let's take Europe because there is a very high awareness of nature, but actually in places for example like Iceland, which about 1000 years ago had 40% forests, within a few hundred years a population of several tens of thousands of people wiped out the All the natural forest at least 4% in the place of others this already happened about a thousand years ago
    Thus, what is perceived by us, for example in many European countries, as a type of natural beauty is actually a product of human destruction
    Even in Israel the destruction is enormous and the product of thousands of years after the establishment of the state was an effort to restore the forests
    But the population elite and the modernization of the country will no longer leave any room for natural nature,
    The competition between the members of the different human groups is enormous and anyone who loses his efficiency may fall behind another group
    So humans are not willing to allocate the desired resources to preserve the natural environment.

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