The report relies on a wide range of available evidence and explains that even the cosmic rays, which hit the Earth every day, result in more powerful particle collisions than those that will occur in the particle accelerator, but this does not calm those of the public who are afraid, and some of them even called the world's top physicists and threatened to kill themselves if they were not stopped Immediately the preparations
A new report published last Friday, September 5, confirms that the opening of the Large Particle Accelerator (LHC) next Wednesday does not pose a risk to humanity. The report relies on a wide range of available evidence and explains that even the cosmic rays, which hit the Earth every day, result in more powerful particle collisions than those that will occur in the particle accelerator. The public fear that pervades the world's irresponsible media has resulted in scientists, including the Nobel laureate in physics Frank Wilchek from MIT, receiving threats by phone, some even death threats, if the preparations to activate the accelerator are not stopped immediately.
On the same subject:
- Successful opening of the accelerator - the first beam was fired (Avi Blizovsky, 10/9/2008)
- Will Sarn's Large Particle Accelerator Change the Face of Physics? (Yel Petar, 10/9/2008)
- The great Israeli contribution to the study of the small particle (Avi Blizovsky, 21/7/2008)
- Everything you wanted to know about the Large Hadron Collider (Avi Blizovsky, 31/5/2008)
- Is the Earth going to be swallowed by a black hole? (Yel Petar, 30/5/2008)
The new Large Particle Collider (LHC) is about to open soon in Geneva, changing - or confirming - the face of physics as we know it. Despite the great excitement surrounding the opening event, there are persistent voices predicting that the accelerator may create black holes and exotic particles that may pose a danger to humanity and the entire planet. The accelerator's safety assessment group reviewed the claims and provided answers to each of them in a report published last Friday, September 5.
The report shows that if the particle collisions in the big accelerator had the power to destroy the Earth, then we would never have existed. Routine interactions with highly energetic cosmic rays would have long since destroyed the Earth, side by side with the other astronomical bodies. And as the safety assessment group writes in the report, "Nature has already conducted a hundred thousand experiments equivalent to the largest particle accelerator on Earth, and the planet still exists."
The safety assessment group examined the rate at which cosmic rays bombard the Earth and compared it to other stars in the solar system, the sun itself, and other stars in the universe. The results showed that the hypothetical black holes and strangelets do not pose a risk to us.
The collisions that will occur in the large particle accelerator will be different from the collisions created by cosmic rays. An issue that bothered some researchers is that the new particles that will be created will not have a high speed, and will therefore remain in the Earth's environment. In this case it will not be possible to predict how they will behave and what damage they will cause. To disprove the fear, the safety assessment group showed that even black holes from displacement shots created as a result of the cosmic ray bombardments are stopped within the Earth or other astronomical bodies. Their existence is proof that such blacks cannot swallow matter at a rate that could endanger us.
According to the safety assessment group, "Any collision between a pair of protons in an accelerator will release energy equivalent to two mosquitoes colliding with each other. Any black hole that is formed will be much smaller than those known to astrophysicists." The group concludes that microscopic black holes of this type would not be able to grow to the point where they would pose a real danger. As for the hypothetical strangelets, the report reviews new experimental calculations from the Brookhaven Laboratory in New York, and proves that these particles will not be created as a result of the collisions in the conductor.
119 תגובות
I can't believe that you believe this thing has no black hole and no plaster
Why is it on Friday because it's a holy day or something?
This experiment is intended to contribute to the expansion of human knowledge about the universe and its components.
Its goals are to examine the compatibility of various physical theories with reality under conditions that we are unable to reproduce in any other way.
Its main importance is that the exact results that will be obtained in it are currently unknown - it would be much less interesting to invest so much money just to see what is known to happen happen.
They don't think that it can cause all the same phenomena that different people are afraid of and the reason for this is that the conditions that will be created in the experiment are similar to the conditions that occasionally exist in other places in the universe (like on the moon) and nothing strange happens as a result. I emphasize this because it is a more reassuring argument than the argument that according to a certain theory nothing bad will happen - this kind of argument is not reassuring when it comes to the theory that one is trying to test.
I need an urgent answer and as soon as possible...!
I need to know what the goals of this experiment are, what it contributes to humanity, and what its results are. Urgent, please.
Researcher without a degree:
It seems to me that you are the "researcher from the side" who is manipulating in another discussion as well.
According to your words - you rightly do not have a degree.
