The Nobel laureate participated and spoke yesterday at the "Pedagogy in the Education Era" conference of the Initiative for Applied Research in Education. She added that a parent who does not send his children to school should be in prison.

Winner of the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Prof. Dan Shechtman said today that there are many holes in the education system. He compared the system to the fiscal phenomenon of percolation where, even though iron has holes, it conducts electricity until the moment when it stops conducting electricity. Likewise in the education system, one day everything will stop. "There are big holes in the education system, not small ones. Half of the students in the State of Israel do not study core subjects such as mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry and English. This is a huge hole and a problem that the Israeli government must recognize. This injustice must be corrected. Just like a parent who does not send his children Must sit in prison for studies.
Prof. Dan Schechtman revealed that already 11 years ago he approached the Royal Academy of Sciences and asked to translate and distribute the posters of the Nobel Prizes in high schools in Israel. According to him, he worked with students and sent posters to 600 high schools throughout the country with a request that they approve their acceptance and hang them on the school walls. According to him, only 10 schools confirmed the receipt of the material and from an inspection he conducted it became clear that no student had seen the posters. The teachers are to blame. Not in the students - emphasized Prof. Shechtman.
Dr. Ofer Rimon, head of the Science and Technology Administration at the Ministry of Education revealed that during the coming academic year, another 831 schools will be equipped in addition to the 220 schools that have already been equipped with a computerized system that includes a computer station for the teacher, an ICT coordinator, an Internet connection, and digital content including a set of continuing education and training. The Ministry of Education intends to complete all ICT equipment in all schools in Israel by the XNUMX school year. Dr. Rimon revealed that starting in XNUMX, books that do not have a digital version will not be approved for study.
A seminar on "Pedagogy in the Information Age" was held today (Tuesday – 25.10.2011) at the Dan Acadia Hotel in Herzliya. The symposium of the Initiative for Applied Research in Education brought together educators, government and local government officials, policy makers, academics and researchers, content development personnel and people from the Israeli high-tech industry to discuss ICT processes in the education system and their contribution to the advancement of learning with a view to the future. Experts of the initiative for applied research in education at the Israel National Academy of Sciences are currently examining possibilities for optimal utilization of ICT in the education system in Israel with reference to the OECD countries. At the conference it became clear that NIS 460 million will be invested in the next two years in the new Israeli ICT program. The program plans to reach a situation where a computer for the teacher + a projector will be placed in each classroom and there will be a wireless network and an Internet connection. The ICT program will start from the periphery and aims to increase the use of computers and the Internet in the school education system.
A committee of the initiative for applied research in education was mobilized to help the Ministry of Education adapt the education system to the 21st century. The committee is currently studying ways to place pedagogy at the center and the teachers as the main messengers of the ICT program, and to strengthen the recognition that the goal of a computer for every student must be reached. The committee examines, among other things, ways to increase excellence in education using information technologies, including - the use of games for teaching, the use of simulations, the integration of cell phones in teaching, the creation of communities and the use of social networks.
The committee is chaired by Professor Menachem Yaari. The member of the committee, Dr. Shmuel Seth said that Israel was ranked 38 out of 44 in terms of student access to computers at school, the ratio of computers per student in Israel is less than 1:9, and in this ratio there has been no improvement since 2000 and Israel is particularly notable in the gap between computer penetration at home and computer penetration at schools Despite this lag in infrastructure, Dr. Seth emphasizes, it is possible to find an intelligent and original use in the education system in ICT. According to him, the impressive transformation that has taken place in the teaching of geography is based on ICT and in a number of local authorities school administrators and teachers have had success in implementing ICT. These days the committee is formulating recommendations for expanding excellence in education. The recommendations will be integrated into the national ICT plan announced by the Ministry of Education.
11 תגובות
to Ilan,
yes. Mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology are the foundations of science. Ridiculous that kids in high school study "molecular marine biotechnology" and not core subjects.
The children in the service of capitalism
I am establishing an institute to promote innovation in engineering, scientific and technological education with a partner, Prof. Yoram Reich (an international expert in design methodologies)
I would love to meet with the members of the committee for the promotion of applied research for education to look for ways of cooperation.
The institute's vision: to enhance innovation and creativity in the engineering professions in academic institutions, in industry and in the educational systems in Israel, and to develop critical skills needed by engineers for social and economic success in the global world of the 21st century.
The realization of the vision will lead to an improvement in national competitiveness and an improvement in the quality of the workforce.
The goals of the institute:
1. The establishment of a high-quality and leading national and international infrastructure to promote innovation in engineering and technology in the education system, academia and industry.
2. Promoting the imparting of critical skills to engineers (such as: self-learning, solving complex problems, ability to adapt to changing environments, creative thinking, systemic thinking, critical thinking, etc.) in academic programs in engineering and education systems.
3. Attracting outstanding students to study engineering and technology and increasing the number of women in engineering professions by developing new multidisciplinary programs in academic institutions (including international programs in engineering) and new trends that combine creativity, environmental and social studies together with engineering and science studies, combining real projects with leading industries in Israel and around the world.
4. Implementation of the above activity in schools as well.
The school was originally intended as a factory to produce workers for the labor market. Maybe in that sense
It is important to give every student a computer because most students will work on a computer in the future job market.
I personally would like more from a school than a device for training the workers of the future..
These are cosmetic repairs only. Access to a computer does not improve the level of teaching, the status of the teacher and is not an educational tool. The computer is a tool that can be used to improve education, but like any tool, one must know how to use it wisely.
A casual attempt to allow all students access to a computer as a matter of principle is nonsense of the first order.
Physics, biology and chemistry considered a core?
thanks for the correction.
"Dr. Rimon found out that from 2013, books that do not have a digital version will not be approved for study."
And I wish we could decide today, go back 28 years in a time machine and implement this important decision already in 1983.