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An important advance in the development of medical nanorobots

Researchers from Russia are responsible for an important advance in the development of medical nanorobots, after they discovered a way to perform logical calculations using a variety of biochemical reactions.

Medical nanorobots. Illustration: Moscow Institute of Technology
Medical nanorobots. Illustration: Moscow Institute of Technology

[Translation by Dr. Nachmani Moshe]
Researchers from Russia are responsible for an important advance in the development of medical nanorobots, after they discovered a way to perform logical calculations using a variety of biochemical reactions.

Researchers from the Russian Academy of Sciences are responsible for an important advance in the development of medical nanorobots, after they discovered a way to perform logical calculations using a variety of biochemical reactions. The details of the research of these scientists were published in the prestigious scientific journal Nature Nanotechnology. This is the first publication in many years that includes a summary of experiments presented by a team of Russian researchers only in one of the most cited journals.

The article relies on the idea of ​​computation with the help of biomolecules. In electronic circuits, for example, logical connections make use of current or voltage. In biochemical systems the result may be obtaining a defined substance. For example, modern bioengineering methods allow cells to glow in different colors or even be programmed to die, a feat achieved by connecting the initiation of programmed cell death (apoptosis) to the outcome of binary actions. Many scientists believe that logical operations within cells or within artificial biomolecular systems may be a method for controlling biological processes and developing micro- and nano-robots, which could, for example, deliver drugs on a set schedule to specific targets within the body.

Calculations with the help of biomolecules inside the cells, a field known as biocomputing (Wikipedia), constitute a promising scientific branch and one that is developing rapidly, according to the main author of the article. Biocomputing makes use of natural cellular mechanisms. However, such a calculation is much more challenging outside the cells, where there are no natural structures that can help perform the calculations. The new research specifically focuses on biocomputing that takes place outside of cells.

The new research paves the way for the development of several biomedical technologies, and it differs significantly from previous studies in the field of biocomputing, in that it focuses both inside and outside cells. Scientists from all over the world have been investigating the field of binary computation with the help of DNA, RNA and proteins for about a decade, but this research team is the first ever to propose and experimentally prove a method for converting almost any type of nano- or micro-particle into independent structures Able to perform bio-computations using a complete collection of Boolean logic gates (yes, no, also, or) and connecting them to a target (such as a biological cell) as the result of the calculation. The method enables selective attachment to target cells, and in addition it represents a new technique for analyzing blood and other biological materials.

The prefix 'nano' in this case is not a whim or just an overly precise wording. A reduction in the particle size sometimes gives rise to extreme changes in the physical and chemical properties of the material. The smaller the particle, the more active it is - extremely tiny particles of semiconductors, for example, may emit fluorescent radiation. Nanoparticles (100 nanometers in size) and microparticles (3000 nanometers in size, which is 3 micrometers) were used in this study.

As part of the research, the nanoparticles were coated with a special layer capable of breaking down in different ways when exposed to different combinations of signals. A signal in our case is the reaction between a nanoparticle and a defined substance. For example, in order to activate the logical operation "also", a spherical nanoparticle has been coated with a layer of molecules that are in turn wrapped in a layer of smaller diameter spheres. The molecules that make up the outer layer consist of two types, where each type responds to a unique signal only; When coming in contact with two different substances, the small spheres detach from the surface of the nanoparticle with the larger diameter. Removing the outer layer reveals the chemically active parts of the inner particle, and only at this stage are they able to react with their unique target. In this mechanism the researchers were able to obtain a single output signal in response to two input signals.

As nanoparticles responsible for the binding, the researchers chose antibodies. This characteristic also distinguishes the current study from several previous studies in the field of biocomputing, in which DNA or RNA was used to perform logical operations. Antibodies, which are natural proteins of the immune system, have a small active part that only reacts to unique molecules; The body uses this high selectivity of antibodies to identify and neutralize bacteria and other pathogens that enter the body. After the researchers demonstrated that the different combinations of nanoparticles and antibodies enable distinct types of logical operations to be activated, they showed that it is possible to selectively target cancer cells. The researchers not only succeeded in developing nanoparticles capable of binding to separate types of cells, but these particles also recognize their target only when two separate conditions are met, or when two different molecules are present near them, or when no molecule is in their vicinity. This added control can be very useful for more precise eradication of cancer cells with only minimal impact on unaffected tissues and organs.

Researchers say that although this is only a small step in the development of efficient nanobiorobots, this scientific field is very interesting and the current research paves the way for many and varied research paths.
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33 תגובות

  1. Nostradamus

    "The response of the left is that the Jews are guilty or at least also guilty of the terrorist attacks and their paralyzing effect on the country and the prevention of a decisive response"

    So apparently the left you are talking about either does not exist or does not control the media as you claim because there is no evidence for what you say in the main headlines in the media at all.