Nothing will happen anymore, whatever happens will happen
You haven't noticed, but we've moved to a parallel universe.
We arrived through the black hole using the wormhole method
For every bad thing there is something good and the conservatives will not do anything that would endanger the world because they would have killed the scientists a long time ago, this experiment will do a lot and answer many questions.
Something else I forgot to add:
What makes the experiment much more dangerous is that Israeli scientists participate in it!!!!!
And so it must be stopped D-:
The scientists don't know for sure that nothing will happen, so it's not worth the risk.
Anyway, it would help against diseases and important things, but it only teaches us about the Big Bang and Alice, it won't help us that much and certainly not on a scale that is worth it.
In my opinion the experiment should be stopped despite the money and everything because it is better to spend money no matter how much than to take any risk of such a disaster the experiment will not help us that much either we will only be smarter but not have more means
You don't need to be afraid in general the scientists know what to do they wouldn't have done anything that would destroy our world if they weren't stupid in his experiments there would have been another month like that it wasn't the real experiment
To all those who try to scare jokingly or not jokingly, to all those who are afraid.
There really is nothing to fear from this scientific experiment.
The senior scientists from all over the world - brilliant and settled people say
That the chance of a disaster from this device is 0.
That is, this experiment is not dangerous at all for the earth and its inhabitants.
All those who scare and fear are motivated by ignorance and the panic that comes from ignorance
And stupid and debunked rumors that have no basis at all.
Yes Yes
Oof no day I'm already against I'm scared and it's not funny if it's the end of the world..? ! What's going to happen?
I finally understood what this accelerator is and why we should not be so suspicious of it.
On other websites, apart from scaring and threatening that the disappeared will be destroyed today, they do not explain anything.
There should be an article like this explaining it on other sites as well. This is really important and instructive!
To all the guys who are afraid to die, let me just say that either way you won't live forever.
Interestingly, when the train was invented there were people who said that people "are not built for speeds of 40 km/h and above".. and on the airplane they said that God (yes, that imaginary friend again) did not (lol) create us as flying creatures.
And note that we've already destroyed the planet with pollution, but people don't care about that, because they want to drive a good car on the highway, so what if it's harmful.
If we die, you won't continue to suffer and I'll stop hearing nonsense, so what's wrong? Won't you make your partner pleasant? Again, we will all die, and this is one of the only positive parts of life - the end of suffering. And it is better to die from a black hole than from the Tehran dwarf.
Anyway, I'm willing to give it a try and look forward to it.
Arrogance will kill us anyway, at least we'll learn something along the way.
As a psychiatric case, I give permission and sign for the experiments at the LHC.
Is there also a channel on Internet TV where you can see what's happening there?
In the shade ha ha ha
Zilly, don't underestimate me.
Amazing mouth emissions! And who knows what a day child is.
And you were like dreamers.
Not bad, we'll call it later! Temporary insanity is necessary!
You can't aim far without taking risks.
Everything is for the best.
And time will tell.
Show some optimism.
First of all, if we suck, and the world is destroyed, that is our fate and it is impossible to argue with it.
And the end of the world won't be now, so it will be in 2012.
And even if not then, then later.
what are you worried????
My advice, go to an amusement park, and spend your last hours (if any) on something you would never do, like a roller coaster, because life will end anyway.
If not tomorrow, then later.
So people, have fun, spend time, and most importantly stay optimistic (unless you suffer from manic depression or schizophrenia, or just depression).
Good Luck 😛
I'm with you
All of you here have come under pressure
What a waste of time!
Believe in God
Total insanity, what can you change?, the weight of gravity? Will strange vehicles hover in the air, or will black holey figures appear in the sky? Apparently the scientists crossed the line from genius to insanity.
I think it will only move us forward, I'm excited.
Let's go Kusamek, the world will die
I'm shocked that people with language retardation believe in Allah's nonsense!
My friend, you are Jews in the country of Jehovah!!
You are not supposed to believe in the big bang! What actually happens around him is the experimental!
It's just nonsense! And I'm not religious or anything! But I believe in God!
And I love you and you also need him to be the one who created their world and as long as the experiment spins the bang it's not true!!!!!!!! I bet you all that I will live until I die of old age!
Only God can save the power of the black hole
Does this sound funny to you?
- People - tomorrow is not the end of the injustice! Wow, from the movie you entered!
