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A start on the right foot for the particle accelerator - LHC in Geneva

Only two experiments were conducted yesterday, in which the scientists were able to pass the rays through the entire tunnel (in parts) in both directions in order to calibrate the devices

The main control room at CERN, after the announcement of the success of the first beam launches, September 10, 2008. Photo: CERN
The main control room at CERN, after the announcement of the success of the first beam launches, September 10, 2008. Photo: CERN

The scientists gathered at CERN on the French-Swiss border cheered for the successful launch of the huge experiment that simulated the conditions that occurred a fraction of a second after the Big Bang.

On the first day, a total of two proton beams were launched in both directions (each direction separately) in a 27 kilometer long tunnel, in a device known as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The accelerator, on the French-Swiss border, is designed to allow protons to be thrown with enormous force. The scientists hope that it will shed light on fundamental questions in physics.

The first experiment of launching a clockwise particle beam completed the circuit shortly before 11:30 Israel time. The second - counter-clockwise circled the ring at approximately 16:00 PM. This is what the Technion documentary Sagi Ben Ami, who was in the control room of the Atlas facility during these experiments, reported on Channel 2 broadcasts. According to him, the Israeli detectors have discovered an abundance of moons even without collisions.

The rays did not move continuously but stopped after several circles. After analyzing the events of the opening day, Wednesday, 10/9/08, the engineers hope to repeatedly launch protons in both directions, but this time they will close the track and let each beam run uninterrupted for a few seconds. It has not yet been announced when the first collision will take place, but the BBC website states that it is possible that low-energy collisions will take place in the coming days in order to allow engineers to calibrate instruments, but these collisions will not produce scientifically interesting data.

The director of the project, Lynn Evans, said that the first day passed successfully, and following these words there were shouts of joy and applause from the engineers who were happy about the successful experiment. "We had a good start." Evans said.

The LHC is undoubtedly the most complex and ambitious experimental facility ever built. The project suffered from budgetary and technological deviations as well as problems in the construction process. Its launch was also delayed by two years compared to the original plan.

The ring, the tunnel under the French-Swiss border contains over a thousand cylindrical magnets that fill it from end to end. The magnets are designed to direct the proton beams around the 27 kilometer long ring. Eventually, two proton beams will collide in opposite directions around the LHC at close to the speed of light, completing 11,000 revolutions per second.

At selected points along the channel the beams will cross paths, and the protons will collide near four massive detectors that monitor the collisions to track events of interest. The scientists hope that new particles will be discovered that will confirm various theories about the essence of mass.

On the same subject:

61 תגובות

  1. Michael Rothschild
    You are like Einstein - every time you find out that you were right...
    When the boson is discovered, I would appreciate it if you could come back and discuss the issue here on the site with all of us, and in general.

  2. It is interesting to know if now, when the Higgs boson is discovered in the accelerator in question, a "researcher from the side" ate the hat and moved to the other side

  3. Michael
    I agree with your opinion that the researcher flaunts feathers and confuses the mind.
    The operator by its well-known name is the Hamiltonian and the operation belongs only to quantum field equations and not to gravity.
    So he said, let him say.

  4. Michael
    You didn't lose anything. There was a scoundrel there too, asked Yehuda if he wanted to share his record as well.
    All I have to do is wish all of us the song "A good thought, bring me back."

    And as for T or T, when it comes to the translation from the Hebrew Bible... I don't think it's that fundamental. So please don't feel
    Guilty, if as if you were wrong.
    It's just a shame that you don't understand the origin of your name in Hebrew, and the meaning of your conversations with "Yehuda". And I wish I was wrong
    In this narrow judgment.

  5. Yehuda:
    First, I think I was wrong when I wrote Tru. The practice according to which they translate TH to T means that you should write "thero" and it seems to me that this is how they write his name in the contents.
    I did not pay attention to the program about the UFOs. What caught my eye and I watched more is the program about the Nazis. This man manages to make me ashamed of my belonging to the human race.
    As for scoundrels - there is such a thing
    But the way he uses the phrases it's just mumbo jumbo like the whole response.