    Statistics can be fact when they are not wrong or false. When it is wrong, inaccurate, and not based on real data, then it is simply not fact, it is fiction.

    "The Europeans are fleeing to Canada, Australia, the USA and New Zealand, where in the meantime there are some Muslims and there is no retarded socialism"

    1) And your evidence for this is? Migration exists all the time and mostly on an economic basis.

    2) That Canada which, according to the film, is in even greater danger than the Muslims? Canada which is one of the most socialist countries in the world? The same USA where the center of the leftist media is located at which you point an accusing finger?

    "Russia is not in danger despite the numbers because it is not a democracy that the Muslims take advantage of on the sly."

    Or in other words: Russia is not in danger just because I decided that I don't want it to be in danger, even though the films I use as a basis for my claims claim otherwise?

    "The videos may be a bit propaganda, but also factual."

    Please give me just three facts from the movies that are not exact quotes from religious books.

  2. The response of the left is that the Jews are guilty or at least also guilty of the attacks and their paralyzing effect on the country and the prevention of a decisive response. Statistics are facts, interpret them however you like. The Europeans are fleeing to Canada, Australia, the USA and New Zealand, where in the meantime there are some Muslims and no backward socialism. Russia is not in danger despite the numbers because it is not a democracy that the Muslims take advantage of on the sly.
    The videos may be a bit propaganda but also factual.

  3. Nostradamus

    I asked you two questions. Instead of giving me answers, you sent me to propaganda films that don't answer them in any way, and which for some unknown reason are considered scientific facts by you (even though what appears there is nonsense without a scientific basis that is presented as if it were supposedly scientific, mixed with nonsense that doesn't even try to appear scientific, accompanied by dramatic background music In case the point wasn't clear enough). Not only that, your propaganda film is not even consistent with your worldview. He talks about the fact that in Russia (3:23) there are 23 million Muslims who make up 1 out of 5 people in Russia and that 40 percent of the Russian army will be Muslims in a short number of years. In the meantime, the Russians probably massacred or expelled several million Muslims because the numbers are closer to half of that.

    I got the feeling that you don't know what propaganda is, so from Wikipedia for you: Propaganda - a form of communication, in which a calculated distribution of political ideas is made among a wide public, with the aim of influencing their behavior or attitudes.

    "Christians are starting to flee because of Islam, which drains all allowances and terrorizes the big cities"

    Run away to where? Do they magically evaporate from the world?

    "Look at what the beauties from the peace act did today and the reaction of the left."

    Wait, you're actually telling me that they didn't kill the terrorists there, and the left made sure that the media lied to everyone, and they went home and received an invitation to come back and murder more people at the next convenient time?

    What is the reaction of the left you are talking about? Hamas's response? Do you think Hamas is the left of something? Or do you believe that the Histadrut's announcement of a labor dispute is related to this in some way?

  4. Christians are starting to flee because of Islam, which drains all allowances and terrorizes the big cities. Something that can accelerate the rise of Muslims.
    But, the forecast is not set in stone, everything can change, at the moment this is the situation and also on the horizon.

  5. When they reach critical mass in the west (unless they stop). After that 2 options:
    1. The victory of the womb - a physical Muslim majority. Democracies will fall first. DA When an Islamist government comes to power it never falls without outside help. Up to 2 generations in Europe. And so the rise of the Muslims to power.
    2. The victory of ideology - a sufficient amount of Muslims between 30-40 percent + their supporters from the left and thus the rise of Muslims to power. About 1.5-2 generations.
    And this is without immigration from outside, which is currently increasing. Basically democratic countries are the most sensitive.
    In the USA, Canada, Australia... Will take up to 3 generations.

  6. If it's slow and sure so that in fact the coup you're anticipating will never actually happen then how are they different from any other criminal, group of criminals, or criminal organization?
    If the defining event where the world will suddenly be under Taliban-type rule everywhere other than China and Russia does happen, then answer the question when will it happen?

  7. As I have already explained several times, they are doing it slowly and surely because no one will react with an all-out war to an event here and an event there (in Israel it is increasing) just as Israel is not currently reacting with a war to their crimes. On the other hand, an all-out war will be met with an all-out and crushing war as you mentioned. Still waters run deep. And in the times you are talking about there were no such crazy leftist organizations.

  8. Nostradamus

    I know the propaganda you call facts. That's why I'm asking you to take the extra step. Because this is only propaganda without evidence.