Good day byeeeee
Hear Kapa everyone is meeting behind the trees in heaven tomorrow
And whoever hell I'm in the heart of playing pogs, talk to me there
And those who don't want to die in pain, do things you love today
You understand me : ]) yes yes you understand meyyyyyy hahahahahahahaha
There are Dexamol painkillers, come on, enjoy
Leave them black hole blah blah blah
In another 15 years the glaciers will melt and I still don't know how to swim in Asa
A black hole dies easily, doesn't it? Can anyone ever die from a black hole tell what it's like?
Short I'm getting ready for a trance party in heaven, enjoy yourself
Thanks Tal. I used my authority to edit comments in talkbacks and corrected the aforementioned mistake of the surfer.
I had to.. but spelling errors are not something that suits me
"Or even on a much smaller scale but the same* principle.. like"
To all those who said and wrote "the scientists did not create anything that could harm us"
So think a little.. because the intentions are always good..
For example, breaking down atoms to check what everything is made of and what the purpose of the material is and blah blah blah
Led to one of the more destructive inventions we created - the atomic bomb of course..
Or even on a much smaller scale but the same principle.. like
The engine .. again the intentions were good and no one would do without a car
Or hang on.. toilet spray.. After all, a stinky smell is disgusting and why live with it
And so many other things whose gas is destructive
But how many of these things exist? 100 years? roof? Maybe less maybe more
I'll admit that I didn't check...and these things have already caused holes in the warming and probably many other things that I don't really understand...
Think what will happen in another 200 years... 300? Unless there is something that will destroy the world before me
After all, these are the things that will do it then..
In short.. there is no reason to believe the assumption... (emphasis.. assumption!) that nothing will happen
After all, nothing is XNUMX percent certain and everything they do is well-intentioned
But again.. Above I gave some examples that were only with good intentions and you will see what happened..
What nonsense!!! People, don't eat this shit!!!
And for an interim summary, we will call the train of talkbacks that went wild on the site in the last day:
"mass ventilation"
From now on, we very much hope that the storm has subsided, if only for a fraction of a second - the relief is felt.
Tonight, as promised, our Yehuda will wish everyone: Nomi Nom.. as his reassuring seal in knowledge. Bye..
Tell me what the date has to do with the end of the world, it won't be the end of the world, so calm down
Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank God!
Oh, what a bullshit this is, I feel like if there weren't things that would happen and do happen, it's just shit..
What are you stressing about?
Wow really
Tomorrow will be a normal day, no one will die, what will you have?
Maybe you didn't notice, but tomorrow is September 10.9.08, XNUMX
Something like 10…9…8
See you in heaven!
I hope that the experiment with the particle accelerator will be successful, and the cooperation of the world's scientists is very important for the preservation and development of the earth.
Good luck to everyone!
Haha, Odin.
A crazy metal festival had to be organized.
Die in style or just enjoy
His name is girlfriend I'm 12 years old I don't know what will happen but we will die??
I want to tell all my friends that Israel will never lie!!!
Samkek....!!!?!? What's going on? I'm not feeling well tomorrow.?!?!
I don't understand these retarded scientists, what's the problem with doing this fucking experiment on another planet..!? Huh??
Precisely here they will do..
And what is this black guy supposed to do? He's already sat on some bench and smokes a hookah..?!?! No way ?@!?@%%!#
Get these scientists canceled!!
Can someone translate for me from English to Hebrew what I received in the email
nothing bad will happen tomorrow because of the LHC. Tomorrow, a first beam of protons will circulate in one of the rings of the machine. There will be no collision yet.
The LHC is a perfectly safe scientific instrument. Nature makes particles collide at even greater energies since EVER. And we are all there, together with our planet. Collisions at the LHC will be EXACTLY the same as those produced by Nature. The laboratory environment is different only in the fact that we can control, and therefore measure these events while natural events are unpredictable and therefore very difficult to study.
It's a plot by Pinky and the brain.
Well, of course it's safe to use - after spending 7 billion dollars on the accelerator, then they won't say it's not safe.
Come on, see you tomorrow at the end of the world
Indeed a transition between universes, with filtering... I mean the bastards stay here….
Listen.. the scientists would not take such a risk..
The chances of that happening are zero.
And.. people, take advantage of the time.. Hahahaha! [:
Nothing will happen, the living souls will be baked! 3>
There is one thing none of you have thought of!!
Maybe the black hole is not something that will hurt us at all!!
