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How to start a new cult. The complete guide in seven steps

This guide is for you, the readers with big dreams. If you follow the examples where you too can reach the desired goal: to be the head of a cult, with assets estimated at tens of millions of dollars, a committee of believers and admirers that fulfills your every wish.

An ancient illustration that clarifies the correct way of performing torture by stamping. Make no mistake!
An ancient illustration that clarifies the correct way of performing torture by stamping. Make no mistake!

Many people these days are looking for a good and simple way to get rich easily. If I had to advise you how to do this a few years ago, I would have published here a comprehensive guide to the financial market and the art of haircuts. However, following the social protest that broke out recently, the public no longer shines a light on the bandits in ties, and the potential get-rich-quick is forced to find other ways to gain wealth, honor and glory.

This guide is for you, the readers with big dreams. If you follow the examples where you too can reach the desired goal: to be the head of a cult, with assets estimated at tens of millions of dollars, a committee of believers and admirers that fulfills your every wish.

For the sake of gender equality I have chosen to briefly follow the story of an Australian cult leader from the twentieth century. However, the rules in the guide are for both women and men.

Law #1: The weak are prey

The story along which we will follow during the guide is that of Ann Hamilton-Brien, the leader of one of the most fascinating cults of the last century. It is difficult to pinpoint the exact point at which Ann began her journey and acquired her first believers. However, one of the representative cases can demonstrate how she bought herself new believers.

As is usually the case, new believers come from moments of weakness. This is what happened in the case of Ben Shenton's mother, a wealthy Australian Jew, married and having three children at a young age. The world brightened her face, until the moment her spine began to calcify. She could not move, and remained bedridden for months, suffering from pain, paralysis and an unknown future.

Then came Anne Hamilton-Brien.

Hamilton-Brien was a healer through the power of 'Hatha Yoga' and fervent faith. She brought the patient back from the brink of death, simulated or real, in a series of intensive trainings that included explanations about Buddha and Krishna - two divine beings who were sent to earth to help humanity (without much success, it should be noted). Jesus was also defined as one of those many powerful beings, and thus a philosophy was created that included the religions of the Far East and the Near West, in a combination that touched the hearts of many. The young patient was convinced and joined the cult.

We see here how Hamilton-Brien brilliantly focused on the sick and the suffering - on people who could not find another way and were fed up with their lives. Psychotherapy may have had those people reintegrating into society, but Hamilton-Brien got to them first. She provided them with happiness, of course, but that happiness came with a price tag: long-standing loyalty to the Hamilton-Brien cult and every word she uttered.

A similar strategy is used by other cults. Goel Ratzon reached out to young women in need and provided them with spiritual salvation, relying on his personal resources and the resources of his believers. The Chabad sect and the Scientology sect are able to finance missionary activities through donations, and representatives of both often come when the person is in need. The Scientologists wait for people with psychological difficulties to contact them, and advertise themselves in countless ads of different types. The Chabadniks come of their own accord to families in need, or to teenage children, who are naturally subject to psychological difficulties and are looking for support. These activities can be useful in the short term (and even praiseworthy in many cases, such as with Chabad) but may lead to active attempts at religious conversion. Again, as with Chabad.

Rule #2: Grab the kids

The old Jesuit proverb says - "Give me the child up to the age of seven, and I will give you the adult". It appears in many versions that are similar to each other, but they all point to the same idea: if you can get to the children early enough, then you can shape them as you wish. or at least try to.

In the Brothers Grimm fairy tales, there is a story about Oz-Li Gotz-Li - an evil elf who demands from a young maiden the first child that will be born to her, in exchange for his help. We do not know whether Hamilton-Brien formulated in such blunt terms the demand in exchange for her help to that rich Jewish woman whose story we began the guide. probably not. She shouldn't have done that. She is described, to this day, as a charismatic and powerful woman, who casts a spell over those who believe in her. The young woman left her husband and children, entered into a new relationship, and gave birth to a fourth child - after all, he is Ben Shenton. She lied to her family that she gave him up for adoption in a foster family. The bitter truth was that it was given to Hamilton-Brien, to be raised as part of what was clear at that point to be a veritable cult. A sect called 'The Family'.