    A thought is not enough, you also need a realistic way for it to be implemented. You imagine that entire societies would let a few percent of the population behave like murderous criminals in their midst without any intervention. Maybe you should remember a little history and see who are the people you claim will allow this to happen. The Europeans and Americans are not exactly afraid to crush to death whoever they want or see fit to do so.
    You make claims, and I show you that even under the conditions in which you claim they should exist they do not exist, and your answer is that I deny the facts. It's not serious.

    Take Israel as an example. It has over a million Muslims (more than 16 percent of the population), according to you they are free to do whatever they want and the law will not stop them. Therefore, you would expect them to all arm themselves with weapons as best they can, and form an ISIS-type army that will conquer the country and massacre all its non-Muslim citizens and residents, while no one does anything to them because the left is protecting them, and will build an Islamist entity on top of the pile of corpses. A million fighters should be enough, right? So why isn't it happening?

  9. Nostradamus, you don't have to show the walking dead anything, but you are making false claims. You should check and see for yourself...
    Just kidding, Google and YouTube have everything (both an eagle in the sky and other falsehoods), the trick is to differentiate between the main thing and take care of it.

  10. Every occupation begins with a thought, a statement, symbolic acts and an actual occupation. You deny the facts my friend. There are proofs for all the facts I mentioned. Of course I'm not going to dig around on the net and present to you. Go to Google and YouTube, everything is there.

  11. Nostradamus

    "What are you even talking about, in Europe whole cities live under their terror (rape, crime, ghettos...)."

    And the main sufferers of these phenomena are the Muslim communities that live in these ghettos. Crime is a problem in itself. According to what you say, we should see beheadings in the heart of European cities, and that the beheaders should not be thrown in jail, they would be seen as legitimate lawmen.

    "They don't cause problems in the country? They are the main ones responsible for the serious and, of course, nationalist crime."

    This is exactly my claim. In your opinion, they are allowed everything, but somehow you don't see Muslims walking down the street and murdering anyone they want, while the police sit on the sidelines and allow them to continue.

    "Everything is muted in the official media in the West because guess who its owners are? True, the left and the countries of Islam, as above in Israel."

    Wow, you're right, how did I not notice that I actually live in a place where 90 percent of the population are Muslims who do whatever they want, while the left-wing media tells me that everything is good, and I'm part of the non-Muslim majority in the population so that I don't accidentally notice that all my neighbors are being murdered in the streets by the neighbors My Muslims (who make up the majority of the public) because they violate Sharia laws.

    "Russia and China are immune because they have no left!
    In Islamic countries, non-Muslim and gay minorities are massacred, and any other religion is forbidden, and Sharia rule actually rules, are you aware of this? Would you like to live in such a country?"

    No. For exactly the same reason I would not want to live in Russia and China. I prefer to live in places that let you live. None of the places mentioned above fit this category, and you think Russia and China are the future of the world when they are not much better in human rights than the Islamic countries which are really bad in this area.

    "If facts are slogans for you, you are in for a strong market when the day comes."

    I don't know, I showed you data, you treated it with the level of indifference. A reference was to show in some way how the demographic succeeds in bringing about your vision.
    You didn't bring data, you brought propaganda of your self-belief. It's not facts, it's slogans. What did you expect me to say in response?

    "The main culprit in this madness is the left which gives them the power, motivation and full support."

    You continue in the same way here. If you want to argue that the left gives them motivational power and support, show it instead of presenting it that way. The way it is here is exactly to speak in passwords.

    Repeating passwords might work for other people but it doesn't convince me. Show me data that supports your words and then we'll see.

    "When a Muslim builds a mosque bigger than any church in the middle of a central European city, he declares that in our eyes the city is in the process of conquest and will belong to the Muslims."

    He can say whatever he wants. It doesn't really help him. I can just as easily land on the moon now and throw my water there and declare that as far as I am concerned the moon is mine.

  12. Miracles

    There is a difference between the ghettos and the backwardness of the populations living in them and between Islam's takeover of all life in the West that Nostradamus promises us. Yes, not all Muslims who immigrated to the West are enlightened people who seek to live better and adopt the values ​​of everyday life in Western society, but from now on Islam is going to conquer the world, and the whole world except Russia and China will live under an Islamic rule that will slaughter those who do not convert.

  13. The problem is that the lifestyle of the common Muslim is built on a lie. Their whole lives are built on one big lie.
    And when all of life and all of the environment and reality consists of a lie - the truth is a lie for them.
    That's why they see no problem in lying and living a lie. This is simply their reality (and truth) (which is seen as one big lie in the eyes of the other nations). That's the real problem.
    And yes - it really resembles the lifestyle of the average leftist.