  6. To Michael
    Glad you didn't mean me. And as for my poetic analysis, everything you see in it will only increase my humble pride.
    and as for the rest,
    The truth is, I didn't know what this "scrap operator" was either, so I went to Google and after a short search I decided to stick with the particles and leave scavenging to others.
    Listen, I'm back now Metro after God was the number of the Abbamists and it was a must for the readers of the science wherever they are. It was interesting to see these Americans. The one that made contact with aliens reminded me of a human show in the bathroom.
    We will make coffee and continue to watch Tro
    bye for now
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  7. Yehuda:
    I didn't notice that I didn't answer the question "to whom do you mean, etc.", so let's be clear: in this conversation I mean the "researcher" from the side who, after all the hollow statements, tried to show off mathematical mumbo jumbo that he apparently doesn't understand a thing and a half about.

  8. Yehuda:
    I didn't mean your poetry itself, but that I heard condescension in it - as if these arguments are the property of others only and as if all these "others" are no different from each other.
    But that's the problem with singing - maybe you didn't mean to say that at all.

  9. Mr. Michael
    Who do you mean by condescending and pretending?
    Did my song not please you?
    I hope you really didn't mean me.
    I'm running to see True on Channel 8

  10. Michael
    Not sure what you're talking about?

    and Judah, etc.
    Indeed, words are an energy bomb. See how you all walk on your words.
    The truth is, I do not recommend you, nice boys, to forget that matter originates from the spirit.. and indeed some have forgotten that she, she, she is the source, and all of God, that you are the ones who create from her, in the legality of the states of accumulation.
    She is everything you are from her.
    If my song was so painful, it is possible that through the healing of my spirit, I am suffering from the necessary "sado-masochism".
    But as another wise man said: "The truth, even if it hurts, heals"
    So, Shabbat Shalom
    And be always happy
    Hugin-Eternal Fairness.

  11. Easy proofreading:
    will be confirmed instead of confirmed, unless those theories need to be confirmed instead of confirmed, which they also can
    Two proton beams in second place

  12. Yehuda:
    This would be called a nice formulation of baseless arrogance.
    I confess: I am intolerant of lies, liars and pretenders.
    All the readers of the site know this and I think most of them also appreciate it when the exposed lie is not theirs.

  13. Oh Yehuda
    You really hurt my heart.
    There are also those from Aimka Bira, who seek an answer from aridity likened to the desert of silence.
    If your place is warm in the glow of the pearl, it is of course not about you.
    And if the spirit came and said its song, see it if you want in the past tense.
    And as it prevails, into the depths of the future we will walk full of an opal-dissolving joke, for the sake of tomorrow.

  14. reading ?happening?reading?
    In the end I will still believe in the Freudian mistake, of Freud himself.
    And at the end of the process you will believe that you are themselves.
    And in the end, world peace will take place here, despite your inner-contradictory unwillingness.
    And who knows what will be said about it...the particle..the volatile..the wanderer.

  15. For the researcher from the side/observer
    Could you explain to me in a beautiful language the brilliant equation that you have just brought to the abode of Ether-Beit Hidaan? For my head is heavy with the force of gravity.
    But before that, I suggest you read the entire thread of comments from the beginning of the article. I read something magical and real here that is broadcast on a special wave of light to the whole world, and you are an important part of it... like all critics
    The site.

  16. Ketoni understands the meaning of your wonderful poem.
    Am I doomed to drown in my sobs, when all this poetry of wisdom flows, overflows, from me and on towards a new big bang?
    Am I destined to be the last warrior in the sea of ​​an old universe, glowing with my bright tassels, riding a virtual seahorse, and charging towards the proton-grinding windmills?
    And you my friends, is this your revenge?, wouldn't you like to send me a lifeline?, a small wormhole that will lead me to your new world?
    Alone, lonely, with only a dark space around me,
    of dark mass,
    Avenger avenges her pursuers,
    the hatred

    (excerpt from "Requiem for Sabdarmish")

  17. Those who want mathematical equations that prove the "stupid" things will be able to find them in the form of a dummy operator that is applied to the gravity equation as an epsilon interpolation.