Law #3: Weaken the weak

Every cult leader must constantly remember that he relies on the strength of his believers, and at the same time really understand that he must not allow them to develop and grow beyond the limits he sets for them. Therefore, successful young sects are based on weakening the believers, separating them from the environment and canceling the individual in favor of the group. Accordingly, the young infant grew up in conditions that would have put a Chinese training camp to shame, along with more than ten other children who bore the surname 'Hamilton-Brien', but few if any bore her genetic imprint.

Where did they come from? To this day it is not clear. Some of them were originally the children of the group members, who were transferred to the possession of the family sect. Others were adopted illegally, in ways trained after the fact by lawyers, doctors and social workers who were members of the cult. The children's identities were changed and faked, and they all won the cult leader's winning last name. They grew up together, dressed in the same clothes, and even had their hair dyed the exact same shade of blonde. There is no room left for the individual, in a sect where there can only be one leader.

If the children were sent to the schools in Australia, the details about the cult would soon be revealed. Because of this, they received a strict home education. Hamilton-Brien introduced herself to them as their biological mother, and all the other adults in the group were just the uncles and aunts. The children believed that she was their mother, and were brought up to believe in the sect's teachings, but with an important addition: Jesus, Buddha and Krishna were not left alone in the club of enlightened beings. Hamilton-Brien defined herself as the new incarnation of Christ on earth. Any child who deviated even if he stepped from her instructions and words, was by definition a real sinner, and an apostate from his God. Apostasy must be punished, and the children were indeed punished, often.

Hamilton-Brien, the living god, was far from compassionate and nerdy. Later she would place the responsibility on the uncles and aunts, but it is hard to see how her version of a totalitarian leader, who controlled every aspect of the believers' lives, could be accepted. Either way, the children went through a brutal education regime that included light punishments when they were convinced of their sins - whippings with meter-long wooden bars, or long, triangular plastic rods. For children who wet their beds, rudely answered their caregivers, or stole fruit due to hunger, harsher punishments were reserved, known in legal parlance as "torture through lack of oxygen". They were immersed in water up to the top of their heads until the oxygen in their lungs ran out, not knowing whether the graces of the living goddess had been denied them for the last time and their doom was decreed. Then, at the last moment of desperation, when the air bubbles of life began to bubble to the surface of the water, they were allowed to come up into the air of the room and take a big breath - before being pushed back under the surface of the water.

Law #4: Same as #3, but in every possible way; Or - buy yourself a private psychiatric hospital

Any sect that begins to develop beyond the first passionate believers encounters individuals who are unwilling to submit themselves despite the group. They rebel in different ways, and in the end may leave the sect and reveal its existence to the general public. How can they be dealt with?

Hamilton-Brien took a particularly creative path, which already appears in the stories of Marco Polo 700 years ago. Marco Polo reported in his travels throughout Asia, about a notorious old man who used to kidnap young people and drug them with wholesale quantities of hashish to make them believe they had reached the gates of heaven, and to convince them that they only had to commit one murder to be allowed entrance to eternal happiness. It is not clear how much truth there is in the story, but Hamilton-Brien did not hesitate to use mind-altering drugs to influence her believers.

Luckily for her, the family cult included many believers who came from a medical background: nurses and even doctors. In fact, one of the fervent believers headed a psychiatric hospital, and many of the psychiatrists there were themselves members of the cult, and were actively engaged in recruiting new members from among the patients by means whose exact nature is still unknown. We only know that the cult members received hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD, and Hamilton-Brien's children also received similar treatments with psychiatric drugs - entansol, Valium, Turfenil and others - which slowly broke their will.

You, the potential leader of the sect, will surely be interested to know that even in Israel there are those who take similar solutions to strengthen the believers. Thus, for example, in some ultra-Orthodox sects (or as they are called in the local parlance, 'Hatzrot'), some distribute psychoactive drugs to young people who have difficulty controlling their sexual needs, with minimal health monitoring of their effects.

Rule #5: Don't stand out!

