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The new Japanese karaoke machine will correct fake amateur singers

Entertainment / Researchers have invented a chip that will know how to change the tempo and pitch of the karaoke machine

Worldwide, millions of people go to karaoke parties. while shape
This unique pastime won a place of honor for itself, it managed to upset
Many people are equipped with a sensitive musical ear. The reason for this is that some
It is evident from the people who go on stage, to sing with the karaoke machine, they are
Horrible fakers. A few days ago the Taito company announced
Japanese because in a few months it will start marketing a technological solution that may
Save millions of earaches: a karaoke machine that knows how to adjust the
The music she plays even for the worst singers.

The first karaoke machines appeared in Japan more than 25 years ago (yes
who claim that the machine was invented by a Filipino in 1975) and soon culture
Spending time at the karaoke bar has earned a place of honor in Japan. Survey carried out
In Madinah at the beginning of 2001 he discovered that singing in karaoke evenings is a form of entertainment
The fourth in the scale of popular pastimes, when it surpasses pastimes
Others like watching TV, listening to music, and spending time in pubs
where there is no karaoke machine.

The karaoke is a machine that plays melodies of famous songs. people
Those who are at karaoke parties are invited to go on stage, watch the screen
The TV on which the lyrics appear, grab the microphone and sing
in front of the audience. Japanese sociologists point out that karaoke parties are
One of the only forms of entertainment in their country where the individual demands attention
The heart of large audiences, without being considered rude or arrogant.

One of the well-known phenomena in Japan is the transformation of karaoke bars into one
The main sites where big deals are signed; The parties meet
In the office, negotiations are conducted, but the final decision is made later
that the managers of both sides come on stage and demonstrate their openness
When they burst into song.

However, like any new technology, karaoke also has limitations:
The machine that plays the music is indifferent to the way the "singer" sings the words.
And so, the music of a song sung by Madonna may be heard on a high scale, while
The one who sings the words is a man with a low voice. the inevitable result
It's fakes, which can be amusing but also embarrassing.

A few days ago the Taito company announced that its researchers teamed up with scientists
From the American "Analog" Devices - a company specializing in development and production
Chips - to develop a special chip that will be integrated into the karaoke machines. The chip, which
It will include instructions written in a special development language known as Csound
He will know how to change the music tempo (Tempo) and the pitch (Pitch)
According to the way the singer sings: "This is a unique sound analysis that was witnessed
This is only in the experimental stages," says Hidehito Kitamura, head of the research team
in the Taito company, in an interview with the Reuters news agency. according to him,
This technology will affect the way amateur singers sing, and cause
for them to change the way they sing so that it is more accurate.

In addition, the new machines will be able to serve as an objective judge as to the level
The precision of the singer when it comes to advanced features in singing, for example
Vibrato (vibration) and crescendo (rising to the peak) - characteristics that are taken
In the account during karaoke competitions. Even the old machines knew how to give
A score for the singers, but this is given according to one criterion: how fake it is
The voice of the amateur singer to the voice of the original singer. "The calculation of the machine
The new one is mathematical and precise," claims Kitumera.

"The karaoke machines are considered one of the original contributions of culture
Japanese to the Western world", noted Professor Toro Iwataka from the University
Cue at the celebratory press conference held in Japan, "however
Our new technology can take karaoke even further
More", he added.

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