  18. to boson e
    Are you the original Higgs? Or did the formations and particles change in the laws of the combined tools, which in the meantime have become quite confused?
    For a moment, I felt that my a poet from my great his beautiful language..
    Yehuda you must admit

    Not Hebrew, but rolling like an angel.. (English), even romantic.. to sit.. Sunday..
    Somehow I realized that someone was taking care of preparing me for my performances in the churches of the world... and then they! They! cheer loudly,
    Hebrew! Hebrew!Hebrew!the source!the source!
    But they will sing in English…..and I will shed a tear….

  19. Hi Roy, welcome back!
    It is the most original born.

    By the way, were you in Saran by any chance?
    Because I began to think that it might be right for me to jump over there, to make sure what was heard up close..
    But if you traveled? And maybe another messenger... in short, an article! an article!

  20. A deep voice called out to me through the slits
    Voices of a desert desert.
    Please save the oppressed on earth
    Look and see the sufferings of man
    There is no endurance for mammals on their undulating cradle
    Badad I will come from the skies, I will hear grief
    They took everything at their word for what and why they are crying.

  21. The Walrus and the Carpenter
    We were walking close by hand;
    They wept like anything to see
    Such quantities of sand:
    "If this were only cleared away,"
    They said, "it would be grand!"

  22. Hugin and Monin.. of Odin..
    So moving to tears and crying
    It's time to quote in the poet's figurative language

    "The time has come," the Walrus said,
    "To talk of many things:
    Of shoes–and ships–and sealing-wax–
    Of cabbages–and kings–
    And why the sea is boiling hot
    And whether pigs have wings.”

    "I weep for you," the Walrus said:
    "I deeply sympathize."
    With sobs and tears he sorted out
    Those of the largest size,
    Holding his pocket-handkerchief
    Before his streaming eyes.

    The sun was shining on the sea,
    Shining with all his might:
    He did his very best to make
    The billows smooth and bright–
    And this was odd, because it was
    The middle of the night.

    The moon was shining sulkily,
    Because she thought the sun
    Had got no business to be there
    After the day was done
    "It's very rude of him," she said,
    "To come and spoil the fun!"

    The sea was wet as wet could be,
    The sands were dry as dry.
    You could not see a cloud, because
    No cloud was in the sky:
    No birds were flying overhead
    There were no birds to fly.

    The Walrus and the Carpenter
    We were walking close by hand;
    They wept like anything to see
    Such quantities of sand:
    "If this were only cleared away,"
    They said, "it would be grand!"

    "If seven maids with seven mops
    Swept it for half a year.
    Do you suppose," the Walrus said,
    "That they could get it clear?"
    "I doubt it," said the Carpenter,
    And shed a bitter tear.

  23. Yehuda:
    I'm sorry, but I stand by my opinion that unsubstantiated statements are stupid.
    "Prophecy" in this case is one letter away from "prophecy" and this is very appropriate since the prophecy was given to fools.
    There is no interest in statements that have no reasoning behind them and those who want to make them just because the urge that pushes them to discredit science and scientists is not conquerable should understand that there are those who do not buy his rhetoric.

  24. To our Judah..
    Thank you on behalf of all the watchers of the worlds, and the tears of grace glistening through your warm hearts.