There are people in the world who will not understand your good intentions. They may interfere. Try not to put yourself in their way. If the cult grows enough, you can also instill good believers into the authorities, who will help you avoid conflicts with the police. With no other choice, try to eliminate any evidence of indecent acts. In this case too, we can refer to some of the haredi courts in Israel, where obscene acts are stifled and do not come to the notice of the police. Some will say that the 'Resolution Forum' of the religious-nationalist public also serves a similar purpose: to hide from the public the understanding that its leaders can make mistakes and even rape.

If we continue to consider Hamilton-Brien as a representative example, it seems that she chose the latter path. The Australian police would not kill canes, and the officers suspected that the cult was raising children in a way that might be illegal. From time to time the police would visit the estates held by Hamilton-Brien. In these cases, the children were sent to a small, dark hole under the houses, where they were forbidden to retaliate or start a riot, so as not to attract the police. The children, of course, obeyed the living God and kept absolute silence.

Rule #6: Tie them to you

Children tend to obey, by nature. They start lying and imagining at a very young age, but eventually they accept their parents' orders. Any other way would have led to a quick death in the mouth of a tiger or a bear, in the prehistoric days when an important part of the human character was formed. But at some point, every chick has to leave the nest. In the hormone-ridden adolescence, children rebel against their parents and any other authority figures they can find. A successful sect leader will find a way to maintain their loyalty to the sect's principles even during and after puberty.

Hamilton-Brien's solution to the problem is similar to the one that exists in many other religions, in the form of a 'maturation ceremony' that binds the young boy or girl to the faith. A kind of Bar Mitzvah, actually. At Hamilton-Brien's bar mitzvah there were no tefillin, rabbis or aliya to the Torah. Yes, there was LSD, a hallucinogenic drug in which the young man was injected in commercial quantities. After that, the drugged teenager was starved and imprisoned in a dark room. Every time he would try to fall asleep and free himself from the burden of the visual hallucinations that attacked him, the members of the cult would enter the room and explain to the drugged young man how to interpret his hallucinations, while emphasizing that only Hamilton-Brien could provide true salvation. It was a truly personality-forming coming-of-age ritual, and the children dreaded it with all their hearts.

And this, perhaps, was the main reason for the downfall of Hamilton-Brien. The children's fears about the coming-of-age ceremony, and repeated attempts at rebellion on the part of some of them, led to the fact that several children were removed from the group. They reported to the authorities what was happening within the sect, and in a police raid that took place in 1987, all the children were rescued. Hamilton-Brien fled Australia for several years, but was eventually arrested and returned to Australia as part of a joint operation by Australian, British and American police forces. She was fined $5,000 for forging the birth certificates of some of the children found in her possession. Her wealth cannot be estimated today, but she still owns a large estate, where she is devotedly served by the elderly cultists.

Ben Shenton was rescued along with all the other children, and was transferred to a foster family. His life, as far as we can understand from the outside, seems quite normative. Children, as it turns out, are more resilient than we tend to think.

Rule No. 7: Do not exaggerate!

If there is one lesson that can be learned from Hamilton-Brien's story, it is that many religions and communities in the world and in Israel use motifs similar to those that exist in successful cults. Why do they succeed where Hamilton-Brien ultimately failed? The blame, as always, is extreme. The family cult took extreme steps in trying to mold their children, without thinking about the child's personal welfare. She failed to inspire real loyalty among the children, and that's why she fell.

This is a good lesson for a new cult leader. Try to keep those who believe in you small and weak, but do not deprive them of all power. Give them maternity benefits, for example, that will keep them poor. Concentrate your attention on the children, who will be the next generation of believers, and do not hesitate to use the children who have undergone religious conversion to add their unbelieving parents to the sect as well. And all summers, and if nothing else works, find psychiatrists who will be willing to play with the minds of the believers - especially the young ones, who have not yet established their own identity - with psychoactive drugs.

Do all this successfully, and the day will come when you will get to lead your own sect in Israel.

Just keep in mind that the competition is tough.

Due to copyright issues, I preferred not to add images to Hamilton-Brien's article. Those who want to see can look here and here.

Warning: This article is in no way intended to encourage people to start their own cults or perform human engineering of the kind described here. If you are interested in implementing the rules in the article, please... well, no. just no.