  14. When a Muslim builds a mosque bigger than any church in the middle of a central European city, he declares that the city is in the process of being conquered and will belong to the Muslims. You don't know anything about Islam and their true thinking (and not the lies/taqiyah that come out of their mouths). Go to the library to the Islam section and wait.

  15. What are you talking about anyway, in Europe whole cities live under their terror (rape, crime, ghettos...).
    In Israel they don't cause problems? They are the main ones responsible for the serious crime and of course the nationalism.
    They reproduce in multiples, marrying 4 wives.
    Everything is muted in the official media in the West because guess who its owners are? True, the left and the countries of Islam, as above in Israel.
    You live in a bubble because their crimes go unreported!
    They do report in the media and independent websites.
    Russia and China are immune because they have no left!
    In Islamic countries, non-Muslim and gay minorities are massacred, and any other religion is forbidden, and Sharia rule actually rules, are you aware of this? Would you like to live in such a country? Again no because it is not reported and spoon fed to you.
    Looks like delusional leftists have brainwashed you all your life. If facts are slogans for you, you are in for a strong market when the day comes.

  16. Walking death
    I don't know numbers, but I get to travel around the world a lot, and the developing Muslim communities in the West look exactly like the Taliban to me. Slums and women covered like corpses in a morgue.
    This is true for many communities, such as Chinese and Italians, but Muslims bring their hatred everywhere, and cause them to be hated everywhere.

  17. Nostradamus

    You just talk in passwords. and does not refer to the data.
    In most Western countries the Muslim population does not even reach 5 percent.

    Even at the current rate, the Muslim population is not expected to reach even 10 percent of the European population in 2030.

    If the extremists set the tone, why do the majority of Muslims living in the world and in the West not live under Taliban type regimes or encourage beyond such? Why do most of them just live like the citizens of the countries they are in?

    Where in my words did you see that I proved that "Muslims in the West are the most dangerous"? What are they most dangerous exactly? The fact that Muslims multiply (which everyone who has a family with more than two children does) and immigrate to countries where their quality of life will be better and where they do not live under draconian regimes that deny them basic rights indicates that they are simply pretending until the "right time" when they will not be Too weak, how exactly?

    When exactly did they come out of the pretense and become the American Muslim Brotherhood for psychotic murder in the name of Allah? When they will be what percentage of the population?
    5? (Because in European countries where Muslims make up such a percentage of the population this has not yet happened.
    15-10? See previous section
    20? In Israel this has not happened yet, and in Israel Muslims are allowed to do whatever they want because the left allows them. not like that?
    30? So they should already have enough people right? Probably not because last time I checked in Macedonia they don't live under an Islamist regime.
    50? 80? Even in another 200 years, the Muslims will not be this part of the population in the USA
    Even in most countries where the absolute majority of the citizens are Muslims, what you think should happen does not happen. How do you explain that?

  18. The left also supports Muslim immigration to the West, their integration, the provision of allowances, the creation of ghettos, the slow occupation of central cities, the construction of huge mosques. That is, the slow destruction of the West and its elimination.

  19. The left is dangerous because it supports them and is in favor of abortions for Christianity and limiting western births and limiting the development of energy, infrastructure... that is, another weakness of the West against the East

  20. The extremists always lead and set the tone, the Muslims in the West are the most dangerous and you yourself proved it, the Muslims in the West multiply and import more women and their family members which is a huge increase in the population, and the Christians do not, the Muslims use taqiya (lies and pretense for Islam as long as it is too weak) against the innocent Christians And also Islamize them (voluntarily for the time being). China and Russia are immune (if the government does not change) because of their heavy hand against their violence and the ban on building more huge mosques in the middle of the cities and the ban on leftist and Islamic propaganda

  21. So basically you're saying you don't even think what you're saying is true.

    A few points about Islam taking over the world (in your opinion)

    First of all, so that you at least know where there are Muslims in the world and how many, here are some links

    Second, a large majority of Muslims in the world are normative people who are just trying to live their lives in peace and are not at all similar to ISIS and the Taliban. Let us take Syria as an example. About 22 million people live in Syria and more than 90 percent of them are Muslims. In your opinion, there should have been 19 million insane killers who do not hold human life as value (even if we take half of the Muslim population we will reach over 8 million. Let me remind you that a very large part of the extremist Muslim fighters in Syria are not Syrian at all and came from other countries. If things were as you see them there would not be No need for these external fighters.

    Russia and China, if you've noticed, have more Muslims than many of the places you're absolutely sure will be covered by the blanket of Islam you're projecting on us. What makes them more immune than other places?

  22. Because I have not yet despaired of the possibility that the world will wake up and fight against the culture of darkness, and you as a person who supports science and progress I guess, should support this, look at Afghanistan and Syria, this is the future under Islam

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