Maybe the black hole is a transition between universes?
How do the scientists know black black will kill us seriously think about it maybe the hole that currently exists in space is even a transition between universes?
Maybe the holes created will not be active at all?
You don't ask yourself the most important questions. Who said that the black hole is a danger, maybe it is a passage through time?
Think for a minute!! 1
And I have never seen Kobe in my mother as paranoid as you!!
D4 is right!!!
What do I care how the earth was formed?!?!?!?!?
Who is the idiot who gave them permission to do such an experiment?!
which includes such serious disasters!?!
I hate them to draw!!
You also have to read all the comments from the beginning
That's what's funny how people react here
To Mishi who calls herself one and to Mecham
I agree with you in every word!
God is with us!
Without faith, look what we will become of all people!! Everyone gets stressed....believe...strong faith will change everything
The time has come for this world to explode! ,
Telomert for the garden
Kussamammmmmmmmmm of all the scientists Yaharat and Benel Harot with something will happen you are in the afterlife God will send you to hell you whores!
Only our father will save us
I will build you whores!!!!!! Shit scientists
Um, period, you're the gayest person I've ever met.
First thing: whether this is new to you or not: science is not facts, it is hypotheses!
So the scientists couldn't tell if it was safe so they couldn't threaten anyone
Two: We got through the wars on our own merits! (For all those who wonder: I do believe, but I'm looking for facts)...besides, Israel was founded after the Holocaust!!!! And the holocaust did not threaten to destroy the earth!!!
Three: A black hole can't be smaller than a cockroach and it can't disappear either:
A black hole swallows everything from the second it is created so it cannot disappear unless it collides with another black hole and in that case either they will swallow each other or a rift will be created in the universe and we will surely die.
Four: I believe in backwardness: if I don't find an answer, I go backward instead of forward:
I believe that G-d created the big sun that exploded and created all the galaxies we know: after that everything was simple after G-d created the bang no more intervention was needed everything else was created by itself: from most of the heat we were created: because it was so hot tropical forests were created that look like heaven and from there everything unfolds....
And another spicy detail (even if it contradicts my faith): God told us not to touch the tree of knowledge because it will kill us:
And here is a day there is global warming there is a particle accelerator that can vaporize us there are asteroids and all because of what?
Because God created us (or rather how?) He knows everything that will happen, what happened and what is happening.
So I'm sorry to tell you, but my conclusion is:
God would not let us do what we want, so he created us either to be saved or destined for failure from the first second we were created
And I was already hoping that our fate was sealed
Ugh : [
Come on…
What fantasies do you have!! Why do you think we are going to die?!
Let's do it like this:
1. The scientists would not have done the experiment if it would have harmed the world because their family is also there
2. The explosion can cause earthquakes and maybe maybe maybe a tsunami...
3. We have someone who is watching over us (for example: Israel lives and breathes after all these wars it went through including the Holocaust!!!)
4. If the experiment is not successful, it will create black holes without any doubt... but as the Israeli scientist said he will not suck in anything because they will be smaller than a chock and disappear immediately
5. If you believe these scientists everything will be fine
6. I personally don't really believe in the Big Bang... I believe in God...
Because - if they say that man is an evolution of the monkey, then where did the monkey come from?? And where are the dinosaurs from?? And where do the billions upon billions of endless galaxies come from?!?!?!?!??!
in brief…
Everything will be fine 🙂 But there is a chance of an earthquake! XD lol
Then ..
What is going to happen on Wednesday is dangerous or not?
There is a fear of something or not.
Speak Hebrew, I'm all girl.
God be with you,
The nation of Israel will not fall,
Fear strengthens faith!
Believe in the name and everything will work out!
You can't do that
Their mommammamama cup will burn them in hell
As if it were
Yallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll again
Let them go push their parents the lives of the entire planet they want to destroy? 1
Why what happened?
I really hope that it will not happen at all, because if it does happen the earth will no longer exist,
And I don't believe that the whole earth will be destroyed, because of this.
I can't believe this article, I laughed.
I sincerely hope that on Wednesday everything will be in peace.
Wow, write here that it is final and safe to use, simple Hebrew!!! And besides, even if something happens, there's not much you can do about it... Just so you know, Kobi, they didn't succeed in creating a mosquito on a one-to-one scale, so you expect them to succeed? come on…
Alec Accelerator is safe to use
But these pessimistic scientists do not know what will happen during the experiment
Someone stop them before disaster strikes
On a global scale and this is how it will look:
Oh my god!!!!!