37 תגובות

  1. All religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam were invented by men for men. Everything to exploit the women and force the violent men on them.

  2. I am interested in establishing a new religion (not a sect) legally that will be recognized by the authorities in enlightened and advanced Israel.

    How do you do this?


  3. I want to start a cult, to abolish another cult.

    I want to establish a Jewish sect called "Kislo" (similar to "Breslav" and "Chabad / Lubewitz"), with the aim of converting Chabad to "Kislo - modern Lithuanians", which is actually Lithuanians by origin, who observe the original Shulchan Aruch - Jewish Orthodox Sephardim, Yaani, easier, more logical, more correct, will erase the differences from the people - because there will be no more Chabad. Less blasphemy. At first I wanted to call my sect "surme" (surme) after the verse "turn away from evil, and do good". The idea of ​​turning Lithuanians into "modern Lithuanians" will work, in my opinion, because the Lithuanians have a rule that women have to go bald, which is not Torah - it's a stricture formulated in Europe (so that anti-Semites don't rape Jewish women), and they haven't abolished the stricture, and they hate it like that. So if we allow them almost the same religion, only with a woman who *does* grow hair, and with a slight change in the mitzvot (generally more inclined to make it easier - the Sephardi), and without the Israeli-Mizrahi side effect of making imitations and culture from Burkes films, I think that they are only making money, and therefore they will indeed move to "Kislo". (What do I care, change it to "Kaslav"). And when they ask me, "So what characterizes our Hasidism?", I will tell them that we have a special emphasis on Hanukkah. And maybe we will also go to war with the Arabs on Hanukkah. That seems like a good idea to me. But this, maybe.

    All the best, I'd love to hear your opinion on the matter. (The goal of my cult, if you didn't understand, is actually to return a crown to its old age. It's good that there is also money - that way I don't have to work, but I don't need more than 100,000 shekels. Not dollars, shekels.).

    All the best.

  4. my father

    Every person is a parasite, a lying exploiter and also all the other "titles" that are repeated in all discussions.
    However, the same "degrees" exist in different levels and forms in humans. Often it is not clear who is exploiting and who is being exploited, (more than the baby wants to breastfeed and the mother wants to breastfeed.)

    When a new sect is discovered, the head of the sect is defined as exploitative and humiliating, in my opinion his followers exploit him
    the same size. Because they have the need to be humiliated, manipulated and exploited and thus they take advantage of
    From their leader whose needs match theirs. And those who do not have the same need do not join the sect,

  5. To the doubter and to the mirror on the wall.
    There is a small but significant difference between cult owners and tycoons. The owners of the cults manipulate their believers into giving them money themselves, while the tycoons do this by other means - for example, lobbyists who make sure to reduce tax rates, or make sure that there will not be enough competition for years (e.g. cellular), or trample small or new competitors (e.g. Sha'alit did to Kabdori and came away with a small fine of NIS 5 million, which she earns every day that she sells her products at sky-high prices as a result of the elimination of the competition).

    The problem is that in both cases the intervention of the authorities is usually lax unless the tycoon or cult owner has overrun the Saa.

    Such an example is the sect of Goel Retzon.
    The reason I don't deal with tycoons but am bothered by the cult problem is because the problem with cults is the mental element that makes believers dependent on the cult leader. On the other hand, the tycoons are not looking for us to like them. The hate index for the cell phone companies and banks indicates this. I prefer to express my views on the economy as a rank-and-file talkbackist on the Daily Capitalist blog at NRG.

  6. The last reaction of the skeptic beautifully reflects the appearance of the last "social protest": dark violence, rudeness, progressive decadence, abysmal hatred for any kind of success, hatred in general, arrogance without limits. Nice protest.

  7. The ones who determine the drug market are the consumers. The founders of the cults only satisfy the demand. This is how Goel Ratzon satisfied the demand for women who were addicted to him, and like him Anne Hamilton-Brien, the Chabad sect and the Scientology sect and other priestesses and priestesses. They would not be successful and prosperous if the element of addiction did not exist in the souls of their followers.
    The criminal problem arises when the "spiritual leader" indulges himself in the power he has accumulated and begins to impose on his believers the loss of a human image.
    The complete guide should contain several steps in addition to the seven presented here, to answer the following logo: "How to establish a new sect that will maintain its power over time".

