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"So far, considerable success rates have been recorded in intercepting the rockets fired in the radar sector of the Iron Dome"

This is what Avi Leshem, Deputy Head of the Administration of Detection and Interception Systems at Alta Systems, a division and subsidiary of the Aerospace Industry, says at the Aerospace Industries Conference in Jerusalem 

MMR radar manufactured by Alta Systems Ltd
MMR radar manufactured by Alta Systems Ltd

Update - 21/11/2012 - 21:00, the time when the ceasefire comes into effect. Defense Minister Ehud Barak informs that in total Iron Dome shot down over 500 interceptors and intercepted about 400 missiles. In some cases, two interceptors were simply sent for one missile, especially for those in the central area.


The "Iron Dome" radar manufactured by Elta Systems, a division and subsidiary of Israel Aerospace Industries, stationed on Israel's southern border, is the faithful guardian of the residents' security. The radar scans the sector in front of it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in all visibility and weather conditions, and detects any threat launched towards Israel in the radar's sector. So far, considerable success rates have been recorded in intercepting rockets. The radar has unique features compared to similar radars in the world" says Avi Leshem, deputy head of the detection and interception systems administration at Alta, in a lecture he gave at an aerospace conference at the Nation Buildings in Jerusalem.

(It should be noted that his words were said before the incident in which the Iron Battery did not fire the interception missile against the missile that hit Rishon Lezion and resulted in great destruction and fortunately only a small number of injuries. AB)

Upon initial detection of the threat (rocket, shell, mortar, etc.), the radar operation will conduct the area of ​​the fall, in order to provide a warning to the residents in the area of ​​the fall and transfer the data to the system in order to make a decision on launching an interceptor (will not be launched if the target falls in the area defined in the system as uninhabited) .

The radar was designed to provide very accurate information on the location of the target along its trajectory in the air, and thus the interceptor can be aimed precisely at the target, which made possible the development of a relatively cheap interceptor, which "takes command" only in the final stages towards meeting the target. The radar is very reliable and its operational availability is high.

The "Iron Dome" radar is one of the derivatives of the MMR (Multi Mission Radar) family of radars. These radars are capable of performing many tasks such as locating, ranging, air defense and interception support, so that diverse tasks are performed by one radar, compared to the past when dedicated radars were assigned to each task."

The outstanding technological advantages of the radar, which also proved its operational success, cause great interest in the IDF and on the part of customers from abroad.

"The employees of the Aerospace Industry and Elta support the defense system and the IDF and work day and night to ensure the technological and operational competence of the "Iron Dome" system. This is out of a deep sense of the need for our contribution to the defense of the homeland and the protection of the home," says Avi Leshem.

In addition to the "Iron Dome" radar, Elta also develops radars for the Ministry of Defense's multi-layered defense system, which includes the "Arrow" and "Magic Wand" weapon systems, in addition to a unique and advanced radar that is a central component of the active defense system for tanks "windbreaker".

Elta is considered the national radar house of the State of Israel and its products stand in the first line of radar systems developed by the largest aerospace industries in the world.


  1. Ilana
    For a moment I did not refer to the subject of the iron dome but only to your low form of expression.
    I don't know where you are from, but I have a lot of personal feelings for the system as someone who enjoys its capabilities.
    And it is true that with my training and abilities I will never build an iron dome, but it seems to me that I live better with my limitations.

  2. יוני
    Arrow missiles intercept Scud missiles in space because of the danger of a nuclear/chemical warhead

    The flight profile of rockets is completely different, slower but less straight

  3. Ilana

    There is no sensational innovation in the invention of an anti-rocket missile. It was already considered by President Reagan in Star Wars. The debate is about the economic feasibility of producing an anti-rocket missile system (it is not worthwhile to develop a cannon whose purpose is to kill mosquitoes).

    The criticism against Iron Dome was that it was presented as an effective means of defense against Qassams. In other words, it was proposed to waste the production of a missile that costs tens of thousands of dollars to stop a rocket that costs only hundreds of dollars (and its damage is minimal). The claim that Iron Dome was intended to protect against Qassems and the like is false propaganda by those who promoted the development of Iron Dome. In retrospect, according to the use of the "Pillar of Cloud" operation, the Iron Dome was only designed to stop rockets and missiles much heavier than Qasem, and for this purpose it is quite effective.

    If the developers of Iron Dome hadn't lied about Iron Dome stopping the Kassams they wouldn't have come down so hard on them.

  4. Ilana why the anger and the tone? You can give a professional answer to silence all the detractors.
    There is no doubt that the dome is on the border of fiction and its results are unbelievable.
    Well done,
    I wish I was part of it

  5. It is true that nowadays saying a good word to something that does the work is called Katila.
    And you are probably Itzik C. You will never come up with an iron dome type of invention (to each his own abilities)
    Read some articles on the subject, make comparisons, collect data, and then maybe...

  6. Ilana, so let's enlighten our eyes instead of killing at a low level. The explanations sounded very logical to me.

    If anything, then I would also invent an "iron dome" to intercept responses of your type.

  7. Yaron, the laser beyond the budget has another main problem which is the weather, because it operates on light it is very sensitive to limited visibility conditions, sandstorms, rains and more.

  8. At first I didn't hear a single good word about the most advanced system of its kind in the world and experts even thought it was a completely fictional system
    In the second step, all of you are large buildings in the calculation of distance, weight, size and more. You wrote a lot of brain confusion

  9. Of all the other developments, a laser interceptor seems the most interesting to me and it's a shame that in the absence of a budget it is being developed in the USA. I think the technology will mature. Interceptor technology reduced the cost of interception in the 70-700 ranges from $3M to $100000.

  10. Arid
    Assaf is right, and there are other reasons.
    The cannon has a relatively limited range compared to the missile.
    The cannon will require a very high rate of fire - and all this on one rocket - Iron Dome knows how to simultaneously intercept a (relatively) large number of rockets.
    A more flexible missile-based system - different types of missiles can be used, for example - to thwart large, heavy (and dangerous) rockets at greater ranges.
    And in addition to all this - you can also connect a cannon for cases where it is more suitable (like on ships for example - where the threat comes very much).

  11. The rocket does not fly according to an exact theoretical nature, especially self-made rockets that are not symmetrical, the internal weight is unevenly distributed and other external factors such as wind have a noticeable effect when the rocket flies at high speed. It is not possible to predict the exact location, only get an approximation of the flight path and the place of impact.

  12. The question is over,
    If the radar knows how to locate and calculate the entire parabola, then why does the interceptor have to be an expensive missile and not some multi-cannon cannon that can fire dozens of much cheaper projectiles?

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