The world will not explode on Wednesday!! This is part of the reasons that the world itself will explode on 12.12.2012!!! Unbelievable!!
I'm taking off tomorrow evening for Beatles, I have room in the spaceship for 3 more people. Who wants a ride?
And to the rest of the KDHA people, it was nice to meet you, see you at Kibinimet!
I actually feel like dying.
What happened? Some relief from Olmert. D:
nice sorry*
I don't think anyone will die here, but yes...
So it was unpleasant not to cherish you to death from the bowels of all ^^
What bullshit!!!
It's all just bullshit!
What do you stress about?
come on ..
Okay, first of all shut up, no one knows what will happen, but you are underestimating the value of black holes, they are much smaller than a bacterium, they can reach the size of an atom, and it is a huge mass, it is not a vacuum cleaner, it breaks up everything that exists.
Imagine you take the vacuum cleaner and press it to your face, the skin is sucked a little, imagine the power of that several million times, we'll see if it stays on you, regardless of the fact that you're fat, and I know you're really, really fat.
You received fire drying from a 16-year-old boy, eat the eggs that fell on you, if you had any, jujo~~
Mainly for 2 but also for you..
A. I didn't understand half of what you said.
B. You said that when the black hole "swallows" us we won't see it because it will be small... so how can something the size of half a cockroach swallow you, a house, a street, a city, a country, an ocean, a whale?! Whoever spread the rumor that it's dangerous is just an idiot.. and besides, why would humanity do something that would destroy humanity?! By the way, I agree with Gil Dotan XDD only what I don't understand.. so burning to do the experiment instead of helping humanity itself first?? There are a million homeless and hungry people.. Now I flew to make a life and not waste time on LHOMNR or whatever it is, so Calm down everyone and bye..
I also think that if they do not know the result of the experiment and it is possible, as they say, that a disaster may happen, there is no point in doing such an experiment
Do older people comment here?
That's weird 0.0
I really can't believe that's how they react...
I agree with every comment here.
On the one hand, the chance of something happening is zero...No one will pay such a large amount of money so that the whole world will be destroyed...No one will let it happen either...
But....on the other hand....there is a chance that something will indeed happen....and this chance can happen just like the chance that nothing will happen...the fact that all talented and smart scientists allow such a thing to happen is, in my opinion, wrong...if they paid such a high amount for this thing They can pay a few more millions and do it in space...if it's possible
I have now read all the comments. I can't believe that the person commenting here is an adult...
Prepare for the coming of the Messiah
By the way, for those who haven't noticed, there have already been quite a few experiments and tests on particle accelerators, so there is already experience on smaller particle accelerators.
In conclusion: the nano-nano-nano, divine particles, the bizarre, the hypothetical, the strangest and the strangest,
which humanity has not known until now - are being asked to be discovered by the scientists, and in a neutral country from wars (pay attention to the point) like Switzerland.
The hydronic accelerator, made in the shape of an octagon. An octagon with 8 sides, known for its power for conversion processes.
For some reason, the photos recently presented to the public do not show this figure. On 15.7, this figure was presented
For those who are not yet aware of the collective process happening, we are entering right into the "time tunnel", already
Since 1995, but now we are receiving a serious acceleration incentive. And our axis is turning, like an effect
Loop back, with the basket of wisdom we have acquired so far.
Black holes will not be created, except for those who do not know how to recognize bright whiteness..and good people on the way.
For those who are not yet aware that the entire universe is mutually subject to a chain reaction, they probably also do not understand the "kilometerage", which is a measure of the site and the effect of mutual influence and affinity...found here and now.
We know all these effects, even from the geological point of view, throughout all time, big and small... so, basically, nothing is renewed or new. And apparently history repeats itself.
And that's true! Except, if so, some "strange fusion" changes - this time, "and restores" for a change, in the collective consciousness, and allows for an interesting and uplifting continuation of evolution.
And how do you say, to the biggest dungeon skeptics of all? Indeed, blessed is the believer, and even more blessed
Those who are also present and see themselves with their own eyes.. and see transformation and a positive change in their hearts-their thoughts, and in their consciousness.
So, bye.. I'm flying..
Bye..Yehuda..don't forget to hypnotize the company with "Nomi-Nom" the day after tomorrow.
