A method for detecting breast cancer based on quantum technologies

A research group from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev is working on developing the method. The group won a prestigious research grant from the European Union in the amount of 4 million euros

Prof. Shlomi Arnon. Photo: Danny Machlis, Ben-Gurion University
Prof. Shlomi Arnon. Photo: Danny Machlis, Ben-Gurion University

A research group at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, led by Prof. Shlomi Arnon from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, is working on a breakthrough development for detecting breast cancer using quantum-based technologies. The group leads an international consortium that also includes scientists from Austria, Germany and Italy. These days Prof. Arnon's group won a prestigious research grant from the FET Horizon 2020 program for research and innovation of the European Union.

Breast cancer is one of the most common diseases in the modern world and one out of every 8 women will get the disease during her lifetime. Today's accepted methods for locating and identifying the disease are based on the use of X-rays such as mammography, PET and CT. The research group from Ben-Gurion University is developing an innovative method based on optical and quantum technologies that allows in some cases to save exposure to X-ray radiation.

The funding for the project, in the amount of 4 million euros, is awarded to researchers within the framework of the FET OPEN - Future and Emerging Technologies program of the European Union. The purpose of the program is to encourage multidisciplinary research and development of innovative, ground-breaking technologies that have the potential to make a significant contribution to the European economy. The group from Ben-Gurion University is the only one among the institutions from Israel that won this prestigious grant in the current cycle.

Prof. Arnon's research group is currently looking for graduate students who are interested in joining research at the forefront of technology and having an impact on the lives of millions of people in the world.

X-ray photograph of breast cancer tumors. Photo: shutterstock
X-ray photograph of breast cancer tumors. Photo: shutterstock

More of the topic in Hayadan:

One response

  1. In the title it says "new method...". So what is the method? How does it work? not written So it is true that the article says "optical and quantum methods" but that does not qualify the title. The title should have been "University of Bej received a grant" and then the article was suitable for the title.

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