  8. Spitz
    In principle, nothing has changed since the dawn of human history, in witchcraft, prophecies, beliefs, worships and in the world of zodiac signs and mysticism. Only the names, means and times have changed.

  9. Those who get angry apparently belong to one of the courts of the rabbis and sorcerers of various kinds, who very much want to leave the Jewish public in the perception of the first centuries after the new era with different fears just as it is written in some sections.

  10. A righteous Jew.

    There is and is a connection between what I say and what is written in this article and about 50 other articles that appeared on this website (regarding various spiritualists - religious, pagans, pagan medicine, etc.).

    In at least 40 of the 50 articles mentioned above, the issue of "financial robbery" by the leaders of the spiritualist groups appears as a central argument against spiritualist groups. The subject of financial robbery was exhausted; Since the writers of the articles think it a self-evident convention they don't even bother to elaborate it too much. The topic of "financial robbery" is a working assumption on which the 40 articles are based. (40 is just a number for the purpose of the discussion, I didn't count, but it's a number quite close to the exact number).

    If I have time, I will show you in more detail how the topic of "financial robbery" appears as a "winning argument" in those 40 articles.

    At this point, in case you haven't read the current article carefully (which talks about: how to get rich by starting a cult in 7 steps) - you should read the first paragraphs of the article where it is a commentary on the matter of "financial robbery" as the *goal* of establishing spiritualist cults .

    The rest of this article (after the first few paragraphs) mainly discusses the *technique of establishing and maintaining a cult*. But detailing the technique does not invalidate the argument of "financial robbery" as the *goal* of establishing spiritualist cults.

  11. Mirror over the wall

    Coco will be called your father and Kaki will be called your mother. I don't even want to read your words because you spit on people on the street when you talk to them, buy a tissue and wipe the spit off your mouth.

    I do not intend to read your words in the future either. I'm sure you have nothing to say, because only fools think that by trash talking they upgrade their fools into wisdom.

    And so King Solomon said in the book of Proverbs about fools like you:
    He answered as a fool, lest he be wise in his own eyes.

  12. Dear skeptic, I will call you Coco simply because you are Coco. Be careful, soon a tycoon will come with horns and eat you alive. You know what, if you had a little luck in life, and a little more sense, you might even become one. And if by mistake this happened to you (that is, the mistake is mainly in the part of the mind), I'm sure you would become a pig tycoon especially since you don't count anyone from a meter. I wish you and all your cuckoo friends a little common sense. It never hurts.

  13. Skeptic: I read and understood even on a second reading. I stand by my opinion which is broadly similar to yours. There is no connection between your comment and the article.
    The "connection" you decided to find doesn't really matter, in my opinion. The knowledge site does not deal with socio-economic injustices.
    I assume that the editor limits himself to the topics of the site and not to the current affairs of "social justice". By the way, I completely agree with your position.. The robber barons here are oppressing us. very But I also believe that there is no connection to the article and the discussion. But if you want to open a forum on a new topic that is important to you and interests you - fine. I believe that it has a more appropriate place on Facebook where I also make sure to publish on the subject from a starting point.
    I don't really find anything in your claims against the site: it is not a journalistic site whose purpose is to carry out investigations to get to documents and reveal. In that you were wrong and that is the lack of context.
    The treated rakak fish are not "rakak". At least not the phenomenon of religion, which is like a kind of poison inherent in human culture = too little is tolerated, too much and the body weakens and begins....the poisonous effect of the phenomenon of faith and religion is much harder than you realize. Apparently.

    And to return to the topic, I would add more fuel to the fire: beyond the robber barons there are other phenomena that lead us to destruction. Not this time I will allow religion that definitely has a central place in the future destruction. I will focus on the government's lack of governance, the sick political system, the public sector that I have almost only bad things to say about it: corruption, rot, nepotism, creepy inefficiency, extortion, lack of service and more. In the public sector, I include the government ministries, all government bodies and companies and government agencies: National Insurance, the ports, the railways, the airports, the electricity companies and sources, the aviation, military industries and more. In front of the robber barons, you can add the robber workers: workers' committees that are organized as thug gangs and include all the powerful committees in the economy. In short, instead of reading too much, you can go through the issues of "The Marker" in recent years, where you will find the full story. the whole

  14. Amit Hadzadik

    My long response is awaiting approval. I must have mentioned a "taboo word" in my response.