I wanted to add something. Just know that even if the experiment is successful, tiny black holes will be created, so the experiment is a sure way to die.
And regarding the date - on Wednesday only the tests will begin...the experiment itself will only begin in 2009 and end in 2012, therefore everyone thinks that this is the year that the world will be destroyed.
I have to point out that this particle accelerator sounds pathetic and the most ridiculous... it won't help anyone... In any case, you'll see, when the experiment is over you'll suddenly say to yourself "Wow, it's already over"!! Because nothing will happen...we won't die and nothing.,7340,L-3593187,00.html
Here is a simple solution:
What is needed is an ordered list of all the "scientists" who predict the end of the world. On Thursday, every such "researcher" will receive the mark of Cain. One that would always identify him as one of those jerks.
Enough of the ignorance.
9 out of 10 of the hysterical commenters here have never heard of a black hole before, they have no idea what it is (I assure you that if they called it a "white hole" they would be much less stressed) and all their knowledge of physics is summed up in the Bible.
Is there a way to dismantle/neutralize a black hole after it is created?
Please note!
The article talks about strangelets. If a concept is mentioned then it should be explained. So I asked Tomi what it was and Michael answered me. So now I understand maybe why Roy didn't explain too much about this thing. Enough that masses are afraid that the tiny black holes that will start to form the day after tomorrow will swallow the earth.
There is no need to add to this the fear that the whole earth and we in general will turn, as a result of the activation of the accelerator, into a strange substance (which is by the way one of the possibilities for dark matter)...
And those who do not believe will go to the link that Michael wrote (Strangelet entry in the English wiki).
Human experiments, human cloning, all of these are morally prohibited.
And put at even theoretical risk, the fate of the world?
This is crazy and irresponsible, I really hope they stop this madness.
It's just like trying to understand how a bomb works...
You try to understand its mechanism and you are absolutely sure that the red neutralizes it, but . .
What if you are wrong..?
Are you ready to take the risk..?
Will you be willing to endanger others too..?
This is something we can never know without physical experience, but how come the idea of trying to do this on another planet did not come up,
It is true that it will take more time and a lot more money, but it can save the big "if". . .
I don't's scary but some say this and some say just have to believe from a strong spike that it will be good and it will be :]]
And even if you do, you won't be able to know...
It is unnecessary to warn, after all there will be no opportunity to say "I told you..."
Whether or not there will be a disaster, this time there is a feeling that the scientists are playing a game that is bigger than them.
To Kobe
calm down please In my opinion there is indeed a high chance that we will be destroyed, but the positive side is that no one will feel it
This is ridiculous, nothing will happen, so stop stressing, what's the matter?
The truth is that no scientist has any idea what will happen when the accelerator is activated and that is why they built it to study the ultra-microscopic world.
The chance that something unexpected will happen is not zero but not 100% either
There is only one disturbing fact
How is it that there is no other intelligent life in a universe of trillions of stars? Is it possible that they just destroy your planet the moment they first turn on their first super booster which according to theories they themselves don't understand is supposed to do nothing.
I still haven't figured out what their deal is with these particle accelerators
What are they doing on us experimenting with a ceiling the smallest glitch our earth will disappear in seconds
Curiosity will kill us all in the end.
Thanks to the scientists at CERN who allow us through the LHC to know what processes took place in time
The formation of the universe.
I hope they continue the experiments and discover unknown/missing particles and prove the existence of the Higgs boson
Someone stop them before a disaster happens on a global scale
Invest 2.8 billion dollars in this crap instead of giving to the hungry and poor in the world
They have no heart
Too bad, I wanted the end of the world to come.
They are mad scientists, they must be banned soon!!!
They cannot destroy all of us, the entire world of life and all the evolution that has been created over the billions of years!! :(:(
Death to the mad scientists!
It would be great to know how the world was created!
You forgot one thing. Go back to the experiment table and think carefully about what will happen to the face as a DHA and not what will happen to it outside, because outside there is a protective layer called "atmosphere" and it's a shame that we didn't inform the people here about "what might happen if the atmosphere was not there". Then we'll see if the rays really don't They will harm the church.
Carl Sagan was right when he wrote the book, A Haunted World, people don't understand what they are talking about, maybe worse - they discuss issues they have no knowledge about.
The new particle accelerator in Geneva will at best solve unsolved puzzles in particle physics, I don't understand where people get the speculation that it will create black holes that will destroy the earth.
viva la science
The end of the curses..