    Shabbat Shalom

  25. To Hugin.. of.. all of us

    I read your last comment, and tears stood in my eyes.
    I promise you, that in the book I will write in the future, I will dedicate a few lines of affection to you.
    I will not forget the precious light buds of my tassels and I will remember other charred tassels, and also .... those that I didn't get to see (and probably won't either).
    Much more will be said about your noble and painful response, in one of the most beautiful and beloved chapters, in the Book of Acts for the respondents Michael and Yehuda.
    And finish:-
    Strengthen and adopt!
    We will both get to see the sun rise, and the dark mass will fade and sink into the twilight of the joke, and real particles will tread on everything!
    In appreciation
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  26. To Michael

    I read your response to an investigator from the side dated September 11, 2008 at 22:47 p.m., and it should be defined in gentle words, "not gentle".
    I think that those who need to do something based are those who invest billions in searching for particles of the "no dark mass". Really a colossal waste.
    Also the end of your response to the investigator from the side: "In any case, your (the investigator's) statements were given without any reasoning and therefore they are nonsense." End quote. Not acceptable to me. Also for the reason that I might react like him and I wouldn't want them to define thoughts that I am "agonizing" before I say them, as nonsense.
    He said what he had to say and it is contrary to the general flow of thousands of scientists to whom Michael belongs. But there are those, and I am among them, who agree with the main points of the researcher from the side.
    And I repeat, I have no intention of attacking you personally. Our opinion is known. Maybe I hurt the bird of your vegetarian soul, but, it's for the sake of the smile in the matter.
    I appreciate your opinion and I appreciate the opinion of the researcher from the side and in this case I agree with him.
    And by the way, I don't think he should write dozens of pages of articles for you. You will, agree with his opinion, you will not, do not agree. After all, in a few months we will see whose opinion is right. Let's wait and see.

    good day everybody
    In good spirits
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  27. Higgs
    Last night I agonized over my failure to be a bit rigid with you, if I hurt (in my defensiveness) I was hurt twice as much by my stupid reaction, I thought about the shape of your short face, which may have been returned to me, as my way perceived in your eyes (sharp intuition) is strange and maybe not at all, there is no sufficient intuition at all. Especially Not all - my "cognitive mind" thirsty for reason through logic and increased knowledge. Phenomenal memory and sharp senses also require terminology in order to communicate with others.. and this site is not the only place that provides the research of the "come-in-the-days", in its opposite directions. My words are not idle ramblings , but based, despite my brilliant originality (I have to emphasize this. Sorry..) and it's good that my words go to you through screen letters and not directly to our faces.
    Regarding your response: I checked immediately after you directed me to number 42, and the fish... apparently I fell
    In the network I buried for myself. Yes, I found other things related to this. But I still have to check the direction that Michael mentioned and what you mentioned today.
    Another thing, which is characterized with the "accelerator" by the collision of opposing particles. There is also the synchronous meeting between
    the opposing living particles, and at this station I entered your "super-brain" site with opposing wares
    or supplements, which are necessary for the general balance of all of us. (There is no such thing as "just", unless it exists
    a kind of seal or just a tongue-in-cheek plug in the rusty sources of humanity) and as required of the ignorant
    To expand their education in this way requires the "dry-sciences" to open their hearts. The heart is the wisdom of all generations.
    I do understand why the scientists were drawn to this multidimensional experiment: as the world of creation becomes rigid
    More in the process of the evolution of humanity, a huge accelerator is required in order to access the soft helium matter, which in the terminology of the site we call it nanoparticles, dark matter-black holes, etc...
    The hardest material seeks its origin in the hardest way.
    Along with this, the relative brake given to this by the opinion of the world public, and additional verified data, (which is a shame that some of you are not aware of this in a purely logical way) put the accelerated process under additional control in order not to "devour all the tools" at once. This slowdown is welcome.
    I also see another process that comes after it related to the reduction of gravitational forces, but enough talk for now.
    As long as not everyone is ready for the process, relative restraint is preferable.
    And about everything local he says: "Everything is north and the conditional permission is given". But apparently there are more like that
    It seems to them that everything is just random selections and omissions. It's really not like that, in the end... after all.
    If we are talking about freedom of thought, then it is what we "conduct" here, and indeed in my opinion everything is blessed, and it is a fact that when something goes out of proportion "that the head of the site-father" deems appropriate, he filters his house from his fortress and the laws of his place.
    Apparently, the ability to contain is also relative and conditional on each and every one in his own way.. (the conscientious.. haha)