  15. Amit Hadzadik

    A little reading comprehension won't hurt you. I brought "Strauss" as an optional example of the robber barons who pocket billions of shekels every year because the state allows them to operate as an extortionist cartel. I did not bring "Strauss" as a specific example for which I have evidence. I could replace the word "Strauss" with the word "Tnuva" (and add the word cottage to it) so that my words would be understood even by those who have difficulty understanding what is being read.

    Confirm the presentation of documents. As I said the scams of the whales, the money robbers from the citizens of the country are too complicated scams for me to bring documentation about them. The "Centralization in the Economy" and "Trachtenberg" committees may have some of the documents about these fraudulent acts, but have not published them (for example, price-fixing offenses, extortion offenses by forcing marketing chains not to give small manufacturers a place on the shelves). Those committees did not do so for a very simple reason (which I also mentioned): the whales who rob our money are an entrenched part of the economic establishment (just like the mafia tried to infiltrate the government in the country). Since they are an entrenched part of the economic establishment, they are immune from being brought to trial.

    What is the connection with the fraudsters of the spiritualist sects?
    This was also mentioned in my words, right in the first line of my words. Shouldn't have skipped over in your reading of the first line.

    It was said there (in the first line) that while the discussion about the frauds of spiritualist sects is a preoccupation with the crimes of swindlers at the level of fish, there is no discussion of the frauds of whales (and I mentioned several categories later).

    On this site, they usually attack the scumbags (spiritualist sects, estagnins, religious establishment, etc.), because it is easy and because the attackers will not be prosecuted. On the other hand, there is no criticism of the robber barons. The lack of proportionality in criticizing fraudsters of all kinds - creates the appearance as if the small frauds (of spiritualist and religious sects, etc.) are the main frauds in the country. In practice, the robber barons steal at least a hundred times more money than the citizens of the country.

    Did you understand the connection now?

  16. Skeptic: Since Roy (as far as we know) did not discover any documents about Strauss or any company, perhaps it would be useful for you to be the publisher? A small budget for posters to be pasted in the center of Tel Aviv with your revelations and sign your name + full details. The press will continue with this further and publish in national circulation.
    What will they do to you? Will they sue? I assume you are an ordinary person with a small salary. You do not have. You must escape punishment.
    go for it.
    Oh, yes, what is the connection, by the way, between the response to the article dealing with cults?? wonder

  17. Dear skeptic, you are not only a skeptic, you are also a cuckoo. The Strauss company sells products it produces to make as much profit as possible, like any commercial company. Along the way, it also provides work for several thousand families, as well as delicious food for millions. Don't want to buy Milky, don't buy. Who forces you? I'm not sure that the capitalist model is even good, but I'm absolutely sure that the anarchist model in social guise is fundamentally screwed up and extremely dangerous to public peace. Get off our back, leech.

  18. to Ernst and others
    Why focus only on humans?, doesn't this phenomenon also exist in animals?? I can easily show the same phenomenon of cults in other mammals, certainly in the great apes!!
    Food for thought
    Sabdarmish Yehuda
    Homo sapiens cult
    Mishnah sect - Sephardi

  19. skeptic

    Wasn't everything you described, about the crime of exploitation and more, always been there?
    And doesn't the same phenomenon (negative in your opinion) exist wherever there are humans?

  20. And in the same context
    Is the cell phone cult that made a fortune in the period before Kahlon considered a cult?

  21. The cults mentioned in Roy's article are wretched fish in an ocean where economic criminals are infested.

    The whales among the robbers of money from the public are bodies whose operation is mafia-style: the bodies are deeply woven into the bodies of the government.
    * The financial system (banks, credit companies, stock exchange),
    * The marketing system (consumer products ranging from food to houses for housing and businesses).
    * The health care system.