Thank you scientists,
For giving us a chance to start another world,
A world without cradles,
A world of civilized people D:
We won't start as the ancient man?!]
This is the real truth and you can't argue with it!
The energies of that accelerator strive for zero in terms of the relationship between them and the four forces in the universe that "perceive" the universe according to its physical properties,
If the accelerator were, say, to produce a black hole (size of 3 solar masses minimum) then it would swallow the earth and at the same time the time in terms of the past, meaning we would not exist at all, the fact is that we exist and hence nothing real - in terms of a disaster - will happen until the end The days - that is, there will be no experiment that will destroy us in terms of black hole ingestion,
We'll see if they find out or not...
With God's help we will and will succeed
Arya Shalom
On the face of it, the reference is to the "disappearing substances"..strange particles that expect to be discovered in an experiment..
We know that this is an important part of the whole texture of the puzzle..
Roy or someone else
What are Strangelets?
What new beginning are you looking forward to?
There have always been and always will be scientists and entrepreneurs whose goal is to try and rid the world of its troubles and worry doozies in one fell swoop. The initiative may be welcome to erase everything in one fell swoop and allow for a fresh start.
From past experience we have learned that initiatives of this type are doomed to failure. Apparently the cosmic laws of conservation of the world somehow depend on the existence of steric people snooze worry and all the rest. How will people experience happiness if everyone is happy? Because then no one knew he was happy anymore. So in the meantime apparently the suffering and the poor carry the existence of the rest of the world on their shoulders. Too bad, so maybe we'll get lucky anyway and have a fresh start after Wednesday's big wipeout.
With you, when you are calm.
To Dr. Ash Ash Ash Ash
don't you mind dying
These scientists want to destroy the world and you don't get it
are you blind or what?
Indeed I am hysterical so what is my character
And by the way, I'm not a psychiatrist, I'm already a patient
So what next Wednesday we disappear you blind people
According to this article, the scientists do not know what will happen
They have no way of predicting what will happen in the collision of the particles
Those terrorist eyes at CERN are working on us
Kobi, what will we do with you?! Pull yourself together, you broke a vessel... You react like a hysterical cow before slaughtering in every article, in every website (I saw your comments on YNET) you are crazy!!!
Refuses to calm down, refuses to listen to the arguments of others - at this rate you won't have many days left...
I really, really, really seriously suggest you seek psychiatric help!
Max will be swallowed into a black hole... well then?! In any case, sometime it would happen...
What do you suggest we stay behind because of hysterics like you?!
Where is Odin when you need her?
They can predict and they do.
It is you who choose not to believe them.
See you at Kebinimet.
These scientists are terrorists despite the threats to their lives
They continue on their own, in short, we automatically go to Kivinimet
These scientists are also stupid they cannot predict what will happen at the moment of collision
Shame on science
Some negativity………….
A little optimism doesn't hurt.. 🙂
Everything will be fine.
Everything is true, but the people of Israel trusted in God and He alone will survive this holocaust as well.
Maybe the Jewish people will disappear, but we will remain. The eternity of Israel will not lie.
What will happen if the pedestal black hole swallows the Earth (we won't know about it, but so be it) the scientists don't think about what could happen because they are sure that what they say is divine, and therefore have a pleasant death for everyone on Wednesday...
DA How will it feel when the black hole tears my body apart (just a hypothetical question)?
The naysayers are going to feel stupid when the experiment is over, and that's their punishment.
I'm not speeding
It also explains why we don't pick up signals from other life in the galaxy.
The time that passes from the time of the invention of the radiva, the first broadcast of the creatures on that planet, to the construction of a particle accelerator that produces black holes and destroys the star, is very short. 100-200 years.
Therefore there is no chance that we will detect signs of other life.
: )
: )
This is not entirely true. Particles in an accelerator collide when they are quite compressed.
And 3 pairs of protons are enough to collide with each other as black holes, and the earth will slowly be destroyed, within one to two years we will already see the results in volcanic eruptions and the formation of fissures, within 5 years we will already see the fissures grow to the size of a large lake. And in 7 years there will be nothing left of the earth.
The black hole will never be seen, even when it swallows the earth its diameter will be less than a centimeter. And before it swallows the earth it will even be the size of a bacterium.
LHC is good 4 me! @@
Happy happy joy joy sof sof.