    For Michael and Yehuda and the "watcher".
    Michael, to your credit, it will be said that in any case your attitude is welcome, in the end even if on the difficult and tortuous road you are on it turns out that you are the one who welcomes the "guest" and the "sider"
    And more.. and if you weren't you wouldn't be interesting.
    And Yehuda?: You will write a book at the end of your days about the astronautic spirit that follows you on
    The whispers of the letters peering at you on the virtual site straight from outer space to your bright tassels
    In the light of dear ones..we wondered howling? And here is a Sabbath to reconcile the hawks and you found yourself between a barrage of their differences
    the witty ones
    The truth is that I almost fell asleep too - but there is a force greater than me - a bar of enormous endurance that wants me to stay a little longer
    Between you, for now.

  28. To dear Michael
    Really, I have no intention of attacking you personally, and I will re-read the responses between you and the researcher.
    Please be kind!
    Good day, I just woke up and will respond later

    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  29. Yehuda:
    I explained why the statements are stupid but you don't address things because it would contradict your original intention which is nothing but to attack me personally.

  30. Hugin and Monin.. of Odin..
    Why should we argue about facts that can be checked immediately? Please type in the Google search field the text in the line below exactly as written (COPY/PASTE)

    the answer to life, the universe and everything

  31. Michael
    Nice and thanks for the help
    You sometimes need a lot of patience for Mrs. Hugin. Despite the sharp intuition she demonstrates, she still has a platform to pay off. And not just to send arrows to her tongue to try to manipulate others.
    On occasion, I will agree with your recommendation that you look at Adams books, maybe you will learn a little patience 7.5 million years in total.
    As for Mr. Yehuda's unusual views, he has every right to hold them, although I did not understand the matter of vegetarianism personally, I do not belong to the carnivore sect, why this might impair the clarity of mind in his opinion. On the contrary, it is possible that excess cholesterol, etc. may cause this.

  32. To all interested

    Since I do not believe in the existence of the dark mass, I also do not believe in the existence of particles that build it. So I don't believe they will be found out.
    And in general I agree with the approach of the commenter investigating from the side. How do we know what the physical laws were at the time of the big bang? The results of the experiments at Cern can show at most what the behavior of a small explosion can be in the twenty-first century!
    And dear Mr. Michael
    You always feel a pleasant obligation to attack every new commenter that comes our way, so please, politely.
    The nickname you put on the researcher from the side "makes stupid statements from the middle" is unnecessary and, in my opinion, also incorrect. Most likely, those who invested the billions of euros are the Nabobs.
    and to an investigator from the side
    Don't be mad at Michael, he's usually fine. He's just a vegetarian and maybe that explains his unusual behavior (sometimes)

    So other than that, good night
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  33. Hugin:
    Maybe I'm spoiling for Higgs but if you read the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy you would understand that his answer is serious.

  34. ??:
    There is no connection.
    There is and has never been anything that the existence of such a planner explained and the hypothesis about its existence has only hindered the explanation since time immemorial and so it is today.
    If we talk about an "intelligent" planner, then his existence has long been hidden by many facts, but the very fact that he/she raises the question shows that either you do not mean an intelligent planner but a stupid planner, or that the facts do not interest you.

  35. LELBY
    Like everything else in the living world, consciousness is not an equation (do you have a mouse equation?) but the result of evolution.
    Natural selection gives an advantage to creatures that have the ability to develop a world picture and do thought experiments within it in order to anticipate the results of their actions.
    This fact is behind the development of the nervous system and the brain.
    The more perfect and accurate the picture of the world - the greater the advantage.
    Therefore, there is an advantage to the brain that is able to include itself within the model - this allows it to understand how others see it, how others think it sees them, how others understand how it understands that others see it, and so on recursively.
    It is true that this does not explain the inner feeling - the one commonly called qualia, but it does explain the evolutionary pressure for the formation of the abilities that consciousness confers.