    The financial waste caused by these bodies is (it is said) a thousand times greater than the amount of waste caused by the rakak fish of the type of spiritualist cults.

    Why don't they attack the whales on this site? Because they are *strong and their crimes are well hidden*. It is much easier to attack the Degi Harak, the spiritualist cults, because their frauds are simple to diagnose and because they are unable to fight back against criticism against them.

    What would have happened if Roy Tsenza managed to find out that the Strauss company is cheating the public in the amount of NIS 2 billion every year? What would have happened if he published it accompanied by documents?
    Immediately he would receive a polite letter from Strauss's lawyers asking him to deny and publish everything that I do not have admissible proof in a court of law. Following that polite letter, the lawyers of the Strauss company threatenedRoey Tsezana that if he did not do as they wished, he would be sued for defamation in the amount of, say, 5 million NIS if he did not do what they asked.

    After this polite letter, Roy Cezana will not only deny all his words against the Strauss company, he will publish it in white kiddush letters, polish the shoes of the Strauss company and also lick the ground in a radius of one meter around the aforementioned shoes. All this he will *not* do against the spiritualist sects, only because they are too weak to respond.

  22. And what about the cult of the scientist, the guru Roy, and the passionate and regular fans who react here almost obsessively?

  23. Jonathan

    Most of humanity behaves very similarly, despite the difference between people in belief in culture and language.
    The influx, the adherence to the absolute belief and the mass dependence after "something" and regardless of the content of the idea or its origin, is shared by the same majority...from the entire political, economic, educational and professional spectrum.

    If this is true, it is better to treat it as a human phenomenon.

  24. Alonymous, you are right, but only in our society is there criticism of classism for being classism. We are against 'brainwashing', charismatic leaders, etc., not because they are against our values ​​(which was the case in every society when dealing with new ideas), but because of the form and class character. It's just blindness… (Pythagoras said that the most heavenly music is constantly playing around us from the stars, but we are born into it and therefore cannot hear it. Same here)

  25. Just like the communists and their successors the socialists one for one
    The same great cynical exploitation of the weak and knocking them over and over while making false promises that things will get better for you
    When the richest and happiest people are in the freest countries

  26. But Jonathan, your definition of cult is so general that in fact not only the capitalist Western culture falls into it but also every human society that has ever existed from Chinese communism to remote tribes in Africa. Every society has social structures, moral laws, reward and punishment for those who keep/break the laws, etc. This may be fiction but it is quite useful.

  27. Just as you cannot learn how to be rich or a successful businessman.
    Here, too, a person cannot be taught to be a ruler or to be ruled. It's an innate trait.
    You can already see in children a tendency to leadership. And in other children the tendency to follow.

    When the extremes between them meet, i.e. those with the extreme need, to be controlled that is
    The majority, it seems, with those with the extreme need to control and lead, which is a minority, a cohesive body is formed
    Amazingly unified. (and examples of this are not lacking)

    I hope that Roy only intended to present, some of the characteristics that we see in these kinds of meetings,
    And he did not mean that it is indeed possible to create this situation artificially, on the basis of some recipe.

  28. There is one secret sect, which controls both the strong and the weak. In fact, it is such a huge and total cult, that due to its size, we do not notice it. They call it the capitalist Western culture. We are indoctrinated into her and her beliefs from a young age, every movie, every conversation, every lesson, they all mesmerize us in a long tract of persuasion, the economic example of belief in a few moral laws, in given social structures (family, nation, social hierarchy), and the need to consume more and more. This sect also of course keeps the rebels away (it has prisons and insane asylums), drugs the weak with Ritalin and Prozac and rewards those who are loyal to it with high social status and the girls who may only be of value within the distorted thinking of the sect. The leaders of the cult have long since died, but as is the way of successful cults, the idea is preserved, and revives itself, without any charismatic figure who at least gains something from this fiction. my condolences

  29. Just as you wouldn't give your enemies weapons, don't give them ideas either. And this is by chance, really by chance also something that Stalin said, only in a different wording.

  30. Dear Roy

    I enjoyed the article
    Waiting for a follow-up article in which it will be explained how to defend oneself against cult activists from a private and national point of view

    Good Day
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

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