    The internal sensations are currently outside the scope of science's investigation because we have no way of verifying even the claim that you experience the color red as I do.
    It is possible, but it is not testable. In general, science exists only in the public sphere and this is just a sample of that.

  36. "Researcher" from the side:
    I don't expect anything from you because if you were serious you wouldn't wait for my expectations and you would justify your words.
    Also, if there is something in your thoughts (and if these exist at all) you must have already written an article on the matter or read an article that someone else wrote and could provide a link to it in the response.
    And in the worst case, if the ideas just run wild in your head and have not been written down anywhere else and you do not have the necessary talent to present them succinctly, nothing bad would have happened if you had written a 10-page article (by the way - how do you know the number of pages?).
    You also didn't have to put all the text in the comment - you could, and you can still upload a file to Google docs and direct us to it.
    So let's see you pick up the gauntlet.
    In any case, your statements were given without any reasoning and are therefore stupid.

  37. Lami Bachar,
    The most fascinating possibility is that they will find things there that only string theory predicts. (There are maybe 2 or 3 that a certain version of the strings predicts with these weak energies).

  38. Is there any connection between the results of the experiment and belief in some kind of planner for this world?

  39. to LELBY
    Consciousness = the sum of all thoughts.
    You probably have to take into account when evolution started to use fire.
    It is possible that before that there was an abstract consciousness, (and this leads me to the world of Plato's ideals
    talked about him.)
    So thank you, for igniting my rolling thoughts..
    Can you find any equation from these data?

  40. Michael,
    Thanks for the information. I didn't know the things you said. It will be interesting to see if the collision creates a creature greater than its original creator.

    Greetings friends,
    Ami Bachar

  41. Hugin and Monin.. of Odin..
    I thought for a moment that you were asking seriously
    After all, search on Google 42 and you will find the connection to fish

  42. Hugin and Monin.. of Odin..
    I thought you said goodbye to your missions in other galaxies and here's a surprise you're back.
    Or maybe a part of you remains and still represents all of you.
    So here is your answer, indeed in the Hebrew or in Hebrew. Particles represent perfection in different ways. Indeed, yes.
    And the number of everything is 42 and thanks for the fish

  43. higgs,
    Since you named yourself after the bizarre disappearance that you expect to find in an accelerator, I wanted to ask you specifically, "as representing a particle"? What kind of whole do you expect from this research?
    The reason that motivates you personally to dig into the matter?
    I ask, because we may understand more from your conceptual feedback.
    In short: release hidden, necessary information...which is good on the Internet, most of us are "ideal-semi-fictional" entities for the purpose of discussion and discussion, so privacy is preserved with everyone in their own home, and yet
    Running thoughts have huge power.
    It is not clear to me if you are really aware of the direction you are heading.
    See this as an intrusion into the privacy of the particle only.. for the sake of the hidden whole. (super-symmetry?).
    Or maybe there is a penetration into the whole represented by a particle, aiming for a black hole point?
    Answer honestly - in your own way: explanation.

  44. to LELEBY

    For your attention! Consciousness comes into the world from the helium-core of the sun. From the heart. (a noble gas found in it)

    Equation ?? If you gave yourself an exact nickname as you asked, maybe the answer is found...somewhere in some way
    A formula whose result... 6 billion.
    Maybe Michael secretly remembers. Maybe someone else.

  45. An investigator from the side
    True there is not enough energy for a real simulation of these initial conditions.
    However, the fundamental assumption states that the existing matter is the result of different incarnations of symmetry breaking. In such a way that various conservation laws apply and consistency is maintained between the various transitions.
    Although a significant part of those breaks are one-way in many ways. Both in the sense that there is not enough energy available to reverse the direction of the transformation and of course also for the reasons you allude to, namely that certain transformations from the original singular states are inherently unidirectional.
    On the other hand, for many problems of this type, a satisfactory solution can be provided by disassembling and assembling a very small part of the whole. This law holds true in the fields of both physics and metaphysics.
    The question is always what is the amount of "partial" information required to get a complete solution.
    In many cases, this partiality is very small, and in the past this was enough to get solutions that work. For example, quantum physics itself, parts of which are still not understood at all by professional physicists, but this does not prevent invention and actual use of the patterns that have been discovered.

  46. To Michael, what do you expect me to write a 10-page article to explain "these statements"?

  47. Still, with all due respect, no matter how much they poke at the singular point - consciousness and will will not be found there. Without a physical explanation (...) for consciousness, meaning, etc. - physics would be sorely lacking
    So where is it and where does the equation of consciousness come into the world??

  48. And one more thing to declare from the middle:
    I am familiar with chaos theory, it has nothing to do with the discussion, and my orientation or disorientation with chaos theory as well as any other attribute *of mine* does not change anything in *your* statements and does not make them any less stupid.

  49. To declare from the middle:
    The statements are stupid regardless of the results of the experiment because they are not reasoned and not explained.
    Also the description of the energies in the experiment as "weak" is funny to say the least.

  50. Michael, we'll see if the statements are so stupid according to the results of the experiment, until then try to concentrate on chaos theory, I don't know if you're a physicist or not, but surely you're not ignorant of this theory.

  51. Investigator from the side:
    The nickname you chose is not appropriate.
    "Making stupid statements from the middle" is more appropriate.

  52. Ami:
    To the best of my knowledge, all estimates are that the energies should be sufficient to create a Higgs boson, and if it is not created, it will show that something is wrong with the theories on which these estimates are based, and this is also progress.
    In general, it is not correct to say that the collision decomposes the protons into their components.
    What happens is that during the collision a lot of energy is concentrated in the same place and from it different types of particles are created. The only particles that the proton is said to be "made of" are quarks.
    The particles that will be created in the collision may also be larger (in terms of mass) than protons and in fact some hope to discover there also the super symmetric of the known particles.

  53. I would like to ask a basic question to those in the know who are interested in this circle on the border of Switzerland and France:
    Billions of dollars and who knows how many hours of work have been invested there since the first time the idea was used 30 years ago.
    To the best of my ridiculously limited understanding, this accelerator is supposed to accelerate protons from two directions and then at their peak speed make them collide with each other and thus release as many parts of the proton as possible. We are talking about the Higgs boson and dark matter.

    the question is:
    If it turns out that the energies we are talking about in this accelerator are not enough to find the Higgs boson,
    A. Should a new and better accelerator be built?
    B. Are there "smaller" things that can be taken out of such an accelerator?

    Referring to section B, elaborate and give examples. The purpose of the question is to find out if this accelerator is going to provide (and give) work in the next thirty years even if it soon turns out that the energy it is able to produce does not satisfy the need to find the Higgs boson.

    third. Do we still have something to learn from smaller accelerators (say like the accelerator at the Weizmann Institute)?

    Greetings friends,
    Ami Bachar

  54. Nice, but there is a problem.
    They deal with very weak energies, so the probability that they will discover the dark matter tends to zero, as does the probability that they will discover the Higgs boson, since it cannot be separated from the other substances at such low energy levels.
    They will get a bang, that's for sure, the question is for what?
    There is no reason for the bang to show the hundredths of a second of the beginning of the universe, since the whole experiment was done under fairly stable physical laws that cannot be circumvented in any way, while it is known that at the beginning of the universe's simplification "seconds" after being a one-dimensional point, the physical laws were not the same as they are today (there are Laws that have been preserved such as - scattered propagation).

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